Rise of Rurik

Chapter 679: Rurik's Return to Novgorod

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To rush to the lower reaches of the Dnieper River and seize the most abundant areas of aquatic plants to plant wheat widely, this is probably very unrealistic in a short period of time.

In terms of climate, Novgorod is far inferior to the surrounding areas of Kyiv, and now the principality has no choice. After all, Novgorod is the largest agricultural area that Rus can firmly control now.

The news of going to Novgorod by Lake Ilmen has already been conveyed. The elite mercenaries will arrive in the south with the duke, and it all depends on the duke's mood.

Some poultry in the city was slaughtered, feathers were carefully collected, and captive rabbits were skinned. The chicken is eaten immediately, and the rabbit meat is marinated and baked into jerky.

The market in the city became lively, and the leather trade flourished like never before.

All soldiers who have loot are happy to trade within the bargain, and things like trading items can be done anywhere.

Outside the city walls, there is an open-air "dew market" by the river. The terrain here is open and ideal for large crowds.

The assembled Rus army will be temporarily disbanded, and the day has been set for the departure of the Third Banner of Suomi and the Balmers.

The sprouting market in New Roseburg is carrying out a large number of leather and grain transactions, and a large number of captured enemy iron weapons have actually become a currency.

Local farmers, especially Slav farmers, enjoy a new tax law, the 11th tax, which Rurik ordered to implement this year.

Look at the Suomis and the Balmers, their problem is that they robbed a batch of scrap copper and iron tools. The really good spoils are naturally kicked in the pockets, and the inferior ones are exchanged with the locals for wheat and leather at the market, and even an Ilmenslav specialty - colorful striped linen.

The whole body of the clothes is gray-white or dark brown, which is the color of the beast. Who doesn't love to be pretty? Due to the absolute scarcity of dyes and textile materials, the port of Narvik in the extreme north cannot even produce linen cloth.

The colorful cloth is about to give these expedition Balmers a new look, and it is also a good eye-opener for the people who are watching in their hometown.

Here, the circulation of silver coins and copper coins is still limited, and the squirrel skin plays a part of the currency.

In just three days, the people who are about to leave have traded what they need. The trophies of the soldiers whose expeditions have ended temporarily are no longer single, but how can they be easily satisfied?

The expedition is only on hold! The Karelian war is still going on, and the army will be regrouped next year. The network of waterways connecting the settlements has been established, and the build-up of troops will be quick.

Hopes for future wars made up for the soldiers' lack of plundering trophies.

On the contrary, the area of ​​New Roseburg is much better than the hometown of the fjords facing the Atlantic Ocean. Hellafield, who has seen a great deal in the eastern world, and his entire third flag team guys, they will all carry a sack of various spoils back. to Narvik's hometown. The loot is of limited value, but is the information sheet about the East also the most valuable?

Hellafield relied on his feet to test the barren farmland on the Neva River after harvest, and he envied. Now that Rurik made that decision, he was tempted.

He said to Rurik: "This time I will wait for Jiang Xue in Roseburg, and I will go back to Narvik on a reindeer sleigh. Next year, before the snow melts, I will bring a group of girls and children and others with me. A group of warriors arrives at Roseburg. Hopefully by that time, the Duke will send a fleet to meet us."

This is what Rurik wants to see most, but it is not only there.

The main force of the fleet is about to head to New Roseburg, and will stop at Helmingy on the way to unload all the Suomi soldiers. The captain of the guard, Yevlo, will perform his duty as a nobleman and govern the whole of Finland on behalf of the Principality of Rus.

Many people will leave, and many people will also talk about arriving in the East.

Before the fleet sailed, Rurik was on a plank,

Write letters in the rune alphabet.

Duke and Duke Tai are both in the East, and a group of people must rush to their new home in the East before the sea freezes. This is not a trip but a settlement!

The old guy Harrodsen will continue to be instructed to be stationed in his hometown of Roseburg, and in a sense, his dream has been substantially achieved. Harrodsson serves as the governor of Roseburg, which is equivalent to a chief, who will traditionally represent the duke to govern his hometown.

I am afraid that the most painful is Rumia...

Rurik felt a little sorry for this woman, but this is the fate that everyone does not need.

A quill dipped in charcoal ink wrote on the birch, Rurik used a dagger to make grooves, and the ink penetrated, becoming an official edict of the Duke.

Birch trees are not uncommon on the Neva River, especially the White Tree Manor in Novgorod. White trees are birches, and there are many birches there.

The birch board on which the letter was written, it was baked to a solid state, originally existed as a carrier for information records.

There are plenty of them, enough to build a small room on top of each other. These were all made by Ella and the sisters who made Qianchao. The amazing number of birch boards were flat and yellow-white as a whole, and the square and square specifications were quite uniform.

