Rise of Rurik

Chapter 1461 Let’s unite

【The Rise of Rurik】 【】

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The sun shines on everyone's face, and the soldiers of the Lübeck Army do not want to fight such an unprepared battle, even if they are fighting on home soil.

Men, women, and thousands of militiamen couldn't help but worry about their future after seeing the true appearance of the Russian army.

It is unimaginable that the warriors on horseback were completely uniform and re-equipped. Moreover, the warriors kept their horse heads in the same position. They also showed a group positioning mode. It looked like they were well-trained.

The Russian army had cavalry in front and huge reindeer behind them. The shoulder height of all the stags that can reach this point is equivalent to the Turkic horse under the warrior's crotch. It's just that the reindeer likes to droop their heads slightly to make the whole body not tall enough. They are indeed huge animals.

At a greater distance, the deer are hidden behind the cavalry. At first glance, they look like the Russian army is still hiding a huge monster.

In the eyes of ordinary militiamen, the legendary Russian army is unfathomable.

A pair of eyes watched a young man carrying a cross flag coming straight towards the Earl. Who is he? Ordinary people rarely come into contact with nobles, especially figures like the eldest son of the earl - Anadog is sent to Wismar for guarding all year round, and he really has no contact with the locals of Lübeck.

It seemed as if the horseman was sent by the Russians to lobby the Earl.

In fact, Anadog's job is indeed lobbying.

From the perspective of exploiting Mistui, it is a good thing that the eldest son is back safely, but...

He stretched out his big hand and gestured vigorously, his face was full of harsh emotions, and his beard was trembling: "You are back, tell me! Did you personally bring the Ross army here?"


Mistui was very dissatisfied with his son's calm attitude: "It's ridiculous. I ordered you to guard Wisma. Are you abandoning the city and leaving? Or are you saying that you have surrendered to the Rus? Your envoy said clearly, Wisma It’s urgent, so this army is originally preparing to rescue you who are besieged... What happened to you falling to the ground? "

"Father, please don't be nervous." Anadog had no choice but to spread his hands and explain with a smile. This explanation explained many of his experiences.

Mistuy had to listen carefully to his son's explanation. After listening to the words, if all the descriptions were true, then this young Russian man was doing something very strange. "Do you really want to have a serious talk with me? His army is going to Frank to support Ludwig in the war. Is it really just an excuse to not attack us at all?"

"At least they really didn't cause any damage in Wismar, and they did nothing wrong in the towns they passed by."

"Have you seen it all?" Mistuy asked again.

"It's absolutely true. I swear, I have no reason to say good things for this outsider. Father, this King of Rus is very rich, and he can get ready-made silver coins." Anadog came well prepared and picked up the leather from the saddle. He took out a heavy cloth bag from his bag and handed it to his father with both hands. "Let's see. This is in exchange for doing business with the Russians."

Mistuy took a look at the big boy, then weighed the bag, and a sense of familiarity suddenly emerged: "Is it a coin?" The drawstring was pulled open, and as expected, it was filled with shiny silver coins.

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【The Rise of Rurik】 【】

Just like his son, Mistui was also jealous when he saw a good silver coin.

He glanced at his son again, his eyes already filled with happiness.

Blessed: "How much did you pay?"

"It's just five carts of wheat. It's a tribute from the Rostock people, and I heard that the Russian army didn't destroy it, and the local Baron Urken also came safely..."

"Ugh...so should I really believe him?"

"Maybe. King Ross is there. Father..." Anadog concealed some words.

Mistuy shook his head, slowly took off his helmet, and sighed softly: "Our family is a Frankish vassal. Although I live as a king, I am not strong enough to dare to use pure gold to make a crown. Now I Just wear a gold headband and go meet their king. Now go and tell King Rus that if you are really sincere, you will ride a horse and stand in the center of the two armies."


A moment. Anadog came back on horseback. Judging from his radiant expression, he probably convinced his father.

"Have we negotiated? Your father is willing to have a good chat with me?" Rurik asked.

"Yes. If your Majesty is willing, please stand in the center of the venue, one person and one horse. My father will arrive when he changes into decent clothes."

