Rise of Rurik

Chapter 505 Rurik in Narvik

A dragon's tail sticks out of the vast Scandinavia, a series of hills rising in the ocean, creating a bell mouth fifty nautical miles wide facing the sea.

This is the entrance to the huge Orfort Fjord, and the port of Narvik is at the deepest point of the fjord.

The Balmerk tribe, a huge tribe with a population of nearly 20,000 people, migrated here from nowhere and gradually developed to its current size.

The Avrora, which was rushing along the coastline, was a good luck all the way to the north. The bad rain did not happen, and the ship kept sticking to the coastline. Although the waves were a little rough at times, the sailing of the big ship was always calm.

The Avrora successfully entered the bell mouth leading to the destination, and the large ship directly encountered the Balmerk fishing boats that were catching a lot of herring.

The fishermen were stunned by the sudden intrusion of the unprecedented large ship, and some bold people wanted to see what happened and tried to ask something.

They never dreamed that the unannounced expedition that set off last year, especially the two sons of the leader, would return on a fantastic ship.

More than a dozen fishing boats have no idea of ​​fishing, and they spontaneously acted as the guide and escort of the Avlora, escorting her into the deepest port of the fjord.

The Avlora kept going deeper, and more and more ships accompanied her.

"It's time to show the flag." Rurik ordered the sailor, and in a moment, the flag with blue interlaced stripes on a white background that symbolized Ross fluttered in the wind!

Rurik himself was not only chatting and laughing with Biyonny and the others, but also looking forward to landing. He hurriedly changed into a white tunic with staggered blue stripes on his chest. A white fox velvet cap with stained glass beads and lapis lazuli was worn on his head, and a necklace full of amber, stained glass, and lapis lazuli around his neck also appeared deliberately.

After all, it was an encounter with a large northern tribe, and the first impression was extremely important.

I intend to cooperate with this group of semi-detached political entities, not only to show sincerity, but also to let the other party know that I am strong.

His elite mercenaries also took out their long-pressed uniforms from the cabin. A uniform white gown is worn on the body, and the blue stripes on the chest are indispensable. The saber hung on the leather belt, and the silver-plated iron helmet was buckled on the head. With such ten samurai warriors, who would dare to question their strength just from the looks of their outfits?

A never-before-seen ship gleams in the deepest part of the fjord with the soft light of the setting sun!

The Balmers, who had finished their day's work and had a night's rest, gathered in various highlands of the fjord. With a variety of thoughts, they witnessed hundreds of fishing boats spontaneously escorting the big boat to the pier. .

More than a dozen people who passed the news hurried to the door of the clan leader's house. After explaining their intentions to the guards, they were put into the large inner hall.

This is a slender longhouse, the residence of the tribal leader Magnut, and even one of the places where he discusses tribal government affairs with important people.

This old guy with a gray beard doesn't have many big things to deal with on weekdays. The tribe has always been in a distant place, and they naturally have less worldly disputes. However, this Magnut is neither deaf nor blind. His real name is not Magnut, but "Harald", which is very common in Northern Europe.

Harald, this word is a good word, but it is used by too many people, making it too popular.

Since Magnut learned of the great title of the ruler of the far south, Charles, he simply called himself "Magnut" in his homeland. Over the years, most people have become accustomed to this guy's new name.

A group of people sat in a row noisily, and in front of them was the leader of Magnut, who wore a crown of leather and gold foil inlaid with amber beads.

"I'm also going to listen to my daughter's new song. Are all the things you reported true? A strange big ship is coming to us to do business?"

A group of people chattering,

However, they revealed an extremely important news, and Magnut stood up in shock.

Magnut, his heart was beating wildly, his beard was shaking, and he was swaying from side to side in surprise.

After calming down a bit, he simply clenched his fists and said to himself, "Biyonny, where did you get the big boat from, you stinky boy? You should go back over the mountains, how do you return from the sea on a big boat?"

The messengers felt that the leader was asking himself, and they made some explanations.