They are the carrier of writing, and they play the meaning of paper. Unfortunately, they are not paper.

After writing, it is engraved and then inked to become a permanent document.

It took some effort for Rurik to complete his letter.

He stretched his body vigorously, yawned lazily, and sighed to himself: "If paper is not made, the scribes will not be so tired to vomit blood in the future? This year, I will use this group of wooden boards to record the fields of Novgorod. Is it enough?"

The huge amount of information can no longer be satisfied by the disk, and the carrier must be upgraded to a mechanical hard disk or even a more outrageous storage device.

Actual demand forced Rurik to bring the paper-making business forward.

How to make paper? As long as you can make cardboard that is effective and practical, even if the color is dry and yellow, it does not matter, at least it is 10,000 times better than a large pile of wood. You can even jump right into doing more advanced things...

The wooden board on which the letter was recorded was specially placed in a suitcase, and the recipient was Harrodsen, who stayed in Ross's hometown, and he preached the Duke's decision according to the content of the document.

The appointed day has come, the first day of October in the Julian calendar, a day with a northeasterly wind...

Such a wind direction is very reasonable for the fleet, and each ship can adjust its sail position like a wild horse, rushing to the Baltic T-junction quickly in a straight line to the Åland Islands.

More than 1,600 people are leaving, a large batch of food, more than 100 fawns, and a batch of precious leather are all goods that must be safely transported to their hometown.

The life of the inhabitants of Rosberg's old home was as usual, and the regulations, or the new "customary law", which Rurik and Otto and others agreed upon, had been in force for three years.

Residents have become accustomed to the new rules, and they enjoy the dividends of the new rules. They have long shut up when they say gossips. What the residents of the hometown long for the most is wheat, and they can't bear the days when there is no wheat to eat. The stable supply of wheat is high. to everything!

The primitive accumulation of capital is full of blood and tears, and this truth proves once again that it is the truth. The food self-sufficiency rate of the population directly controlled by the Rus Principality exceeded 100% for the first time. The Pine Needle Manor supported ten thousand people, and the inhabitants of the farm were slaughtered for rebellion, whether their rebellion was justified or not, the inhabitants were reduced to skeletons underground. The remaining farmland will support 10,000 Rus, and Rurik estimates that with a little more intensive farming efforts, the current area of ​​trophy farmland will be able to support as many as 20,000 people.

Today, the Viking population of the Duchy of Ross that can be directly controlled and managed by the duke has just exceeded 10,000 due to the addition of the Balmers. Babies and young children may account for 40% of the population. Women are still trying their best to give birth. The baby boom is a constant tide.

How much can a group of children eat? The farmland plundered by the principality within a few years can ensure that the basic Viking population has food to eat all year round.

Standing on the ruins of the Pine Needle Manor, relying on the spoils to ripen the fields, the agriculture of the Principality of Ross rose in an instant. Rurik dared not let this development opportunity go.

The group sailing west had disappeared at sea level, and Rurik's side had begun to move.

The Avrora, which represents the authority of the duke, was parked on the riverbank, and the human net bag crane began to load some regular plates onto the ship.

Rurik himself made a cameo role as the overseer, and he deliberately dressed gorgeously, just to force his subordinates to dare not neglect.

"You guys are careful! There must be no damage to these planks!"

"Almost hit the broadside, Grund, you were dizzy last night fighting a few women tonight! I'll deduct your pay for a broken board."

"Hey, the people over there! Be careful when handling them. I'll deduct your money if the board is stained with mud."

Rurik was yelling at the port, and he was right. After all, these wooden boards will be kept as permanent documents. When the written records are completed, they will be covered with a thin layer of beeswax to prevent corrosion. They must not be damaged.

The mercenary Grund didn't understand what was going on with his master today. He didn't love gold or silver, and he actually regarded a pile of burning boards as rare as gold and silver.

This old boy is very happy, Yevluo, the Finn, became a local noble, and he himself was fortunate to be in the position.

The Duke of Ross was young and generous. He wrote down the grace of not killing him on the battlefield. In fact, it is not enough to repay the kindness. However, the brothers with the raven coat of arms and shields have no better place to live. No lord can provide Biliu. Gram higher rates and living benefits. They are a group of self-serving desperadoes, and the Duke of Ross has given too much honor to money, women, and soldiers.

Grund knew that he would not really be regarded as the Duke's close companion, and his brothers would be happy without the shackles of this aspect.

Rurik is about to move his entire family to Novi Rosberg. He has not given an official order, but most of the family members and servants will be reunited in the East this year.

That would be the end of October, before Rurik had to arrive in Novgorod with a group of "scriveners".

The Avlora was stuffed with materials and personnel in one cabin, so the prefabricated wooden boards were neatly stacked, as if they were materials for assembling wooden floors.

