Rise of Humanity

Chapter 1347: Chengdi

I want to become emperor, first surrender the Avenue, not assimilated by the Avenue. Many emperors in the history said to their disciples that they would retreat, and this retreat was hundreds of thousands of years old. The disciples looked at the switch, but now the retreat is empty, because they are not in the practice. Be careful of the road, assimilated by Tiandi Avenue, and dissipate away.

The fierce danger of becoming emperor can even make the soul disappear with it, no longer exist!

Your physical body, magic soldiers, heavens, clothing, everything is gone, you can't leave a little bit of things!

And the stronger the emperor is, the more exquisite the cultivation of the avenue, the stronger the power of the avenue, and the higher the possibility of assimilation by the avenue.

Zhong Yue, who was the first to reach the imperial state of mind, has already experienced several robberies of Taoism, but this time the robberies of Taoism were extremely violent.

He is too strong, his own Tao realm forms the inner universe, and the seven reincarnations are almost refined. In addition, the seventh area of ​​reincarnation has been established, and the six-round reincarnation system of the universe has been established. one person!

This achievement is too big, and it became the emperor in the seventh cycle of reincarnation, so that this robbery is also unimaginable!

Countless avenues of heaven and earth required him to transform his way, and the pressure he brought was unthinkable.

These avenues not only have the avenues created by totems by totems, but also have innate avenues, and they are of a wide variety and complexity, most of which were not previously understood or understood by Zhong Yue.

This is extremely dangerous. Ignorance is incompetent. Without contact and understanding before, the easier it is to be assimilated by the avenue.

If he did not become emperor in such a place as the seventh district of reincarnation, he would not have encountered such a terrible robbery, because the heaven and earth avenues of each world are different. Tiandi Avenue is different. Most of the 36 roads are the acquired ways.

The ancient universe is different from Lagerstroemia indica. Lagerstroemia indica was opened by Da Shiming and the ancient gods. The avenue of hidden is the avenue of the ancient gods.

The Void Realm is different from Lagerstroemia indica. The avenue of the Void Realm is more concerned with the soul.

As for Taoism, the Taoism is more pure and advanced.

The seventh area of ​​reincarnation is completely different from the avenues of other worlds. It involves the reincarnation of the soul and the unity of the six realms.

The most important thing is the unification of the six realms. Being emperor here is likely to pull the avenues of other worlds, especially because Zhong Yue is the forge of the seventh cycle of reincarnation, and the integrator of the unifying of the six realms. Unique.

When the thousands of avenues came, the various Taoist sounds shook and roared, and his cultivation was immediately broken away!

His own innate Taiji, innate four-phase and innate gossip are in front of Tiandi Avenue, which is insignificant. Compared with the innate Taichi, innate four-phase and innate gossip of the entire universe, it is even worse!

As for space and time, it is far worse!

The only thing that wasn't overwhelmed was innate change.

Yi Dao is the ancestral pedigree of Fuxi's ancestors. Since Fuxi's sacrifice, the generation of Fuxi Daozun has finally come to an end and has become a priori Yidao.

Change, change too.

Relying on the a priori Yidao, Fuxi Dao Zun finally managed to stay outside of his way and spend 120,000 years across the world. He defeated the world's invincible players and created an extremely glorious world.

He created one from nothing, but because of Shou Yuan's limitation, he did not continue to go on. Zhong Yue created two, three, four and five on his basis, and finally reversed the innate.

Fuxi Daozun was the master of Fuxi, and Zhongyue was the master of his foundation.

For Zhong Yue, the congenital change of Tao is equivalent to Tao 1 in the Seven Mysteries. The other avenues are Yin Yang, Shen Cai, Vientiane, and the Five Elements.

Let all the mysteries be unified and work in an orderly way, and the only one is the mystery.

This time on the Thousands Avenue, it is also easy to change the road. Yidao is his mainstay, and it is also the fundamental reason for him to survive this disaster.

He sneaked his mind, and it was indifferent whether other avenues of his own were assimilated. He just kept Yidao and continued to surrender to other avenues.

Shi Ming stood in front of the gate of Shengsheng Palace and looked at him quietly. This scene was thrilling. Although it was not as scary as the battlefield of the ancestral battle, the danger was still there!

She could feel that Zhong Yue's breath fell straight into Jiucheng in an instant, representing that Zhongyue's cultivation was suddenly reduced to 90%!

For other emperors, this was almost a fatal catastrophe. It must be impossible to counteract it later, and it was directly turned into heaven and earth, but Si Ming was still calm and did not intervene.

After Zhong Yue's Xiu Wei fell 90%, he did not continue to fall, but instead stood firm, then Xiu Wei began to improve slowly.

His breath has also increased in a trace, which means that Xiuwei is constantly recovering.

As he increased his first breath, that breath evolved into Emperor Wei, and Huanghuang Emperor Wei continued to increase, orderly improvement!

Submission to the avenue is the beginning of Chengdi!

"Dao Zun is invincible, so he is invincible on Yidao." Si Ming flashed his eyes and whispered.

