Rise of Empires: Spain

Chapter 27 Coronation Ceremony

Time quickly came to the end of November 1869, which was also the time for the coronation ceremony prepared by the Spanish government for King Carlo I.

Primo attached great importance to this coronation ceremony and invited European powers including Britain, France, Prussia, Russia, Italy and Austria, as well as old European monarchies such as Portugal, the Netherlands and Belgium.

However, different countries had different attitudes towards the coronation ceremony of the King of Spain, and the identities of the envoys sent were also completely different.

Italy and Portugal should be the most important.

Italy is easy to understand. Carlo was born in the Italian royal family and was the father and son of King Vittorio Emanuele II of Italy. It is natural that he was valued.

On the Portuguese side, Carlo's sister, Princess Maria Pia, married King Louis I of Portugal, and the two countries were also in-laws.

Secondly, Spain and Portugal are the only two countries on the Iberian Peninsula, and Spain is a huge threat to Portugal.

The Portuguese government wanted to use this ceremony to spy on the attitude of the new King Carlo of Spain towards Portugal so as to make corresponding preparations.

Although most European countries were invited to the coronation ceremony, the overall scale of the coronation ceremony was not large. After all, the Spanish government did not invest much money in the ceremony.

It is not that Primo did not attach importance to Carlo's coronation ceremony. But the current Spanish government is supporting the colonial rebellion war while carrying out various reforms. It is indeed difficult to come up with a large amount of money to hold a coronation ceremony.

Carlo did not care how large the scale of his coronation ceremony was. The most important thing was to be recognized by the Spanish. A larger scale was not a good thing.

Through agricultural tax cuts and free literacy education, Carlo still accumulated a certain reputation in the hearts of the Spanish.

At least the Spanish still supported this coronation ceremony, and many Spanish people participated in the scene, which looked very lively.

Under the expectant eyes of the crowd, a well-trained royal guard protected several carriages with the family emblem of the Spanish Savoy Dynasty and slowly drove towards the parliament.

In the carriage, Carlo, dressed in luxurious clothes, was sitting solemnly, and next to him was his palace steward Loren, who was reminding Carlo about the process of the coronation ceremony.

"Your Majesty, please remember to keep smiling." Loren did not forget to remind Carlo the second before Carlo stepped out of the carriage.

Carlo nodded, and the moment he stepped out of the carriage, the Spanish people watching outside immediately burst into warm cheers.

Of course, the leader must have been arranged by the government long ago. At such a critical moment, it is impossible not to arrange a few people to incite the public's emotions.

Carlo smiled and waved to the cheering crowd in a very friendly way, without any king's airs.

At this time, the Spanish saw the appearance of their king, a young and handsome young man, with a completely different posture from Queen Isabel.

"This is what our king should look like." Many Spaniards couldn't help but have this idea in their hearts.

For those Spaniards who still support the monarchy, what they most desire is that Spain can give birth to a wise and powerful monarch, and it would be best if he could care about the situation of the lower-class Spaniards.

As for what Carlo has done so far, although he is still far from being a wise and powerful monarch, Carlo has indeed shown some attitudes different from Queen Isabel in caring for the grassroots people.

In fact, we have to admit that relying on one's face to make a living is useful in any era.

Carlo not only has a good appearance, but his height has already reached more than 1.8 meters and his body is relatively strong.

Coupled with the king's noble status and the temperament of being rich and wealthy, he soon attracted the favor of a large number of Spanish girls.

If there is a media organization that can select the most popular man in Spain now, Carlo will definitely be on the list, and it is not difficult to rank first.

Keeping his gentle smile, Carlo waved to the crowd while slowly walking into the parliament building.

Part of the guards behind him stayed around the carriage, and the other part stood guard around the parliament building.

At the door of the parliament, Spanish Prime Minister Primo had been looking forward to it. After Primo gave Carlo a standard Spanish noble salute, he led Carlo to the inside of the parliament building.

In the hall of the parliament on the first floor, Spanish nobles, members of the parliament, a small number of invited foreign guests and some religious figures have been waiting for a long time.

The person who crowned Carlo was Pedro, the chief archbishop of Spain, Archbishop of Toledo

It has been a tradition in Europe since ancient times for bishops to crown kings, and it was almost tacit before Napoleon.

The status of the bishop who crowns the monarch seems to determine the legitimacy of the crowned monarch in the dark.

So whether it is for the legitimacy of the people or to reassure the complicated religious forces in Spain, an archbishop with sufficient status is needed to crown Carlo.

In fact, the best choice is Pope Pius IX. But the Pope had just been driven out of Rome by the Italian government, and his territory had changed from the huge Papal States to the small Vatican. How could he crown Carlo, who was also from the House of Savoy?

Although the use of force could also threaten Pius IX to come to Madrid to crown himself, it might backfire and make the Catholic Spaniards dissatisfied.

It would be better to let the Spanish chief archbishop do the coronation. Anyway, the status of the archbishop of Toledo in Spain is sufficient.

"Your Majesty Carlo. Are you willing to dedicate your life to Spain?" Archbishop Pedro asked with a serious face, holding the crown representing the King of Spain.

"I do."

Archbishop Pedro nodded and said solemnly: "On behalf of God, I give you the crown of Spain. May you be kind to your people and loyal to your country."

After a long and tedious coronation process, Archbishop Pedro of Toledo finally placed the crown representing the Spanish throne on Carlo's head under the watchful eyes of everyone.

Carlo wore the Spanish crown on his head and held the scepter symbolizing the king's power in his hand. He glanced at the Spanish nobles and parliamentarians, feeling proud and high-spirited in his heart.

"Meet His Majesty the King."

Primo on the side saw that the weather had arrived and took the lead in giving a noble salute to Carlo.

"Your Majesty the King!"

In unison, the Spanish parliamentarians and nobles, including Archbishop Pedro of Toledo, bowed their heads to the new king of Spain.

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