Rise of the Marvel Universe Zerg

Chapter 1055: My poisonous worm speaks for the explosion

Vampire castle direction...

The Lair of the Second Shadow King.

The human village lives in fear.

In addition to praying to God for salvation, people here can only be bitten into their necks by vampires, unable to resist turning into food and ghouls, and strengthening the power of the vampire army.

When Lin Fan and Claudia arrived here, Zobek had been waiting for a long time, but Lin Fan still did not reveal.

Zobek looked at Lin Fan weirdly, looking and considering, as if something was no longer in control, which made Zobek a little uneasy.

"Lin Fan, you are finally here...More than half of the people in this village have been eaten by vampires. The priest of the church here has a sacred object that can effectively restrain vampires and ghouls, but the priest hides in the depths of the church. , Set up a lot of institutions, not let the asylum seekers in, let alone drive out the vampire, we must go in and get the sacred artifact...otherwise we will not be able to pass here, let alone enter the vampire queen’s castle." Zobek is still scheming. , Cut directly to the topic, guiding Lin Fan to obtain an important weight to restrain the power of the vampire queen.

Lin Fan knew what the sacred artifact Zobek was referring to.

Holy water!

The tears of ancient sages turned into exorcism powers that could purify evil, purify ghouls, vampires, and undead, and the owner can also be protected by holy water from evil forces.

But the strange thing is that these holy waters actually fall from the bodies of vampires and ghouls, which is a little weird.

It is impossible for ordinary people to kill ghouls and vampires. There is definitely no way to get holy water. The priests in the church are protected by organs and guarded by holy water. No matter whether they are humans or vampires, there is no way to go in.

The humans outside can only suffer alive.

Now in the village, there are only flames, ruins, ghouls, fleeing people and food, vampire soldiers hiding in the dark.

Zobek said that to enter the church, you must first pass through the Ghoul Cave.

The ghouls here have gathered in large groups, digging caves, trapping humans and churches here.

Humans can only come out during the day, but they can't run far in one day, and they will be caught back by vampire soldiers, have a good meal, and then be turned into cheap ghouls, serving as subordinate servants of vampires.

Zobek wanted to tell Lin Fan to block the ghoul's cave so that he could go through it in a short time, sneak into the church and take out the sacred objects, and then go to the castle of the vampire queen to kill the second shadow king .

But Lin Fan didn't think so.

Zobek wanted to kill the King of Shadows and obtain the other two mask fragments, but Lin Fan didn't want it, and if he had this time, it was the right thing to get some new Zerg panels.

Lin Fan stayed in the village. Zobek was holding the ghouls and vampires. He couldn't get in front of Lin Fan at all. Besides, the prancing insects and allosaurus guarded Lin Fan and Claudia. Vampire soldiers attack.

The night did not lose the flow of blood because of Lin Fan's arrival.

the next day……

At dawn, Lin Fan went out to investigate the ghouls and vampires, preparing to prepare a new zerg to deal with these things.

Ghouls can still be active during the day, not afraid of the sun, but they have no wisdom, just low-quality coolies and cheap cannon fodder.

Even human beings can avoid the attacks of ghouls by staying away.

But once discovered by the ghoul, he will be chased, and even escaping back to the residence is to lead the wolf into the room.

The tireless body of the ghoul will continue to attack anything blocking it before reaching its goal.

Especially when they are still appearing in groups, ordinary humans only have to struggle in despair.

However, the structure of these ghouls is too crude for Lin Fan. Compared with the black light zombies, it is still inferior to how many times it can be clear.


Based on the basic characteristics of ghouls, Lin Fan formulated a new zerg family. The original poisonous blast insects and its two variant branches, fission insects and hunting insects are the original structures, and they are arranged and reproduced through the capabilities included in the gene bank. .

Zerg units: Broken. Stage form: basic.

Skill 1: Absorb the shield. In view of the flaws such as the breaker's vulnerability to long-range attacks, the genetic modification has made a major transformation, inlaid with multiple abnormal power combo packages, so that the breaker can absorb 1000% of the maximum attack power that he can withstand .

Skill 2: Fission crisis, when the fission factor in the broken body splashes on the enemy, it will immediately produce high-speed fission, and incubate the sub-breaker with 10% of the broken ability from the position of the enemy's wound. (Hidden ability: 10 sub-crushers can be aggregated into 1 full-crusher again.)

Skill 3: Overlapping fusion. When two or more crushers exist at the same time, the overlapping area within the explosion radius will be increased to 200% of the base attack power.

Skill 4: Turbo Hammer Jump, the breaker can consume the charge, immediately increase the rolling speed by 1000%, and hammer and blast the enemies in the ultra-long range. (A maximum of 15 charges can be stored for the turbo hammer jump.) 1 charge can be performed in 10,000 seconds.

Skill 5: Super Aura, the friendly unit within the explosion range of the Shatterer will be affected by the blast wave in time, increasing attack speed, regeneration and armor by 1000%. The maximum duration is 1000 seconds, and the maximum duration will be reset if the wave is repeated. time.

The broken one is a bit bigger than the original blaster, the original fragile soft capsule has become full of incredible and unusual toughness, and the rebounding force can even increase the speed of rolling.

Lin Fan threw a broken one outside. A large number of ghouls were very enthusiastic about the broken ones, and they gathered around, the broken ones gathered more and more, and with the clumsy body of the ghouls, he never wanted to attack the broken ones.

When most of the ghouls in this village came out, the broken ones immediately exploded...

A wide range of corrosive acid is sprayed out like a sharp blade. Corrosion is the sharpest blade. Under the action of the shock wave, it sweeps a radius of several hundred meters.

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