Rise of Empires: Spain

Chapter 86: Declare war on Morocco (Subscribe)

Carlo was still waiting for the formation of the expedition team, trying to secretly explore the Congo River Basin while the government was planning to colonize Morocco.

But Carlo obviously underestimated the government's ambition to colonize Morocco.

After Serrano and Primo returned from the palace, they formulated an action plan for Morocco overnight and determined the time of action.

It is now September 21, 1870, and the action time set by Primo and Sarano is September 28, a week later.

A week is just enough to mobilize the army to ensure that there are enough troops to carry out military operations against Morocco at the beginning of the operation.

Ceuta is located at the northernmost tip of Morocco's territory, across the sea from Gibraltar, which is why the British do not want Spain to occupy too much territory near Ceuta.

It is precisely because of this that Prime Minister Primo deliberately divided the action against Morocco into two parts. The main force set out from Ceuta, heading south to Tetouan and west to Tangier, completely occupying the small tip in the north of Morocco's territory.

There is also a small protruding point in the south of Spain, which together with the small protruding point in the north of Morocco form the gateway to the western Mediterranean.

For this reason, the British are unlikely to agree to Spain's occupation here. Therefore, in Prime Minister Primo's plan, there will be an army that will expand northward along the coast from the Ifni fishing base previously occupied by Spain to occupy the southern city of Agadir in Morocco.

Even if the first plan fails due to British interference, as long as the second plan is completed and Agadir is occupied, it will not be a loss for the Spanish government.

For European countries of this era, it is too easy to find an excuse to attack African indigenous countries.

Sometimes there is no need for an excuse at all, and expanding colonies is the best excuse.

With the last lesson, Prime Minister Primo decided to prepare secretly and give the Moroccan government a surprise attack.

It is best to complete your strategic goals before the European powers react, so that you can take the initiative in the subsequent negotiations.

On September 28, 1870, the Spanish army assembled in Ceuta and launched a fierce attack on the surrounding Moroccan indigenous tribes without any warning.

Twelve hours later, the Spanish government declared war on the Moroccan government, citing an attack planned by the Moroccans that killed at least five Spaniards in Ceuta.

One hour before declaring war on the Moroccan government, Prime Minister Primo sent a telegram to Italian Prime Minister Giovanni, asking the Italian government to express its support for the Spanish government in this war.

In return, the Spanish government will strongly support Italy's colonial actions in Tunisia and Libya, and the two sides will conclude a military alliance on North African colonization.

The alliance between Spain and Italy is something that the two governments have been negotiating constantly. Considering the relationship between Carlo and Emanuele, it is normal for the Spanish and Italian governments to gradually get closer under the influence of the two.

The interests of Spain and Italy will not conflict. Spain wants Morocco, Italy wants Tunisia and Libya, and there is also France's Algerian colony between the two.

With France, a neighboring country of both countries, as a strong enemy, the relationship between Spain and Italy is actually very friendly, at least in some aspects, such as colonization, they can cooperate.

However, compared with Primo, Prime Minister Giovanni does not have so much power. Although the Kingdom of Italy is also a constitutional monarchy, who can ignore the influence of King Emmanuel II?

After receiving the telegram from the Spanish government, Prime Minister Giovanni immediately asked to see King Vittorio Emmanuel II and asked about the king's attitude.

"What does the Prime Minister think about this matter?" Vittorio Emmanuel II did not give his own opinion, but asked Prime Minister Giovanni's thoughts.

Although the two royal families are one family, it does not mean that the governments are one family.

This matter concerns the interests of the Italian and Spanish governments, so it is naturally impossible for the royal family to have the final say.

Vittorio Emmanuel II naturally understands this. Although he is a good father, he is also a good king.

If doing so will harm the interests of the Italian government, then Emmanuel II will have to consider the relationship between the two governments.

"Your Majesty, I think what Primo said makes sense." Prime Minister Giovanni thought seriously for a moment and replied: "Spain's colonial demands do not conflict with ours, and this will not harm Italy's interests.

Secondly, France has colonial operations in Morocco and Tunisia, which can be regarded as the common enemy of Spain and Italy in colonizing Africa.

If we rely on ourselves to fight against France, we are destined to be defeated by the French. If we don't want to see France occupy a large area of ​​North African territory from Morocco to Libya, the best choice is to cooperate with the Spaniards."

"So the Prime Minister's opinion is to agree to cooperate with the Spanish government?" Vittorio Emanuele II asked with a smile.

He can accept whether to cooperate with the Spanish government or not, but if he can take the opportunity to help the Spanish government, Vittorio Emanuele II is naturally willing to see it.

The stronger Spain is, the more benefits Carlo will get. Without affecting the interests of Italy, Vittorio Emanuele II certainly hopes that his son can rule a more powerful country.

"Your Majesty, the last war between Spain and Morocco caused British intervention, and I'm afraid it will be the same this time.

The biggest enemy of Spain's colonization of Morocco is not France, but Britain, which is thousands of miles away from Spain. If it is just France, it's fine, but if Britain is included, I'm afraid our support will not be of much use." Prime Minister Giovanni mustered up his courage and expressed his guess.

"British?" Vittorio Emanuele II nodded, thinking that Prime Minister Giovanni's guess was still reasonable.

Since Britain became strong, it has become a notorious troublemaker on the European continent. The British will intervene in any international events to ensure that the balance of power will not be disrupted on the European continent.

If the Spanish invasion of Morocco is targeted by the British, it is indeed unlikely to complete the colonization of Morocco under the opposition of the British.

Vittorio Emanuele II sighed, looked at Prime Minister Giovanni who was waiting for his order, and ordered: "Give the Spanish government diplomatic support in accordance with our previous support. At the same time, tell the Spanish government that if this colonial action causes intervention from other powers, Italy will be unable to intervene."

The third day of 10,000 a day, 2,000/10,000 have been updated, and there are still 8,000 words to be updated. I beg for support!

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