Rise of Humanity

Chapter 1483: Farewell

[Title: Extreme humanitarian Chapter 1483 of farewell Passing: house pig]

The latest chapter of "Humanitarian Supreme" pro ~ This site's domain name: \ "166 小说 \" is a shorthand homonym, very easy to remember! Good-looking novels are highly recommended: Tangmen masters pass through the eternal heart of the world, the legend of the dragon king, the legend of martial arts, the peak of martial arts, and the legend of the ancient world. "I do n’t see my future."

Qiqiao God Man, which should be called Qiqiao Zhongyue, revealed his thoughts, and said, "This means that you will not be long after I die. You are dead, I am beheading the origin, the four-faced god, and the black and white emperor. My The identity is exposed, the Tao world kills me, and then you are born again in the chaos and become me. Then I beat you into the chaos, and then I die in the Tao world, and then you are born again in the chaos ... This is our cycle of reincarnation. "

Zhong Yue was frightened, he had used this method before.

The past Black Emperor was sealed in the space-time ball by the means of eight rounds of reincarnation, which is reincarnation again and again, death, rebirth, death, rebirth!

Zhong Yue also used this method when he built the cycle, Tian and Four Sides God encountered the same situation when they grasped the cycle, and their hands grasping the cycle were cut off again and again.

However, Zhong Yue used eight reincarnations, time and space reincarnation, and imperfections. After all, he did not completely regenerate the time and space reincarnation, but only relied on reincarnation vines or reincarnation avenues, and it was easy to be seen by the strong existence.

For example, both heaven and the four-faced gods came to their senses in the process of reincarnation, and finally invited the saint king to rescue them.

And Zhong Yue has to face different reincarnation. If Qiyue Zhong Yue does not see his future, then this is an endless cycle and there is no solution at all!

And how long has this reincarnation cycle been done?

Is it the first time or has it been done countless times?

This point, I am afraid that Qiyue Zhongyue who came out of the chaos could not answer.

"After you developed the seventh trick, I realized my past life and this life, so I started to arrange."

Qiyue Zhongyue continued: "The Tao Realm is extremely powerful. The Dao Realm has no solution at all. Whoever threatens the Dao Realm will be wiped out by the Dao Realm. As a demon, it is impossible to go against the road and face. The word is going to chop you, and you can only grant it! "

Zhong Yueshen believes that the Tao world is a pure Tao composition. He controls time. Although the time in the reincarnation celestial sphere is not long, the time is expedited. The time spent studying the Tao world Tao light can be calculated in billions of years!

Regardless of the refining sage or the demon, or the emperor, the Tao God, the practice is the Tao, the Tao will cut you, you really do nothing.

There is no solution to this world.

Although Daojiao Daoguang is trapped in his reincarnation, he cannot always hold Daojiao Daoguang all the time. That light will kill him!

Moreover, Daojiao Daoguang may be more than just one, it may be countless. In the past, the Tao Realm was incomplete and there was no Tao Realm, but now the Tao Reality is perfect. The Dao Realm has become a sharp sword hung above all living beings!

"When I first came out of chaos, my strength was still not high. I had to improve my strength, so I opened up another piece of time and space in chaos."

Qiyue Zhongyue said: "This time and space is made by myself as a template, and it is also divided into six realms, supplemented by the two mysteries of the universe. In order to stabilize these eight mysteries, I collected many treasures from the chaos and refined eight A different clock. "

Zhong Yue's heart moved slightly, and she looked up at the innate clock.

"The congenital clock, the void clock, are two of the eight-port chaos clock."

Qiqiao Zhongyue said: "This congenital bell is the treasure I used to lead the inborn gods who died of the war and gave it to the chaos Taoist to keep him. Void bell, I rescued another saintly king, let him defend, That bell led to the soul of the day after tomorrow's death, but the souls are helpless. As for all beings who died in this catastrophe, my six bells are still needed, but unfortunately no strong man guards them. "

Qiqiao Zhongyue was shocked and laughed: "I don't intend to change the future you are going through. The reason why I did this is to save the relatives and friends who were killed in this catastrophe, such as aunt, thunder. Ze, like Huayi, like his wife and children ... they must die! So, they must be killed by me in order to guarantee that they will be led by the congenital clock and the void clock. But if I die in the future , Then my move is meaningless. "

Zhong Yue silently.

He also sees the future, although he has not yet experienced it, he feels the same.

Qiqiao Zhongyue Even if he became a Taoist god, he was afraid that it would be extremely difficult to open up chaos and refine eight chaos clocks. He spent a lot of effort in order to protect relatives and friends, but did not want to see the end of the future.

"These eight clocks are also my treasure to deal with Daoism. Although Daojia Daoguang can cut everything, if you cultivate the avenue, you will be chopped. Road. I want to have more power than the Tao world! "

Qiqiao Zhongyue looked weird and said, "However, after the eight bells were made, I still did not see my future. In the future, I am still dead."

