
Chapter 524: 1 person beats 1 group

For professional teams, the higher the level of competition, the greater the factors behind the scenes that influence victory or defeat.

When it was just a passer-by game, everyone could play casually, without the cooperation of many teammates. They all relied on their own abilities. One person might be able to save the world by relying on his own abilities.

When it comes to semi-professional competitions, there are corresponding requirements for players' teamwork, tactical planning and execution capabilities.

In a secondary professional league like the LSPL, the player's performance on the field can account for 70% of the factors that affect the outcome, while the behind-the-scenes team tactical preparations and ban selections in charge of the coach account for 30%.

Arriving at LPL——

Then the proportional relationship changes again, and the work behind the scenes can account for at least 40% or even 50% of the importance.

If it were the S Series World Championship...

Maybe this proportion is even greater.

Today's decisive victory - the Battle team has completed the LPL promotion and relegation rounds, successfully entered the LPL league and became a member of it. This is certainly worthy of excitement and joy, but it also means the amount of preparation work they have to do behind the scenes. will be greatly increased.

They really need to start taking a closer look at every other team and every opponent in the LPL.

Be fully prepared.

Thoroughly study the playing style of each LPL team, the characteristics, strengths and weaknesses of the players in each position, and then formulate a response plan accordingly - it may not even be one set of plans, but at least two sets. Can provide alternatives.

Before An Xin's arrival, the entire Battle team, except for the five regular members, did not even have a reserve staff member. This meant that in addition to taking care of their own training status, the five members also had to devote their time and energy to specializing in Doing the logistics...

Chapter 554: One person beats the group (page 1/5),. Preparation. and. Before entering the LPL league, they could have had various discussions and exchanges with old acquaintance clubs like God-God's Hand, KG or Hayami. But now - the situation is different. Even when Battle was only a member of the LSPL division, they did not have a direct competitive relationship with these teams in the LPL, so it made perfect sense to ask three old friends for help out of personal relationships. But now they themselves are part of the LPL. In the next summer split, we will compete with teams like KG, Hayami, and God in the LPL. They have officially become rivals. Then, when the positions and identities have changed, the way and status of getting along with each other will naturally no longer be as casual as before. Otherwise, just imagine, tomorrow you have to play a decisive battle with Team Hayami, but the two teams get together for training the night before the game? Should he show his true skills and cause the secrets of tactics to be leaked, or should he hide them and make everyone unable to enjoy the training and competition? So there will always be all kinds of inconvenient and troublesome details.

to be honest--

Now that the decisive battle - Battle has become a member of the LPL, they need to accept and adapt to their new position and situation.

We should not rely on the unconditional friendship and help of other old LPL friends.

at the moment……

It is indeed time to work hard on your own.

Fortunately, if there are really only five members of the team, top, middle and bottom, Nosuke,...

Chapter 554: One person beats the group (page 2/5),. These tedious and complicated work tasks are really difficult to solve, but now that the girl has returned and assumed the position of head coach, everything seems to have completed the adjustment and transformation easily and naturally, and is on the new track.

Even Lin Feng, who had the most confidence in An Xin, had never thought that in just half a month, Baozi, who seemed to be just an observer gradually familiarizing himself with the team, would secretly do so much preparation work. .

A thick stack of documents.

Almost all the intelligence information of all other active teams in the entire LPL has been sorted out.

List from frame.

Learn about each team's playing style and the tactical system they used in the spring split.

Then go to the specific evaluation and analysis of each team's first team or even second team players in each position.

Detailed and meticulous.

Everything you need.

Just rely on one person.

The amount of work and information compiled is comparable to the efficiency of most of the coaching analysis teams of other teams and clubs.

Even in terms of quality and precision, professionalism...

Even higher!

"The buns are so awesome!"

Tang Bingyao once again began to have starry eyes, looking at her best friend with admiration.

Both Chen Ting and Zeng Rui couldn't help but gasp:

"This is... too detailed."

Li Shiyi was not surprised by the strangeness, but showed a somewhat nostalgic look:


"This is how I came here back then."

"Baozi, you are really called Bao Dao Wei Lao..."

Someone was already smiling from ear to ear:

"Ok, Ok!"

"Just follow...

Chapter 554: One person beats the group (page 3/5),. Let’s go through these things like steamed buns first! "

"If you know yourself and your enemy, you can win a hundred battles. We are about to play LPL, so we have to understand the background of these opponents first!"

Most of the next one or two days were spent in meetings such as tactical discussions and opponent analysis.

Although the training time seems to be slightly reduced.

However, the efficiency of this kind of meeting is extremely amazing, and the results are faster.

Everything is centered around Anxin.

The girl at the meeting looked calm and talked. It turned out that she was not just collecting and organizing simple information, but as the team coach, she had already digested all the information in advance before the meeting. They can easily pick up a team, and even connect one example to other examples casually——

Make more vivid and understandable analysis and interpretation.

The five finalists also nodded vigorously.

Learning is absorbed quickly.

During this period, No. 1 and No. 5 also made a special trip to sit in on the meeting. Originally, they were a little concerned about whether An Xin would be incapable of doing all the off-stage and behind-the-scenes preparations for the entire team. .

But after briefly listening to the content of the meeting, both of them felt relieved.

Before leaving, No. 1 did not forget to say something to the five members of the decisive battle:

"Everyone has to cherish a coach like you."

"Ren Baozi can really stand up to most of the top analysis teams by one person."

"Originally, you, Sister Xiaowu, and I thought about coming to see if there is anything we need help with, but now it seems that with Baozi here, it won't actually matter whether we come or not."

# ... ...

Chapter 554: One person beats the group (page 4/5),. "So, practice hard." On the other side, No. 5 pulled An Xin aside and whispered self-conscious words: "Work is work." "You should also pay attention to your health." "This kind of intensity is still bearable. "?" An Xin smiled brightly: "Yeah."

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