The intimate female relatives stepped on the pedals to board the ship, and Rurik stood on the bow of the battle-hardened old ship again, looking up at the huge New Rose Fort city wall from a high position.

In front of the big ship, more than 100 elite mercenaries were divided into four long ships, relying on paddles to wait for the order to tow the big ship against the Neva River.

The shore was full of people, the men were cheering, the women were shouting with their children in their arms, and a group of boys were jumping and jumping.

Arik took the first flag team to deliberately put on the armor, lined up neatly, and regularly beat the shield with the sword.

It was a Viking farewell, touched by the warm atmosphere, and the oarsmen who were towing the big boat roared to the rhythm...

The faces of the female family members were all smiles, and Carlotta, the Duke of Ostara, also saw his own clansmen on the shore.

The clansmen are very recognizable. One side of the white cloth is sewn with an abstract and simple coat of arms of the bull's head, which is the flag of the Duke of Ostara set by her.

"Everyone is sending us off, Rurik..." she said.

"Yeah, we're only leaving for now. We'll be counting the land before the first snow, and we've got a long winter to count."

"This...is it worth the trouble?"

"Stupid." Rurik pouted and scolded: "Do your thing. And..." He squeezed Carlotta's neck with a smile: "You said I was like a bull in April. I'm a bull, or October's buck. I'll give you enough chances, and it's up to God to succeed."

Carlotta smiled, everything went into silence, she was looking forward to...

Ross's flag was raised to the top of the mast, the Bullhorn and the Walrus Tusk blew at the same time, the anchors were hoisted by the winches, and the tugboats were ordered to move forward.

A short-lived voyage began. In the late autumn and early winter, the highest leader arrived in Novgorod. This was the first time for the principality, and it was unique even in the tribal period.

After five days of non-stop sailing, the small fleet finally drifted to the White Tree Manor on the Volkhov River, or she was the city of Novgorod itself.

Looking around, the original tall and dark green cedar forests have been cut down, and even the birch forests that symbolize the White Tree Manor have partially disappeared. The construction of city walls and interior buildings requires a lot of wood. The better material for building a city is of course stone. At the moment when there is a lack of materials, the almost inexhaustible forest is the source of building materials.

The Slavs were working all the time, and Rurik clearly saw a group of warrior-like people wandering around.

The old guys are all wandering around, after all, Otto Otto is still here.

Many loggers saw the retrograde ships and the flags fluttering on the towering masts in the distance. They hurriedly smashed the big axes on the tree stumps, and they rushed towards the city wall that was thrown at the construction of the city wall, without caring about the sweat on their backs. Because the Duke has actually arrived, and arrived in Novgorod in October.

A man became the master of the city, and Otto wanted to retire here. He and a bunch of old buddies who stayed here were the most honorable people in the city, even though this area was the vast ocean of the Ilmenslavs.

The good news suddenly reached his ears, and he raised his arms: "My old friends! Rurik and the girls are finally here. Let's go! I'll show you my lovely granddaughter."

People responded jokingly, and some guys muttered silently that the old leader was the granddaughter who favored her.

The people who built the city have suspended their work. It is already a rather cold October. Many people have rumored that the expedition of the Russian army to Karelia will continue until the world freezes with ice and snow. Archduke Rurik thinks too well about many things, but it is true. The hassle of trying to implement these things ensues, and the time will be delayed.

Thousands of people felt that the duke was busy on an expedition and that the work of surveying the fields would be postponed.

Measuring fields is the business of the nobles, the business of the dukes and the boyars, does it have a lot to do with ordinary farmers? How many acres of land are watched by the gods, and the tax is paid according to the amount of land and acres. People who have seen the destruction of Pine Needle Manor dare not provoke the Duke to anger. The Duke will pay as much tax as he wants, and he has a clear conscience.

Many people have a simple mentality, they are ashamed of cheating, and they are even more afraid of retribution for not showing enough respect for the Duke.

It was the Avlora, the flagship of the Principality. Her bow was full of scratches, and she was clearly a weather-beaten veteran with a clearly recognizable posture.

Thousands of people gathered at the newly built pier on the river bank, and many people stood on the pier and cheered the boats.

"They are welcoming you," Carlotta exclaimed excitedly. "Rurik, did you see... see your father?"

"Otto is there! It's like the image of the great god Odin." Rurik stood on the deck and pointed his hand clearly, and Carlotta looked sideways and saw the old man, an overly old man old man...

Which girl here is the most excited?

Reason told herself to keep restrained, after all, she was going to spend the winter here when she returned to her parents' home. The excited Svetlana jumped with excitement, her loose hair also flew up and down with her jumping figure, and she didn't care about other people's feelings at all. .

The ten maids forced their smiles out one after another, holding the railing of the ship with both hands, facing the hometown of White Tree Manor, which was completely different from their memory, with complex emotions.

Is this still home? everything has changed...

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