In terms of intelligence, no matter Zhongyue or Ji Ming, it is far worse than Fuxi Taoist. To achieve greater achievements than Fuxi Taoist, only standing on Fuxi Taoist's shoulders.

Standing on the giant's shoulder can be higher and farther.

Zhong Yue surrendered the surging Tiandi Avenue with Yidao. The first to surrender was to approach Fuxi, the yin and yang avenue symbolizing the sun and the moon, then surrender to the demon avenue, and then surrender the heavenly roads and tunnels to innate gossip avenues. restore.

The congenital Bagua Avenue has not yet fully surrendered, and his breath has been as strong as before. When the sixty-four avenues of Gossip are completely surrendered, his breath has passed several times before!

The sixty-four hexagrams extended outward, giving birth to countless branches, he surrendered to various avenues of heaven and earth faster and faster, and his cultivation was gradually accelerated!

After all kinds of avenues were surrendered by him, all kinds of messages came into his mind, and the mystery of the avenue poured into his knowledge, his path, and his cultivation became more horrible. Deeper and deeper!

The power of innate Yidao is revealed!

Surrounded by Zhong Yue, the light is gradually weakening. Those lights are the avenue rays. After being absorbed by Zhong Yue's surrender, there is no new avenue, and naturally it will become weaker and weaker.

However, Zhong Yue is getting stronger and stronger, so that his life is also constantly retreating.

Suddenly, Si Ming turned his head and looked out of the sacred place of life, and saw a figure of an innate demon looming. The huge body sometimes appeared in the light of Zhong Yue's whole body, and sometimes disappeared instantly.

The smirk sneered, looking up at the heavens that longed for the Holy Land of Life.

There, the sky was flowing, and wounds appeared.

Shi Ming sneered again, withdrew his gaze, disapproving.

At this moment, the sound of the distant road was roaring, and a quaint but green sacred tree was lingering and flying. The huge roots under the ancient tree were coiled, and the roots were thick and fluttering. On the root of his beard stood a Taikoo **** king, looking so calm, looking at the sky, he said, "Heaven, do you recognize the ancient tree of life?"

There are bird nests, phoenix nests, and another monkey perched between the branches and leaves on the tree.

The sky above the sacred place shook slightly, slipped slowly, and disappeared.

"King of Origins, I've seen Fuxi!"

Under that **** tree, the **** Wang Yaoyao arched his hand and laughed: "The grandfather knew that Fuxi was going to save the Dao, so he asked me to protect the Fa, so as not to disturb Xiaoxiao."

Zhong Yue's voice came from the light, and he said leisurely: "Thank you for the kindness of your brethren and the grandfather, Zhong has taken heart. If you go this day, you will not dare to come again, please come back."

The God of Origins said with a smile: "Okay, we protect the law from a distance." After all, the ancient tree of life is gone.

Shi Ming glanced at the old tree that had left, and saw that the old tree stopped far away, sneering: "False hospitality. If it was true hospitality, why didn't the ancestors come to help when they were besieged? Instead, they seized the opportunity to occupy it. Reincarnation in the seventh area, and expand the territory! "

Zhong Yue's voice came and said: "The grand commander has kindness to me, and dragged the sky so that it would be ten years later to attack the ancestral court. It is already benevolent."

"Renji is right? I'm afraid not?"

The life of the demeanor fluttered and said, "If it is all benevolent, then you will not stand by and watch as my ancestors are broken. You are allies. If your allies' territory is to be breached and you will not save it, what kind of allies are you? This time, it ’s inevitable that you will be successful in the confession of Daodao ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Even if you are attacked by the sky, I can retreat from the enemy and let the gods know that it is difficult to retreat. But he let His Majesty come to help, not false What is hospitality? "

Zhong Yue didn't answer, he wholeheartedly refined the avenue of the whole body.

The order continued, "You need to be careful about your order, after all, your goals are not the same, and when your goals conflict, it will be your time to conflict."

Zhong Yue nodded and said, "You can rest assured."

Suddenly, the glow of the sky was suddenly collected, and he was fully absorbed into his body. Zhong Yue's body was full of light, and Tao Dao's light shone from his body. The glory was dazzling. After a long time, he slowly rested, leaving only the mighty Diwei continued to shake, and passed from the seventh cycle of reincarnation to the ancient universe, the Six Realms, Lagerstroemia indica, and the Nether Realm, and even part of Diwei rushed into Dao Realm!

The Ziwei Emperor's star shakes, the stars that symbolize the emperors are also fluctuating, but although Zhong Yue became the emperor, but no new emperor star was born, it was very shocking.

Mu Xiantian also ordered Jiantian Si to survey the various parts of the universe, to find out what was wrong with the monsters, and Jiantian Si to survey Tiansi was busy and there was nothing unusual.

Emperor Wei gradually closed, Zhong Yue resumed as usual, and walked towards the commander. Shi Ming frowned slightly and said, "Why didn't you refine the last glowing sky?"

"The avenues of Taoism are higher, and I can't refine it yet."

Zhong Yue looked up at the gate of Taoism at the end of the seventh cycle of reincarnation, and said leisurely, "The Taoism is indeed mysterious. I would like to go in and take a look ..." (To be continued.) 8

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