"The ability to jump out is the key."

He continued: "That's why I didn't stop you from killing the sky. The current situation is also different from what I experienced. Although the disaster I experienced before the chaos happened, many died in the disaster The existence of the robberies did not die this time, and those who did not die in the disaster but died. I did not stop you, I just wanted to see if we were different. "

Zhong Yue stunned.

Aren't they the same person?

Why does Qiqiao Zhongyue say they will be different?

"I was born from your body, after all, you are not complete."

Qiqiao Zhongyue said unhurriedly: "My consciousness is your unwillingness, anger, resentment, hatred, anger, resentment. Although I have your memory, I always feel that something is missing. On magical powers, you are now It ’s not as good as me. You are not as good as me now. But you are the complete me. Maybe you can do what I ca n’t do. Maybe you can jump out of this cycle. I did n’t see you before because I knew mine. Personality, even if you know the future, you will never obey my will, you will definitely try to change the future. That's how we are, right? "

Zhong Yue nodded, and smiled, "It's a strange feeling to hear myself saying that I'm stingy."

Qiqiao Zhongyue said: "But I want to see you now, and tell you what I know, maybe it can help you crack this circular reincarnation."

Zhong Yue's eyes flickered and she said, "If I cracked the samsara, what about you? Are you still there?"

"Cause and effect are logic derived from time and space."

Qiyue Zhongyue calmly said: "There is no space, no time, no cause and effect in chaos. When you enter chaos, you break all causes and effects. If you succeed, I should still be. But even if I am not there, what does it matter? ? "

Zhong Yue groaned, showing a smile, and nodded.

The two sat together for a long time.

Zhong Yue got up, called the Taishou God King, and bowed to the chaos ancestor: "Thank you, brother!"

The chaos ancestor also hurriedly said, "Don't say that! I don't want to be involved too much. In the future, as long as you don't involve me, I will be happy! I still want to enter chaos again!"

Zhong Yue stunned and suddenly smiled, "Tao Brother, you are also a creature in chaos. There seems to be no previous life, no origin. Perhaps Dao Brother was once a resounding existence in this universe! If Dao Brother wants to know If you realize cause and effect, you will enter chaos again in the future. I will fish you up and make seven tricks for you. "

The ancestor of Chaos quickly waved his hand and smiled, "Chaos is a state. Beyond the transcendent road, why should I go to the trouble and go ashore again? Your Majesty, don't say that!"

Zhong Yue said goodbye, took the Taishou God King out of the Chaos Holy Land, and hurried to the heaven.

Suddenly, he stopped and peeled off a small flame from his soul. The flame was burning quietly, and suddenly changed into a strange flame with hands, feet and tail.


"I don't know if I can win this battle, but the situation of death is bigger."

Zhong Yue looked at the flame in the palm of her hand and smiled, "Old friend, you are my teacher and my friend. When I have nothing with the human race, I can accompany me until now, and now it is time to be different. . "

The fire was stunned, the flames were crying silently, but the flames were flowing out.

"When I went to the Holy Land of Origin, I collected a few subtle universes and refined the kerosene for you."

Zhong Yue took out the rusty copper lamp ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ When I wanted to urge the Zhouguang Wheel to restore the copper lamp to the first refinement, I thought about it and decided to keep this lamp Rust.

He put the small flame on the wick, the flames burned, and the small flame was full of perseverance.

"Fire, I can't take you to my grave, I'm afraid I won't have time to help you find an heir."

Zhong Yue let go of her hands, and the copper lights floated away. Zhong Yue smiled and said softly, "However, Elder Water will help me find an inheritor for you, let's be apart."

"Xiao Fuxi!" The flame of fire in the lamp came.

Zhong Yue remembered the first time she encountered this flame, and she was fascinated for a moment, and gently waved to the copper lamp: "If I were alive, I would see you at the ancestor!"

A reincarnation loop suddenly appeared, engulfing the lamp and the fire on it.

The copper lamp passed quietly through the loop, a fiery sun appeared in front of it, and the small copper lamp flew towards the third star of the sun.

There, he will meet the last old god, Suzi, on the ancestor, which may be the beginning of another legend.

Zhong Yue retracted her gaze and laughed at Tai Sui God King: "Let's go to heaven."

Too old **** Wang understands and follows him. The uncle was still refining the skull of the grandfather, and suddenly he spit out the skull of the grandfather, angrily: "This bone is hard to digest!"

After a while, the King Taisui swallowed the big skull into his stomach, and said, "It's better to digest it slowly ..."

Zhong Yue laughed and said, "Thank you, Daoyou."

Tai Sui God King laughed: "I just look at you with a serious expression and deliberately make you laugh, and you are really happy."

Zhong Yue laughed, cheered up, and said, "Let's meet for a while, the most powerful force in the universe!"

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