Rise of Rurik

Chapter 346: This trick on the wheat can't be hidden from Rurik

Olegin was rampant, and unprecedented tragic news soon reached Gould Island.

Rurik didn't want to comment on this, because this practice can be said to be since ancient times, any tycoon has robbed the property of the commoners like this, and the commoners will only rise up when they really can't survive, both ancient and modern, all over the world.

According to the information that came back, Rurik learned that Olegin did not really kill the chicken and retrieve the eggs.

However, your violence will inevitably make the life of ordinary people who are already stretched thin, even worse.

Looking at the vast lake, Rurik's sense of guilt quickly dissipated.

"There is no wheat to eat, why don't you eat surimi? What does your business have to do with me from the Rus."

Of course Rurik was most concerned about the delivery of up to half a million pounds of grain, for which Gould was already preparing a huge scale to count the incoming grain.

On Gould Island, a large wooden hut was cleaned up, and it was a warehouse used to temporarily park food.

Many wooden huts on the island were used as warehouses, and now, many wooden huts are full of goods. They are mostly vegetables such as onions and cabbage.

In this era, people do not have any scientific concept of diet. The biggest motivation for Europeans to grow vegetables is extremely simple - this thing can be eaten.

In the Frankish kingdom, some farmers have turned into full-time vegetable farmers, and the subsidiary they pay is vegetables.

In the Nordic world, some lands that are not suitable for growing wheat are used for widespread vegetable cultivation, of which onions are the most productive.

Gould's warehouse is stocked with onions bought from the Yilmalun tribe in the south. Every time she sees the onions in the warehouse, and then looks at the stewed soup in front of her, Carlotta thinks of the bad thing a year ago. Relatives have passed away, but fortunately Ostara is still alive, and those who survive will even become richer.

Because all the grain in the warehouse, and the huge amount of grain that will be piled in, is Rurik's property.

Rurik, what a merciful man!

Even the children of Ostara were rewarded with his food almost every day, and this reward also benefited a kind of slave child. The best thing anyone can do in return for this bounty is to serve Rurik. Practice martial arts well, grow up as a powerful army, and take revenge on the enemy.

It's the end of September,

The Meralen tribe under Olegen has finally completed this year's grain harvest. Even with the drought, he managed to get more grain than he did last year, so much so that his own barn was running out. If a cold rain suddenly fell at this time, it must be that a large amount of new wheat was directly rotted by the rain.

In a longship sat a distinguished visitor, none other than the arrogant Carl.

His face was very bad, with a sullen face, but he was dressed gorgeously, and his arrogant posture was really unbeatable.

The boat approached Gould Island and soon caught the attention of sailors at the dock arranging cables.

Soon, the mercenary standing at the scaffolding on the wooden wall on daily guard duty noticed that "a distinguished merchant" was approaching.

Gould and Rurik were heating the fire around the brazier in the warm wooden house, waiting for Orekin to bring all the wheat over. he

How many cargo ships they will send, Rurik estimates for himself, presumably even if they are transported by large cargo ships, there will be seventy ship trips. In the same way, it is probably an almost impossible task for Ross's fleet to simply transport the grain back at one time.

It can be said that just transporting this huge amount of food is an extreme test of an organization's maritime transport capabilities.

The mercenary knelt down and reported, "Sir, a businessman is here."

"Huh? Are there many ships?" Gould asked impatiently.

"Only one. Seems to be a merchant."

"Oh, I see." Gould looked discouraged.

"What? You don't welcome merchants anymore?" Rurik asked inexplicably.

"Let's go and see what's going on." Gould patted his chubby face vigorously.

He really doesn't want to do business anymore. Compared with receiving food, he is also worried about another important thing, that is, how to deliver the goods. Compared with the past, the fleet that I need to organize this fall is unprecedented. So it was only now that Gould suddenly realized that Rurik was talking nonsense about the order for 200 cargo ships to those shipbuilders' lions.

The two took some entourage, put on leather hats and coats, and hurried out of the wooden castle and approached the pier.