"Ha! How brave. I am the king and he is just a count, and you still want me to wait for him?" Rurik mustered up his harsh words, and when he saw Anadog was a little embarrassed, he waved his hand: "That's all. When I see your father walking out of the military formation, I can go there in person for a while. This is the honor bestowed upon you by this king."

Anadog secretly rejoiced, after all, the king of Frank had never given Obotelit such courtesy. In order for both parties to conclude peace, he is willing to continue to be the middleman to deliver messages.

Anadog also heard that the Russian army captured the defeated Ludwig.

They are powerful and noble, and now their king, as a guest, has to pay tribute to the host with practical actions. This is really Lubeck's dignity.

But speaking of Count Mistuy, his leather headband had multiple gold pieces inserted into it, forming the shape of a crown, but no one could say he was wearing a crown.

Aubert Liddit is indeed a relatively powerful force, so much so that in the records of the Archbishop of Reims, the Naconides family is labeled "dux", which is actually equivalent to Ludwig and Charles the Bald. A heavyweight noble.

But the reality is that Obert Liddit's legal title is that of an earl.

Now that Charles has gone to the Earl of Tours, Robert, who has immigrated to his father-in-law's fiefdom, is faced with many considerations. Together with other Aquitaine nobles, he has to elect the young prince Charles as the big boss to fight against the emperor.

Charles did not have any fiefdom and was so destitute that he had no food to eat. It is precisely because he has lost all real power and only has a noble bloodline. He lives like a bird in a cage but is extremely eager to have real power. For this kind of obviously uncontrollable prince, the southern nobles had to hold their noses and endure a series of his actions. Require.

Mistuy was aware of this situation, but his eyes were still focused on the powerful Ludwig.

One powerful manifestation is that after losing 30,000 troops, he can quickly pull out another 30,000 troops. This is Ludwig's power. Even if this great nobleman ushered in his own "defeat of the Teutonic Forest Castle", Mistuy was afraid of and envied his ability to quickly restore his troops.

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【The Rise of Rurik】 【】

The civil war is reaching an irreconcilable level, and the tragedy of the sacking of Aachen has made

Lothair was able to take charge of this because Ludwig was treacherous and crazy, so he deposed the entire Ludwig family from their titles by order of the Roman emperor.

However, since the nobles on the right bank of the Rhine had a community of interests with Ludwig, no one agreed with such an order to depose him. Instead, it strengthened their support for Ludwig and made many great nobles see the situation clearly, especially It was Ludwig himself.

And this is what Mistuy has a hard time grasping, because no matter who wins, Lübeck will not suffer military or economic losses. On the contrary, he personally made the bets. Once he chose the wrong person, the liquidation after the war would be enough to cause the collapse of the Naconid family.

"Are the Ross people really planning to help Ludwig? King Ross is serious. I will talk to him personally. If he is really like this, I..." The headband with gold pieces in it is hooped in a manner that resembles a crown. Mistuy's curly hair, his mentality has been shaken and he is more inclined to Ludwig.

What can we talk about with King Rus? Maybe that's the topic.

Maybe King Ross is very concerned about it.

When his son came back on horseback to reply to King Rus' request, Mistuy thought it was better to take the initiative on his own after thinking about the actual situation.

He was also very much looking forward to it. He had long heard that King Soros was a strange man who was said to have been protected by the gods of the north and thus performed great deeds. He didn't completely believe that if he looked at the true appearance of King Ross this time, if it was a real hero, he would definitely look like a hero. Even now, looking at it from a distance, he could feel that King Ross's image was quite majestic.

"Sir, it may be dangerous for you to go in person! Let us follow you to protect you." He

The guard persuaded him in time.

"That will give the Russians an excuse to act wild. You all stand down, I just want to go there myself."

After saying that, Mistuy slapped his face hard, tightened the reins, clamped the horse's belly with his legs, and moved forward one person and one horse.

Slowly he reached the center point of the two armies.

In the Rus military formation, Anadog noticed his father's initiative and informed Rurik: "Great King, as you can see, my father is already waiting for you."

