Rise of Rurik

Chapter 1,632 Regraf before the fire

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Amidst the scolding, the family members of the defenders were driven out of the monastery.

At the same time, except for the large sanctuary of the monastery, the various residences in Anjou City, which were surrounded by thick stone walls, were empty. The belongings left behind in the houses seemed to be gifts prepared for Reglaf.

One group of people waved their fists at another group of people, and those boxing dancers looked at them from time to time, only to curse even more loudly.

To Reglaf, all the measures were more like a performance. "Are these the residents of Anjou in the inner city? Well, they can help me drive out the parasites."

If this group of guys got into a fight with another group of guys, Regraf wouldn't be too lazy to stop them.

He would not pity the families of the defenders who were driven away. It would be an act of kindness for him to spare these people's lives.

At this time, the abbot and the priests stood aside. They all put on black robes. The wooden cross standing behind them formed a stark irony with the chaos in the stone square.

Dean Raymond remained silent. He lowered his head slightly and tilted his hat forward. While he was paying attention to Reglaf's actions, he was also paying attention to the very agitated people.

Feeling that the farce could come to an end, Reglaf ordered the veteran holding the shield to walk over aggressively.

The steel sword struck the large buckler, and the shield wall stopped the "mob" who were busy performing, and then forced them back with sharp eyes.

Looking at the family members of the defenders sitting on the ground, the women all had dull eyes, and many children were so frightened that they cried. The children in pain were cuddled tightly by their mothers, who hid their little heads in an attempt to prevent the children from seeing the tragedy.

there is a moment

, Regraf also felt compassion, but it was fleeting.

He pulled out his steel sword and came forward menacingly. The sharp sword only supported the east gate of the city, and shouted: "I know your identity! Leave now! Leave Anjou forever. If Tours is kind, he will resettle you. But I ! You are not welcome!

Then, he continued to order these people to leave in Frankish, which still had a strange accent.

In the end, under the coercion of the shield wall, the defenders and their families had no time to get their belongings and were forced out of the city.

At this moment, blood stains were everywhere at the east gate, and the bodies of all the killed defenders were piled together. The dead horses of the deceased were all dragged outside the city and were being cut up wildly by thousands of hungry people who were swarming in.

Even the deadly horse liver was taken away by hungry people. As for the tragedy that would happen after using it, Reglaf couldn't care less.

The corpses of the defenders were temporarily piled on top of each other, like a temple at the gate of the city.

Such a terrifying scene seems to be described only in the scriptures, the so-called Sodom after being sanctioned by the archangel.

The hungry people were busy cutting horse meat, paying no attention to the dead bodies close at hand. Besides, those who were killed were all the city defenders who were arrogant a few days ago. Let me ask each household, which one has not been looted by this group of damn defenders?

The hungry people had never seen the atrocities committed by Norman pirates, but they knew what banditry was.

Maybe those blond soldiers who just landed are Normans? According to those who were catching marmots in the wasteland outside the city, the soldiers who had just entered were indeed Normans, and their leader was the lord of Shannon next door. Today, Anjou is under the rule of the same great lord.

News spreads ten times

From time to time, hungry people cut horse meat and took the good news home with them, along with the bloody horse meat.

Nearly a hundred dead horses, so many well-trained horses were killed inexplicably, which was a loss to Reglaf in a short period of time.

What he didn't expect was that he had no idea how much the locals hated the Tour garrison who looted excessively. They ate their horse meat and saw the garrison killed. News spread quickly like a flood throughout the highly populated villages near Anjou. Tens of thousands of people got the good news - a group of new rich people helped everyone get rid of their evil spirits.

As for whether the new rich will treat everyone well, maybe they will.

Women hurried out of the city with their children in their arms, and they soon discovered their slain husbands. The desire to survive outweighed their fear, and they continued to pull and hold their children, heading towards the outside of the city without stopping at all.

Wild quilt.

The family members left with empty hands, and that night, they quietly met with the remnants of the defenders hiding in the forest outside the city.

It was through the family members who escaped that the captain of the garrison learned what had happened in the city, and also learned the exact identities of the Normans.

Perhaps, fortunately for the garrison captain, his wife and children were exiled and their lives were temporarily saved. However, he lost control of the city of Anjou. The city was small, and he lost all the tributes to the Count of Tours. This was the most terrible thing.

He couldn't help but touch his head, fearing that Robert would be beheaded when he went back. But he has no choice but to go back. I'm afraid it's best to rectify all the broken troops now and take his family with him to move towards Tours.