At this moment, Carl has landed.

The two sides looked at each other and saw the disdainful face of this fellow, and a nameless fire flooded Rurik's heart.

Luckily, Rurik suppressed his anger. When he saw Gould's smiling face, he had no choice but to keep his face sullen and follow behind him without saying a word.

Yes, Karl really didn't want to talk to Rurik, and he didn't think a little boy could do anything but learn the "great" words of adults.

Carl was still arrogant and faced Gould: "I landed on your island. I originally refused, but the leader asked me to be a messenger. Today, I will only tell you one thing."

"Oh dear Carl, you can come to my..."

"Shut up! Listen to what I have to say!"

Gould, who was already half-consecrated, immediately stood to attention, thinking about how this fellow was so arrogant.

"I'm just telling you that the grain has been harvested. Tomorrow, you will land on our wharf with burlap sacks, boats, and your manpower, and we will complete the grain delivery."

As soon as the words fell, Karl turned around immediately, as if staying on Gould Island was making him uncomfortable.

Gould stretched out his hand to say something, but Carl had already boarded the boat. The accompanying rowers were also very interesting. After listening to the master's order, they directly pulled off the hemp rope that fixed the long boat, and then took out the oars, so that the entire long boat ran away like a water strider.

Until then, Rurik stuck his head out and said disdainfully, "This idiot is so arrogant, he will pay the price sooner or later."

"But not now, my little master."

"I heard everything Karl said, what should I do next?" Rurik asked.

"That's what we're waiting for, just do as he says."

"However, we actually have to go and bring the grain back in person. I heard last year that this is not the case."

Gould shrugged helplessly: "Who called him the leader? The leader is a good face, even if we are big customers."

"Are there enough boats and sacks?" Rurik asked anxiously.

"You don't have to worry about this." Gould sighed deeply after speaking. This move was self-evident. Obviously, Gould also lacked confidence.

The delivery date came a little suddenly, but fortunately Gould also made some preparations.

First of all, Gould's own cargo ships can assemble 20 ships, and ordinary long ships can assemble 30 ships. It can be said that this is basically his entire family background. Almost all of the ships were built by shipbuilders of the Melalon tribe, so the previous shipbuilders were very happy to see further transactions with the Rus.

Not enough ships? Since it can be solved with money, it is naturally not a problem.

Gould was quick to discuss a plan with Rurik, and since buying grain had saved forty pounds of silver, the money must be important to the peasants who were on the verge of bankruptcy, and that they could use it to buy their ships, and they could both settle it. Urgent. Of course, those boats purchased are fishing boats, so don't expect much deadweight from them.

Therefore, the plan of the two is that since it is impossible to transport the food away at one time, they will do multiple operations. Anyway, as long as they continue to sail, from the island to Roseburg, back and forth every seven to eight days, the problem is not big. At most two round trips, and with the existing ships, all the personnel and materials can be pulled back.

Therefore, in order to ensure the priority of grain transportation, cargo ships transport grain and develop its transportation potential! In short, overweight shipping.

Of course, that would take some risks, and Rurik couldn't care less about it. Rurik couldn't believe it, but the people of Melalen, especially when they saw Carl's slapped face, felt the hidden malice of the people of Melalen. A huge amount of food is left on Gould Island, and it may become the target of public criticism.

The promised day is fleeting.

For the past day, Gould had sent his men to full force.

All the cargo ships completed various operations, and even brought a large number of ordinary longboats, and even the twenty fishing boats of the Gotlanders with ordinary performance brought by Rurik. They all assembled on Gould Island and surrounded the island. live.

Using money, Gould easily hired some fishermen, promised a reward of silver coins, and asked them to do the drudgery of porters. As for the vast number of mercenaries and Rus soldiers, they are mostly sitting guards and rowers.

Gould Island became very lively, and the fishermen who came and went couldn't help but look sideways, and those who didn't know thought that the Gould family was about to return. Many eyes were staring at Gould's actions. It was a large number of businessmen. They were waiting to follow the Gould fleet. Just like their actions over the years, they rubbed the blessing of Gould's fleet and arrived in Ross safely. Fort continues the leather business this winter and so on.

