Rise of Rurik

Chapter 1588 He actually placed all my achievements on the dead Hugo

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Little did Reglaf know that when the heavy snow that swept across Western Europe fell, a huge army had already arrived at the Moselle River.

The Ross army firmly controlled the city of Trier, transformed it into its own camp, and planned to successfully spend the winter here.

The Russian army sent troops to Thionville, and when the snowfall had just ended, they had already reached the city of Metz.

The violent attack on Metz has begun...

Geographically, Metz is 450 kilometers away from Tours!

If it is a flat grassland, the horse team can complete this journey in ten days. If they run in the "eight hundred mile rush" mode that beats the horse to death, it will only take three days and nights to complete the journey.

However, Metz and Tour were only separated by large forests, rolling hills and dense river networks.

Naturally, a small group of travelers can force their way through these wasteland forests, and large army operations must give priority to following the existing ancient Roman roads.

To reach Tours from Metz, the army had to make a large circle on the ancient Roman road in order to have a smooth march.

From Metz to Dijon to Salon-sur-Saône, this is the First Avenue of Agrippa.

Then turn west from Salon to Autun, Bourges, and then to Tours. This is the High Road of Gaul.

On the macro map, the entire path looks like a large right-angled polyline, and the actual distance is stretched to more than 600 kilometers. This is the smoothest road between the two places.

Because this road is difficult to erode even under snow and rain, hundreds of years of wind have blown away the weathered sand and gravel, and its hard rammed earth foundation is still the thoroughfare for Frankish armies to quickly attack.

However, there are also small branch lines that pass directly through the gaps in the hills, starting from Reims and heading east to Verdun. Starting from this small town, you can then enter the wide valley plain where Metz is located through a mountain path.

It was part of the transportation system of the Roman Empire, but the road construction level was not high when it was built. The workers at that time only tamped the land for the road, and now the road is overgrown with weeds.

The distance between the two places is very far, and Tours has no idea that the Russian army suddenly appeared in the Metz area in the east and is raging.

Even the Burgundian army assembled in Dijon, which was quite close to Metz, did not know for a while that the Ross army was approaching the city of Metz.

On this snowy day, the city of Tours returned to its usual winter calm. The old earl family has collapsed. After the commotion, although the new Robertia family has taken control of the power, Robert has calmed down.

For more than a month, Robert stayed in the city and just practiced quietly.

Is there anything else to do in winter? The constant war lasted from spring to autumn, and they were fighting all year long. Now it was the agreed "winter war-free period". The army of Tours should stay at home to recuperate. Robert dismissed the knights. The SS troops recruited by Tours were also on minimum military alert.

It can be said that the current military defense in Tours is very poor. Robert does not think that such an undefended state is risky. He cannot believe that it is possible to launch a large-scale military operation in such a winter.

Especially now that it is snowing heavily, as long as you are not stupid, you should stay in a warm home and sleep.

Robert did not train an army, nor did he practice martial arts.

In the fourth year after losing his power as Count of Rheingau, he finally regained power in Tours. The exhilarating feeling of regaining power was great. He ate and drank a lot. In just one month, he gained a lot of weight, and the outline of his originally dry face became rounder.

"Ah! Life is very leisurely..."

Because it started to snow, and seeing the snow falling outdoors and the low dark clouds that almost reached the ground, Robert didn't feel any depression or discomfort. He just felt very relaxed and even started to feel sleepy.

Even birds and beasts will hibernate on snowy days, and the whole world will become extremely quiet. No matter how noble a person is, he should stay at home and warm himself by the fire.

It was in this lazy atmosphere that a cavalry team braved the snowfall and accelerated their pace.

Aribert didn't expect the snow to fall so quickly, and he felt a little guilty.

There was too much caution on the Roman road between the forests, and maybe the forest bandits in the area had been completely wiped out.

After passing through the forest area, ahead is the river and the city of Tours built along the river.

On a snowy day, the soldiers guarding the stone bridge reluctantly received this group of strange visitors. After learning that they actually carried an urgent order from the King of Aquitaine, they cheered up and removed the wooden barricades on the bridge.

Ordinary guards would not dare to obstruct the king's imperial envoy. Aribert's final journey went smoothly.

It's a coincidence that Robert, who was extremely bored, rode a horse around the city square in the snow. He had just returned to the Earl's mansion and had just taken off his robe and sat in front of the fireplace to drink some warm flower tea. , and received the report from the guard.

"What's going on? Is it really Charlie's envoy? There are still many people? Are they already at the city gate?" Robert put down the colored glass and frowned suddenly, feeling that things were not simple.

"My master!" the half-kneeling guard reported nervously: "Those people have a lot of background and arrogance. They brought a letter written by the king and claimed... to deliver the letter to you personally."

"Hey, Charlie is still a arrogant young man. What's so arrogant about him? Without the support of the nobles, he is just a stray dog." After venting his words, Robert waved his hand: "That's it, let them enter the city. Let the chief of the messengers see me."

"As commanded."

After the guards retreated, Robert wisely changed his clothes and put on his fine velvet hat.

