Road Survival, I Have a Hint System!

Chapter 908: Citywide manhunt

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The prison immediately reported the news to Carroll, and then, under Carroll's signal, rushed to Carroll's side with a portable detection device.

The warden also patted his chest and assured: "Don't worry, Miss Carroll, our prison's electronic anklets are all custom-made, using brand-new composite materials, brand-new electronic locks, and 16-digit passwords, which cannot be cracked at all. .Even if they dive into the water, they can continue to emit signals. As long as they hold the tracker, within 20 minutes, we can arrest them."

"Then you bring someone to chase me immediately, remember, I want to live!"

Carroll said bitterly.

No one has ever been safe after teasing her, even if it was for face, she had to make Zhang Tuohai pay the price.

The warden and his men followed Carroll and boarded the speedboat and walked in the direction of the tracker sign.

Soon, the speedboat came to a river, and the warden looked at the sign on the tracker and said, "This is it. According to the display on the tracker, they are below."

"Go down and search!" Carroll waved.

Immediately, several divers who were already prepared dived into the water. After more than ten minutes of searching, these divers quickly found the electronic anklet that was submerged underwater.

Carroll looked at the neat incision and slammed the electronic anklet on the warden's face: "This is your brand new material? This is your unbreakable? How do you explain this?"

The warden's face became very ugly when he saw the broken ankle ring. This is a huge pot. If Miss Carroll is responsible for Zhang Tuohai's escape because of this, he will be the warden. , eight shots in the back suicide are even the best results.

"Miss Carroll, this is an accident, but I have a backup plan, although, they cut the electronic foot ring, but I also installed a locator in the car, they certainly didn't find it, now, the locator They're still moving, they're definitely still in the car, and if we find the car, we'll be able to find them."

The warden said, and took out the mobile phone that was actually positioned in his hand.

Carroll snatched the phone, looked at the moving light spot above, and said to the assistant beside him, "Send someone to catch up, live to see people, die to see corpses!"


Soon, the salvage boat and helicopter set off.

Not long after, the helicopter found the Citroen stuck on a rock on a sandbar outcropping the sea.

Several security personnel immediately went up to check.

Then, they found the hole in the car site, discarded clothes, and the small chainsaw.

The report quickly passed to Carroll.

Carroll's eyes were red with anger, and it was the first time that someone had escaped under the arrest of the Tianludi net she organized.

She absolutely cannot accept it.

"Notify, check along the area where the car is traveling, and check their escape route."

"In addition, they can't stay in the wild all the time, they will definitely enter the city, issue a wanted notice in the surrounding cities, and issue a high reward, as long as they are found, they will be rewarded with 100,000 dollars! On all the electronic billboards, scroll to broadcast their Photos, be sure to catch them!"

Carroll said bitterly.


Immediately an assistant did it, various advertisements were sent out, and TV commercials also featured photos of Zhang Tuohai and Miranda from time to time. As long as you provided valid clues, you could get $100,000.

"You're on fire." Zhang Tuohai poked Miranda with his elbow and said.

"There's no need to use this method." Miranda covered her head and said, "Now, it's over, absolutely no commercial company is willing to shoot commercials with me."

"Think on the bright side. You don't have to pay back the money you owe Henry the Bloody Hand, because after they catch you, they will definitely give you to Carroll, because she gave more."

Zhang Tuohai said with a smile.

"That's not good news at all, is it?"

Miranda rubbed her head in distress: "Why was I so stupid back then, with so many candidates, why did I choose you? I just wanted to find a place to hide."

"Be content, if you choose someone else, you'll be a scorched corpse now, and you won't even have a chance to complain."

Zhang Tuohai shook his finger and said.

"Then what do you think we should do now? How can we escape this big raid in the city?"

"Find a place to change clothes first."

Zhang Tuohai dragged Miranda into the depths of the alley and shuttled through the alley that lacked surveillance.

After passing through a few alleys, Zhang Tuohai and Miranda ran into a few slum specialties - hippies.

Several hippies covered in tattoos, studs, and dyed hair were squatting in the alley smoking unbranded cigarettes. After seeing Zhang Tuohai and Miranda, they all stood up involuntarily.

In their eyes, these are two big fat sheep.

Seeing a few ill-intentioned hippies, Miranda involuntarily took two steps back. She came out of the slums so she knew the details of these hippies, and there was almost nothing they dared not do, as long as there was enough profit, murder and arson , these people don't even blink.

She secretly complained and was about to pull Zhang Tuohai away from this place of right and wrong.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Tuohai greeted him with a smile.

Seeing Zhang Tuohai coming up, the hippies were also stunned.

They have been entrenched here for several months, and they have always been seen walking around by others, and they have never seen anyone dare to take the initiative to approach.

"Hand over your money!"

A hippie pulled out his jackknife, and then he saw a fist the size of a sand bowl.

Zhang Tuohai was first injected with the super genetic medicine prepared by Lilith, and then infused with quantum crystals. He was almost invincible among ordinary people.

If it weren't for the particularity of this world, plus, Zhang Tuohai was restricted to walk in front of Zhi Ye in a normal way, he could completely tear down this world bit by bit with his bare hands.

At least one punch will not be a problem to wipe out this However, in that case, things will be big, and it will not be.

With one punch, these hippies were knocked unconscious, and then Zhang Tuohai began to take off their clothes.

Although their clothes were full of peculiar smells and strange studs and chains, they were not good people at first glance, but they were still much better than the diving suits on them.

Of course, the most important thing is that two of them are wearing clothes with hoods, which can reduce the probability of them being caught by the camera and increase the difficulty of hunting.

"What are you waiting for, hurry up and change."

Zhang Tuohai urged Miranda to change her clothes.

"Following you is more frequent than changing clothes on the runway." Miranda reluctantly began to change clothes.


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