But Gould didn't say anything, and everyone had to wait and watch in unease.

Who would have thought that this huge fleet raised its sails and sailed northward against the north wind in the waters, and the ships docked near the shore one after another.

A large number of men waded ashore and soon formed a huge team. Onlookers saw that they were also carrying some huge utensils.

what! It turned out to be several large scales, and it was only necessary to use it when weighing wheat, vegetables and large fish.

A mighty team walked on the slightly deserted streets of Melalen. It wasn't that the tribe was depressed, it was because no one dared to provoke such a mighty team. Their momentum can completely suppress the powerful private army of the leader! At this moment, who dares to wander around the streets without opening their eyes?

The crowd went straight to the warehouse of Olekin's house. At this moment, Olekin himself had gotten the wind, and he was ready.

All the wooden doors of the warehouse were opened.

Only when saving grain would Olegin use a wooden hut with wooden planks. What he was most afraid of was rainwater contaminating the grain and causing it to rot on a large scale.

The interior of the warehouse is a crate made of wooden boards, and a large amount of wheat is accumulated in it. In order to save costs, of course, Olegin is too lazy to use sacks to pack grain, which makes it easier for mice to breed.

Rurik and his party finally came, and the mighty crowd really startled Olegin. Fortunately, the hundreds of private troops who rushed over in an emergency supported his self-confidence.

Olegin stepped forward and confronted Rurik, the only noble person.

He pointed to several barns with open doors: "Look, the grain is here. You seem to have a lot of people with you, ah, I'm thinking of finding some people to help you carry it."

This is a boring polite remark, and Rurik said bluntly: "Respected leader, let me come, so I can rest assured."

Olekin suddenly felt a little unhappy in his heart, this kid is still worried about himself?

"Oh, at least let me provide you with scales to weigh the wheat."

"Good or good." Rurik immediately gestured to Gould, and brought the large scale without equipment. At the same time, he brought out the stones as standard measuring tools. These stones are the so-called weights, each weighing a hundred pounds. .

"You... I prepared a scale for you, but you insist on using yours?"

"Why not?" Rurik shrugged. "Or are you worried about us doing something?"

This kind of words, Olegin can't say it. He really wants to use a little bit of hands and feet when weighing, but the Russ brought their own weighing. Awkward?

Olegin gritted his teeth and pretended to be generous: "Well, Frey (God of Commerce) is supervising, and our trade is fair."

just? Both Gould and Rurik tacitly agreed that this guy must be tripping because he has the ability and motive to trip him up.

The people who carried the food were sent down, among them the local porters of Melalen, who were also mixed with mercenaries and strong Ruth warriors. Especially the accompanying Ross warriors, who were asked by Arik to go into battle shirtless, just to use their strong muscles to demonstrate to the leader of the alliance.

Which barn the Rus people carry is Olegin's final say.

The grain outlet of a barn was opened, and a large amount of husked oats rushed into some large wooden boxes like a mudslide. They were transported to the scales erected outdoors. Under the supervision of Gould and others, the wheat began to grow. To ship the sack, weigh enough to 100 pounds and tie it (a burlap pocket is folded over the counterweight for accuracy).

It seems that everything is working in an orderly manner.

Rurik looked curious, but in the sun he always felt something was wrong with the oats.

He stood up straight and looked around, only to see Gould beckoning his men to write on the wooden boards to make statistics. From start to finish, no second person paid attention to the quality of this wheat.

Rurik turned his eyes to the side, and noticed the guy Olegin from the corner of his eyes. There was always something strange in his eyes. Only those who took advantage of him have such eyes.

"All stop!"

Rurik ran to the grain outlet of the granary and stopped his men from preparing to carry the wooden box. He reached out and grabbed a little oatmeal, rubbed it hard, and threw it into his mouth. He chewed hard, and a very familiar feeling in his memory came to his mind.