Of course, any explanation at the moment is superfluous.

Magnut roared, and the entire longhouse was shocked.

A girl with blond hair deftly broke into the lobby from the inner room.

The girl Noren smiled angrily and criticized displeasedly: "Dad, you promised to listen to my performance, but you are yelling."

Noren, who had a quiet face, could not have imagined that his father was like a monster, rushing towards him with a big laugh, and then a pair of rough hands covered his shoulders. The girl's handsome face had an embarrassing smile: "Dad, what happened? Good thing"

"It's your two brothers, they're back!"

"Ah?! This is true?" The girl was overjoyed.


Noren smiled brightly. She hurriedly and deftly shook off her father in joy, and ran into the inner room with a gust of wind to explain the good news to her mother, Imbjög.

Magnut, the leader of Balmerk, was troubled by the only thought of one thing, that his two sons who were brave explorers had not heard from him for a whole year. Everyone was reluctant to believe that the two had encountered a disaster, but it was inevitable that some unfavorable remarks would circulate in the tribe, which inevitably made him worry.

In order to relieve his unhappiness, he was very willing to listen to his daughter's touching and long music playing the bone flute. The more beautiful her daughter looked, the more troubles disappeared.

Noren, just like her name, is indeed a beautiful fairy in the eyes of the Magnuts, her youngest daughter. Not only did they think so, but the powerful families in the tribe were all staring at this thriving flower, waiting for her to grow up, and then bring their sons to propose marriage.

This ten-year-old girl has golden and white hair, her face is small and restrained, her blue eyes are like the sky, she is as white as snow, her smile is fascinated, and the elegance and detachment when she plays the bone flute is also immersive. .

She escorted her cheerful parents out of the longhouse, standing on the high ground at the entrance, where they could see most of the harbour.

Magnute stared blankly, and he did see a large ship slowly approaching the shore.

He is old and his eyes are in good condition. He saw a strange flag clearly, and couldn't help muttering: "It's not from Bergen, and it has nothing to do with the lords of Denmark."

"You don't know their identities either. Our son is on that big ship." Imbijog, who was also aged, muttered.

"How do I know? We'll find out later."

Noren poked her curious head and looked up at her parents, her fingers holding the bone flute. She murmured: "The brothers went to the east of the mountain to look for the Rus, maybe this ship belongs to the Rus?"

"Russian?" Magnute smiled, and his big hand naturally covered his daughter's head: "Silly boy, how could the Russ come from the western sea?"

"But aren't the brothers on the boat?"

"This... maybe your brother has the help of God. Let's go, let's go to the pier and see."

On the other hand, the Avrora was slowly approaching the pier under the guidance of Biyonni and the fine control of the sailors.

To Rurik's delight, the Balmers also built a lot of wooden trestle bridges near the shore. He thought for a moment, considering that this was a large tribe that relied on fishing to feed a huge population, he had to remodel his pier. .

It's just because of the huge size of the Avrora, Rurik had to remind Biyonni: "You know what? Although the keel of my big ship is hard, if it really hits a harder reef, it will be me. An unbearable tragedy."

"Your worries are superfluous." Biyonny remained excited, because he knew the depth of the water in the dock area.

The land of the port is quickly plunged into the sea, and there is no soothing beach. Anyone who walks into the sea can be completely submerged in the water in less than ten steps.

The Avlora docked smoothly, and a large number of cables were dropped.

Standing tall at the bow of the boat, Biyonni called out to the people in his hometown and asked the men onlookers to immediately tie the ropes to a stable place. At the same time, the big boat was quickly furling.

More than 2,000 people surrounded the big ship, and the enemies farther away were also a large number of people who stopped and watched. Pairs of eyes focused on this, and they talked so much that the land of landing was full of people.

"These are the people from your hometown? This is Balmerk." Rurik not only sighed, but he took a closer look and muttered in his heart.

From any point of view, many aspects of this port bear a tremendous resemblance to old Roseburg.

