Rise From the Humble

Chapter 974 The Metropolitan Procuratorate’s Visit

The inside information revealed by Wu Wanfu was confirmed in the first half of the day. Emperor Jiajing was furious in Xiyuan and issued several edicts in succession. A total of 26 generals in Xuanfu and Datong towns, including Gao Botai, were beaten to death and sent to jail to await their punishment. They were promoted to deputy positions in Maguan and Zijingguan. General officers were sent to Xuanfu and Datong towns to fill vacancies.

Emperor Jiajing's thunderous wrath was felt by Zhu Ping'an and others in Prince Yu's Mansion. After a long while, the Metropolitan Procuratorate responded to the spirit of Emperor Jiajing and sent Tian Yushi to Prince Yu's Mansion. They first briefly and indignantly described the occupation of farmland by generals from Datong Town in Xuanfu, and then began to verify and register the land properties of the officials in Prince Yu's Mansion. property to see if there are any violations. After the verification and registration, Zhu Pingan and others were asked to sign and confirm one by one.

If it thunders above, it will rain below.

This has been true throughout the ages.

What the Metropolitan Procuratorate did was mainly just a formality to show that they, the Metropolitan Procuratorate, had implemented the spirit of Emperor Jiajing's will.

However, when registering other officials, Tian Yushi just went through the motions and signed quickly. However, when verifying and registering Zhu Ping'an, Tian Yushi was extremely serious. reached the point.

If you are serious, I will cooperate. Anyway, I am not afraid of the shadow. Regarding Tian Yushi's seriousness, Zhu Pingan is very cooperative.

"Name? Where are you from?"

Tian Yushi opened the book and glanced at Zhu Ping'an, who was sitting across from him, asking questions with a serious look on his face, like a prisoner being interrogated.

"I am Zhu Pingan, a person from Xiahe Village in Huaining." Zhu Pingan replied with his hands in hand.

"Is there a mansion in the capital?" Tian Yushi then asked.

"When Pingan first came to the capital, he didn't have a mansion yet." Zhu Pingan shook his head.

"Then where do you live now? How much is the rent?" Tian Yushi wrote it down and then asked again.

"Currently, I'm staying with my wife's parents' house in the Linhuaihou Mansion on Gonghou Street in Xicheng City. Because it's my wife's parents' house, I don't need rent," Zhu Ping'an replied.

"Do you have any land in the capital?" Tian Yushi asked again.

"There is no land in the capital." Zhu Pingan replied.

"Does your hometown in Xiahe Village have a mansion?"

"There is a yard in Xiahe Village."

"How much is the land?"

Tian Yushi was very detailed, and it took him a stick of incense to check everything. However, Zhu Ping'an's wealth is too innocent. He was born in a remote farm family. Compared with others, his hometown's land is pitifully small. After coming to the capital, he has been living in his wife's natal family. He has no mansion and only a shop selling pigs. The owner of the shop The capital was borrowed from his wife. To be honest, Tian Yushi felt a little sympathetic to Zhu Ping'an until the end of his verification.

"Haha, Zihou, do you know why Yushi Tian's eyes were not eyes and your nose was not your nose just now?"

After Tian Yushi left, Yin Shidan stroked his beard, stepped forward and patted Zhu Pingan on the shoulder, and asked with a smile.

"That's because Tian Yushi is serious and responsible." Zhu Pingan twitched the corner of his mouth and showed a light smile.

"Zihou, look at my eyes." Yin Shidan pointed at his eyes and said to Zhu Pingan.

"What's wrong with Mr. Yin's eyes?" Zhu Ping'an was stunned for a moment and asked.

"Are my eyes blind?" Yin Shidan pointed to his eyes and asked seriously.

Zhu Pingan shook his head.

"You're not blind, are you?" Yin Shidan continued to ask.

Zhu Pingan nodded.

"Haha, that's right. Since I'm not blind, I've seen what Tian Yushi did to you just now. It's not a verification, but an interrogation." Yin Shidan patted Zhu Ping An's shoulders returned to the topic just now, "Zihou, do you know why Tian Yushi targeted you like this?"

Zhu Pingan had no choice but to shake his head again. To be honest, Zhu Pingan really didn't understand why Tian Yushi targeted him.

This is the first time that he has met Tian Yushi, and there cannot be any problems before. Could it be said that in the last Taicang case, Tian Yushi was also fined money? Or maybe Tian Yushi had an old relationship with a certain general who invaded the farmland? Or should I say, Tian Yushi

"Haha, Zihou, you have stolen the job of the Metropolitan Procuratorate." Yin Shidan patted Zhu Pingan on the shoulder and laughed.

"Why did I steal their jobs?" Zhu Ping'an was puzzled.

"Haha, Zihou, what are you thinking about, what does the Metropolitan Procuratorate do? The Metropolitan Procuratorate developed from the Yushitai of the previous generation. It is responsible for supervision, impeachment and recommendations. Its main responsibility is to inspect all civil and military officials in the world. , impeachment." Yin Shidan said half seriously and half jokingly, "Zi Hou, you are not the censor of the Metropolitan Procuratorate. This year, first Zhao Daying was impeached, and then the Taicang case involved hundreds of officials. Then there was the impeachment of Gao Botai, and dozens of generals were impeached. Zihou, your record list this year is much better than the record list of the entire Metropolitan Procuratorate. The more outstanding your record is, isn't it? It’s obvious that the Metropolitan Procuratorate has failed in its duties.”


When Zhu Ping'an heard this, he was slightly startled. Although Yin Shidan was joking, there was some truth in it.

My dog ​​took mice, and he took quite a lot of them, which made the cat seem a little incompetent. Of course, the cat would be unhappy? !


The Metropolitan Procuratorate should not be so petty. Besides, even so, if he encounters injustice in the future, he will still be impeached. We can't allow rats to enter the granary. To take care of the cat's mood, let's not catch him.

"Haha, Mr. Yin is joking. The Metropolitan Procuratorate is in charge of the supervision of the world, cleans the air, and maintains the country and the country. It has contributed a lot. I just caught a few big rats. How can I be compared with the Metropolitan Procuratorate? There is no one in the world like me. Zhu Ping'an, but you can't have the Metropolitan Procuratorate." Zhu Ping'an smiled and shook his head, "I impeached Zhao Daying and Gao Botai, just to do my duty. Everyone in the world is responsible for the rise and fall of the world."

When Yin Shidan heard Zhu Pingan say that everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of the world, his expression changed and he was greatly impressed.

Everyone present was also shocked by this sentence.

"Good, what a good example of 'everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of the world'."

At this moment, they heard a loud cheer from outside the door, and everyone turned around and saw King Yu walking in.

"I have met His Royal Highness Prince Yu."

Zhu Ping'an, Yin Shidan and others stood up and saluted King Yu.

"No courtesy, no courtesy, gentlemen, please take a seat." King Yu smiled and pressed his hand down, asking Zhu Ping'an and others to take a seat.

"Every man is responsible for the rise and fall of the world. Zihou said it well."

King Yu was full of praise for Zhu Pingan's words, and his evaluation of Zhu Pingan rose to a higher level again.

The rise and fall, everyone is responsible.

This is a classic saying by Gu Yanwu in the late Ming Dynasty that has been famous for generations. It can be said that no one knows and knows it in later generations.

In fact, Zhu Pingan just said it casually, without any purpose of showing off, but to Wang Yu and others, it was shocking and thought-provoking. This also made Zhu Pingan, who had no intention of showing off, really I installed a handful of them and it was extremely successful.

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