"Baron Shannon! It is indeed you!" After learning the true identity of the other party, all the defeated troops who wanted to fight back,

Considering the other party's name, they were all intimidated. Because they were indeed the Norman mercenaries who fought with Tour's army. They were a group of northern ruthless people who had experienced hundreds of battles and were ruthless.

Because several months had passed since Shannon's official split from Tours, Baron Shannon was not a vassal of the Earl of Tours, and the situation now... was even more complicated.

Any counterattack and sneak attack, at best, is a passionate counterattack by defeated troops, but at worst, it is actually a war against Anjou on behalf of Tours. The latter is the most sensitive! Tours had gone to war with Anjou ten years earlier. Is history going to repeat itself? Robert is the son-in-law of Hugo III. Does this man have the strength and courage of his father-in-law?

The commander of the fleeing garrison asked his last subordinates to try their best to settle all the family members who had escaped from the city. However, there was a serious lack of food. The wives and children of the brothers who died in the battle could only console themselves with words, and the limited supplies were limited to the soldiers.

But after counting the number of people, there were actually 300 men and women hiding in the forest! The garrison of Tours is a self-contained entity. They have been ordered to be stationed in Anjou for a long time. They have a close relationship with each other and know the wives and children of their brothers very well.

One group was evicted and all property confiscated. The women said nothing, but their "desire for reward" was written in their sad and angry eyes. The captain of the garrison tried to calm himself down. He took stock of the situation and realized that if he couldn't even get food, and he dragged such a group of people towards Tours, he was afraid that a large group of people would die of exhaustion and starve to death on the way. What's worse is that it's winter now. Although there is no snowstorm, everyone is in such a hurry that they don't even have tools to make a fire. This is why the troops fled into the forest to settle down.

There was not a single campfire in the camp.

Perhaps, he would be the one to provoke a new war between Tours and Anjou, but the garrison captain still made a difficult choice.

He knew clearly that the counterattack was just adding fuel to the fire, and for his own sake, he still had a large number of women and children in his hands. He fought hard so that the families of the brothers who died in the battle could make it to Tours alive.

He collected his defeated troops and waited until early the next morning. In the dew and fog, a small group of cavalry rushed towards the nearest village.

Now that things have happened, they no longer need to restrain themselves. All the defeated soldiers turned into bandits and hacked all the villagers who were running around wantonly. Then they violently broke into the villagers' homes and took away all the food they could find.

Unexpectedly, the defeated soldiers who turned into robbers discovered that there were some roasted meat here. After tasting it carefully, they found that the meat was really rough. There was no need to worry too much anymore. The villagers who had been raided still had some surplus food in their homes, and they took away whatever they found edible.

Originally, the news about the new rich coming to Anjou City spread throughout the night to the villages near Anjou City. The small village that was attacked just thought that everything would get better. Just in the early morning, a pair of cavalry came out of the mist, destroying the village in an instant. Sweet dreams.

But the villagers knew that these cavalry must have nothing to do with the soldiers in the city. Looking at their barbaric style, the villagers who were attacked immediately thought of the defenders who rode on horseback to search for wealth a few days ago.

Soon, the winter sunshine dispelled the cold morning fog, and the villagers who were attacked were left lying in pieces, with villagers dying tragically, and some even a whole family died in their own homes.

The attackers found fire and a bow drill to make a fire. Out of the mentality of "If we don't get you, we won't be able to live well", the defeated team openly set fire to it before leaving.

This further caused panic among local villagers. As for the consequences of arson, they were busy retreating and only left a piece of horseshoe prints...

After completing this evil deed, they fled back to the refuge camp in the forest with the food they grabbed.

The captain did not dismount, but anxiously ordered all the men and women who were sitting around to stand up immediately, threatening them with words: "Let's leave quickly! Those Normans will continue to hunt us!"

As for whether Reglaf's troops in Anjou would break their promise, those who took refuge outside the city had no time to think about it. Regardless of hunger, they followed the defeated troops and continued to flee eastward along the river...

At the same time, as the fire situation in the attacked village became worse and worse, Reglaf stayed in the inner city of Anjou to rest. He and the soldiers could no longer expect a lazy sleep.

It was the priest who first received the report from the villagers. After a while, the abbot rushed to the garrison camp that had been occupied by Reglaf's troops with such heavy news.

The news reached the ears of the upstart.

"Attack? Fire? I just got Anjou, who is causing trouble?" He was so excited that he left the wooden bed without even bothering to change his clothes, and stepped on the cold floor with his feet.