"Leader!" he shouted.

"Ah? What's wrong with you?" Olegin walked with his hands behind his back, leading some private soldiers.

Rurik pretended not to be angry, he raised his head and asked solemnly, "You are using Chen Mai to perfunctory me!"

"Chen Mai? This is Xin Mai."

"No, it's Chen Mai! It's dry, and it tastes a little strange. This is Chen Mai, you can't lie to us."

Knowing that the plot was discovered, Olegin not only felt guilty, but pinched his hands on his waist, the whole person looked like an adult criticizing the child: "Did the contract say that I must bring out new wheat?"

"Ah! You?! Oops!" Rurik then realized that he had made a small mistake. With this result, he also admired this Olegin. In such an era, people in the Nordic world can use the loopholes in the contract to do bad things.

It's just that Rurik never imagined that at the end of the year, the Olekin family still has surplus food, which is simply miraculous.

But the loss cannot be eaten in vain.

Rurik directly ordered: "Don't call it any more! Alliance Leader, I want new wheat from now on, even if they don't get a good job. Alliance Leader, I don't think you want to get a bad reputation, right? The Rus people are all here, and in the future We do business every year, so it's not right for you to lie to us. You give me new wheat, otherwise the wheat we weighed before will be returned to you. We will go back with the money, that's all."

"You... are you despising me?" Olekin's eyelids couldn't help but tremble.

Rurik did not give in: "You are the leader of the alliance, not a god. The tribes respect you as the leader of the alliance and believe in your credibility. When you lose your credibility, where is your majesty? Alliance leader, do you care so much about you? Is that Chen Mai? Or do you never care about us Rus and think we are just some idiots in the north who only know how to transport fur?"

Olegin was helpless and had to laugh happily. His right hand was placed on Rurik's hat subconsciously, and Rurik immediately pushed it away.

Rurik said with a sullen face: "Give me Xinmai, and I'll give you good-quality silver coins. I'll make concessions. If you insist on giving me Chen Mai, I'll have to give you the worst silver coins. In this way, you and I will not lose."

For a moment, Olegin was stunned.

Olegin didn't want to do things completely, he was as miscalculated as Rurik, he really couldn't think that this child could still tell the difference between fresh wheat and old wheat. When he thought of his pretentious son Carl, who had no family or family, he wished he had a young son like Rurik, even if his grandchildren also had such a boy.

However, the Russ got a baby.

Soon, the carried wheats were finished as new wheats, with a strong oatmeal and grassy aroma that proved their quality.

Weighing and handling is a huge job that starts early in the morning and continues into the night. Is just weighing enough? Those porters who were healthy began to go straight to the dock, carefully wading the sacks to the boat, and as soon as the boat was basically full, they returned immediately.

The Rus people are using ants to move as much as 500,000 pounds, equivalent to nearly 200 tons of wheat!

When night fell, the work of weighing, handling, and shipping continued. This night, Gould Island lit a lot of torches, especially the wooden castle, and even some small boats floated quietly on the lake, only the oil lamps were placed on the bow. More than 30 small boats are extremely lacking in carrying capacity, and their lights form a line, which is the route that guides the grain ship to reach Gould Island safely.

Half a million pounds of wheat were not finally loaded until the evening of the following day.

During this period, 455 pounds of silver coins were loaded into more than 20 wooden boxes and all moved to Olegin's house.

When he saw these coins of good quality, Olegin's bones were brittle, and Karl, a kind of ** called possession, also penetrated his mind. He immediately asked his father for a box of silver coins as a reward for his own reporting, which was naturally rejected by Olegin.

The father and son even quarreled about it, which is not what Rurik needs to pay attention to. The plan has been achieved, although some of the wheat is still made by Chen Mai, the overall profit is still made.

This is good, a large amount of wheat has been put in place. In theory, at this point, only the last bit of preparation is needed, and the huge fleet should return to end this wonderful journey of the Melalen tribe.

Of course, the return flight is a terrifying event.

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