Rise of Empires: Spain

Chapter 36 Proposal to abolish tithes

The news of Carlo's assassination instantly became the hottest news in Madrid, and was reported crazily by major newspapers and passed on by word of mouth by the Spanish people at the scene.

Although the camera at the scene did not record the moment of Carlo's assassination, the scene of Carlo raising his arms and shouting at the end was recorded.

This unclear black and white photo was also published in the Spanish Sun newspaper that day, and the whole article was given a striking title: "Make Spain Great Again!"

In the report, the Spanish Sun praised Carlo's courage in the face of danger and the beautiful idea of ​​making Spain great again.

Finally, he asked pointedly: "If a monarch like His Majesty Carlo cannot shoulder the responsibility of making Spain great again, who is qualified to lead Spain forward?

The Carlos faction accused the government's reforms of affecting capitalists and factories, putting a large number of workers at risk of unemployment. But what are they doing? They let Spain fall into the abyss of civil war, let the great Spanish nation face a situation of fratricide, and let tens of thousands of families lose their source of income.

Queen Isabel of the Bourbon family has made the Spaniards miserable. Will Carlos, who is also a Bourbon family, let Spain fall into the abyss again?"

Because of a large number of news reports, coupled with the word of mouth of tens of thousands of Spaniards at the scene, hundreds of thousands of Madrid citizens quickly learned about the glorious deeds of their monarch, and also gave Carlo a reputation of fearlessness in the face of danger.

Although Carlo's behavior did have some suspicion of deliberately winning the hearts of the people, for the Spaniards, this is much better than a cowardly and timid king.

Carlo's arm-raising and shouting before "fainting" also successfully moved the Spaniards at the scene. And through the spread of the Spaniards at the scene, it affected more people.

After the assassination, fighting for the greatness of Spain became another hot topic second only to the assassination.

Carlo is not a Spaniard who has the courage to fight for the greatness of Spain. Don’t real Spaniards have the courage to fight for the greatness of Spain?

As the protagonist of the assassination, Carlo was sent to a nearby hospital and then transferred to the palace again.

The news released by the palace was that Carlo was injured in the assassination, but his life was not in danger and he was currently recovering in the palace.

Primo was still worried about Carlo’s safety, but when he hurried to the palace and saw Carlo who was safe and sound, he was stunned for a moment, and then he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Your Majesty, what are you doing?" Primo looked at Carlo who was safe and sound, and he breathed a sigh of relief and was a little confused.

"Fortunately, the pistol used by the assassin was not powerful, and I padded the steel plate in advance, so it was no big deal." Carlo did not explain in detail, but just said that he padded the steel plate in advance.

After hearing Carlo's explanation, Primo nodded, but still a little scared: "Your Majesty, you are still too impulsive. If you need to give a speech next time, please communicate with the government in advance. I will arrange the army to maintain order on the scene and ensure your Majesty's safety."

Primo's concern for Carlo is sincere, because Carlo's safety is also related to the success of Primo's reform.

If Carlo encounters any accident, Spain will enter a period of chaos again.

At this stage, it is basically impossible for Primo to choose a king again. After all, the Carlo faction cannot give Primo enough time to choose the next king.

Only if Carlo continues to stay on the throne safely, Primo's reform can proceed smoothly, without worrying about any major chaos in Spain.

"I know, Prime Minister Primo." Carlo nodded, indicating that he knew.

Speaking of which, Carlo also attaches great importance to his own safety.

Traveling through time is crossing, but this world is also quite real. As a time traveler, Carlo still has only one life, so he will not ignore his personal safety.

In addition to the "assassin" who was prepared in advance, anyone else who might get close to Carlo is under surveillance, and it must be confirmed that they are not carrying guns.

The crowds of people outside are impossible to get close to Carlo, and the shooting range of small guns is not that far.

In addition, Carlo has put a steel plate on his chest in advance, which makes him confident to make a public speech in such a situation, facing thousands of Spaniards.

"God bless me, I am fine, Prime Minister Primo. And after this assassination, I believe that most people will oppose the war launched by the Carlos faction and be hostile to those who block the reform." Carlo said with a smile.

"Your Majesty, I plan to abolish the tithe and completely pull all Spanish farmers to our side." Primo was silent for a moment and told his plan.

"Tithe? Those guys in the church won't agree, right?" Hearing that Primo wanted to abolish the tithe, Carlo immediately thought of the church that levied this tax.

"Of course they won't agree, but what can they do?" Primo had a warm smile on his face, but that smile also had a hint of coldness: "If they get together with the Carlos faction, then God bless them.

I'm afraid those guys in the church will choose to swallow their anger. I have coveted the church's land for a long time."

The current religion still has a great influence on European countries, and the power of churches in various countries is innumerable.

Spanish farmers have to pay about one-tenth of the tithe to the church every year, which is one of the reasons why the per capita income in Spain is relatively low.

A large amount of taxes were collected by the church, and the poor Spaniards had no choice but to sell their land in exchange for food to save their lives.

The church also accumulated a lot of land in this process and became the largest landowner in Spain after the aristocracy.

Spanish farmers are getting poorer and poorer, while the church is getting richer and richer. Such a development is quite abnormal, and the tax of tithe, which is specially used to squeeze farmers, must be abolished early.

Carlo nodded, and he also knew Primo's plan in his heart.

After the abolition of the tithe, Spanish farmers can be regarded as completely relieved.

At least they can ensure that most of the income from farming goes into their own wallets, and they will be more passionate when doing agricultural work.

The government that abolished the tithe will be strongly supported by Spanish farmers. Compared with the support of farmers who make up the majority of the Spanish population, the opposition of the church is not so important.

After all, it is now 1870, and the influence of religion is no longer what it used to be. Even the Pope is trapped in the Vatican Palace, what kind of storm can the Spanish church stir up?

First update, please support!

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