Rise of Rurik

Chapter 689 Regraf

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The weather was extremely cold, and here in the far east, Queen Mary had her fantastic drifting, and her belly that was too big to get bigger.

She was forced to falter. In recent days, even walking has become a luxury. The severe contractions were like a tsunami hitting a reef, and her spirit was almost broken.

The maids who Rurik ordered to arrive in Novgorod, took on the responsibility of taking care of the Queen of Mercia.

At this point, everything is very obvious, and the child in her womb is just one step away from being born.

Rurik was busy with his important business and objectively distanced himself from the wife and concubine. Considering his status, he really shouldn't pay too much attention to her. She is a prisoner of war, and her treatment today is purely a reward from the prince of Ross. She is also a flag, including the child in her womb.

It was indeed his own flesh and blood, and Old Otto also decided that he was looking forward to this grandchild, hoping to be a baby boy.

The pain in her stomach has made Mary feel that things have been different since last night. Those maids hurriedly claimed that Princess Mercia was about to give birth to a prince!

Rurik got the news early in the morning, and he rushed into Mary's bedroom with mixed emotions.

In front of her, she was lying on the wooden bed, covered with a thick blanket.

Her face was covered in sweat, and her whole face always gave off a serious feeling of weakness.

"Sir..." The servant who was taking care of her immediately stood up and stepped back when she saw that the prince was driving.

"It's okay."

Rurik raised his hand for them to continue, and walked up to it himself.

The weak girl always gave people strong sympathy. Although she was a female prisoner and her bloodline was questionable, she was indeed the princess of Mercia who once enjoyed British hegemony. A generation of strong countries has become a weak country, and the princess has been transferred to Novgorod, which is 2,000 kilometers east. She will give birth to the heir to the throne of Mercia.

Mary kept gritted her teeth. According to Europeans of this era, it was normal for a woman of this age to have children.

But in Rurik's view, she was still too young. For such a woman to be a mother, the possibility of dystocia is too great.

He pulled Mary's hand from the blanket and put it against her face: "Are you okay? You're weak..."

Mary opened her eyes slowly, forced a smile, her eyes fluttering as if she was about to say something.

Rurik hurriedly put his ear close.

With tears in her eyes, she said softly, "I...have been suffering for a day. I have worked hard, I...I am weak. I am an unclean woman, and this must be God's punishment for me."

"You..." Rurik stood up abruptly, and his expression of pity just now was serious for a moment, "Ridiculous, I am the son of Odin, and you will give birth to the child safely."

"But I...not Odin's family. The Lord is punishing me for this ordeal. Everything is fate, I should have died two years ago! I...my life is a joke."

It became difficult for her to speak, and after a long speech in front of her, she became angry.

Rurik patted her face hastily, trying to wake the confused woman.

Mary opened her eyes again, and the situation was the same.

Rurik started glaring at the maids, causing them to kneel one after another with fright.

"You all stand up! Get me some honey water, if she loses her physical strength, the child will not be born at all!"

They were ordered to rush to prepare honey, and Rurik felt the seriousness of the situation more and more, but Mary suddenly stretched out her hand and grabbed Rurik's arm. She clearly has something to say.

"Rurik, I...this is my destiny. If I really die, burn me...according to your rites. I am your woman, maybe Odin will take my soul. But I The child, both male and female, is the descendant of the Mercia royal family. As you said, you will support this child to be the new Mercia king."

"Yes, it is my decision. Whether you are really Wigraf's daughter or not,

None of this matters. Ernred of Northumbria, that guy knows you're here with me. There are also some Frankish nobles who also know that the princess of Mercia is in my hands. "

"Ah, that's good." She smiled on her chapped lips and breathed a sigh of relief: "It's time to name the child."

"What do you call him?"

"I've made up my mind. Regraf for boys and Reglavnes for girls."

What does such a name mean? Rurik understood it easily.

He looked at Mary's trembling eyes: "You are indeed taking revenge on those two men."

She smiled, with a very relieved smile: "I am an unclean woman, my child is not. My child is also your child. Let my child go and build another kingdom. It's just..."

"Just what?"

"Children have to be baptized, they have to be taught."

"This...is it really necessary? You can still think of this level" Rurik asked.

"Very necessary!" Her eyes seemed to suddenly grow two knives, "Any king who wants to stand in Britain must at least believe in the supreme Lord. Even those nobles are hypocritical and unclean, they must be so. If I really die , please tell... tell the child. His mother loves him, he is the only heir to the throne of Mercia, and the new Mercia must... form an alliance with Ross. That's not what you hoped for, that's why you kept me until now. "

The words were so deafening that Rurik couldn't believe it came from her mouth.

