Road Survival, I Have a Hint System!

Chapter 320: Lilith's gift

Latest website: After throwing the drawing to Zhao Wanwan, Zhang Tuohai began to look through the regional channels.

At this point, the regional channel has been full of obituaries.

A large number of players die at all times.

At this time, the number of regional channels has dropped from 4,132 to 3,027, and the death toll is still increasing, and in a blink of an eye, it fell below 3,000.

Moreover, the cause of death for most players is suffocation and lava.

Zhang Tuohai is sure that the first batch of players who died were definitely the players in Redstone City who were preparing to ambush him.

Regarding the death of these people, Zhang Tuohai didn't feel any waves in his heart.

Since he has chosen to be his enemy, he is his enemy. The more such people die, the better.

The only pity is that they were not drained before they died.

Zhang Tuohai flipped upwards and finally found the few game tips that he had overlooked.

[Announcement: Jill and Lilith detonated the holy mountain (doomsday volcano), causing the earth to collapse, the wasteland world entered the doomsday mode, the natural disasters were activated early, all tasks were cancelled, and the final task was released: successfully survived the seventh in the doomsday sky. 】

[Task reward: 3 days holiday. 】

[The debuff is updated to Doomsday Destruction: Everyone will drop 30 mood points per hour regardless of where they are. When the mood value is lower than 10 points, the beheading mode will be triggered and the player will immediately enter a state of collapse. The probability of falling into madness: 55%, the probability of mutation: 50%, the probability of direct death: 40%]

Looking at these few game system prompts, Zhang Tuohai didn't know what to say.

After running hard, he finally sent two lunatics to the holy mountain, and then directly caused the end. What is this?

It seems that the future missions released by the game system should also be kept in mind.

It was Lilith that saddened him the most.

I finally made a high-level processing factory and Lilith laboratory. I thought I could turn a drawing girl away, but ended up fetching water with a bamboo basket.

"Wait, I remember Lilith seemed to say that he left me some drawings."

Zhang Tuohai stood up abruptly, opened the door, and entered Lilith's laboratory.

The laboratory was cleaned up and the difference machine was still calculating, but it was impossible for Lilith to know the final result.

A stack of parchment was neatly placed on the table.

On the top is a draft paper full of handwriting.

Zhang Tuohai picked it up and found that it was full of various calculations, and wrote a few lines of text in the blank space.

"If you see this piece of paper, it means that I have activated Doomsday Volcano."

"Yes, I knew from the beginning that it is not a sacred mountain at all, but the source of destruction of this world. But I still want to activate it. Because I don't allow my home to fall into such an ugly situation, then I'm afraid I will destroy it by myself."

"This world has decayed, and it is wrong from the root. Rather than linger, it is better to overthrow it and start over."

"Perhaps, only by experiencing the baptism of real flames can this world be truly redeemed and reborn."

"The pre-war materials you sent are very useful and have benefited me a lot. The drawings on the table are based on the actual situation of your car. I propose an improvement plan. You can refer to it and decide by yourself."

"I know you must want to know the origin of the source stone. I can point you in a direction, the tower."

"If you don't know where the tower is, you can refer to the map at the bottom of the drawing."

"Declare in advance that the tower is dangerous, please consider carefully."

"Finally, thank you for your hospitality over many days."

"Beef noodles, it's so delicious."

"It would be great if there was no war in my world."

After reading this letter, Zhang Tuohai was silent.

For Lilith, he really doesn't comment on anything.

After all, this is people's own world, and they have the final say on what it looks like, and they can't tolerate him being an outsider.

Zhang Tuohai sighed and opened the drawing.

The first drawing is a manufacturing drawing of a soup pot.

[Lilith's soup pot: The soup speed is increased by 20%, the fuel is saved by 25%, and the firmness is increased by 150%. 】

[Manufacturing material: Intermediate metal ingot: 5 units. 】

There is also a line below: I'm sorry for breaking your soup pot. If you make it according to the craftsmanship of this drawing, maybe it won't be broken by me, right?

Zhang Tuohai rubbed his eyes and continued looking.

【Doomsday version of air purifier. 】

[Design drawings for the upgrade of the 105mm artillery. 】

[The original design draft of the automatic feeder. 】

[Improved design drawing of 105mm high-explosive ammunition. 】

[Auto-attack steam machine gun fantasy version 2 design drawing. 】

[Enhanced version of the steam boiler transformation drawing. 】

[Steam-powered mechanical arm manufacturing drawings. 】

[Design drawings of the new crawler wheels. 】

【Lilith's Garden (Fantasy Picture)】

[Design drawing of honeycomb rocket. 】

[Steam battle puppet design drawing. 】

[Design drawing of steam battle puppet manufacturing workshop. 】

[Design drawing of steam battle puppet repair shop. 】

["Steam Puppet Maintenance Manual"]

["Steam Puppet's Mental Health Guidance"]

The thick pile of drawings covers almost all aspects of the car body.

This is Lilith's upgrade opinion on Zhang Tuohai's infantry fighting vehicle.

If all these things can be implemented, Zhang Tuohai's infantry fighting vehicle will have a comprehensive upgrade.

The benefits are huge.

But, what the **** are the last two things?

Zhang Tuohai felt that two strange things were mixed in.

Steam puppets actually need mental health guidance?

Lilith herself is a problem boy.

Her mental health guidance...

Still can’t teach a bunch of problematic steam puppets?

At that time, a bunch of steam puppets followed her, shouting "Anlahu Akbar" and rushing towards the enemy...

The picture is so beautiful that I dare not look at it.

Zhang Tuohai put all these drawings aside with complicated thoughts.

The primary goal now is to avoid the continuous eruption of the doomsday volcano and the various chain disasters that follow.

Except for air purifiers, most of them are useless.

It can be manufactured slowly later.

Under these drawings, there is also a map pressed.

The area drawn on this map is even larger than that of the Red Fort. There are even some locations and information in the UU Reading that the Red Fort has not yet marked.

On the north side of the Red Fort, there is a white tall tower with only two characters on the side-tall tower.

"This is the tower Lilith mentioned? There is too little information, except for the name."

Looking at this drawing, Zhang Tuohai couldn't help but curl his lips.

However, thinking of the power of Lilith's source stone, Zhang Tuohai's mind became active again.

If he gets a source stone of the same power, he will have the same new hole card.

Moreover, the tower is far away from the sacred mountain, and it is also a good place to escape disaster.

It seems that this high tower must be visited anyway.


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