Rise of Qinglian

2946 Seven Blood Trees

In the Feilong Mountains, there is a towering mountain in the northwest corner. There are a lot of buildings on the mountain, and many people can be seen walking around.

At the foot of the mountain, there is a blue stone archway more than ten feet high, with the four characters "Feilongfang City" written on it. This is the Dafang City established by the Wang family on the front line, and it mainly sells puppets.

After a while, the Wang family will hold an auction for cultivators who refine the virtual world, and they will take out a sixth-order puppet beast as the final auction item, attracting many immortal cultivators to participate.

The streets are full of people and traffic, very lively.

Wang Yangsheng and Liu Yushuang strolled on the street, looking around.

They were transferred here to stay in Feilong Mountain Range.

The family held an auction, and Wang Yangsheng and Liu Yushuang planned to take this opportunity to collect resources for cultivating immortals.

Similar things are being done by other forces.

When passing through an intersection, a tall and straight young man and a girl in a blue dress with a face like an autumn moon came face to face.

The young man's face is elegant and handsome, he is wearing a blue gown, his skin is fair, a golden jade flute is hung on his waist, and he is holding a shining dark gold folding fan. He looks like a handsome young man.

The girl in the blue skirt has a round face and big eyes, with two cute dimples on her face, her skin is fat and her eyes are clear and lively.

"I met Uncle Yang Sheng and Uncle Yushuang."

The young man in green shirt saw Wang Yangsheng and Liu Yushuang and bowed.

"Guangqi, where's your brother!"

Wang Yangsheng's eyes fell on the girl in the blue skirt, and he smiled lightly.

The youth in green shirt is called Wang Guangqi, he is a descendant of Wang Mofei, he has a younger brother Wang Guanglin, both brothers are Nascent Soul cultivators.

Wang Guangqi is a music repairer with a romantic nature. He never uses force, and relies on his strength to capture the hearts of beauties.

"I don't know, he probably went to a restaurant!"

Wang Guangqi shook his head, Wang Guanglin is a spiritual cook, and he knows how to eat.

"Uncle Yang Sheng, let me introduce you, this is Fairy Lin from the Jin Yuzong, my new friend."

Wang Guangqi pointed to the girl in the blue skirt and introduced.

"Junior Lin Furong, I met two seniors."

The girl in the blue skirt saluted with a tense expression.

Jin Yuzong is a small sect, the highest level of cultivation is no more than the stage of transformation, far inferior to the Wang family.

Lin Furong is a descendant of the elder Dharma protector of the Jin Yuzong, and is currently in the Nascent Soul Stage.

"You can do what you want!"

Wang Yangsheng shook his head, and walked towards another street with Liu Yushuang.

Lin Furong breathed a sigh of relief, and Wang Guangqi quickly said: "Fairy Lin, don't you want to buy spirit beasts? Our Wang family has opened several spirit beast shops, I'll take you to have a look!"

"Then I will trouble you, Fellow Daoist Wang."

Lin Furong thanked her.

Wang Guangqi was born in Qinglian Wang's family, she has no airs at all, and treats people gently, she has a good impression of her.

"Guangqi, don't get into trouble by incurring romantic debts, the clan rules are no joke."

Wang Yangsheng's voice rang in Wang Guangqi's ears.

Wang Guangqi nodded, led Lin Furong the way with a smile on his face, and told some anecdotes to make Lin Furong happy.

When passing by a restaurant, a rough male voice sounded: "Brother, who is this fairy?"

Wang Guangqi followed the sound and saw a fat man in blue shirt with a round face and small eyes came out of the restaurant. The fat man in blue shirt was full of oil, his belly was bulging like a huge ball, and there was a blue lotus pattern on his clothes. .

Wang Guanglin, he is Wang Guangqi's younger brother, who practiced the "Spirit Swallowing Dafa" and entered Taoism through eating.

Wang Guanglin is a spiritual chef who is good at cooking various spiritual meals.

"Guanglin, let me introduce you. This is Fairy Lin from Jin Yuzong. Fairy Lin, this is my younger brother Wang Guanglin."