He inherited the title and also owned all the property of the old earl family. What he disposed of was only the direct relics related to Little Hugo, and most of the fine objects were naturally kept as his own.

The dinner plate is made of sterling silver, the cup for drinking water and scented tea is made of stained glass, and the clothes he wears are also sewn with gold thread.

The relics of the glorious old Count Hugo III, who once founded the city, were all owned by his son-in-law named Robert. Just for these daily necessities, Robert did not enjoy it so much when he was in Rheingau. The quality of life in Tours is obviously better than before.

Moreover, he is the son-in-law of Hugo III, and the current "Roman Emperor" Lothair is also the son-in-law of Hugo III.

He and the emperor had this in common. The emperor kept losing battles, but he was determined to capture the entire Neustria and lead troops into Paris. He does not feel that he is nobler than the emperor, but he is certainly much nobler than the average earl-level noble.

He really feels that he is much better than himself four years ago in all aspects, and along with it comes greater desire.

Aliobert just wanted to complete the task quickly. He and his brothers lingered at the south gate of Tours for a while. Although the news had been sent by the guards, these gate guards did not regard his title as a baron. , provided any hot water and food, and did not give any fodder to the horses.

Maybe he came too abruptly and felt very bad about being ignored. Aribert couldn't help but worry about what trouble would happen in the next meeting.

Because the content of the king's personal letter is indeed a bit harsh.

Soon the guard who reported the news came and said: "My lords, you can meet my master. However... this is the great Tour. You still need to dismount and walk to my master's mansion on foot, and finally remove your weapons and face my master directly. .”

"Absurd!" Aribert suddenly changed his expression: "I am the envoy of His Majesty the King! The brand-new Count of Tours should treat me with courtesy."

He looked at the guard and his tone became tougher: "My master gave this order. In Tours, my master is everything."

"Bah! Does he still want to be king?"

Thinking of being entertained despite a serious misunderstanding in Shannon, and then being blocked at the gate of Tours, Ariubert had already thought about how to report to the king.

After some cursing, Aribert still gave in. He simply took off all his weapons, including the dagger from his waist.

He ordered most of his entourage to be taken at the door, and he followed the guard into Robert's mansion with a handful of unarmed entourage.

His slaves are so arrogant, Aribert

I have no extravagant expectations for what will happen next.

Including no longer expecting Robert to provide accommodation and food for everyone, the worst he can do is deliver the letter and leave. As for how to stay in a snowy day, that is not a problem. For example, go to St. Martin's Cathedral to stay for a day and eat. After one or two shabby fast meals, I will just leave regardless of the snowfall tomorrow.

Soon, he stood in Robert's new and unprepossessing mansion.

Indeed, in terms of the dignity of the mansion, it is indeed far inferior to the palace of the King of Aquitaine.

Aliobert hugged his bag tightly and ordered his followers to stand outside, even though their shoulders were already covered with snow.

"You guys stay here, I think I'm just going to come."

He didn't stay far at all, so he followed the guard who led the way, entered the wall, and quickly climbed the wooden ladder into the so-called living room.

At this moment, Robert was sitting on a wooden chair covered with leather blankets. He asked his wife to avoid him and sat here completely as the master of Tours.

Robert listened to the footsteps getting closer and closer, and saw the dusty king's messenger approaching him.

"My Lord Count of Tours." Aribert held his leather bag in his left hand, covered his heart with his right hand, and bowed mechanically.

"Are you the king's messenger? Have you brought important news from the king?"

Just as he had guessed, Robert's face was indeed happy, and he pretended to be arrogant with a sullen face.

Think about it, many rumors also show that Robert was quite arrogant and used cruel methods against farmers in the Le Mans and Orleans areas. Those priests who learned of the situation simply criticized: This man's soul has been corrupted by the devil.

Thinking of this, Aribert stood up straight and raised his chin slightly in an air of contempt as a silent protest.

He continued: "The king wrote a personal letter and ordered me, the baron, to deliver it to you personally."

"You? Are you still a baron? You can't be the local baron in Aquitaine, right?" Robert teased, stroking his chin slightly.

"I am a baron from Alsace. My family served the Count of Tours."

"Oh? I am Count Tour. Are you saying...that you are loyal to me?"

"No! It's the previous one. But now I only owe allegiance to King Charles of Aquitaine himself."

"Hey, your attitude doesn't seem like you intend to be loyal to me." Robert waved his hand. He already understood that the old guy in front of him was a down-and-out noble. "Give me your letter! I can understand Latin! If indeed, Charlie wrote the letter in Latin."

"Frankish. My master knows very well that you are a pure Frank."

"Thankfully, he knows. Anyway, the Earl of Tours supports him. Now that I have inherited the title, I will naturally continue this support." As he spoke, Robert looked directly into the eyes of the person in front of him. He didn't bother to ask about the other person's identity. Name and knighthood, now he speaks his mind without any shame: "Thanks to my battles in the past two years, Le Mans has been captured by me. Next year I will completely capture Orleans, and I will also capture Paris. Because I am fighting hard, he Only then can I safely rule as king in Aquitaine. Give me the letter! Let’s see what kind of reward Charles will give me.”