Yeah, because everyone is a Viking.

Very different from the onlookers, Rurik and his subordinates were uniformly and neatly dressed. The white attire not only brought a harmonious beauty, but the whiteness also greatly highlighted the saber of the samurai, as well as that of the little child. noble.

"Could it be that the leader of these foreign businessmen is still a girl?"

"How could it be, that's a beautiful boy."

"Maybe the real mastermind behind the scenes is still the big ship. Ah! This ship is like a big mountain. It would be nice if our tribe also had one."


They talked a lot, and they couldn't say enough about Rurik's opinions. People were full of words of admiration and admiration. And all of this is Rurik's purpose.

He stood on the pier and deliberately let the people in the distance take a good look, and the Biyonni and Flokey brothers were immediately dominated by their clansmen, and even other homecoming travelers, they embraced the people of their hometown warmly, and kept going. Slap on the back, the scene is full of laughter.

Until there was a commotion from the shoulder-to-shoulder crowd, it turned out that the leader came in person. Not only the leader Magnut, but also the powerful family elders came one after another, and the onlookers shyly avoided.

Soon, Rurik saw a distinguished middle-aged man, and heard that Biyonni affectionately called this man his father, and this man was undoubtedly the leader.

For Magnut, he was startled when he first saw Rurik, and then he was full of surprise.

"What a beautiful young man! Friends from afar, you must be from a faraway place. Thank you for sending my stray son back to your homeland. So, where do you come from?"

Why does this old guy talk a little bit?

Rurik gently took off his hat, revealing his golden hair and a beautiful golden ponytail.

He bowed and greeted the local master with self-proclaimed graceful etiquette.

Rurik didn't talk nonsense: "We are Rus, and we sailed for twenty days, from the sea in the east to the sea in the west, until we arrived here."

"What? Are you really a Russ?!" To be honest, Magnut couldn't believe this explanation, but his worldview was overturned by this statement.

Biyonni hurriedly explained: "Dad, mother, you must be worried about me. We have been guests with the Rus in the old days, you see." He hurriedly stood beside Rurik: "This is what we sturdy with the Rus. Good brother. He is the most honorable and most daring of the Rus, and..."

Rurik raised his right hand to signal Biyonni to pause. He smiled a little at first, then raised his chest and proudly announced: "My friend from the West of the Mountains, I am Rurik! Rurik of Rus! I am the Duchy of Rus. The next Duke of Ross, my noble man, the one blessed by Odin, is also your friend."

"You? A Principe?" Magnut was very clear about the concept of the word "duke", so he suddenly had some misunderstandings, and hurriedly asked: "Are you from Durist? What are Durist and Ross? relation?"

"Durist? I just learned the name. But Ross, it's Ross!" Rurik still smiled, and pointed his little finger east, "We are only separated from you by this huge snow mountain. We Ross belong to Ross! The Wearland Alliance, Svealand is now the Kingdom of Sweden, and I am the second Duke of Ross."

"Ah! Are you from Svealans?"

"It's a Ross."

"Okay! Russ!" Magnut stepped forward in person, he opened his hands with a smile on his face: "Although I still don't know that you people from the East will come from the western sea, I am blocked in order to find you. It took the lives of my sons. It seems that it was all God's will, and we met."

"This is indeed the will of God." Biyonni said, "Because Rurik is the one blessed by Odin, this is absolutely true."

At this moment, Biyonni recognized the sacred identity of Rurik from the bottom of his heart, and the fantasy experience of the past year has refreshed his three views.

Coincidentally, Biyongni saw his ignorant and more beautiful sister, and he quickly pulled his sister Noron over.

"Brother, I..."

Biyonny pushed Noren to Rurik without hesitation.

"Brother, you see, this is my fairy-like sister."

Rurik raised his head slightly, his handsome profile in the sunset, and his neat and noble posture, directly shocked the girl Noren. And Rurik's staring eyes directly penetrated the girl's heart.

That heart-pounding feeling is the most deadly!

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