Road Survival, I Have a Hint System!

Chapter 1542: Rank 5 Promotion Ceremony

After looting the entire country, Zhang Tuohai completely completed the denuclearization of the country.

Not only aircraft carriers, nuclear submarines, and weapons such as strategic nuclear bombs, but also nuclear power plants, centrifuges, and even nuclear waste storage stations have been visited, and there is not even a little radioactive nuclear waste left.

After making sure that Ugly Country couldn't even make a dirty bomb, he patted his **** and left.

As for what happens to the ugly Congress because of this incident, it's none of his business.

Even if the dog's brain is knocked out, what does it have to do with him?

After leaving Ugly Country, Zhang Tuohai did not leave Ugly Country directly.

Mainly, Ugly countries have closed airports across the country and are implementing curfews across the country.

The president and vice president are said to have officially broken up, even to the brink of war.

In order to be safe, Zhang Tuohai went directly south to Laomo, and then went to Xiaotian from here.

He remembered that the Seventh Fleet was still parked here.

The other fleets are gone, and it cannot be left alone, the whole family must be neat and tidy.

Zhang Tuohai arrived at Xiaotian and took a taxi directly to a hotel.

This hotel has nothing else to offer but it directly overlooks Tokyo Bay.

Looking at the many warships moored in Tokyo Bay, Zhang Tuohai waited for the night to fall.

As night fell, Zhang Tuohai opened the window of the hotel, and flew over Tokyo Bay on his silky silk.

Several huge warships are parked in the port of Tokyo Bay.

Apparently the local situation has reached here, and all warships have entered a state of strategic duty.

Zhang Tuohai could even see the military police on duty on the huge battleship.

However, this level of protection is not enough to stop Zhang Tuohai.

Zhang Tuohai landed directly on the tail end of the battleship, and then stretched out his silk thread, directly penetrated the deck, and directly pierced into the nuclear reactor.

He already knows the process like the back of his hand.


Several gendarmes were startled when they saw Zhang Tuohai appearing suddenly, and rushed over with their guns raised.

Zhang Tuohai didn't bother to talk at all, as soon as Wanqing's hair came out, he swept them away.

After beheading several gendarmes, Zhang Tuohai didn't stop, and Wan Qingsi swept across the deck like strings.

The gendarmes didn't even see what was going on, and they were cut into several sections horizontally.

The superstructure on the ship was also cut directly into several sections.

When the superstructure collapsed, Zhang Tuohai also pulled out the nuclear fuel rods in the ship, floated away, and jumped onto the next ship.

Zhang Tuohai is already familiar with this set of procedures, almost forming a muscle reaction.

It took less than ten minutes for Zhang Tuohai to wipe out all the nuclear-powered ships in the port.

Zhang Tuohai didn't let go of the rest of the boats, and cut them into pieces with Wanqing silk.

At this time, several helicopters flew into the air, looking for Zhang Tuohai's trace.

But Zhang Tuohai was mixed in with the huge amount of marine garbage, so he couldn't tell it apart at all.

Coupled with the large number of corpses, the helicopter couldn't find Zhang Tuohai in this Shura field.

On the contrary, the huge roar made them look particularly conspicuous.

whoosh whoosh—

A few blue silks shot out from the water, and with a horizontal sweep, they cut the helicopters in half.

With screams, the helicopter fell into the sea.

Zhang Tuohai originally wanted to make up the knife, but found that his energy had been accumulated and he could perform the ceremony of promotion to the fifth rank, so he jumped out of the water and flew back to his room.

He turned on his phone and checked the ceremony for promotion to fifth rank.

"Build a sect and have at least 10,000 disciples."

"Building a sect? This is easy, as long as you have money, but only 10,000 disciples..."

Zhang Tuohai pondered.

He does not know what the standard of discipleship is.

Is it as long as the name is registered and registered, or is it counted as what you really believe in from the bottom of your heart.

Zhang Tuohai thought about it, decided to change the next itinerary, and stayed for an experiment.

He wants to recruit a group of disciples in the small days.

Doesn't this mean that he is going to pass on the exercises here.

The main reason is that this book in his hand is a veritable magic technique.

Moreover, he didn't remember how many people there were in the Soul Control Sect.

Even in the hands of those bosses of the fourth and third ranks, there are not many people.

There are only three or two big cats and kittens.

So here comes the question, everyone who wants to be promoted to the fifth rank has to go through such a ceremony, so what about the disciples they trained before?

Combined with this book of magic skills, it is hard for Zhang Tuohai not to make some bad associations.

"So, let's try it here first."

Zhang Tuohai made a plan.

At night, people from the police and the defense team came to ask about the situation from time to time, and more than ten questionnaires were made.

But Zhang Tuohai came in through a formal way, and he stayed in the room all the time, so the salary thieves didn't find anything, they just asked Zhang Tuohai not to leave the country in the near future, so that they could go back and ask about the situation.

When it was dawn, Zhang Tuohai had a plan.

He got out of the hotel and found a private temple according to the guide map.

In the small days, UU Kanshu has many private temples. The main function of these temples is to sell cemeteries and help people worship ancestors.

Generally speaking, it is not open.

However, this is what Zhang Tuohai needs.

The temple that Zhang Tuohai found was not small, there was actually a whole small hill, and the red torii gate was built at the foot of the hill.

The stone steps meander all the way to the top of the mountain.

Zhang Tuohai walked up the stairs, looking like a tourist.

After entering the temple, Zhang Tuohai saw two priests head-on, cleaning the yard.

"Who are you? This place is not open to the public."

The two priests said loudly.

"Sorry, this place is already mine."

Zhang Tuohai stretched out his silky silk, and swallowed up the two priests including their belts and flesh.

Wandering around the temple, Zhang Tuohai killed the priests one by one, and then found out the contact information of those customers.

"Is it Mrs. Yamada? Your husband's ghost appeared. He said he would see you no matter what, and he wanted to tell you something very important, but he can only stay in the temple and cannot go out, so I can only ask you to come here in person, okay, I will wait for you in the temple."

Zhang Tuohai hung up the phone with a smile.

After about an hour, a richly dressed young woman arrived at the temple.

Followed by a middle-aged man in a suit.

"Isn't Yamada dead? How could it still appear? I think it's just cheating you of money. If you ask me, why pay so much money every year to bury it here? It's better to just throw it in Tokyo Bay."

"I also know, but recently the insurance company has been stricter in the investigation, so I have to show a loving look, and wait a few years until the rumors have passed before we talk about it."

Mrs. Yamada said.

At this moment, they suddenly saw a ghost appearing in front of them.

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