Yesterday, Abbot Raymond established a deep cooperative relationship with the new Count of Anjou, although this was only a tacit understanding that had just been concluded.

Since the incident happened suddenly, the dean's hasty behavior was not at all polite.

The dean nervously described the specific situation. The suspicious Regraf quickly changed his clothes. He and his brothers who had left the warm stone house early gathered on the stone floor of the military camp. With a sideways glance, you can see the northeast of the city.

Thick smoke billows.

Under the morning sun, the terrible thick smoke was black and yellowish. At a glance, it was obvious that it was the unique smoke after burning haystack roofs - the roofs of local villages were all paved with haystacks that had been used for many years.

Regraf gritted his teeth. He estimated that the defenders who had successfully escaped yesterday had done this deliberately.

The veteran beside him said casually: "Your Majesty, are you demonstrating against us?"

"That's right." Another brother said viciously: "They can't defeat us on the battlefield, so they use despicable means to vent their anger on the local farmers. This is a cowardly act. Let's chase them now, even if we say we can't, we can still catch up."

"Then let's go and take a look." Regraf signaled everyone to shut up, and then ordered everyone who woke up to suspend all work today and immediately go to the location of the incident to find out.

He quickly mounted his horse and met up with Bruno, who was also riding a horse. They both led hundreds of warriors from the north gate of the city, and then turned to the northeast of the city.

Although they saw the smoke billowing here in the city and really put themselves in their shoes to investigate, based on the battlefield experience of the veterans, they did not think that the scene of the attack was a "tragedy."

Less than twenty villagers were killed, which was nothing compared to the battlefield littered with corpses.

But some injured villagers were sitting helplessly on the side, and some friends tried their best to help them.

Many villagers hid out of fear, and now some people finally followed the footsteps of the priests and returned to the village. Some people carrying wooden barrels went to the nearest main channel of the Mann River to fetch water and try to put out the increasingly serious fire. Unfortunately, the villagers' houses are connected to the city. There has been no rainfall or snowfall in the area in recent days, and the densely packed houses are relatively small.

With the dry weather, the fires are spreading to such a desperate rate that all watering efforts are in vain.

Just by looking at the attire of the soldiers who arrived again, the villagers could realize who was the attacker and who was the upstart.

Yesterday, the blood-stained cloth robes had been washed clean. Although it was still a little damp this morning, the soldiers were now outside the fire scene. Their yellow-striped cloth robes were drying quickly under the intense fire. Many soldiers' foreheads were sweating because of the heat. .

Warming up by a fire in winter is generally pleasant, but if nothing is done to deal with the fire, once it spreads, the city of Anjou may be caught in a sea of ​​flames...

(The Saint-Martin Church in Anjou was destroyed by fire and later rebuilt.)

This is no longer an ordinary fire, it is related to everyone's life and death. Maybe everyone can escape now, then they will be called cowards, and Anjou will be a dark ruin in the future, and it will cost a lot of money to rebuild it.

Talk about yourself again

To send an army to Anjou for the expedition after spring plowing, it is not only to recruit troops, but also to obtain some supplies from the local area in a timely manner. In a sense, the previous garrison plundered the people's wealth and piled supplies in the city. Those guys made the people complain, but the food was really gathered in one place. Reglaf could reasonably withhold these grains to use as military rations, and presumably the villagers would not dare to ask the upstarts to return their lost grains.

Last night, Reglaf happily took over the granary in the city, and he also accepted the horses and donkeys in the stables. Their appearance greatly strengthened the logistics capabilities of the coalition forces, and the soldiers accompanying Reglaf were all happy. .

In addition to being happy, Reglaf also planned to allocate part of the food for relief. The hungry people would receive rations to survive and seeds for spring plowing. The people would not starve to death but would have no money left at all. Such a poor person only has one life left. If a group of stronger people are organized into the militia, the military expansion operation will be successful.

But now, everyone on the edge of the fire can no longer laugh.

Seeing the abbot wearing a bishop's hat coming in person, a large number of helpless people prostrate themselves around him, as if the priests could use a miracle to extinguish the fire.

"Oh God! Please save us!" The "miracle" Dean Raymond could do was to raise his hands and pray to the sky. Obviously the archangel did not respond, and he was helpless in the face of the fire.

Only a fool would remain indifferent in the face of fire.

Reglaf's whole body was scorching hot. His soldiers stood here. No one was afraid of the flames. They all determined the originator of the fire. They estimated that this was a malicious act by the fleeing troops.

