Rise From the Humble

Chapter 972 Hunting

With two little followers, fishing can only be fishing.

However, there were quite a lot of fish at the Huxin Island Pier. In just a short time, Zhu Pingan caught seven or eight palm-sized crucian carp.

"Brother-in-law is so awesome."

"Brother-in-law is great."

"I caught another one. My brother-in-law is really awesome."

The little lolita Niuniu has become Zhu Pingan's little fangirl. Whenever Zhu Pingan catches a fish, the little lolita will look like a fangirl and cheer for Zhu Pingan happily.

Brother Rui, the naughty boy on the side, wrinkled his fat face into a chrysanthemum face in envy. In order to get applause from the little Loli Niuniu, the naughty boy also took a fishing rod and sat next to the little Loli Niuniu, and also started to fish. Got fish.

But because the naughty kid was impatient, Zhu Pingan helped the naughty kid place the bait and throw the hook. The naughty kid waited for a minute and saw that no fish took the bait. He felt that Zhu Pingan had deliberately thrown him a place without fish, so he I changed the fishhook to another place. After a minute, it changed another place. In a while, it changed seven or eight places. The fish was so scared that it didn't dare to take the bait.

After the naughty boy started fishing, Zhu Pingan caught five or six fish, but the naughty boy didn't catch a single fish.

"No more fishing. You are a bunch of stupid fish with no eyesight. I will no longer fish."

Finally, after Zhu Pingan caught another fish, the naughty boy couldn't bear it anymore. He dropped the fishing rod to the ground, puffed out his cheeks and howled at the lake, then turned around and walked away with his butt stuck out.

"No more fishing, I can go hunting. Sister Niuniu, just wait, I will hunt for you to eat."

The naughty kid put his hands behind his back, turned his head, said something awesome to the little Lolita, and then walked away shaking his little butt.


Little Loli Niuniu looked at the naughty kid's back and rolled her eyes, not having any hope in what the naughty kid said.

However, the naughty boy was very confident, and felt that hunting was a matter of ease and couldn't be easier.

"What's so great about catching a few small fish? I'm going to hunt a big tiger back. Haha, sister Niuniu will definitely admire me." The naughty kid thought beautifully while trotting with his butt swinging.

After crossing the grassland, the naughty child's confidence weakened a bit. I really thought that there was no one who could take advantage of me, so how could I hunt?

Going further, the naughty child's confidence became even less. There were no tigers in the woods, let alone tigers, just little rabbits and nothing else. After wandering around for half a circle with his little hands behind his back, the naughty boy's head was drooping. There was no prey in the woods. There were only a few birds, but the birds were all in the trees, so they couldn't be caught at all.

never mind

Go take a look in the grass, maybe there are little rabbits there.

The naughty child walked out of the woods dejectedly and wandered to the grass with his little chubby hands on his back to try his luck.

All right.

I encountered a lot of grasshoppers on the grass, but not a single rabbit.

But you can't feed sister Niuniu grasshoppers.

The naughty boy looked frustrated.

However, hard work paid off. Just when the naughty boy was about to give up, suddenly, a hole in the grass appeared in his sight.

This is?

Rabbit nest?

No, this hole is too small, not as big as my fist. The rabbit's nest is not that small, so is this a mouse hole?

"Shuo Mouse, Shuo Mouse, my millet mouse loves to steal things without food. There must be a lot of delicious food in the mouse hole." Thinking of "Shuo Mouse" that Master talked about some time ago, the naughty boy's little eyes lit up with excitement.

As if he had discovered a new world, the naughty boy ran towards the woods, found two dry branches, and came to the entrance of the cave again.

The naughty child first used a longer branch to poke hard into the hole several times to make sure there were no mice or snakes running out. Then he lay down in front of the hole with his butt in confidence and started to dig out vigorously.

At first, all he took out was dirt, but gradually, the naughty boy began to take out different things, black and soybean-sized things.

"Here are the raisins!"

The little naughty boy's eyes became brighter, and he became more energetic as he dug. He took out all the raisins hidden in the mouse hole in one go, and took out two large handfuls in total.

After taking it out, the naughty kid carried it in his clothes and ran off to find the little Loli Niuniu like a treasure.

"Sister Niuniu, look what I got back."

The naughty boy proudly ran to the lake and came to the little loli Niuniu. While offering the treasure, he squinted his little eyes and glanced at Zhu Pingan proudly.

"What is this?" Little Loli Niuniu glanced at it and asked in confusion.

"These are raisins, haha. I just brought a mouse nest to do justice to the sky. These raisins were taken out from the mouse holes." The naughty boy raised his little fat face proudly and said proudly.

"Picked it out of a mouse hole?" Upon hearing this, little Loli Niu Niu took two steps back in disgust, her brows furrowed.


Zhu Ping'an took a look with interest when he heard this.

"I won't give it to you, this is for sister Niuniu." The naughty boy gathered up his clothes as if to protect his food.

"No, that doesn't look like raisins to me. It looks like..." Zhu Pingan pointed at the naughty kid's pocketed clothes and shook his head.

"Huh, why aren't they raisins? You're just jealous of me." The naughty kid interrupted Zhu Pingan's words and raised his chubby face in a arrogant manner, "Sister Niuniu, raisins are delicious. If you don't believe it, look at it. "


With lightning speed, the naughty boy reached out and took out a raisin from his pocketed clothes and threw it into his mouth.

"Hey, wait a minute." Zhu Pingan shouted hurriedly, "Why do I think that's a mouse?"


The naughty kid interrupted Zhu Pingan's words with a snort. He felt that Zhu Pingan was jealous of him and ignored Zhu Pingan, so he went up and closed his mouth.

Chewed a bit.


After chewing for a while, the naughty boy's proud little fat face wrinkled up, and then he spat several mouthfuls of saliva.

"Shit." Zhu Ping'an's voice was lost in the "bah bah bah" sound of the naughty child.

"Bah, bah, bah, this looks like rat shit." After the naughty child stretched out his tongue and finished spitting, he wrinkled his little fat face and cried, and then angrily shook all the rat shit in his pocket into the lake. .

"Pfft. Hua'er, Hua'er, quickly bring a glass of juice and rinse Brother Rui's mouth."

When Li Shu heard this, she couldn't help but laugh. She had never seen rat droppings before. She didn't notice it just now. She just thought that what the naughty boy took out was some kind of grains and grains, but she didn't expect that it turned out to be rat droppings.

The little loli rolled her eyes at the naughty kid in disgust.

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