Rise of Rurik

Chapter 1,447 The Road to Rügen Island

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In this way, the city of Wolin was legally included in Rus, and nominally Rus also brought the mouth of the Oder River into its sphere of influence.

However, Ross does not have the ability to station troops here for the time being. According to Ilyurik's plan, Ross will not directly station troops here unless necessary.

The Principality of Volin still enjoys their own freedoms, and the ports are still open to those who come with peaceful trade.

The characteristics of this eastern waterway are not only narrow and calm. Perhaps in the near future, the slow transport of sand and gravel upstream will eventually silt up this waterway, leading to the decline of Wallin City Freeport.

That's all in the distant future.

Rurik planned to stay here for only one day. In the limited time, he intended to trade with the locals as much as possible.

Ironware and silver coins were hard currencies, and the vacant cargo ships prepared were loaded with a large amount of agricultural products. The big roots of the red cabbage were covered in black mud, and the other vegetables helplessly made the cabin full of mud.

Beetroot is always swollen, which is very suitable for the watery and moist environment here.

Rurik intends to buy more of these highly productive vegetables, even if it makes the cargo ship muddy.

Just because these vegetables are a shortcut to supplement vitamins for war horses.

"If I don't stock up on vegetables early, it won't be easy to replenish them in the future. Unless the guy over at Hamburg is willing to give me a lot of vegetables."

During a day of intensive trade, Rurik purchased all local agricultural products. Naturally, there is also amber produced on Wolin Island. The quality is good but the quantity is not comparable to that of the eastern coastline. These ambers are also regarded as treasures by the local people, so they set off from the port of Wolin and rushed to the depths of the Oder River. The gems will be transported directly to the Principality of Moravia and sold at a good price.

Of course the locals are also selling him

The amber necklaces and bracelets in their hands, because Ross was in direct competition with them in this regard, no one traded with them.

Also taking advantage of this opportunity, Duke Woyzeck had to face such a situation - because all the unheard-of forces on the eastern coastline have joined Ross, which means that Ross has mastered the vast majority of amber origins, which belong to Woyzeck. The "Oder River amber trade" exclusive to the Principality of Lin may be facing threats.

Woyzeck had no choice. Although King Ross was extremely generous and sincere, it was because of the kindness of the young hero. If he got angry because of something, little Wolin would be doomed. Because even the Danes who used to be bodyguards had their hearts set on the King of Rus.

Woyzeck had to send a guide to lead the way for the Ross army, even though Rurik did not say this clearly.

Early the next morning, the Russian army, who had camped outside the city and slept all night, took advantage of the golden light of the morning sun and happily pushed all the half-stranded longships into the gentle waterway.

"I don't know when we will see you again in the future! In fact, our little Wolin is also willing to send troops to assist the king's expedition, but it is a pity that our strength is too weak."

Woyzeck stood beside Rurik, with the fleet in front of him that was about to set off.

Rurik could hear the obvious polite words he muttered, and he laughed casually: "How about giving me your son? Just like the Duke of Gdansk gave all his sons to me."

"This..." Woyzeck's face suddenly turned pale, and then he hesitated.

"What? Scared?"

"I...I'm not afraid. My son must be brave too."

"Maybe." Rurik shrugged, "I won't force you to

. Some people are born to be warriors, some are born to be businessmen, and some people like to be quiet and hope to inherit the business of their fathers steadily. For someone who wants stability, forcing him to take risks is not good for all of us. What do you think? "

What else could Woyzeck say, he could only laugh awkwardly, "Your Majesty is right."

"Forget it, you only have one son. I won't force this kid to take risks. But I think the five guides you gave me have the potential to become warriors. As for whether they are willing to follow me to Frank? I am a good person, and I will hear about them. one time."

A stone fell to the ground, and Woyzeck let out a sigh of relief.

In fact, his son almost stayed up all night because of this matter. After the young man noticed the fact that Kashu in Gdansk sent his noble children to join the army, he was afraid that he would also be pushed into the army by his father.

Some people seem to be very brave on weekdays, but become fearful in war.

Are you a true warrior? The look can tell a lot. When Rurik noticed that the boy's eyes were a little erratic, and saw that a hero like himself was kneeling on one knee to accept the canonization, when the steel sword was placed on his head, the boy trembled in shock, and a handful of curly hair It was cut off.

At that time, Rurik read out a high-profile speech according to the script to announce the canonization, but he did not think that this son could become a warrior.

"He is not suitable for the battlefield. It is better to stay in Wolin and inherit his father's business. If the people of Wolin want to expand, let Woyzeck do it on his own. I still need a noble man who keeps his peace. work……"

Rurik didn't say anything more to Woyzeck, he jumped on the long boat, still

Putting on his golden laurel crown, he held the bow relief with his left hand and said hello to the people of Wolin City who were watching. Accompanied by the long sound of the horn, this small Ross fleet sailed towards the lagoon with its big oar.

The five guides were all natives of Volin, pure Slavs.

