Road Survival, I Have a Hint System!

Chapter 900: death racing

, the fastest update of Highway Survival, I have the latest chapter of the reminder system!

Zhang Tuohai fell into a black vortex, surrounded by pictures, some are technological cities, some are rural scenery, some are gloomy and icy prison cells, some are sunny holiday villas, some are modern battlefields full of artillery fire, and some are both swords and guns. The ancient battlefield...

One scene after another circulates around.

In front of him, the black silhouette of Zhiye was standing not far away.

"The ones around you are optional plot scenes. It's very simple to want the authority in my hands. As long as you can come to me in the plot world, then I will give you all the authority in my hands."

Zhi Ye said while tossing the authority in his hands.

"Of course, if you are afraid, you can leave directly, and I can also hand over the authority to you, but you must leave the eldest sister forever."

Zhi Ye said coldly.

"Huh?" Zhang Tuohai was slightly taken aback when he heard Zhi Ye's words. He felt that things seemed to be developing in a somewhat subtle direction. This Zhi Ye seemed to have a problem with him and Lilith standing together.

Could it be the natural resistance of the stepdaughter to the stepfather?

"How is it? Are you ready?" Zhi Ye, obviously impatient, urged.

"Lilith is my daughter, and I won't abandon her, so how should I choose a scene?"

Zhang Tuohai asked lazily.

"Are you sure?" Zhi Ye's tone clearly contained a hint of disbelief. In her eyes, Zhang Tuohai was a coward hiding behind the eldest sister's head. How dare he face such a challenge?

"You may not know that in this kind of world, there is no chance of resurrection. If you die, you will also die in reality!"

"So what, do you think what I've experienced before is easier than this? Lilith is something I won't give up. Can you tell me how to choose a scene now?"

Zhang Tuohai asked.

Seeing Zhang Tuohai's confident appearance, Zhi Ye was a little angry.

"You have successfully angered me, I will let you know the fate of offending me, now, you have no choice, go to this world!"

Zhi Ye said, waved his big hand, a scene suddenly appeared at Zhang Tuohai's feet, and a black vortex appeared, swallowing Zhang Tuohai completely.

Zhang Tuohai felt dizzy for a while. When he recovered, he was stunned to find himself squatting in a cell, wearing an orange prison uniform and shackles on his hands and feet. At first glance, he was a felon. .

"Prisoner in prison? This identity is not very good."

Zhang Tuohai looked at the surrounding scene. At this time, he was staying in a cell, surrounded by cement walls, not even white ash.

He was sitting on an iron bed welded to the ground, with a dirty and worn blanket under him, a stainless steel toilet in the corner, a half roll of toilet paper on the tank, and nothing else. No.

Above the water tank is a small ventilation window, only thirty centimeters wide, with two iron bars as thick as thumbs installed.

Just then, a ping ping pong sound sounded.

Zhang Tuohai turned his head and saw that the entire wall at the end of the bed was covered with all-metal sliding gates. A prison guard was knocking on the iron railing on the cell door with a riot stick.

"On No. 341, the warden asked you if you want to participate in the death car rally. This is your last chance. If you don't want to participate, tomorrow morning is the date of execution."

"Here, do I still have a choice?" Zhang Tuohai secretly complained, isn't this forcing him to participate? If he doesn't participate, he really won't be able to see the sun tomorrow.

Can't even eat breakfast.

"You're still tough, then I'll tell the warden to prepare for the death penalty."

Seeing that Zhang Tuohai did not respond, the prison guard thought that Zhang Tuohai was still ready to refuse, and turned around to leave.

"Okay, I agree." Zhang Tuohai said helplessly.

"Huh?" The prison guard was stunned and turned to look at Zhang Tuohai in disbelief, "What did you say?"

"I still have things to do. I can't die tomorrow."

Zhang Tuohai said calmly.

The prison guard looked at Zhang Tuohai in disbelief, looked up and down, and then nodded: "Okay, I will tell the warden your answer, give you some advice, and enjoy this time. , the existence of death is actually a kind of relief.”

After speaking, the prison guard turned and left.

"What the **** is this opening, and it was thrown into prison for me from the very beginning. It's really hard to do, I have to find a way to get out."

Zhang Tuohai was thinking about it, and a memory emerged in his mind, which was the memory of his identity.

In his memory, he was a deliveryman in a supermarket. In order to deliver fast, he has developed a good driving skills. Recently, he is considering quitting his delivery job to find a professional team.

And the prison where he is located is a private prison that has been losing money for years. With his ingenuity, he held a death racing competition, which miraculously set the ratings championship. With the huge advertising revenue, he turned losses into profits and made a lot of money. bowl full.

The warden saw the business opportunity and began to hold one death race after another.

A lot of money was made, but because of the high death rate, there were fewer and fewer good drivers.

In order to gain profits, they began to look for people with excellent driving skills in the society, designed to get them into prison, and forced them to participate in death racing.

And Zhang Tuohai's identity is the unlucky person who was designed to be thrown into prison.

"Damn capital, sure enough, greed and filth permeate every pore."

Zhang Tuohai lowered his head and cursed.

At this moment, there was a sound of leather shoes.

The warden in uniform came over. The warden was a typical red-necked, burly stature, with a scar on his face. It is said that he was injured while serving to the identity In my memory, the warden had a very bad temper. He would beat and kick the prisoners when he was unsatisfactory, and sometimes used equipment.

It is said that there is a torture room exclusively for him in the prison, and no prisoner who enters it will be able to stand up.

According to statistics alone, the number of prisoners who died at the hands of the warden was in double digits. Because of his brutal methods, they were secretly called **** butchers by the prisoners.

"I heard that you agreed?" The warden looked Zhang Tuohai up and down through the cell door.

"That's right. After all, if you don't agree, you will die. Normal people know how to choose." Zhang Tuohai said helplessly.

"According to the rules, the prison can meet your few requirements that are not excessive. What do you want? Money? Food? Or a woman? Or a man, as long as you want, we can get it for you, as long as you can Survive, these will always be yours."

The warden said quietly.

"I want to go see the car I'm going to race with."

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