Rise of Empires: Spain

Chapter 69 Large Laboratory

With Primo concentrating on reforms and Spain being very stable, Carlo was surprised to find that he had nothing to do.

Just let Primo do the reform. After all, this is an offending thing.

It is no exaggeration to say that the reforms generally offended all forces in Spain, except the reformists who supported the reforms.

If Primo's reputation in the Spanish army was not too high, I am afraid that the Prime Minister of Spain would have been replaced before Primo's reforms were completed.

The current reforms are also a big gamble for Primo himself. The gamble paid off, Spain had the hope of returning to the great powers, and Primo was still the Prime Minister loved by the people in Spain.

But if he fails, the forces that Primo offended will not let him go. Even if Carlo can provide protection to Primo himself, Primo's reputation is destined to be bad and become a teaching material for criticizing those reformists.

With Primo acting as the vanguard of reform, Carlo was naturally unwilling to have too much contact with Primo's reforms.

In his spare time, Carlo decided to supervise the construction of the Electric Power Research Institute and the Engine Company.

As the core of the second industrial revolution, Carlo attached great importance to electricity and engines. Both core institutions are located in Madrid, not too far from the Royal Palace.

In an open space on the outskirts of Madrid, a large area of ​​land has been fenced off.

This is the location of the reserved power laboratory and engine research laboratory, and it is also the core place where Spain joined and promoted the second industrial revolution.

In order to make Gram and others confident in future research, Carlo specially invited Gram and Benz and four other people, including many technical talents, to visit the construction of the research laboratory.

The construction difficulty of the research room is actually not high. After all, the research on electricity and engines does not require too sophisticated equipment at this time. Everything is just starting from scratch.

The entire construction site can be regarded as a large experimental area, with the area built for Gram and the Electric Power Research Laboratory to the west, and the engine research and development area built for Benz and three others to the east.

The entire large-scale experimental area is generally a small building with less than three floors. This is also for faster construction. After all, there is no demand for high-rise buildings in the experimental area.

In the center of the entire experimental area, a five-story apartment building will rise. The first and second floors of the apartment building are restaurants and leisure areas, and the third to fifth floors are rest rooms for the entire experimental area.

After all, during the most important stage of the experiment, most of the people involved in the experiment did not have time to travel back and forth between home and the laboratory.

Doing so will waste too much time. It is better to build an apartment building in the experimental area to provide short rest for those participating in the experiment.

Looking at the plan of the entire experimental area, Gram and others are quite satisfied. This kind of planning and layout is much more formal than the companies and places they worked in before, and they will be more comfortable conducting their own experiments.

"Your Majesty, when will the power laboratory be built? I can't wait to conduct my experiments in such an environment. This is simply perfect." Gram couldn't hold back his excitement and asked Carlo impatiently. .

Carlo looked at the person in charge of the laboratory construction next to him. The person immediately understood and explained to everyone: "The construction of the experimental area is currently very smooth. It is expected that all construction can be completed within 3 to 4 months."

"It's too slow, it's still too slow." Gram shook his head a little disappointed, and then asked: "Can the laboratory be completed first?

Other less important supporting buildings can be built later, and if there is a laboratory, research on electricity can begin. "

"It should be possible, Mr. Gram." The official thought for a while and replied: "If we only build the laboratory, it should be completed within a month and a half.

Taking into account the installation of some experimental equipment, the laboratory should be put into use in two months. "

After hearing this, Gram nodded with satisfaction.

Two months is also the theoretical minimum time. After all, laboratories also have certain needs, especially power laboratories, which must ensure safety.

A hastily constructed building would not be beneficial to the experiment, and the two-month wait was very necessary.

Seeing Gram's eagerness to invest in electricity experiments, Carlo smiled and said: "I have prepared a temporary test site for you on the outskirts of Madrid. Although it is not formal, it has been used for two months. problematic.

Maybe when we come back next time, the construction of the laboratory will be almost completed. "

Although Carlo had approved the construction of the laboratory long before Kadir set out, the construction speed of this era was destined to be inferior to that of later generations.

Although they are all small buildings with less than three floors, because they are used for experiments, it still takes a long time to wait.

If it were in later generations, such a three-story building would have been built so quickly. Maybe the laboratory would have been completed before Gram and his friends arrived in Madrid.

Everyone continued to visit.

Behind this large experimental area, there is also a lake that is not too small. The scenery around the lake is beautiful and the water is quite clear. It is a very good place for leisure and vacation.

Everyone was attracted by the beautiful scenery around the lake. Even Daimler, who had already married a family, couldn't help but sigh: "It's such a good place for vacation. It feels like it was wasted to build a laboratory."

"No, Mr. Daimler." Carlo said with a smile: "That's why we chose to build a laboratory here. Scientists like you who do experiments need such beautiful scenery. Experiments and rest are indispensable. Only with good rest can we conduct better experiments."

Hearing Carlo's words, Daimler was stunned for a moment, and then nodded with a smile.

If he still had at least six points of resentment about being kidnapped when he first came to Spain, now the resentment has basically dissipated.

At least he has accepted to stay in Spain to work. After all, who can meet such a king who respects scientists in other places?

It is no exaggeration to say that ordinary people in Europe at this time have no human rights. Civilians are the objects of oppression, in other words, they are animals that are cheaper than animals.

Adult men are the most oppressed. They work like animals, but the rewards they get can only barely support their families, or even cannot support their families.

Adult women are exploited like men. They pay no less labor than men, but their income is pitifully small.

Not to mention child labor. Capitalists use child laborers as adults, but child laborers have the lowest income.

In an era when civilians are not considered human beings, Daimler feels that Spain is not that bad after meeting such a monarch who respects him.

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