Perhaps it’s because the Danish residents are more familiar with the geography and hydrology of this area, but when it comes to leading the way, the Danish residents choose to avoid it. They must be afraid of something, and Rurik quickly figured out why.

The huge Russian army marching by sea and land will definitely pass through the territory of the Grand Duke of Rugen.

Although the locals are all Slavs, they are a group of Slavs who have been Danishized. Many of them married Danish wives, and some genuine Danes immigrated to the area. After several generations, their descendants are no longer the same as those in Denmark. .

Although the Grand Duke of Rügen is a Slav, his family has never surrendered to the traditional overlord of this area and the great leaders of Denmark. To this day, the island of Rügen has not recognized Ragnar as the new king of Denmark, and it is said that it does not want to have much to do with Denmark.

Because this island faces the fertile South Baltic Sea, they have competing interests with the Danish Islands of Zealand, Bornholm Island, and even some Götalanders on fishing issues. Now with the reasonable entry of Swedish fishing boats from the north , various forces speaking Norse continue to squeeze the living space of the Rügen Islanders.

The island of Rügen wanted to stay on its own, and people from various Danish ministries were unwilling to actively provoke them. Because the former did not join the alliance led by Ross, Danish fishing boats can sneak attack the ships on Rügen Island, and they will also encounter sneak attacks from the other side.


It has been three years since the treaty was signed. The Danish and Swedish fishing boats have established mutual trust among the nobles, so these small private boats no longer have to be suspicious of each other and take the initiative to attack. The self-defense capabilities of the fishing boats have declined, which makes the ships on Rügen Island more aggressive.

Those Danish guides were worried that they would lead the way to King Rus and cause disputes, which would eventually bring disaster to their own tribes. Because the Ross army is a passer-by, Ross may not necessarily take the initiative to attack Rügen Island, but if those people know that Danes are leading the way throughout the whole process, conflicts in the future may be inevitable.

Of course the Ross army can wipe out the small island of Rügen, but what does the glory of victory have to do with the brothers doing business?

Some people don't want to swim in this muddy water, but five ordinary Wolin fishermen feel they have a chance.

Because the Danes feel that Wolin's business is not doing well, they can return to their hometown to stay, but Wolin is right under the nose of Rügen Island. Rügen Island has always had expansion plans and is very afraid of the Danes. If the Rügen nobles feel that the time is right that day, they may organize a fleet to fight against Wolin. At that time, the Danish mercenaries living there will be defeated or flee themselves, and Wolin will be annexed by Rügen.

"As long as we enter the sea through the Pig River, the king's army will pass through the western islands and then enter the territory of the Grand Duke of Rugen Island."

"The king will definitely pass through the town of the Archduke of Rugen."

"The king is kind, but those nobles may think you are a threat. If the battle really breaks out, I hope the king will eliminate them as much as possible."

"The island of Rugen has always coveted our territory in Wolin. Now we belong to the king.

Servant, your servant is always facing the threat of a strong man..."

The guides all received Rurik's promise that as long as they kept leading the way through this area, they could continue their expeditions with the Russian army in the future. Even if there is only hard work in the end, all five people can immigrate to the core of Rus with their families after the war and live a better life.

The five guides were eager for any opportunity to change their boring lives and see death at a glance. They volunteered to lead the way and gambled their lives to find a good future for themselves and their families.

For this reason, he told the King of Rus who gave the brothers a chance to make a fortune by telling them what he had seen and heard with his own eyes, and even some untrustworthy legends from his parents and ancestors.

They also yearned for their hometown of Wolin, and they were so motivated that they encouraged King Rus to fight a war with Rügen Island.

Rurik smiled at the men who were sitting on the flagship and rowing hard with the others.

"A war? Are you expecting me to fight with Rugen Island? Who knows? Unless the Rugen Island nobles are stupid enough to block the road and ask me for tolls."

Rurik did not make a statement for the time being, but the five guides all mentioned a place name, Strale Island.

The island is said to be stuck between Rügen and the European continent, like a little tongue in the throat.

Rurik paid more attention to the name of the island. "Strange, does it mean the same thing as Stralsund? Is it the city itself?"

Now Rurik will pay more attention to admiring the Oder Lagoon.

The huge lagoon does not have particularly obvious lagoon characteristics. It was formed so long ago that the water flow and sediment transport are uneven. The sandbar at the entrance to the sea

It continued to evolve into two large islands with extremely twists and turns.

A large central waterway is called the Pig River. As for the reason for its name, it probably comes from the fact that wild boars are found near the river.

Rurik didn't care what its name was; he believed that his main force was already crossing the Pig River.

As early as one day ago, the main force of the Ross Army passed through the eastern waterway, and after learning the basic outline of the front, they moved forward towards the Pig River along the coastline with all their strength. The main force of the navy easily passed through Rügen Island, and after bypassing the 200-meter-wide Pig River waterway, it stationed itself on the opposite island of Usedom.

