Rise Recovery Era

Chapter 220: Tongjia

Yu Mo shook his head and said, "What do you think the world is like now? The spiritual power is awakened, people with vitality appear one by one, possessing superhuman strength, they seem to be incomparably beautiful, but only a small group of people are really beautiful. ◢щЩш.suimEnG .1a If there is no recovery of spiritual power, the children of that family will not die. It is said that the world is changing, and the mythical world is coming. The life of ordinary people like us is even more difficult, and it is impossible to tell when we will encounter danger outside."

Yu Mo seems to have a lot of complaints about his current life, and he keeps talking.

"Is it dangerous to be a driver now?" Zhou Hao asked.

"Of course it's dangerous. There are fewer and fewer people who are actually engaged in the transportation industry. I know that several people in the same industry in Wushi have died. If it wasn't for supporting their families and earning more money, who would take the risk to leave the city on these dangerous roads It's safer to stay in the city." Yu Mo said.

"However, the above policy is also very favorable to us. Even if I die, my family will receive a lot of compensation, and there is no need to worry about the days to come."

Zhou Hao was silent, his spirit revived, and the world changed drastically. For those with vitality, it was heaven or hell, but for many ordinary people, their lives were far worse than before.

There is no way around this, everything is changing, mutated animals and human beings are constantly appearing, no one can really control it.


The taxi continued to drive, and after going forward for an hour, there was a sudden furious roar, and then a giant black beast with four hooves that was 20 meters long appeared and rushed towards it.

"No, this road has been strictly inspected by the troops. It's okay to walk so many times. Why did I meet a mutant animal here?" Yu Mo's face changed drastically, and he accelerated quickly, trying to get rid of the giant beast.

But the giant black four-hoofed beast obviously noticed this place and charged directly.

"Zhou Hao, we might die here today. If you have anything to do, please call your family immediately." Yu Mo sped up, controlled the car, and said while facing death as he imagined. the color of despair.

In his heart, he had already thought that this day would come.

"You control the speed of the car, we won't die." Zhou Hao said calmly. He looked at the approaching giant four-hoofed beast, and stretched out his right hand out of the window.


Around the giant beast's body, flames appeared one after another, and then enveloped the giant beast's body, getting bigger and bigger.


With a wave of Zhou Hao's right hand, the body of the 20-meter-long giant four-hoofed beast flew upside down under the flames, and landed on the ground, roaring in pain.

But in just a few seconds, the roar stopped, and it was obvious that the four-hoofed beast was dead.

"Zhou Hao, this flame..." Yu Mo clearly saw Zhou Hao's attack through the rearview mirror, with shock in his eyes.

With such a long distance, the giant four-hoofed beast had no power to resist, and was completely killed in an instant.

Yu Mo did not expect that the person he had been talking to in the taxi today was a top-notch expert.

Next, Yu Mo spoke a lot less, as if he didn't dare to say anything more, and drove with all his might. Knowing Zhou Hao's powerful strength, he felt awe in his heart.

A few hours later, the car finally arrived in Yun Shengyu City.

"Zhou Hao, we're here." After driving the car to the corresponding location, Yu Mo said with a smile.

"Here." Zhou Hao handed the money to Yu Mo.

"Zhou Hao, I can't take this money. If it wasn't for you on the way, I might die." Yu Mo quickly refused.

"It's two different things. You risk your life to work, so naturally you need to get paid accordingly." Zhou Hao said with a smile, handed over the money, then turned and left.

"Those weak vitality people I have seen are so arrogant, but the real strong people are so easy to get along with." Yu Mo looked at Zhou Hao's back and sighed.

"Hey, I wonder when all these mutated animals will be wiped out? Those of us who run the road can be safer." Yu Mo looked forward to the road back, silently looking forward to it.

"Hello, Tong Yao." Zhou Hao came to Tong Yao's university and waited silently.

Soon, Tong Yao appeared in his sight.

"Has the matter of your sister Zhou Yue been resolved?" Tong Yao came over with a smile and said.

"Well, my parents are taking care of Xiaoyue now." Zhou Hao nodded. Tong Yao knew about Zhou Yue.

The two walked together on campus.

"Is your second grandpa celebrating his 70th birthday in two days? I just happen to attend." After a few words, Zhou Hao laughed.

"My second grandpa is celebrating his birthday, why are you participating?" Tong Yao looked at Zhou Hao and asked.

"I'm now the chief curator of the Anhui Yuanqi Club, so it's normal to take part in it."

"Yes, Master Chief, it is our honor for you to participate in my second grandfather's birthday." Tong Yao said with a smile.

"One more thing, it's secondary for me to participate as the head of the Anhui Yuanqi Society, mainly as your boyfriend." Zhou Hao laughed.

Tong Yao's face turned red all of a sudden.

Zhou Hao took her hand and said solemnly: "Tong Yao, I know your parents don't agree with you being with me, you have been under pressure, but now I won't let you be under any pressure."

"Yes." Tong Yao looked at Zhou Hao and nodded vigorously.

Two days passed quickly, and Tong's house was very lively at this time, and people with high status kept entering it.

Today is the 70th birthday of the old man of the Tong family. The Tong family is in Yu City, and it can be regarded as a top-level family. Naturally, there are many friends.

"Welcome the deputy curator of Yushi Xuanmo Alliance."

"Welcome the head of the Qian family in Yushi."

In the hall, one after another voices kept ringing. .

"A lot of people, and they all have high status."

"This is the birthday of Mr. Tong, the top family in Yushi."

"The wealth of these big families is astonishing. Those who were born in Tong's family have had golden keys since they were young. We are incomparable."

There were also many onlookers outside ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ looking in awe at the figures entering Tong's house one after another.

At this time, at the top position in the hall of the Tong family, an old man with an old face was sitting. Although the old man looked old, he was in good spirits. Beside him, there were some young people and girls standing. One of them was It was Tong Yao, and Tong Jun was also standing here.

Mr. Tong's name is Tong Yuanzheng, and he and Tong Yao's grandfather are brothers. The current property of the Tong family is largely due to Mr. Tong. He has two sons, and Tong Guoshan is his elder brother's son. Of course, his grandson and granddaughter, as well as Tong Jun and Tong Yao.

"Third brother, you are already an early-stage Yuanqi man, when will you bring me a third sister-in-law back?" A girl looked at Tong Jun and asked.

"I don't think about these things for the time being." Boy Scout shook his head.

"If you don't think about it, you have to think about Fifth Sister." The girl looked at Tong Yao again, and joked: "Yaoyao is not young now, there are many young talents from many families and powers here today, do you want to choose one? "

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