Rise of Empires: Spain

Chapter 8 Persuasion

Carlo knew that if he could not persuade his father at this time, not only would his plan for the Austro-Prussian War vanish, but even the right to manage his property that he had finally obtained would be supervised by Vittorio Emanuele II again.

Looking at Vittorio Emanuele II with a serious face, Carlo organized his words in his mind: "Father, I think it would be good to let General Garibaldi prepare the army in advance at this time.

There will definitely be a war between Prussia and Austria. As Prussia's allies, we must also participate in this war.

Austria is also our enemy. If we want to regain the Venice area in this opportunity, we must prepare in advance, rather than wait until the war breaks out and fight hastily."

Vittorio Emanuele II nodded, and was very satisfied that Carlo could understand these.

However, although he was satisfied, Vittorio Emanuele II would not easily compromise on the issue of Garibaldi regaining control of the military power.

"Go on." Vittorio Emanuele II had no expression on his face and continued to look at Carlo with a serious look.

"Father, you also know that General Garibaldi has a very high reputation among the Italian people and can easily organize a powerful army of tens of thousands of people.

If we can use this to deal an unexpected blow to the Austrian army in the Venice area, it may speed up our progress in recovering the Venice area." Carlo continued.

Vittorio Emanuele II rubbed his brows and asked: "Compared to the role that these tens of thousands of troops can bring, I am more worried about the harm these tens of thousands of troops will cause to the kingdom."

"This is exactly what you don't have to worry about, father." Carlo said with a smile.

Seeing the surprised look on Vittorio Emanuele II's face, Carlo knew that his words had worked, and hurriedly continued to add: "

After the outbreak of the war between Prussia and Austria, you can take the initiative to order Garibaldi to join the war against Austria.

If Garibaldi's army achieves good results, then the credit will naturally be yours. But if Garibaldi fails in the war against Austria, the disappointment of the people has nothing to do with you, right?"

Such means are not unfamiliar to monarchs of various countries, that is, to put themselves in a position where they can share the credit without taking responsibility.

However, this cannot completely dispel Vittorio Emanuele II's worries.

"Child, you don't understand how terrible Garibaldi's reputation is among the people. If his reputation is improved again, it will be a fatal blow to the entire Savoy family." Vittorio Emanuele II said to Carlo earnestly.

Garibaldi's reputation among the people is already threatening, and he has been close to the republic.

This is a great danger for a monarchy, and it is also the reason why Vittorio Emanuele II risked sending a certain number of soldiers to "protect" Garibaldi.

"But he is nearly 60 years old, father." Carlo replied.

Garibaldi is old, and this is the only thing that Vittorio Emanuele II can be relieved about.

In this era of extremely poor medical technology, even in Europe, which is already the most developed region in the world, the average life expectancy is still a short 30 to 40 years.

Yes, at this time, the average life expectancy in Europe is only more than 30 years old, and it is rare to see someone as close to 60 as Garibaldi, which is why Vittorio Emanuele II is more at ease.

Looking at Carlo who repeatedly outputs reasons that impress him, Vittorio Emanuele II stared for a long time before he choked out a sentence: "My child, I admit that you have a talent for being a diplomat."

"Do you agree, father?" Carlo was a little happy and asked impatiently.

"I need to discuss with the cabinet. Some things are not something that the king can decide, understand? Carlo." Seeing Carlo who was still unable to hide his feelings freely, Vittorio Emanuele II felt complicated.

But anyway, Carlo's smart side was good for the royal family. Vittorio Emanuele II also needed more helpers to help him stabilize the royal power, especially children like Carlo who were related to him.

"And even if the cabinet agreed, the country did not have any funds to help Garibaldi rebuild the army. Well, whether the cabinet agrees or not, this matter has nothing to do with you, Carlo. Someone will notify Garibaldi after the result. Your first task now is to complete your studies at the Military Academy." Vittorio Emanuele II touched his son's head and finally returned to the role of a father.

After this conversation, Vittorio Emanuele II looked forward to Carlo's growth even more.

Although there is only one crown prince, it does not mean that the future crown prince will not need a close assistant.

If Amadeo and Carlo can both grow into excellent military commanders, then the Kingdom of Italy will have a wonderful situation in the future, that is, the Italian Royal Army will be completely controlled by the royal family, and the position of the Savoy family will be more stable.

"I understand, father." Carlo nodded.

Carlo certainly knew that he could not directly persuade Vittorio Emanuele II to agree to let Garibaldi reorganize the army.

Although Vittorio Emanuele II said that he would seek the advice of the cabinet, if he, the biggest opponent of Garibaldi, did not refuse, the Italian government would not refuse the opportunity to get tens of thousands of troops for nothing.

As for Garibaldi's military talent, Carlo was not worried at all.

In history, whether it was the Austro-Prussian War or the subsequent Franco-Prussian War, Garibaldi showed excellent military talent.

It can be said that Garibaldi is now the last fig leaf of the Italian Army. At least the army led by Garibaldi can still fight back and forth with the armies of Prussia, France and Austria.

If Garibaldi could really be encouraged to join the war as soon as it broke out, perhaps the performance of the Italian army on the southern battlefield would not be so bad.

This may have a greater impact on the entire Austro-Prussian War. Italy may be able to eat more meat in this war, and the position of the Savoy family will be more stable.

If this suggestion has a good effect, I believe that some of Carlo's plans will go more smoothly, at least it will be much easier to persuade Vittorio Emanuele II.

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