Turning to think about it, she once lived as a man's toy, and all she thought about was revenge. She is indeed forbearing enough, so she is not a cowardly idiot. It's just that this body is naturally weak, if she is a man, she will definitely be a hard-core figure who is good at power. Rurik felt a little guilty for killing her, and if she wasn't pregnant now, she wouldn't face a life-and-death dilemma.

Do not! it's not that serious

"Don't be discouraged. You are too weak, drink some honey water later and everything will be fine. I want you to be Queen of Mercia."

"I hope so. If I... Rurik." Mary squeezed out again. "Do you know Caesar?"

"Caesar cut? You?! No, not so extreme."

"Anyway, you must protect the child, it's your flesh and blood. You must know, since you know, I hope you will do it then. You are... my only man."

Saying that she was weak and fainted, leaving Rurik to keep scratching his head.

Where is this "tossing all day"? Rurik guessed that she didn't want to expose her dystocia, and had been forbearing herself for two days or more.

He has been enduring extreme pain, no matter how strong he is, he can die of exhaustion!

The honey water finally came, and Mary was forcibly poured some, but the effect was really limited. At this moment, Rurik was extremely hopeful that there would be a hanging bottle and a hose to directly deliver glucose to her blood vessels.

With this incident, Mary's difficult childbirth could not be hidden.

Rurik had no clue about this kind of thing, but fortunately, there was a stable woman here in Novgorod, and the old lady Niya also started it herself.

Mary has been working hard with the help of a group of so-called experienced old women, but it seems all in vain.

Niya couldn't understand at all, this woman opened two fingers and there was no change, as if there was an invisible force blocking the window for new life to come into the world.

At this time, Niya thought that the noblewoman whom the only son Rurik had spared from the battlefield was originally an unclean person, but the child in her womb had a sacred meaning. Or an evil force is resisting, killing the child and the mother together.

This is a big decisive battle. Nia quickly called Rurik's wife and concubines, hoping that through them singing the prayer incantations handed down by the Rus since ancient times, they prayed for Freya, the god of fertility, to dispel evil and pray for the safety of mother and child.

The girls sang with tears as they watched the elder sister, whom they were all familiar with, suffer here. She was a very good older sister, naturally noble, knew Latin, taught everyone how to please men (Rurik), and now...

Mary still did not give up, her face was sometimes red and sometimes pale. The more than 20 women gathered indoors have no clue, and the men outside the door are even more helpless.

Rurik and Otto waited with livid faces. It was quite cold outside, and there was a pottery pot in front of them, lit by wooden blocks, to keep warm.

John Ingvar was ordered to pray for Mary, and to be honest, he despised this unclean woman, who, whether willingly or not, had had a very bad and improper relationship with her father and brother. According to the law to be punished with capital punishment, even the gentlest punishment is sent to the monastery to do penance for the rest of his life.

Mary kept wailing, and the women kept encouraging.

Caesar's cut was a caesarean section. Given Mary's current condition, only one such operation could allow her to give birth to a child safely. But wait! Is this medical technology available throughout Europe? Even if the child can be successfully cut out, the mother will surely die.

Rurik recalled what Mary had said to him, which were clearly his dying words.

Another whole day of tossing, immersed in all kinds of pain, the child still did not come out.

Things are already very dangerous, maybe the child will be suffocated to death in the mother's belly.

At night, Rurik didn't want to sleep peacefully, and with bloodshot eyes, he stayed in the cubicle and huddled up to take a nap.

It was deep into the night, and a frantic noise from several people woke him up.

A maid broke into Rurik's couch like a madman and shouted: "Blood! A lot of blood! Mary she..."

Disaster struck, and when Rurik finally broke into the room of Princess Mary, she was covered in blood. A room of oil lamps made the room very bright, and also highlighted the horror of blood.

Dystocia caused massive bleeding? Do not!

Rurik rushed up, knelt down beside her, put his fingers on her nose and lost his breath.

He was startled suddenly, his right hand hurriedly reached into the bed cover, and his big hand directly covered her heart, but there was no movement...

Nia was trembling with fright, and the maids who insisted on chanting the incantation also shrank into a ball in fright.

"What happened?" Otto burst in.

Rurik hurriedly turned his head, trying to suppress his emotions: "She is dead."

"Ah?! No! Where's the child? Both mother and child are dead."

"The child is still alive for a while, it must be. It's just..." Rurik gritted his teeth. "This is her fate. She is unclean, but the child is innocent. She anticipated all this, and entrusted me with it no matter what. To save this child. Dad, you should know what that is."

Otto was very surprised by this sudden situation, and he was heartbroken at the same time without losing the bearing of an old leader. With an old voice, Otto ordered all the female relatives to evacuate, and the wooden door closed immediately.

Mary was as calm as she fell asleep. She tried hard, but she didn't die of exhaustion, but the most terrifying hemorrhage during childbirth.

Amniotic fluid embolism? The dirty amniotic fluid enters the circulatory system and causes the heart to stop beating in a very short time.

