Rise of Empires: Spain

Chapter 80 Cooperation Agreement (Subscribe please!)

Carlo, who had successfully won over Menotti, was in a good mood. Under Garibaldi's hospitality, he enjoyed a lunch that was not rich but very authentic Italian.

Although Caprera Island is not a big island, it is an island after all, and there is no shortage of seafood.

In fact, Garibaldi's life on Caprera Island is basically based on hunting and fishing, supplemented by reading.

Because of his special status, Garibaldi rarely receives guests, which also makes him look very lonely.

The good news is that after Garibaldi published articles in the Sun and earned royalties, at least he doesn't have to worry about his daily living expenses.

Usually he farms, fishes, hunts, and has enough food and meat to eat, which can be regarded as free and easy.

Carlo was relieved. After all, he had pulled Garibaldi's two sons to work for him in a row. If Garibaldi's life was not good, Carlo would really feel guilty.

Fortunately, Garibaldi had his wife's company, and his daughter and son-in-law came to see him from time to time, so he was not lonely.

The time of reunion was always short, and Carlo could not stay on Caprera Island for long.

That afternoon, Carlo boarded the departing ship and kidnapped Garibaldi's eldest son Menotti.

Carlo actually had other arrangements for Menotti.

I have mentioned the African expedition team before. Carlo wanted to form a formal African expedition team. The expedition team must have an armed force, at least to protect the expedition team in the dangerous Africa.

At this time, the areas explored in Africa were only some coasts and peripheries, and there were large areas of land that were not involved by the powers.

There must be a large number of African indigenous tribes in these unknown lands, and it is inevitable that there will be those who are more exclusive and may even actively attack the expedition team.

However, the African expedition team is still very dangerous. Although the African natives are not in great danger, the unknown geographical environment and some bacteria and viruses that Europeans have never come into contact with are the real dangers of Africa.

So Carlo would not force it. If Menotti was willing, he would become the leader of the African expedition. If not, there were positions in the Guards for him to choose from.

It was already evening when he returned to Rome from Caprera Island.

Carlo wanted to go to bed early, but he did not expect that government officials would find him soon and report on the negotiations with the Spanish government.

The negotiations between the two sides were quite fast, which was beyond Carlo's expectations.

Originally, it was thought that this negotiation might take several days or ten days, but it was unexpected that after two days of negotiations, there would be preliminary results. It only needed to negotiate some details to basically sign an agreement.

What the Spanish government needs more now is funds and some industrial technology.

At this point, the Italian government is still willing to cooperate with the Spanish government. After all, Spain is not a powerful country and cannot pose a threat to Italy for the time being.

The cooperation between Spain and Italy can also help Italy alleviate the threat from France. After all, the unification of Italy has successively snatched Venice and Rome from the Austro-Hungarian Empire and France.

In fact, it can't be said to be snatching, it's more like picking up leaks.

But these two regions were once the sphere of influence of the Austro-Hungarian Empire and France, and the unification of Italy will inevitably affect these two countries.

As Carlo expected, the Italian government agreed not to attach some harsh conditions to the loan, but would not provide interest-free loans, only low-interest loans.

At present, the share of the loan has not yet been determined, but it is unlikely to be too much, after all, Italy's economic situation is not too good.

Carlo estimates that the loan that Italy can provide to Spain is between 50 million lire and 100 million lire, which is about 2 million pounds to 4 million pounds.

This money is still easy to collect for Italian capitalists. It will not affect Italy's development, and it can actually help Spain, which is a win-win situation.

As for Italy's industrial technology, it can also be provided to Spain, but it needs to be purchased with real money.

Carlo has no objection to this. After all, the industrial technology of any country is not obtained for free. Either it is developed by itself, or it can only be purchased at a high price from other countries.

The latest steelmaking technology, steam turbine technology and chemical production materials are all relatively lacking in Spain.

Italy is not an industrial power compared to countries like Britain, France and Germany, but for Spain, Italy also has enough experience in industry for Spain to learn.

There is also Italy's military technology, such as the rifles that Italy has just introduced, and the technology for producing ironclad ships.

Italy's technology in naval construction is not weak at all, and it can be regarded as the first-class level in Europe.

Italy had the technical level to build tens of thousands of tons of ironclad ships in the 1880s, which was definitely the top level in history.

However, because Italy's national strength has always been at the bottom level of the great powers, and the country is located in the Mediterranean, the development of the navy is very limited, so the scale of the Italian navy has never been too large.

This is also the biggest flaw in Italy's geographical location. All coastlines are located in the Mediterranean. Even if a huge navy is built, the Italian navy can only sail in the Mediterranean after the British blocked the Strait of Gibraltar and the Suez Canal respectively.

The good news is that ironclad ships have only been around for more than ten years, and Italy's technology in ironclad ships is not that mature.

The Italian government did not have much objection to Spain's need to introduce these industrial technologies, but it would not give these technologies to the Spanish government in vain.

Carlo did not completely rely on these technologies in Italy. Carlo's expectation for Spain is to be able to introduce advanced technologies from European powers, and then fully understand these technologies, and research more advanced technologies on top of them.

At present, it is only the stage of introducing technology, and Carlo certainly accepts all comers. After all, Italy's technology is different from that of other countries. If more technology can be learned, it will be more helpful to develop new technologies on this basis in the future.

After taking a rough look at the cooperation agreement with Italy, Carlo felt that there was no problem, so he asked the officials who came to report to continue to promote cooperation with Italy.

At present, the purpose of this diplomatic visit has been basically achieved, and this diplomatic visit is quite successful. If we can attract some talents from Italy to return to Spain, it will be even more perfect.

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