Rising America

Chapter 1859: Zod strikes

When the China Space Exploration team discovered the remains of an alien civilization on the'Sichuan Star' and began to clear the cockroach people on this planet, Jin Xiantai and the others also named the planet they discovered and began to be on that planet. Started a series of arrangements.

   The frustrating name of "Mineral No. 1" was obtained by Jin Xiantai and others for this planet. Although the name is very earthy, it is very appropriate.

   After all, this planet contains rich metal deposits.

At an almost negligible price, Jin Xiantai traded a whole area of ​​land in the ring volcanic belt from the king of the'Mor clan.' What's wrong with doing it yourself.

   And this thing is pretty good for Kim Hyun Tae, at least he achieved his goal in a very peaceful way.

   Well, at least at this stage.

   As for whether there will be any conflicts with the aborigines in the future, that is not something that Jin Xiantai has to consider. This matter will definitely take over the planet in the future and those who mine minerals here will have a headache.

   Marked and positioned the coordinates of this planet, and Jin Xiantai and the others continued on.

  On the'Mineral One' star, Jin Xiantai only left a few AI robots, and these AI robots will look after the Red Police Base.

   When will the earth send people to develop the minerals here, that’s not something that Jin Xiantai needs to worry about.

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   After solving the troubles on the Gemini 2 star for her father, as well as the possible crisis that humanity may face, Coco started her boring life again.

   After all, life is like this, it is impossible to have stimulation every day.

Annie takes cocoa with her every day, not to look at the little guy, but to let the little guy be able to catch her ears when she is dealing with various affairs. After all, the business at home must be handed over to Coco of.

   Of course, the bear child is really not interested in it at all.

   So, whenever Annie asks Coco to learn how to do business, the little guy is quite perfunctory.

  Bear Kid’s best friend, Kaila, goes to school every day. There is no way to be with Bear Kid during the day, which makes Coco quite helpless.

   Her little friends, such as Wanda and Pietro sisters and brothers, and Kayla are already in elementary school, so there must be no leisurely kindergarten like Coco.

   Wannian Lori Ensa, ran to Coco's Underworld and fell asleep, so she couldn't accompany Coco to pass the boring days with her.

   Therefore, Coco feels quite lonely and lonely.

   Of course, this is just what the bear child thinks.

   With the opening of the "Interstellar Age", Annie has to deal with more things, because she has a big plan, and this plan causes her to deal with many things every day.

   Fortunately, although he is with Annie, Coco can always find the opportunity to secretly have some fun by himself, to pass his boring time.

   As for the bear child, what do you do?

   is very simple, go to the multiverse plane world.

   This is easy for Cocoa.

   Days go by, everyone has their own things to do.

   At the same time, everything is developing towards the good side.

   Alaska, U.S. Space Observatory, the personnel on duty this day discovered a very strange thing. Several satellites that have been kept in operation suddenly lost their signals and disappeared from the observation instruments.

   At first, this situation did not attract attention.

  The person on duty thought that the satellite might be malfunctioning.

   But soon, the person on duty realized that this thing was quite wrong.

   is very simple. If a satellite fails, it is only one. It is impossible for several satellites to fail at the same time.

   Besides, this situation is not only the case with the satellites of the United States. Countries such as China, France, and Dongying have also experienced interruptions in their own satellite signals and can no longer be contacted.

   Many countries in the world have satellites in the sky.

   But I don’t know how to do it. In the same day, none of the satellites can be contacted.

   so much so that many media have been affected.

   Soon, this matter has an answer.

Satellite TV channels from various countries were connected by a powerful signal. A man who claimed to be General Zod appeared in the screens of these channels, saying that he was looking for a Krypton family living on the earth, and at the same time let the earth give up resistance to clouds and clouds. ...

   Yes, General Zod is here.

   No one thought that Thanos and the alien army under Thanos did not come, but General Zod came to the solar system.

   If Kim Hyun Tae was still on earth, he would be dumbfounded.

  Ghost knows what kind of timeline is here in another time and space, which makes people confused at all.

