Road Survival, I Have a Hint System!

Chapter 904: Unlimited Death Racing

"Come on, I bet a lot of money on you to win, don't let me down!"

Robert patted Zhang Tuohai on the shoulder and said.

"If you can give me a part, I will work harder."

Zhang Tuohai said half-jokingly.

"Oh, this can't be done. This is a pension I prepared for myself, but if you can win, I can introduce you to more advertisers and let you use more products."

Robert solemnly refused.

"Is that so? That's really a pity."

Zhang Tuohai shrugged involuntarily when he heard the words, then sat in the cab and backed the car into a container.

The container was hoisted by a forklift and sent to the open space. Afterwards, Zhang Tuohai, who was in the container, felt a sway, and then heard the sound of the propeller.

"Are they going to use a helicopter to send us there?"

As the bikini girl Miranda said, she grabbed the armrest in the car.

"Otherwise, the competition is on the island, so do we need to ship it there? What if we run away? Don't forget, our car is equipped with various weapons, and we want to run on land. There are too many ways. In the air, if we dare to move, we will be killed."

Zhang Tuohai moved his wrist and glanced at the electronic anklet on his ankle. At this time, the positioning area of ​​the electronic anklet had been expanded. Otherwise, the moment he was hoisted out of the prison, the bomb would have exploded.

There was no timer on the car, Zhang Tuohai kept counting the time by pinching his pulse. After about fifteen minutes, Zhang Tuohai felt a violent crash, and then there was the crashing sound of the hoisting iron chain—they were placed on the ground.

Bang, after a muffled sound, the lids on all four sides of the container were opened, and Zhang Tuohai immediately raised his periscope to observe the surroundings.

As far as the eye can see, there are a total of eight cars, which are divided into two rows and staggered. Zhang Tuohai's position is the No. 3 position in the second row, which is a very poor position.

The car in the 4th seat on the left is a spiky Hummer with long spikes welded to the wheel hub. The window is lowered, and two strong men in vests and sunglasses can be seen Han, a strong man with a cigar in his mouth, saw Zhang Tuohai's periscope with a contemptuous smile, and gestured to cut his throat.

Zhang Tuohai has seen this kind of person a lot, and now they are all lining up to be reborn. Naturally, they will not be angry. They just turn the periscope and turn to the other side.

On the other side, is a Wrangler pickup, the whole body is reinforced with steel plates, and grille meshes are installed on the windows. There is a heavy machine gun in the back of the car, and the huge mantlet is about to wrap people. Because the mantlet is too thick, a turntable is made below, and the man above adjusts the direction by turning the handle.

On the far right is a streamlined sports car. The car body looks very low, similar to a normal F1 car. The two people are divided into front and rear seats, and the rear is equipped with a huge rocket engine. It seems that it should take the speed route.

It's just that I don't know what the real situation is. Zhang Tuohai has never seen this kind of car in the previous game videos.

The cars in front also have their own characteristics, but the overall style is similar, with heavy rivet armor, heavy machine guns, and some Dow anti-tank missiles.

Full of wasteland heavy metal style.

Many people also stood up from the car and waved to the surrounding monitors, obviously to win the favor of the audience, so as not to be voted to kill in the voting session.

"Do we really need to go outside to please those audiences?"

Miranda asked worriedly.

"No need!" Zhang Tuohai drank the milk tea in his hand with a look of disapproval.

"But if we look like this, if we enter the voting stage..."

"Then just don't enter the voting session."

"Are we really going to kill so many people?" Miranda hesitated.

"It wasn't us who killed them, it was the capital. If we didn't kill them, we would be the ones who died."

Zhang Tuohai pulled on the handbrake and put his foot on the accelerator.

The other drivers will also return to the car, at this time the ready light has been turned on.

The host also quickly introduced today's rules.

Today's rules are very simple. Unrestricted free competition. There are no restrictive rules in this competition. As long as you can complete two laps along the road, you will be the winner. The number of survivors in the end should not exceed three. The audience decides the life and death of the players.

"The three largest survivors? It's so difficult? Old Zhang, don't die, I'm counting on you for my pension!"

In a bar, Robert squeezed the betting slip in his hand and watched TV with excitement. The betting slip in his hand was almost soaked with sweat.

The other drinkers in the bar are basically the same. Every time the death race starts, it is a carnival by the gamblers. The disputes outside the arena are sometimes even crueler than those on the arena.


The last set of red lights came on, and everyone stepped on the accelerator.


Many players turned their machine guns and turrets at the same time to shoot at the players around them.

This is the place with the highest hit rate in all the venues.

Of course, those who didn't have so much confidence in their own vehicle defenses rushed out with a kick of the accelerator.

Zhang Tuohai was given special attention because he was in the second row. Two cars in the first row, one left and one right, blocked in front of Zhang Tuohai's car. Tuohai's car is strafing However, Zhang Tuohai's car is modified according to the protection level of light tanks, and can even withstand the direct fire of small-caliber artillery. These 12.7mm caliber machine guns can only be used in armored A little dent was left on the board.

Miranda was frightened at first by the sound of gunshots, but later found out that she really couldn't penetrate the armor plate, and her heart slowly let go.

"Let's do it, we don't have that much time to waste with them."

Zhang Tuohai held the steering wheel with both hands and said lazily.

"Oh, good." Miranda picked up the handle, pressed the green button, the roof opened, and a circular nozzle popped out, aiming at the Hummer next to her.


A high concentration of acid was sprayed from the high-pressure water gun and shot directly into the open window of the Hummer.

The two brawny men in vests were inattentive, and their faces were smeared.

stab -- stab --

Puffs of white smoke and burnt smell rose from the faces of the two strong men.


The two strong men covered their faces and cried out in pain.

Letting the two strong men lose their mobility, Miranda didn't want to fight, and aimed the high-pressure water gun at the pickup on the other side.

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