Road Survival, I Have a Hint System!

Chapter 880: post-war cleanup

Falling in love with, road survival, I have a reminder system

"Is there a way to deal with it?"

Lilith glanced at the tentacles and transparent threads that covered the sky and asked.

"If it was yesterday, it wouldn't work, but today..."

Zhang Tuohai said and raised the black umbrella in his hand: "Black Storm!"

A black tornado gradually formed from his black umbrella, and gradually expanded, attacking the surrounding tentacles, transparent silk threads, and frenzied mental turbulence.

This code, Xiao Ai, had already been handed over to Zhang Tuohai, but Zhang Tuohai was too weak at that time to exert his due power, so he put it on the shelf.

But now, after Zhang Tuohai has been partially sourced, he can already exert most of the power of this code.

Black tornadoes are more violent and fierce than ordinary tornadoes. Moreover, they are mixed with a large number of black petals, and their attack power is increased several times.

Not only those tentacles and transparent silk threads were broken when they touched, but the turbulent flow composed of pure spiritual energy was instantly smashed into pieces.

If only the attack power is strong, it is not enough to make Zhang Tuohai pay so much attention.

Those silk threads and turbulent currents might be able to be bypassed, but if the attack is high, it is useless if it can't hit anyone.

However, the black tornado not only has a very high attack power, but also has a strong suction force. Those threads and turbulent currents are involuntarily attracted and then smashed into pieces by the black storm.

Although those mental turbulent currents have recognized the horror of the black storm and are fleeing desperately, they cannot escape the suction range of the black storm at all.

Perhaps, the moment they saw the black storm, their fate was already doomed.

After a few minutes, the black storm smashed everything within sight.

After destroying everything around, the black storm did not stop, but continued to rotate, and had a tendency to expand.

"What is he doing?" Xiao Qi was a little puzzled. He had obviously repelled the attack of the giant jellyfish, so he could take the opportunity to leave. Why did he continue to attack?

"He has always been a person who is unwilling to suffer losses. He has to create opportunities to take revenge when he has no chance. What's more, he has a chance now? If he hadn't broken up the giant jellyfish, he would not have stopped."

Lilith said.

"Really? Does he know what it means to kill the giant jellyfish? It means that he will be recorded on the evil god's kill list. Isn't he afraid of the evil god's revenge?" Xiao Qi looked at Lilith in disbelief .

"Also, the evil **** has invested a lot of money in order to make the giant jellyfish work better, and even injected a lot of quantum crystals into the jellyfish. Even if this jellyfish is not a demigod, it has the strength of a demigod."

"Just look at it." Lilith said with a smile.

Xiaoqi looked up and saw that the black tornado had begun to rapidly spread outward. At this time, the diameter of the storm eye had reached a range of two or three kilometers. It is conceivable that the scope of the black tornado was huge. Jellyfish are shrouded in range.

After half an hour, the black tornado slowly shrank, and finally retreated to Zhang Tuohai's black umbrella.

At this time, the original giant jellyfish and those mental turbulence have disappeared, and the surrounding has become a void, and the No. 3 vehicle formation surrounded by the outer line can be seen in the distance. Gu Acura

The water drop spaceship slowly landed beside Zhang Tuohai.

Although, the water droplet was attacked by a giant jellyfish just now, and the outer casing was severely damaged. There were actually many potholes on the quantum crystal that was smooth as a mirror. However, the overall frame was fine, and it could still drive normally.

"Let's go, go back and talk about something."

Zhang Tuohai opened the hatch of the water drop and said.

"Sorry, I can't hold on anymore, my body has been drained for a long time, I have to go back to recuperate, all the information I know is forwarded to you, and the rest is all please, it's great to see you, Madam..."

Xiao Qi's voice gradually became lower, and finally her transparent body completely disintegrated, turning into a little starlight and blending into Lilith's body.

"Welcome home." Lilith whispered with her arms in her arms.

"Let's go." Zhang Tuohai silently took Lilith back to the heavenly kingdom of heaven.

At this time, the self-propelled machinery factory and various arsenals were still running rapidly. On the one hand, it was to clear some of the remaining Zerg, and the other part was used to supplement the defense forces of various worlds.

Zhang Tuohai just got so many worlds, and he couldn't manage it for a while. He only distributed the Spiritual Realm system to the son of luck for monitoring. However, the specific defense force has not been distributed in place. Today, taking advantage of this opportunity, it is just fine. Replenish the defense force of each world.

The basic defense force is the will of the world + the self-propelled mechanical formation + the No. 3 vehicle fleet, the trinity strike force, this configuration can almost deal with most of the enemies.

As for the lost population and damage to each world, it will take time to slowly recover. Zhang Tuohai does not want to use too many external forces to interfere with the development trajectory of each world. Otherwise, the world under his control will be the same. , there is no point of reference.

As for the rest of the No. 3 vehicle, they began to search the distance.

The raid this time proved that Zhang Tuohai still had loopholes in his control of the nearby area, and he found the enemy only after being rushed to the door.

In order to prevent this from happening again, Zhang Tuohai needs to continue to expand the front line, occupying all the worlds along the way, as a buffer zone, and at worst, he also needs to establish an observation post as an early warning system.

Send out a reconnaissance spaceship to monitor every barren world and every dark wormhole, and control all the places where the fleet might be hidden to prevent the enemy from being caught off guard.

After the local world was settled, Zhang Tuohai began to deal with the world of Alaya that he controlled.

There are quite a few worlds under the control of Alaya, there are more than a thousand in total. Counting Zhang Tuohai's original control, there are more than two thousand worlds under the name of Zhang Tuohai, covering all corners of the Chaos Sea, called Chaos Sea The number one landlord does not seem to be too much.

For these newly controlled worlds, Zhang Tuohai still follows the old method, arranging the spirit realm system, replacing the will of the world, and a three-piece self-propelled machine garrison.

As for the above technology, Xiao Ai is responsible for sorting out the useful parts and adding them into their own technology tree.

After dealing with those ordinary worlds, Zhang Tuohai began to think about how to deal with Alaya's kingdom of God.

If other demigods or gods get a well-developed kingdom of God, they will basically use it as their own back base. If the development is not very good, they may even directly transfer the kingdom of God and use it as their own kingdom of God. to operate.

However, Zhang Tuohai had a different idea.

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