   Cocoa is not on the earth now, it can even be said that he is not in this universe. The bear kid took advantage of the toilet and went to other planes to play.

   So, I have to say that General Zod has good luck.

  If the bear boy is there, he will definitely hit the door and teach General Zod to be a man.

  General Zod not only connected to major TV channels, but also various electronic media and radio stations. As long as humans turn on or use related electronic appliances, then they can hear or see this message released by General Zod.

   So, Kayla’s father and mother, and her dizzy brother who was fascinated by the green tea bitch, learned the news in a short time.

   Therefore, Kayla, who was still in school, had to take leave of absence and returned home.

When Kayla returned to her home in Beverly, she found that the man in black who managed to live on the earth had appeared in her home, and her father and mother, as well as the unbelievable brother, A frowning look.

There were two people in black who came to Kayla’s house, one black and the other white. They are no strangers to these two people, because these two guys are very famous. Many unruly aliens are made by them. Two packed.

The two men in black are wearing cool sunglasses, and the black man among them speaks to Kayla’s father: "Mr. Al, we hope you will consider my suggestion. In this situation, it’s best for you to hide. For a while, as long as the guy named Zod can't find you, he will leave if he wants to come."

  Kayla breathed a sigh of relief, listening to what the other party said, not trying to push her family out.

   The little girl went to her mother and sat down.

   At this time, Keira's brother, who has made the limelight in the Metropolis in recent years, gave himself a "Superman" name Krakent speaks.

   "Agent j, is this just the way you thought of it? We have lived on the earth for a long time, knowing that you humans also have cards."

   Clark's meaning was obvious. He was a little unhappy with the other party's proposal, because in his opinion, his family avoided Zord, which seemed very embarrassing.

   Therefore, he felt that he should use the power of human beings to confront Zod.

   Like what he said, humans are not without cards.

  Zord is not invincible.

   If the ‘Alien Administration’ is willing to take the lead, Zord cannot be too arrogant.

   After all, the earth in different time and space is not without its heritage.

   But it is a pity that the black man called Agent J did not show any mood swings, and apparently did not consider Clark's proposal.

   "This is the meaning of the superior, please understand it. After all, for us, this is a matter between your alien races, and it is not easy for us humans to intervene. Therefore, it is best for you to solve the best."

   "Of course, in the spirit of humanitarianism, it is impossible for us to push you out like this, so the best way is for you to hide for a while."

   The other white man spoke at this time.

   Keira couldn't help hearing these words.

"We are American citizens and have long been naturalized as Americans. I myself was born on the earth. According to the laws of the United States, I am a serious American. What you said just now is very wrong. What is meant by'we aliens'? Don’t let us show you the ID.”

   An angry Kayla's words made the two men in black a little bit at heart.

Because what Kayla said is right~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Their family has long been naturalized Americans, strictly speaking, they are Americans, and their family all have voting rights, and those who take It’s different if you have a green card or you are naturalized but don’t have the right to vote.

   Kayla's voice just fell, and his father Al, who had been silent, also spoke.

"Yes, we are American citizens. Now the government should protect us, instead of letting our family hide away. You must know that my wife and I pay a lot of taxes every month, according to your statement. taxpayer."

   The two men in black looked at each other helplessly, but unfortunately they both wear sunglasses, so there is no way to see each other's eyes, this is just a subconscious action.

   "Mr. Al, please understand."

   The white agent wanted to continue to persuade.

   "If you don't understand, I can't understand either! It's wrong for you to do this!"

   Father Al interrupted the conversation.

   "You can't handle it, I'll go to SHIELD."

   "Yes, husband, let's go to SHIELD."

   Al's wife goes with her husband.

The dark-skinned agent curled his lips: "Although we and SHIELD are two departments, I can tell you with certainty that SHIELD will not care about you, and Director Fury doesn’t seem to be We are so easy to talk, but he will push you out if we don't get it right."

   Nonsense, it is obvious that this dark-skinned agent is fooling the Kaila family, making them think it's useless to find SHIELD.

   In fact, SHIELD has already taken action at this moment.

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