Aribert realized that he had heard what Robert was saying. He never expected that this guy had a high opinion of himself, and what he said and said was not respectful to Charlie!

As for the letter in the bag, the text in it is not a commendation for Robert's military exploits.

He opened his pocket, spread out the curled parchment letter, and handed it over with one hand.

Robert accepted the letter with joy, thinking that he would see Charles verbally commend him, and even make major promises of money, fiefs, and new titles.

Robert even had the illusion that Charles unilaterally recognized that he had power over the entire Neustria region, but...

Robert was smiling at first, but the more he looked down, the more ugly his face became.

He finished reading the document, then tore the parchment scroll apart in front of the messenger and balled it up into a ball. He got up in a rage, still holding the ball tightly with both hands.

"Ridiculous! I lead troops to fight

Isn't it the ultimate defense of his power? What is Charlie doing? Why don't you recognize my dominance over Le Mans and Anjou? tell me! Is this really your master's handiwork? "

Alibert could guess Robert's rage, but he never expected that this guy could suspect that the letter was a fake, and even suggested that it was his own arrogance.

"This is indeed my master's wish," he said.

"Huh? Do you already know the content of the letter?"

Aribert did not flinch: "Because I am the king's attendant and have always been the king's loyal servant. Robert! Since you have inherited the title of Tours, you have only inherited the title of Tours. You have never been Anjou. With the Count of Le Mans!"

"But these two places are in my hands, and I won Le Mans."

"The letter clearly stated that Anjou and Le Mans were acquired by Count Hugo's family."

"I led the troops to knock it down!" Robert shouted, stamping his feet, and the sound seemed to shake the snow off the roof.

"Your soldiers are also soldiers from Tours. At that time, you were just a general, but now you are a count! Sir Robert, you should be happy that the king has now officially recognized you as the count of Tours. This way the whole of Aquitaine and Toulouse All the nobles have recognized your identity."

"I am the legal heir! I naturally inherited Anjou, and I won Le Mans." Robert continued to roar, and now... he was already showing some timidity.

Because the messenger in front of him was not talking nonsense, this guy described the logic of the issue of knighthood so grandly, I am afraid that this is what Charlie did - in addition to delivering the letter, he also arranged a mouthpiece to speak on his behalf.

Robert hesitated for a moment, lowered his head, and his eyes could not help but reveal murderous intent: "Damn it, isn't he afraid that I will defect to Lothair?"

Such serious words were not expected by Aribert. The scene fell into dead silence, except for the firewood in the fireplace that was still crackling and burning.

Aribert thought for a while: "But now, besides being loyal to Lord Charles, who else can you loyal to? You killed the Earl family of Le Mans, isn't your next step planning to kill William of Orleans? If it is not a native of Tours The lower nobles support you, how do you get soldiers to fight? I am now in desolation and can only be an envoy without an army. How about you? You were also in destitution. If you were not the son-in-law of the old Earl of Tours, how could you have what you have now? Power?"


Robert couldn't argue with that.

Aribert said: "I am just a messenger delivering a letter. As the letter shows, you are just the Count of Tours. You are not the Count of Le Mans, you are not the Count of Anjou, and you will not be the Count of Orleans in the future. The letter also describes clearly, you If you can capture Paris, the king will naturally give you a decent reward."

"I understand now that he actually placed all my past achievements on the dead Hugo?"

"Everything is the king's wish. Find Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyua.com and I and my subordinates have no need to make unreasonable opinions. Lord Robert, I am just an envoy, and I have to leave now. But it's freezing cold now..."

"What?" Robert looked at him sideways: "You still want me to provide you with accommodation and food? Aren't you a baron? You can solve the problem of accommodation and food on your own."

"Of course. Lord Robert, may God bless you. Farewell!"

Ariobbert didn't want to stay in this damn count's mansion for a second anymore. He turned around and left, and there was a very hurried sound of going downstairs. Robert was left alone holding the ball of parchment and roaring angrily.

It's just one arrogant person taking on another arrogant person.

Charles' arrogance directly deprived Robert of all the power that he claimed to have successfully inherited, leaving him only the title of Tours. Otherwise, this kind of recognition only exists in letters, and Charles seems to disdain to do the formal knighthood ceremony.

For a moment, Robert also thought of rebelling, rebelling against Charlie just like he rebelled against Ludwig.

But he realized that he couldn't make this kind of decision, so Robert had no choice but to support Charlie's arrangements for him.

Robert, who calmed down, suddenly discovered that if the local small nobles of Tours no longer supported him, the Archbishop of Tours would no longer support him.

If he doesn't hold on to himself, the so-called Earl of Tours will become a lost dog again.

Because it was a branch of the Hugo family, the nephew of the old Earl Hugo III, Gerald. That man's family was recognized by Lothair as the Earl of Alsace. No matter what, the imperial civil war will definitely end in some form. Gerald, who lives in Alsace, still has certain claims to Tours as a side family.

If he chooses to rebel, will the local nobles in Tours really support him?

No! The title of Count of Tours will be given to others.

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