Rise of Rurik

Chapter 1,459 The Wrath of Lübeck

Rurik on the shore gave new orders to the troops waiting in the bay. The soldiers who were full of joy and thought they had a battle to fight were disappointed. They were not in awe of the city in front of them that was protected by wooden walls, but they were surprised by its size. It was estimated that there was a lot of wealth in the city that could be shared among the brothers. They were ordered to go ashore and set up a huge camp in the area designated by Rurik. The Russian army's blockade of the bay is still resolute, and the Wismarao fishing boats are still anchored in the port. Rurik has no intention of taking such broken boats. The Russian army was not able to do nothing in autumn. The army marched on the bare wheat fields outside the city. The soldiers were already plundering the nearby woods. In order to find better wood, they demolished the houses and fences scattered outside the city and dried the wood. All turned into fuel for bonfires. That night, the dark world was illuminated by the campfire, and the entire city of Wismar fell into deep fear. Although King Rus promised not to attack, their target was actually Lübeck. As early as Bai Bai, Baron Anadog, who hurriedly returned to the city, hurriedly summoned his men to analyze the special situation they were currently encountering. Like the Leviathan in the scriptures, the Russian army came to the city. This fact itself made the "no attack" promised by King Rus unconvincing. Anadog knew that he had to be cautious in dealing with the army outside the city. In the evening, after thinking for a long time, he stood in front of his granary with a group of cronies. "Arrange to go ahead and pull up five carriages of wheat, and come with me out of the city to do business with them early tomorrow morning!" he ordered. "Sir, are the Russians really trustworthy?" "Only God knows." "Which god is it...? Our God? Or the God of France." "You?" Anadog said too much. The subordinate glanced at him and said, "Just do it as soon as you are told. There is so much nonsense. Now prepare the carriages and horses, and move the wheat and stand by." Anadog is unwilling to leave the city now. He has been thinking about whether to trade. The decision was made late in the evening. However, he made a decision immediately after he returned to the city - to send his cronies to inform his father who lived in Lubei. A group of ten riders were ordered to take action. They fed their horses a large amount of wheat. Each of them ate a large piece of rye bread and drank a glass of ale before leaving the city gate and running wildly to the west. Their lances are tied with a white cross flag to declare their identity to the towns they pass by, and also to notify those who are unaware of the situation that the danger is approaching. Because Obotelit had been Frankized for nearly a hundred years, they still retained a large number of Slavic traditions and actively studied the nobility enfeoffment formulated by Charlemagne in domestic affairs, thus at least achieving a kind of internal harmony. The Naconid family is a large family with many branches. The direct line of the family has always controlled the city of Lübeck, which is centered on Ljubice Island, an island in the middle and lower reaches of the Travo River, and surrounded by multiple riverside settlements. Other direct lines of the family control multiple satellite towns. Among them is the western branch that can develop into the Mecklenburg family. Directly east of the city of Lübeck, a road blazed by both feet has long been born. Although it is far inferior to the strong and spacious old Roman roads, it is also the first channel for Lubeck to communicate with all the towns in the east. There are two key towns standing here. The town of Kruze and the town of Dazovo. Both towns are managed by the two nephews of Mistuy, the ruler of Lübeck. They are also local feudal nobles and are actually two baronies. After passing these two towns, you can reach Wismar, a large immigrant city in the east. There are only a small number of soldiers garrisoned in the cities of Kreutze and Dazovo. Whether they are strong or not depends entirely on the attitude of the local barons. Since all parties in the two cities are friendly neighbors, and there is a forest in the more dangerous north, the two nobles can stay in the city where they are stationed and live a leisurely and peaceful farm life. There are more than a dozen villages of different sizes in each of the two cities. In fact, this is already considered the essence of Lubeike, and the population is rapidly becoming denser. The two cities did not need the extreme defensive construction of Wismar. The baron only maintained less than fifty semi-full-time soldiers. In addition, the baron was most passionate about raising horses. The main city of Lübeck is close to the river, and raising horses requires a continuous open land. Therefore, these two baronies in the east of the main city have their horse farms in this quite peaceful environment. There are many more Lubbey horse racing grounds. It is a monopoly of power by the nobles and is managed by professionals. In this way, the entire Obertridite can organize a strong cavalry team under the command of Count Mistuy - -A thousand spear cavalry, all covered in chain armor, are the capital of their dominance and self-preservation, and even the source of their pride. Even when necessary, the ruler of Lubeke, Mistuy, gave an order, and barons from all over the country gathered to respond. All kinds of peasants who knew how to ride horses mounted spare horses with various weapons. It was also possible for Obotelit to quickly summon three thousand cavalry. . But the combat mode of such cavalry is completely different from that of Ross cavalry. Mistuy has been paying attention to the situation of the Frankish Civil War this year, and now he really doesn't know which prince will have the last laugh. Because, Aachen was plundered! The imperial capital was robbed, and many cities across the Meuse River suffered devastating blows. Even the powerful Earl of Metz suffered heavy losses in the war, and the Saar River area, Lothair's rear area, actually became the Norman Raoland. . No one is a fool. Living on Ljubice Island, he learned important information through the observers sent. A new country called Nassau-Koblenz-Saargau was born.

As a nominal emperor, Lothair would never recognize this illegal feudal state, but Ludwig recognized its legitimacy. The most outrageous thing is that the troops that made up the new countenance were all Normans who had converted to Christianity. Letters sent back pointed out that they were Danish mercenaries who had immigrated to the interior to fight for Ludwig. As for Ludwig hiring Danes to fight for him, it is no secret. "It seems that Ludwig has delegated so much power in order to win, and the Danes have once again become his minions. But, does he really control it well this time? Giving huge power to the non-Franks will ultimately harm him..." Mistuy couldn't help but sigh, and at the same time he was thinking about his situation. Because, as a northern vassal of Frank, I now live as if I am the king of an independent kingdom. This is probably just because the troops are limited and the territory is not large. It was now autumn, and Mistuy learned that two princes were fighting in Alsace in the Rhine Valley. There was no winner in the battle, probably because Aachen was sacked, and Ludwig was among them. The possibility of mischief caused the Emperor Lothair on the other side of the war to be unable to dismount. Brother Wang has already broken his face! As the emperor, he can only carry the war to the end. But all this has limited relationship with Oberlidd in the north. Mistuy has never received a request from any prince to send troops. In theory, Lothair can use the Roman emperor's order to order Mistuy to take the Slavs with him. The army immediately attacks Hamburg or Thuligan, creating a new battlefield in the north. It is a pity that any messengers from Lothar did not go north, or any messengers who tried to go north were intercepted. Ludwig was also willing to ignore Obert Liddit out of some unknown reason, perhaps out of contempt. "If Ludwig doesn't invite me, I won't join the war. It's best if you fight with heavy casualties. In the end, when you realize that there is a northern noble like me with a heavy army, you will beg me to send troops. When the time comes, I'll ask for a good price myself." Mistuy respects his troops on the island. Considering the increasing risks of future wars, training for heavy cavalry and militia has also begun. In this way, once Obert Liddit decided to participate in the civil war, the count could quickly attack. But the weather has turned cold, and it may snow in another month. If the two princes no longer fight in the autumn, they will certainly not fight in the winter. In Frank Rao's concept, winter is by no means a time for fighting. Facts have proved that the Winter War is a foolish act. Ludwig's risky winter northern expedition caused him to suffer heavy losses, which Mistui saw in his eyes. “That savage and arrogant man should learn from his mistakes.”…

End of this chapter

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