The real trouble was to wait for the huge horse team and deer to cross the river. Since the waterway was wide enough, the Russian army had to adopt the most traditional method and began a small boat relay type of transportation. Fortunately, the soldiers along the way were already familiar with crossing the river. Even though they were very prepared for these troublesome things, they still worked hard.

Because the Admiral of the Navy and the General of the Cavalry have repeatedly emphasized that all brothers do not have enough time.

The king's announcement that he will arrive today is absolutely correct.

The Wolin Island at the mouth of the river is not big, and the coastline facing the Baltic Sea is quite straight. They quickly arrived at the mouth of the river and were pleased to find that there was grassland nearby for war horses and reindeer to graze.

Before nightfall, the Russian army had already begun transportation operations. The river crossing operation, nicknamed "Parthian tactics" by people, was that many ships gathered together to circle both sides of the bank, and the war horses and reindeer were hurriedly driven onto the ships, and the oarsmen Transport it to the other side and unload it as soon as possible. They don't have to stop and have to take the ship back and transport it again.

Considering the safety of transportation at night, the Ross army set up camps around both sides of the Pig River.

No one cares that it is very close to the island of Rügen, and no one thinks that the islanders are a possible threat.

As the weather turned colder, the Russian army made bonfires again, and the clouds under the night were illuminated red again.

Such man-made abnormal celestial phenomena can be noticed by people in the distance, but the area far to the west is no man's land, and even the forces on Rügen Island cannot detect the huge threat approaching from the east.

The mouth of the Pig River is still busy. A small fleet flies down the river with flags and sails flying in the limited south wind.

Rurik finally arrived at this camp, so the fleet that continued to transport deer had to make room for the king to allow the small fleet to enter the sea.

With his feet on the hard ground, he took a rest after landing and invited the captains and nobles of each banner to have a meeting.

The morning was bright and sunny, coupled with the warm south wind, everything seemed as comfortable as returning to early summer.

The climate has obviously begun to turn colder, and this place is closer to the Atlantic Ocean. Ocean current heating has brought long-term warmth to this Pan-Western Pomerania region, and the climate is much more comfortable than that of my hometown in the north.

The five guides had said a lot, and the key confessions had been transcribed onto paper.

Everyone was sitting on the grass, and Rurik held the paper in one hand and read out the key content.

"It is inevitable that we must pass through the territory of the Archduke of Rugen. He is not one of my people, but based on reliable intelligence we will pass through his territory. Streila Island and the surrounding areas are their settlements . I am now willing to call all their settlements Stralsund, and you will all keep this in mind."

Rurik gave everyone a moment to remember.

Can be big

The king emphasized this information so much that many experienced officers took it for granted that the king still couldn't control his thoughts and wanted to start a war against Rugen Island, a "small kingdom" that had not surrendered to Rus.

Fisk was senior enough and a distant relative of the king. He asked boldly and with a smile: "It seems that we still have to fight."

"War? With Rügen Island?" Rurik shrugged: "I didn't say that."

"Your Majesty, are you kidding me?" Fisk laughed again: "To compare with others, if a foreign army passed through our territory in great force, would you do nothing and watch them enter and leave? Could it be that, you Do you think that such an army is really just passing through the border peacefully? A stupid person like me can understand it, obviously the king is testing us brothers."

"Haha, you saw through it. I won't allow the army to cross the border for no reason."

"Hey, so we still have to prepare for combat." Fisk said.

"This is what I want to tell you." Rurik looked at everyone again and continued to declare solemnly: "War may be inevitable. If it starts, we must win quickly, and then we must not stop fighting. I don't care about the nobles of Rugen Island. Attitude, if they dare to block the road, our army will defeat them. If it is a sea battle, our army will not rescue their drowning victims, and there is no need to kill them. If they flee, our army will not pursue them. Do you understand? ?”

All the soldiers roared angrily and said they would obey the order.

Rurik added one more: "Our fleet must pass through the Stralsund waterway and must pass through that Strahler. If they resist, we will fight. If they resist, we will fight."

It is quiet to see us pass by, and we will not make any lingering. Remember! Our army will never land on the island to fight, and no one is allowed to leave the team to rob without my permission, even if they really attack us and our army launches a war to fight back. You all return to your banners and inform all the centurions that the order must be implemented to every commander. "

They will obey orders again.

Based on what the Russian Army has shown in the past, each flag unit can basically execute orders and prohibitions. As for the servant armies, due to their small number, poor equipment level, and poor personnel training, they must rely on the banner of the Ross Army to gain benefits in the war. Rurik did not believe that those guys would act alone.

Rurik believed that his subordinates could implement this rather arrogant action plan, and he also believed that the nobles of Rugen Island would not be able to bear this humiliation.

Perhaps the Rügen Island side will take decisive defensive measures and hide on the island to guard against a surprise attack by the army.

Perhaps the Hengchen fleet blocked the waterway just to hit the stone with an egg.

Who knows?

The Russian army is now rushing towards the Stralsund Waterway with a tense momentum.

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