Rise of Empires: Spain

Chapter 82 Returning to China (Please subscribe!)

The funding and talent issues have almost been resolved, and Carlo's diplomatic visit to Italy has come to an end.

With gifts from his brother Crown Prince Umberto and Italian Prime Minister Giovanni, Carlo boarded a cruise ship back to Spain, taking with him an interest-free loan of 10 million liras and hundreds of talents.

Only a few of the scientists were placed on the same ship, and the others would travel to Spain on different ships at staggered times.

On the ship, Carlo also met one of the talents he focused on, the later Nobel Prize winner, Camilo Gorky.

No matter how outstanding achievements Camilo Gorky made in the field of medicine, he is now only a 27-year-old doctor who has just graduated from university.

When meeting Carlo, Camilo Gorky seemed very reserved and did not even dare to face Carlo face to face.

"Don't be nervous, Mr. Gorky." Carlo said with a smile: "You graduated from the University of Pavia Medical School?"

"Yes, Your Majesty. After graduation, I worked at San Mateo Hospital and devoted myself to the research of neurological diseases." Camilo Gorky nodded and replied very respectfully.

"Excellent, Mr. Gorky." Carlo smiled. There were not many medical workers in Spain engaged in neurological research, so this time he found a treasure.

"Spain also has corresponding medical schools. If you don't mind, you can serve as a special professor at these medical schools first." Carlo thought for a while and arranged Gorky's work: "

When the Spanish Royal Academy of Sciences is established, you can also apply to join the Royal Academy of Sciences and engage in medical research.

Any researcher who joins the Royal Academy of Sciences can apply for a project research grant from the Academy to help with your research.

I will ask someone to arrange a place for you, as close as possible to your place of work. Mr. Gorky, welcome to Spain. "

"Thank you, Your Majesty. It is an honor for me to come to Spain. I will devote myself wholeheartedly to research to thank Your Majesty for your trust in me." Camilo Gorky nodded quickly and expressed his respect for Carlo of gratitude.

Although Camilo Gorky showed extraordinary talents during his medical school studies, Italy did not attach such high importance to medical talents.

If Camilo Gorky wants to become a professor at his alma mater, the University of Pavia, he must make certain breakthroughs in his research projects and gain a certain reputation.

Carlo initially asked him to serve as a professor at the Spanish Medical College, and also allowed him to apply for a prestigious scientific research organization such as the Royal Academy of Sciences of Spain, which shows his trust in him.

"Of course, Mr. Gorky. If you have friends at the University of Pavia, you can also invite them to Spain.

I am very welcome to those of you who are doing medical research, and they can also enjoy treatment similar to yours.

Please rest assured that as long as you have sufficient ability, I will provide sufficient research funds for your medical research and will not interfere too much in your research.

Medical progress is beneficial to the whole world. I hope that we can jointly promote the progress of human medicine so that people all over the world can enjoy more advanced medical standards to treat previously incurable diseases. "The University of Pavia is also quite famous in Italy, and the friends who met Camilo Gorky were not ordinary people with mediocre abilities at least.

Even if they are just good medical workers, it is not a loss at all to win over them to Spain. After all, there are not so many good doctors in this era, and even the doctor training system is not perfect.

"I can give it a try, Your Majesty." Camilo Gorky nodded, but he was afraid that he would not be able to attract people and would cause Kano to blame him, so he quickly added: "But I am not sure if anyone is willing to travel thousands of miles. When I come to Spain, I will try my best.”

Carlo smiled. The relationship between these scientific researchers is not that complicated. Maybe Camilo Gorky can really call someone.

After all, the conditions offered by Carlo are considered to be quite top-notch in Europe. They may not be that attractive to top scientists, but they are still very attractive to ordinary scientists.

The fleet docks in Valencia, and you can return to the capital Madrid by train.

As for why he did not choose Barcelona in Catalonia, it can only be said that the independent elements here are not restless. For his own safety, Carlo preferred to choose Valencia as a stopping point.

After experiencing the bumps of the long train, Carlo returned to the capital Madrid.

Although there were relatively complete railways and trains in this era, the speed of the trains was really pitiful.

At present, the mainstream train speed is maintained at 20 to 30 kilometers per hour, and only particularly flat straight railways can maintain a speed of about 30 kilometers per hour.

Even though the carriage Carlo was riding in was specially modified, it not only had large comfortable and luxurious sofas, but also kitchens and bedrooms, including conference rooms and offices.

But at this speed, it takes more than ten hours to get from Valencia to Madrid, let alone a slightly longer journey.

At present, Spain's railways basically connect several major cities and key areas. If you want to run around these cities, it will take at least several days.

This is also the reason why Carlo has been reluctant to go out. Whether on land or on the sea, it takes too long to travel hundreds of kilometers, which is really inconvenient.

Carlo is also looking forward to the birth of cars and airplanes. When these two technologies are truly commercialized, the mode of transportation will be completely reformed, and going out will be comfortable and convenient.

This visit to Italy took only more than half a month, and Madrid has not changed much.

On the way from Valencia to Madrid, you can see that many factories on the outskirts of Madrid are constantly expanding, and there are also large tracts of farmland between cities shining with golden light. It seems that this year is a year of double harvest for industry and agriculture.

Carlo is still in a very good mood. At present, it seems that Spain's development is quite smooth. Although it will not increase the comprehensive national strength too much at once, this stable improvement is also pleasant.

You can also see the Spanish smiling along the way. People enjoy their current lives from the bottom of their hearts. After reducing various heavy taxes, a large number of Spanish farmers can finally breathe.

Although they are not living a good life, it is better than before. At least most of the food of Spanish farmers can be kept in their own hands, whether they sell it for income or keep it as food, it can make people feel at ease.

2/7 days, 2000/10000 words have been updated, please support! I have a news to report to you, the first order collapsed, only 300+, the author is half disappointed. The current performance of this book is much worse than the previous one, it depends on whether the follow-up can be improved.

However, the author has not considered a bad ending. Since the book has been started, it still needs to be finished, just as a way to accumulate experience.

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