It was a man with curly hair, and he looked well-groomed. "Very good, your father also has the appearance of a king." After saying a polite word, Rurik said again: "You don't want to follow me anymore. The rest is a conversation between a king and a king. Let's go!"

In a moment, Rurik rode away in full view of everyone, his golden ponytail flying behind his head.

In terms of height, Rurik is a head taller than Mistuy, but when comparing the horses of both sides, Mistuy's is still better.

Having received this opportunity, Mistui straightened his back and wanted to take a good look at the legendary King of Rus to confirm for himself that those bizarre claims were accurate.

Looking up and down today, for example, he could see a kind of heroism in King Ross's eyes, a kind of look that only a strong man can have, which invisibly gave people an indescribable sense of oppression.

"It seems...you are the ruler of Lübeck." Rurik spoke first.

"It's me." Mistuy announced his identity and tried his best to maintain his dignity. Of course he admired such a blond northern noble who could indeed speak Slavic. After all, they were uninvited guys. As the owner of the territory, Mistui had to express his dissatisfaction.

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【The Rise of Rurik】 【】

Even if it's just verbally.

"Russians! I heard that you are friends with the Danes. I know a lot about you. Why? Your army came uninvited and now it is approaching Lübeck. Your warships even blocked my port, making me ordinary. The fishermen have lost their livelihood. I heard that you came with a peaceful attitude, can I really believe you?"

"Uncle!" Rurik deliberately used a very affectionate title: "I have no interest in your territory. At least for you, I do come with a peaceful attitude."

"You actually called me uncle. How can I have such a powerful friend like you? But we can meet here as equals. I think I can trust your peace."

"You can trust me completely. Because once a fight breaks out, it will not do you or me any good. I heard that your relationship with the Saxons is also good. One of my sons is engaged to the daughter of the Duke of Saxony. I am an ally with the Saxons. In this case, your Obert Liddit and I can maintain a quasi-alliance."

Good relations with Saxons? Hearing what King Ross said, Mistuy lowered his head and smiled sheepishly. There used to be fierce battles between the two sides. Obert Liddit's southwest territory was snatched from the Saxons through war, so the territory reached all the way to the Elbe River and even continued southward through that river.

One thing King Rus said was right. The two sides have not fought for decades. Ever since Louis the Pious succeeded the emperor, Saxony and Oberlitt have maintained non-aggression until now.

Mistui explained one point along the way: "

Indeed. When you were fighting against Ludwig, I didn't know who to support so I chose to stand still. However, I took in many Saxon refugees. You see, my actions can be described as merciful. Without my help, the people of the Duke of Saxony would have suffered heavy casualties. "

"Oh? Then I should thank you on behalf of Liudolf of Saxony."

"No need to thank me. But there is one thing I really don't understand."

"What is it?" Rurik asked.

"Now those princes are fighting for the power of the empire, what about you? You fought a bloody battle with Ludwig two years ago, and I heard that you are going to fight for him now. You are not his vassal, why bother. You are the main northern The hero of the world, why do you have to fight for the Frankish nobles of the south? What good will this do to you?"

"Benefits?" Rurik thought with a smile, "Endless benefits. I am indeed not a vassal of any of them, and there is no way I can be. Uncle, I think you are a smart man. If you were made twenty years younger or even Thirty years later, I won’t ask questions that make me look old again.”

Mistui suddenly understood and looked into Rurik's eyes again without saying a word.

Rurik said again: "When I was in Wismar, I saw the cursed ruins of Rurik City, and I also saw the eastern fortress of Wismar that you ordered to build. Your son said that these were your instructions. You thought Expanding eastward to regain those Slavic-speaking peoples was indeed an attempt to establish a powerful kingdom centered on Lübeck.”

"It seems that you have seen through my mind. Yes! That's it. It's a pity that I am old."

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【The Rise of Rurik】 【】

"You are not old. My biological father is fifty years old.

He was still fighting at that time, and now he is seventy years old. If his body really couldn't bear it, he would still have to raise his troops and fight. A true hero's soul will not age, only his body will gradually age, just like an iron sword will gradually rust. "

There was a hidden meaning in Rurik's words, and Mistui noticed it keenly: "Is my soul already old?"