Wang Guangqi introduced, with a gentle tone.

"My little sister, Lin Furong, met Daoyou Wang."

Lin Furong saluted with curiosity on her face.

If it wasn't for Wang Guangqi's introduction, she would never have imagined that the two are brothers, and the difference is too great.

Wang Guangqi is gentle and elegant, Wang Guanglin's face is full of oil, so the female monk naturally prefers Wang Guangqi.

"The food here is good, you can try it."

Wang Guanglin rubbed his belly and strode towards the distance. Looking from behind, Wang Guanglin looked like a pregnant woman who was pregnant in October.

"My younger brother loves gourmet food, Fairy Lin, don't take offense."

Wang Guangqi smiled slightly and continued to lead the way.

Lin Furong nodded and began to chat with Wang Guangqi.

While leading the way, Wang Guanglin told anecdotes about the world of cultivating immortals.


A manor that covers an extremely large area. There is a lake of tens of acres in the courtyard, and thousands of blue lotus flowers are floating on the lake.

In the center of the lake is a hexagonal cyan stone pavilion. Wang Jiye and Wang Moxin are sitting in the stone pavilion. Wang Jiye is holding a piece of blood-red wood in his hand. There are seven holes on the surface of the wood, and the seven holes form a circle.

"The 30,000-year-old Qiqiao blood tree is the main material for refining the robbing puppet. I didn't expect to be able to collect this kind of material."

Wang Jiye's eyes were fiery.

A casual cultivator of Huashen got a piece of Qiqiao Bloodwood, but he couldn't recognize what it was made of, and sold it to the Wang family at a high price, in exchange for a large amount of cultivation resources.

With this piece of blood wood with seven apertures, it can be sent back to the Wang family, so that Wang Changsheng can refine the robbing puppet.

As a puppet maker, Wang Jiye knew the value of this piece of Qiqiao Bloodwood.

"Before the auction started, we got a 30,000-year-old Qiqiao blood tree. We are lucky! Send it back to the family, and the ancestors must be very happy."

Wang Moxin said with a smile.

They held the auction in the hope of collecting some rare materials, and now they have collected a 30,000-year-old Qiqiao Bloodwood, which is really happy.

Wang Jiye nodded. He thought of something, sighed lightly, and said, "It's a pity that Liangyan was killed. If she is still alive, it will be more efficient to refine the sixth-order puppet beast together with me."

Wang Liangyan was a sixth-level craftsman who was proficient in making puppets, but unfortunately he was killed.

"We got a lot of land and cultivation resources this time. The Patriarch has ordered to increase the training of refiners. I hope to train a few more sixth-level refiners."

Wang Moxin comforted him.

The Wang family has intensified the cultivation of various technical talents, hoping to cultivate a few more high-level technical talents, especially the sixth-level puppet masters.


Wang Jiye said seriously.

Wang Moxin took out a pale golden Dharma disk, and entered a Dharma formula.

"I have something important to deal with, so I'm leaving first. You collect the Qiqiao blood tree and send someone to transport it back to the family later."

After Wang Moxin said this, he left in a hurry.


The Northern Cold Ice Field is located in the northern part of the Xuanyang Realm. It is covered with snow all the year round and the temperature is frighteningly low. The ancestral land of the Ye family, a family of true spirits, is in the Northern Cold Ice Field.

Hundreds of thousands of years ago, the North Cold Ice Field was dominated by alien races, and the human race was just a small race with little right to speak.

Fairy Liuyun was born out of nowhere, possessing an icy spirit body, and led the Ye family to glory. Fairy Liuyun cultivated to the Mahayana stage within 20,000 years. Seven Mahayanas from different races took advantage of Fairy Liuyun's retreat and joined forces to kill her.

Fairy Liuyun used the great supernatural power of ice soul light to destroy four alien Mahayanas, and three alien Mahayanas were seriously injured and fled. Since then, Fairy Liuyun has been famous in Xuanyang Realm.

The Bingpo Mountains are located in the northeast corner of the North Cold Ice Field, where you can see a large number of white buildings.

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