Rise of Empires: Spain

Chapter 60: Conferring the title and reviewing the army

The ceremony of conferring titles came as expected.

Serrano went one step further in his noble title of Duke and became a rare grand duke in Spain.

And Primo was also promoted from a marquis to a duke, at least the title matched his position in the army and government.

Because he had quelled the Carlist rebellion and the Cuban rebellion, Carlo was in a good mood and did not hesitate to confer titles.

In addition to a grand duke and a duke, two earls, seven viscounts and more than a dozen barons were added to the ceremony this time, and Andrew and Carman were also on the list.

Although both of them were barons of the lowest rank, they at least entered the ranks of Spanish nobles, and their status was much improved compared to before.

The promotion of the two was not only reflected in the noble titles. Because of their meritorious service in fighting against the Cuban rebels, the military ranks of the two were also promoted from the initial lieutenant to major, and they served as battalion commanders.

With Carlo's trust and their merits, if nothing unexpected happens, they will be able to climb to the level of regiment commander in a few years.

If it weren't for their Italian identity, after quelling the Cuban rebellion, their military rank should have been promoted to lieutenant colonel or above, and it would not be impossible for them to become a regiment commander.

After all, compared to the Italians who suddenly came to their heads, the soldiers were more willing to accept that their immediate superiors were Spanish.

If Andrew and Carman wanted to win the trust of the soldiers, they had to spend more energy than the Spanish officers.

But this is also a good thing. After they have experienced the test of the soldiers and climbed to the top of the army step by step, their control over the army will be more stable.

The army they control will also become Carlo's help, which is equivalent to the military power in Carlo's hands.

The reason why Carlo can develop his power so safely is the age of Serrano and Primo.

Serrano was born in 1810 and is 60 years old this year. And Primo was born in 1814 and is 56 years old this year.

The two old men, both around 60 years old, will not care about the slow development of Carlo's power, because they will never see the day when Carlo's power takes shape.

According to the average life expectancy in Europe, the two men are already quite old at nearly 60. Primo's plan is also very simple, that is, to promote the Spanish revolution in his lifetime and complete most of the revolution as much as possible.

Serrano is not so enthusiastic about the revolution, and even his desire for power is not so great. What Serrano really cares about is his status, and being conferred as the Grand Duke makes Serrano very satisfied.

It is precisely because Serrano, Primo and Carlo have not formed an open power conflict for various reasons that the current Spanish government can maintain a fairly stable state.

This is also what the three of them are willing to see. After all, when their main needs are met, who is willing to fight to the death with a powerful enemy?

Carlo is also happy to see Primo's reforms and Serrano's control of power. With these two people, Carlo's throne will become very stable.

When they retire or die of old age, Carlo's power will be almost cultivated, and then it will be time for Carlo to gradually control power.

What made Carlo feel fortunate was that although Queen Isabel had made no contribution to Spain, she at least agreed to confer titles on Primo and Serrano.

Especially Serrano. If Serrano was forced to the Republican side, I am afraid that Spain after Queen Isabel would become a republican government, and it would not be so easy to restore to a monarchy.

The reason why Alfonso XII was able to achieve restoration in history was that the republican government at that time was unpopular, and Primo was assassinated early, and the current situation in Spain was even more chaotic than during the reign of Queen Isabel.

If Primo was a republican and had not been assassinated, perhaps Spain would have become a thorough republic in the future.

It can only be said that Primo, who supported the monarchy, was a huge help to Carlo. Before Primo's reforms were completed, Carlo's position was to firmly support Primo.

After the coronation ceremony, Carlo also participated in a small-scale military parade.

The number of troops participating in the parade was not large, with a total of only over 2,000 people.

But I have to admit that the shock of more than 2,000 troops passing by in front of me was incomparable.

Looking at the army passing by in front of me, and then looking at the crowd watching around, Carlo couldn't help but feel high-spirited.

This is his army, and these are his people. No matter how Spain has developed in history, at this time and in this world, he is the king of Spain and the only ruler of Spain.

As expected, after all the activities of the day were over, the enthronement ceremony and the military parade became the hottest news in Madrid.

In order to commend the soldiers' merits, the relevant news will be published all over Spain, so that all Spaniards will know which nobles were enthroned this time and their contributions to Spain.

This is also Carlo's purpose. At least let the Spaniards understand that the reason why nobles are nobles is because they have made great contributions to Spain.

Even if the people's attitude towards nobles will not change greatly, some small changes are also what Carlo is willing to see.

After all, the king and the nobles are one. If the reputation of the nobles is completely tarnished, how good can the reputation of the king, who is the greatest noble, be?

On the other hand, Carlo also hopes to arouse the desire of soldiers and the people for military merits to be awarded.

Only when the soldiers see the benefits of establishing military merits, will they really work for the country and the government.

Only when the people see the great changes brought to themselves by military merits can they not reject joining the army, and even actively join the army.

Although this does not seem to have much effect, it is quite effective in improving the morale of the army.

Primo became busier after the enthronement ceremony.

Because he has to devote all his energy to the work of the government. Reform and national development are the top priorities, and in his spare time, he has to investigate the real culprit behind the assassination.

Fortunately, after Serrano returned from Cuba, he could help Primo handle some government affairs. After all, Serrano had served as the prime minister of the Spanish interim government before the parliamentary elections. He was not excellent in handling government affairs, but he was definitely proficient.

With the joint efforts of Serrano and Primo, Spain will also usher in a period of stable development. Carlo is also looking forward to the speed of Spain's development in the future, to see whether this once-perfect empire can find a new life after a long period of decline.

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