"I didn't say that, and I don't want to offend you. I saw a huge army guarding Lübeck, including heavy infantry, heavy cavalry, and militia soldiers who only wore civilian clothes. Although their combat effectiveness may be a little worse, they have long The spears are densely packed like a forest, and any enemy who breaks into it will be stabbed to death. You have a huge army that can conquer a large territory immediately, but you actually maintain your forbearance. I am afraid that without my troops coming to the city, you will not be in a hurry. Gather this army.”

Mistuy nodded: "Young man, your words are very true. Compared to the Danes I know, you, the hero of Russia, are also very polite in your words."

"Uncle!" Rurik lowered his profile here. "I met your eldest son in Wismar. I learned that he is only a few years older than me."


"Do I look very old? I am indeed only twenty-three years old." Rurik told the truth, this body is indeed like this, but the delicate beard he can manage, while looking capable and energetic, He also appears very mature and steady.

"Only twenty-three years old? Incredible. Did you already achieve those achievements when you were twenty-one?"

"You don't believe it? No, you can completely believe that I will also go to Frank to get greater achievements. Uncle! We

United! "

"Unite? Shall we unite? How to unite? Why unite?" This is indeed something Mistuy has never thought of.

"I don't like Lothair, but Ludwig is now willing to put aside his arrogance and communicate with me calmly. Almost all the nobles who surrendered to Ludwig are my allies, and I have no reason to fight with Ludwig. , and according to the treaty two years ago, when someone attacks Ludwig's eastern forces, I can grant the treaty and bring the northern army to help. You see, my army actually fulfilled the contract."

Based on Mistuy's understanding, he still felt that in a sense, Ross, who had won the war, still surrendered to Ludwig, Duke of Bavaria. This is the only way he can understand it from his worldview.

On the contrary, what King Ross said was indeed constructive. Based on the current international situation, the King of Rus claimed that the power of surrender to Rus has expanded to the entire Courland coast, and even the Kashuben clan on the Pomerania coast has also surrendered.

In this way, the power of the Ross Kingdom is almost bordering on land with Oberlidit, and there is only a small kingdom on the island of Rügen in between, and this small country has just burned a large city by the Ross navy because it blocked the advance.

King Rus himself was standing here on horseback, and Mistuy suddenly felt alarmed that Oberlidit was facing serious strategic isolation.

In the eastern forest, there is the Liutich Alliance built by traitors. In the north and the west, those forces formed an alliance due to treaties.

Due south in Thuringia, Mistui was tepid with the guys. In the opposite direction to the east, there are also this group of Wende tribes, especially those who are firmly controlled by Ludwig like slaves.

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【The Rise of Rurik】 【】

Sorbian people.

He suddenly discovered that Obotelit, centered on Lübeck, had not formed an alliance with any force and was only a vassal of the "Roman Emperor" in a legal sense.

It is an anomaly that he maintains a peaceful situation with all the forces. Looking at his own army, if it were not for the thousands of soldiers who arrived at the call, the surrounding forces would have already begun to slaughter him. As for their failure to take action, it must be because of the vassal reduction war launched by the Roman Emperor Lothair.

The current situation is obviously very unfavorable to Lothair. Judging from the "glorious history" of the bloody internal strife of the Charlemagne family, Lothair, who is trapped in Strasbourg, may be defeated and die, and then the Duke of Bavaria will He may be crowned emperor, and then there will be rewards for meritorious service to tributaries such as the Duke of Saxe. What will happen to Obertridite, who is a vassal and does not send a single soldier to fight?

Will those free nobles...

I can’t even imagine it anymore!

Mistuy, who had lived a long time, made a quick calculation in his mind. When the two nobles met frankly, he took a deep breath and made a major decision: "Okay! King Rus, we can unite. Just by Lübeck represents the entire Oberlidit and all the forces under Ross’s command... unite!”

This is what Rurik wanted, and he secretly rejoiced in his heart and said, "Then, I will continue to call you uncle." For the fastest updated and error-free novel reading, please visit on your mobile phone:

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