Rise of Empires: Spain

Chapter 29 A troublesome reform plan

The news that the Royal Military Academy opened a large enrollment was reported by Carlo's Spanish Sun and other newspapers, and became a big news around Madrid.

Thanks to such publicity, more than 100 people signed up for the military academy in just a few days.

Although only more than 60 people were enrolled after layers of screening, it was a big improvement compared to the previous military academy.

While vigorously recruiting new students, Carlo also ordered the Royal Military Academy to learn the system and process of Prussian and French officer training and reform the military academy.

The old Spanish officer training system is not very suitable for the current era. Does learning those outdated line infantry tactics mean that Spanish soldiers will be lined up for shooting?

The good news is that the Austro-Prussian War and the Franco-Prussian War that broke out in recent years can be used as objects of study for the Spanish military academy. Prussia, Austria and France involved in this war are all the most powerful land forces in the world today.

Speaking of the Franco-Prussian War, this war, which was fought a year in advance, was obviously more intense than in history.

The Second French Empire in history lasted less than two months before Emperor Napoleon III formally surrendered to the Prussian army.

France in this world was not much better. Although it lasted longer, the war situation was firmly controlled by the Prussian army.

There are a large number of line infantry regiments in the French army. This tactic of queuing and shooting has lost its effect as the rifle range gradually increases.

And the French army has more problems than this. There was no adequate preparation before the war, and after the outbreak of the war, Napoleon III was still struggling whether to attack or defend.

In addition, the French army usually does not set up two levels of army and division. Because of the hasty organization of the war, it is difficult for the army and division to exert their due coordination and combat effectiveness.

Facing the well-equipped and experienced Prussian army that had just experienced the Austro-Prussian War, the French army was obviously at a disadvantage from the beginning.

Now the only suspense is when Prussia can end the war and whether a revolution will break out in France after Napoleon III surrenders.

This is the focus of Carlo and the Spanish government. After all, the situation in France can also affect Spain.

Under Carlo's suggestion and Primo's acquiescence, the Spanish government also has a plan for the construction of universities.

It is expected that in the next five years, Spain will build at least 5 universities, raising the total number of universities to more than double digits.

At the same time, most of these universities will focus on the construction of science and engineering majors, and mathematics, physics and chemistry will be the key projects of Spanish universities.

Literature, art and other less important majors will be integrated into two or three universities. After all, Spain does not need so many art talents.

In order to encourage Spaniards to apply for university, Carlo plans to establish a scholarship system among college students.

Doing so will not only allow more civilian children to enter university, but also allow them to receive the favor of the royal family. Not only can it cultivate talents for Spain, but it can also improve the reputation of the royal family. It can be said to be a win-win situation.

In the midst of the busyness, 1869 soon came to an end,

and 1870 arrived on time.

If 1869 was just a test of Primo's reform, 1870 was about to enter Primo's real reform stage.

In order to make Spain stronger, Primo produced a "Comprehensive Reform Plan" at the end of 1869, which stunned Carlo.

In this reform plan, Primo mentioned the necessity of following Prussia's example to achieve compulsory primary education, and declared that he would promote comprehensive literacy education in Spain.

Because the goal covers more than 16 million Spaniards, Primo also set the implementation period of comprehensive literacy education within five years.

Education is only the first step.

The second step of Primo's reform is to effectively improve the income level of Spaniards. Not to mention surpassing powerful countries such as Britain, France and Prussia, but also surpassing neighboring countries such as Portugal, reaching a level not much worse than Italy.

How to achieve such a goal?

Primo proposed three plans.

First, promote the implementation of Spanish labor laws to effectively protect the salary and salary of Spanish workers and other employees of enterprises.

Second, effectively increase the income of the agricultural population by reducing agricultural taxes and increasing grain output. Primo also proposed that the government set up a grain price regulatory agency to ensure that grain buyers can guarantee farmers' income and control grain prices in the Spanish market.

Third, reduce various miscellaneous taxes left over from Queen Isabel's time and streamline the tax items of the Spanish people. In order to reduce the pressure on the government's finances, taxes on enterprises and factories should be appropriately increased to achieve a balance between the Spanish government's revenue and expenditure.

Carlo had a headache just looking at these two goals.

Although these two goals are indeed for reform, they can also effectively improve the income level of the Spanish people.

But the problem is that doing so will also offend the two deep-rooted forces in Spain, that is, religious forces and the bourgeoisie.

Most of Spain's education is currently in the hands of religious forces, that is, the Catholic Church in Spain.

The reason why there are more than 70% of illiterates is that the schools founded by the church not only have high teaching fees, but also have a very high threshold. Most ordinary people cannot afford to go to church schools.

Not to mention the big bourgeoisie. The greed of capitalists will make them constantly exploit the Spanish people. If Primo wants to protect the income of Spanish workers, he will inevitably offend the big bourgeoisie behind the factory owners and business owners.

If you add those republicans who are waiting to see the monarchy laugh, and the Carlos who are hiding in the dark, Carlo's head is about to explode.

A small Spain actually has so many troubles. It's no wonder that Amadeo came to Spain and only persisted for three years before decisively choosing to flee to Italy.

"Prime Minister Primo, is your reform plan a bit radical?" In the Royal Palace of Madrid, Carlo asked with a headache holding Primo's plan.

"But Spain can't wait that long, Your Majesty." Primo explained.

"This plan directly pushes the church and capitalists to the opposite side of us. Do you have the confidence to solve these two troubles?" Carlo looked at Prime Minister Primo and asked very seriously.

If the troubles from the church and capital can be solved, this reform will naturally be beneficial to Spain.

But if these two problems cannot be solved, the hidden Carlos faction and the Republican faction that opposes the monarchy will take the opportunity to make trouble, and the situation in Spain may be worse than expected.

Second update, please support!

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