With such a sudden death, the child in the womb who has lost the supply of the mother's body can last for a short time, and after a while of hesitation, the child is really helpless.

A sackcloth covered Mary's face, while Rurik drew his sharp steel sword...

"Regraf, the true king of Mercia. Your mother has done her best. Now, the father will come to save you!"

Rurik completed the Caesar cut in silence, a baby boy held out for his father with trembling hands, and there was a series of baby howls from the airtight room, which were heart-wrenching.


It was all over, Mary's young life was over.

Maybe this is fate!

Near the festival of Hanukkah and the Slavic winter solstice sacrifice, one of his wife and concubines died unexpectedly.

Mary's body was well cared for, and a sackcloth wrapped her completely, and Rurik decided to cremate her as she wished, according to Viking customs, so that Paradis would not accept her unclean. Soul, perhaps Odin's Asgard is willing to accept.

Rurik washed his hands, and his spirit was very trance.

The newly-born Regraf was temporarily held by his grandmother Nia, and Medved also rushed to the sleeping dwelling for the first time to find a wet nurse for the child in person.

Rurik wiped his face with the snow, the cold barely keeping his spirits at bay. He found John Invall, who was waiting, and slapped the frightened teenager on the face.

"My lord, she is Princess Mercia. You actually..."

"This is the Caesarcher, you should know very well. You see, your gods punished unclean souls, but forgave Regraf. This child is Regraf, and heir to the throne of the kingdom of Mercia. You are appointed by Mary. The Baptist, tell me, is it permissible according to your rules and conditions?"

John Invall hesitated for a while.

"Give me a nice word."

"Yes. I am a northern priest ordained by my teacher, and I am qualified to baptize."

"Then do it! Do it tomorrow!"

"As ordered."

Neither the Rus nor the Slavs pay attention to the three-day funeral, and neither of the two ethnic groups care about the funeral form.

It happened very suddenly, but the Rus people, the native Slavs, who lived in Novgorod, were not concerned about the death of a woman. In fact, many Vikings, including the Rus, felt that what died was just a captured slave, a toy of the duke, and he died when he died.

This is indeed the case, so Mary was very low-key when she was alive.

The next day, Rurik, who had not slept all night, struggled to stay awake.

A baptism ceremony was being held in the room with the simple cross hanging on it. John Invall, a Dane who belonged to the diocese of Frankfurt, was baptizing the newly born Regraff himself. When the well water is blessed, it becomes holy water, the water is warmed up, and John Ingvar completes the ritual with the child's wow-wow.

The maids from Britain became temporary nuns, and some were taken captive from the kingdom of Mercia at all. They witnessed the birth of a little prince just like the legendary Caesar. Perhaps this child will indeed become the future figure of Mercia because of his Viking blood. The maids lamented his poor birth and hoped that all would be well.

For John Ingvar, he had to write a letter to his teacher, Esquill, to report truthfully. Now it's not difficult. The teacher has built a monastery in the free Hazelby for his big career. The Principality of Rus happens to have a shop there, and the letter will be delivered smoothly.

In the end, when Regraff's identity was recognized by the Diocese of Hamburg, membership was granted. If the child grows up and has the opportunity to go to Rome to get an official witness, it is the irrefutable King of Mercia, and even if he does not control a clear territory, he is the legitimate King of Mercia. As for the matter after baptism, it is not something that a little priest like John Ingvar has the authority to do.

It was also this afternoon that a small fire tower was erected on the shore of the frozen lake.

The cross pendant made of Mary's silver, as well as the cut off brown hair, are the holy relics that Mary left to her son. Rurik has the intention to leave these objects to his son Regraf, so that he can use these objects as a reminder to his future children: Your eldest brother is the royal family of Mercia, Zhengshuo, and will not compete with you for the power of Ross. .

The princess' funeral still gathered more than 3,000 people. Whether it was a funeral or a happy event, it was indeed a big event. The locals lacked entertainment, and even considered participating in the funeral as a form of entertainment.

Neither the king nor the prince of Mercia had such a funeral after their death in battle.

Many people chewed their tongues and said that the Duke did too much to take care of a slave girl like this, and some people said that the woman was a noble and gave birth to a child to the Duke, so she should be honored. The largest number of Slavs are simply watching the fun. They watch it fresh, thinking that the funeral of the Varyag nobility is no different from the Slav funeral. A fire burns the dust to the dust and the soul goes to a beautiful place. The place.

Rurik held a torch in public and looked at the man wrapped in cloth at the top of the tower.

"Mary, it's over. Hope you are reborn and live happily in a new world."

The torch was thrown into the firewood, and slowly the entire wooden tower began to burn.

People watched all this solemnly, and a burst of baby cries attracted everyone's attention.

It was none other than Regraf who was crying. He was held by his grandmother Nia, who was also in tears.

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