Rise of the Marvel Universe Zerg

Chapter 244: Need for blood nerve

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Lin Fan said faintly: "Skip all mysteries first, only look at the prefectures."

"Everyone listens to my friends. How about this ... The prefecture-level Zhongpin Gongshu, the ten thousand beast sects: the beast tactics, the power to swallow the beasts, the magical ability to practice, the depths of cultivation, The avatars are nothing but pediatrics. "The old bee-monger is like a salesman, with the ability to describe exercises in the void with magical powers, the beast rushes, the avatars, Dapeng spreading his wings, and the blue dragon enters the water. It is amazing.

Lin Fan raised his hand and said, "You want to send me, I have no opinion ... but this is not what I need."

"It doesn't matter, there are still many prefecture-level exercises." There was a trace of anxiety in the voice of the bee old man, and he said, "This one is also good. Ghost power, millions of floating corpses, when successful, that is the unification of Yan Luo Tianzi, the power is not forever. "

"It's terrible ... but is there anything else?" Lin Fan praised lightly.

Jing Ke has already drooled in the corner, these ground-level exercises are all superior.

Millions of beasts will have 50 million reward points in the main **** space alone. The ghost king Zong secret technique is 80 million reward points. And it ’s not enough to have a reward point. You have to have an SSS-level plot card to redeem it.

Jing Ke felt like a roller coaster, and the opportunity to see him was dazzling.

The successful kidnapping of Amazon Princess was supposed to be a great effort, but was disrupted by Lin Fan's appearance.

Then the main **** issued a generous reward mission, so that Jing could run into luck for himself, and carefully laid the Jiuqu Yellow River array, but was easily broken out by Lin Fan, and fell short.

In the end, I thought that there were many people in the crowd and we should use force to suppress it. However, Lin Fan's python army was more numerous, and the reincarnation was almost killed.

On the way to the run, I thought it was time to return, but it was finally lucky, but he came into a tomb of an ancient demon.

The bee old man groaned for a moment, drawing a terrible picture of blood in the void. "This blood nerve is the tradition of the ancient Honghuang Mosquitoes in the ancient times ... This method is a prefecture-level best method, and I also got it by chance by a blood repair school of horned horns."

"This book is good for my way, then this one." Lin Fan wanted to do a book to absorb the power of the stars, but seeing this bee old man is already a bit stretched, it is estimated that he can't get any top class Gongfa.

When the old bee-monger saw that this had finally happened, he laughed out loud: "Little friend, this technique is awesome. It turns the essence of all things into your own blood. It is so **** and has the power of heaven and earth, but you enter the country. It ’s very slow, otherwise why was that blood-cultivation school so weak ... but you want to know why? "

"I'd like to hear the details." Lin Fan had prepared the Jiuqu Yellow River Array, and when he got the blood nerves, he immediately trapped the bee demon in it. At one and a half moments, the old devil could not come out at all, otherwise he would be born. It must be a big scourge.

The voice of the old bee demon recalled: "The blood-cultivation school that year did not know how to get blood nerves. There wasn't even a Yuan Ying monk in the school ... but I found out when I tried to cultivate this blood nerve. This blood nerve is innumerable, and it is the reason why so many people are willing to fight with a limited life span ... that is, the blood is reborn !! "

"Rebirth of blood? Please continue to talk to seniors." Lin Fan did not pass through before, naturally how good this blood nerve in the novel is to know one or two, but that's just a novel. In the end, you have to listen to the old bee monster.

The old bee devil sold Guanzi for a moment before he said: "This drop of blood is reborn, that is, a drop of blood can be reborn. The ability is the same as before, and the injuries are all ... For this reason, many ordinary people use a 150-year birthday. Learned the blood nerves, went to the battlefields of various countries to kill bloodthirsty, and sought more blood sources, but in the end, it was difficult to control the blood because of the spirit, and they could not enter. Although these blood repairs can be challenged, they can also be manipulated when the opponent is injured. The blood pressure in his body and the creation of major bleeding to supplement his injuries are very weird. But just as soon as Shou Yuan arrives ... he will die. Would you choose this? "

"Actually, I just used it for collection." Lin Fan now has millions of Zerg consciousnesses. If you want to understand, Lin Fan doesn't know if he has it, but there are millions of consciousness to help himself learn, what is learned Will not?

There is an old saying: reading a book hundreds of times, the meaning is self-explanatory.

Lin Fan could read it millions of times in an instant.

The old bee demon thought that Lin Fan was covering up his embarrassing remarks, and laughed: "The blood nerve was sent to the little friend, thanking the little friend for the old man's thanks for pulling the nail of the dragon dragon's bone ... Millions of blood food was sent, and the old man still had a big thank you. "A jade Jank was thrown from a bronze coffin.

Lin Fan grabbed Yujian and said faintly, "Thank you seniors ... Jiuqu Yellow River Battle."

"!!!!!! Little friend? Why is this?" The old man of the bee demon saw that the surroundings had become chaotic, confused, and immediately asked.

Jing Ke wanted to cry without tears, but the Jiuqu Yellow River Array was set up by himself, and Lin Fan took it away. Now it is used to suppress the bee old man ... It is so depressed that he vomits blood! !! "Senior, this is the Jiuqu Yellow River Array, but it is one of the ten strange arrays of ancient floods ..."

"Little friend, I treat you with courtesy. Why do you want to harm the husband again, be too greedy ... otherwise you will be punished." The old man's voice became extremely cold.

Lin Fan said lightly: "Don't say so wronged, you just want to use me

To help you get blood food, when you recover your energy, it is not a matter of pressing me with one hand, so you should continue to lie in the coffin. "

"Huh, you thought I would have no other preventive measures. Didn't you notice that when you contacted Yujian, there was a strange magical power?" The old bee-monger did not worry about Lin Fanhui's rebellion at this time.

Lin Fan held a longan big pill, and laughed, "This is what this predecessor said."

"What's that?" The old devil's consciousness was confused for a while.

Lin Fan replied, "Isn't this exactly the venomous supernatural power you left on Yujian.", ...

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