The fire has caused economic losses to Anjou. Who should bear this debt? Naturally, it was on Count Tour's head.

At this moment, Becon and other Anjou knights actually felt a little guilty standing here.

Bekon walked into Reglaf on behalf of everyone: "Sir, we have been informed of the situation. It is really my responsibility that we did not kill all the defeated troops yesterday."

"You don't have to say it. It's the enemy's responsibility." Reglaf faced the fire and raised his hand to signal, "Things have happened, and many things are irreversible. What we need to do now is to let this end."

"Put out the fire? How to put out the fire?"

"I've thought of some ways

. "

Regraf was definitely not in a daze and sweating. He paid attention to the surroundings of the fire scene and quickly determined a plan. He gave a vivid example and told Beikong: "If a soldier is hit in the arm by an arrow, and the wound has festered and has maggots, in order to survive, we need to amputate the soldier's limb."

"What are you planning to do..." Bei Kong had already figured out something.

"Now, take your men and organize the cavalry immediately and bring the ropes you found. We must pull down some houses to create firebreaks. Only by losing some houses can we save the entire Anjou."

Beikong nodded deeply: "I understand."

The villages near Anjou are all under the direct jurisdiction of the earl, and Regrave has direct tax rights over the residents here. Without the instructions of the earl himself, Beikong would not dare to destroy the local plants and trees.

After receiving the order, they quickly returned on horseback, and then according to Reglaf's emergency plan, they tied some wooden beams and pillars with ropes, and the horses and people worked together to pull down the house.

More soldiers were ordered to take action, and then the priests received requests from the newly appointed earl to organize local residents to participate in the action.

Although the action is to avoid fires in the city, it really requires the most direct economic stimulus to make civilians willing to tear down their shabby houses. Regraf made a promise: those who participated in the action will be paid in food immediately, and those who lost their houses can Live in the inner city.

A heavy load of grain is better than ten thousand kind words. As soon as they heard that the upstart had a magic trick to put out the fire, and then they heard that there was food from the upstart, thousands of villagers rushed over! These people have received the benefits of horse meat like no other. They are all men and they can only be men. After eating horse meat, their physical fitness has recovered a lot.


The King's flag stood at the edge of the fire, and the blond Norman soldiers were already shirtless. They worked together to rush to the fire scene with the wood, shouting Norse chants and push the burning house.

with horse

The men kept pushing the unburnt wooden houses to the edge and tried to pull the collapsed wood and haystacks as far away as possible.

The chest hair that was originally made of golden plush threads all stuck to the body, and the Norman's skin, which should have been extremely fair, was burned and turned red. Old Eric and his brothers have already rushed forward. They are not fighting for these boring villagers, but are fighting for their own wealth very simply.

Although the troops fighting the fire did not have a high moral consciousness, all their actions in disguise protected tens of thousands of villagers.

The new upstarts were indeed different from the previous armies. The people had a sense of balance in their hearts, so they spontaneously rushed to the Mann River, bringing out small barrels, large wooden barrels, and even wooden troughs for donkeys to eat fodder, anything that could hold water. Containers are on the move.

Thousands of soldiers and civilians took action, and by noon, although the fire was still alarming, it was firmly controlled within a limited range.

The operation to create a barrier was so successful that all that was left seemed to be waiting for the combustibles on the fire site to be extinguished.

Reglaf decided to speed up the process. He found that the manpower of the local residents was already well used, so he continued to direct them to pour water on the fire! Even just getting the fringe area damp.

The people's power has been mobilized, and we should take advantage of the opportunity to win the hearts and minds of the people. Some pottery urns were originally used by villagers to hold water and put out fires. They were temporarily requisitioned, and then the people watched helplessly as a large amount of wheat was thrown into them.


The burning sticks picked up from the fire ignited the dry firewood at the bottom of the urn. The water in the urn was getting hotter and hotter, and the work of cooking the wheat porridge was in full swing. Anyone who participates in putting out the fire, as long as they show their sweaty chest and back, and the black carbon marks on their body and face, can get a share of the pie, which is what Reglaf promised.

In the afternoon, the fire began to weaken and a mud patch was artificially created near the fire scene.

On the other hand, Reglaf, who has fulfilled his promise, is already distributing wheat porridge. Even if the total amount of wheat in the wooden bowl is not much, it is unprecedented for him to be directly rewarded by the Earl.

As for who is the arsonist? The former Tours garrison who escaped by chance was also the one!

The fire of reality tends to go out at night, and the fire in the hearts of the people is completely ignited.

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