Road Survival, I Have a Hint System!

Chapter 910: get out of the manhunt

Miranda was waiting anxiously below, when she heard a burst of intense gunfire above, followed by the flickering of the fire.

With a puff, Zhang Tuohai jumped down from above.

"What are you doing here?" Miranda asked in panic.

"I got some money. By the way, you don't have to worry about the **** Henry asking you for money in the future."

Zhang Tuohai smiled and put the purse on his shoulder: "Let's go, I'll take you to change some clothes."

After that, he pulled Miranda and sneaked into the alley.

Not long after, the gunmen under Henry the Bloody finally knocked open the door. When they saw the tragic situation in the room, everyone was stunned. They never expected that the boss of the gang was killed in his own lair. .

Most importantly, I still don't know who did it.

For a time, everyone began to plan their own way out in their hearts, but no one cared about the sea of ​​​​fire at the scene, and let the flames swallow the traces.


"A bunch of trash!" Carroll looked at the group of assistants in front of him, wishing to pour them all into the cement column and sink them into the chicken roll bay.

With such a large amount of human and material resources invested, the two escaped fugitives could not be found. What is the face of Lehman?

"Give you another ten hours. If you can't find any useful news, just jump into the sea yourself!"


The crowd bowed their heads.

"Okay, let's summarize the news." Carroll said with a deep breath.

"Miss Carroll, after our analysis, the two fugitives are now in the Castle of Chicken Legs."

"Evidence!" Carroll's eyes flashed.

. . Several assistants looked at each other, and finally a young man wearing glasses said: "There are several points of evidence, first, the place where the two fugitives got off the car was near the city of Chicken Leg Fort. In such a short period of time, it was impossible to run too far."

"In addition, we checked all the surveillance cameras on the roads out of the city, and found no signs of the two going out of the city. In terms of public transportation, the two of them have no ID documents and cannot buy a ticket to leave."

"The most important thing is that we found traces of man-made damage in the nearby sewer drains. It is speculated that the two entered the city of Chicken Leg Fort through the sewer. According to the time, the two should still stay in the city. They will be found soon."

"Very well, what's your name?" Carroll was satisfied.

"My name is Kent, Miss Carroll."

The young man with glasses said excitedly.

"Very good, from now on, you are the commander-in-chief of the operation. I want you to catch those two damned guys within 10 hours. For every hour in advance, the bonus will be increased by 1 million dollars. If it is overtime, You go to die."

Carroll said.

"Yes, Miss Carroll."

Kent nodded.

"I ordered that all forces be concentrated in the chicken leg castle, and two groups were divided to focus on the surveillance. The rest of the people searched according to the neighborhood, focusing on slums, gang gathering places and other chaotic areas, and let the local police and The gang cooperates with us in our work, otherwise, just wait for Lehman to retaliate!"

Many assistants took action one after another.

Soon, one piece of information was reported.

A message caught Kent's attention. Henry, the famous **** gangster in Chicken Leg Fort, was killed dozens of minutes ago.

Although it is common for gangs to kill each other, Kent always felt that it was a bit unusual to happen during this time period.

"Go and check whether this Henry has a relationship with the two fugitives, and what is missing at the scene. I want more detailed information, preferably an autopsy report."

Kent looked at the information in his hand and said.

Many assistants are busy, Hunter's interpersonal relationship is very complicated, but the social relationship between Zhang Tuohai and Miranda is very simple, you can find out by just checking, Miranda is designed to owe Bloody Henry a lot of money.

Although the on-site autopsy report has not been released yet, the on-site investigation report has been released. After a preliminary inspection, the account book of the **** Henry was missing, and hundreds of thousands of cash were missing.

"Sure enough, I guessed right, it is here!"

Looking at the information in his hand, Kent lay on the ground and stared at the area where Henry the Bloody Hand was. After a while, he said with red eyes: "Quick, let me know, and strictly search the Whitby neighborhood. The surrounding eight neighborhoods are also listed as key areas. Search, the rest of the area police force is all concentrated in this area, must not let the prisoners escape!"


"Arrange the helicopter, I want to go in person, I want to catch them with my own hands!"

Kent thought about it for a while and ordered, in his opinion, the two have become turtles in the urn. Under the net of so many people, no one can escape.

A helicopter took Kent toward the Whitby neighborhood.

At the same time, Zhang Tuohai took Miranda wearing the clothes of an overhaul worker and entered the subway along the pipeline well.

"Where are we going?"

Miranda asked breathlessly, leaning against the wall.

After all, she is just an ordinary model with tricks, her acting skills and flexibility may be stronger than ordinary people, and her physical strength is just the same. After a long time of running around, she is already very tired.

"Go to the Tulip District across the city. I read the propaganda that there is a comic convention there, where we can wear makeup at will without being discovered."

Zhang Tuohai said.

"However, the Tulip District is on the opposite corner of the city. How do we get there? Do we have to walk there?"

Miranda felt some tremors in her legs.

"Don't You're not too tired, I'm too tired, let's take the subway."

Zhang Tuohai said.

"How do we sit? We don't even have identities now, we don't even have tickets."

"Don't worry, follow me, you don't need a ticket at all."

Zhang Tuohai took Miranda and followed the staff maintenance road in the tunnel to a nearby platform, waiting quietly.

Soon, a subway rumbled past Zhangtuo Beach and slowly stopped on the platform.

"Let's go, it's our turn."

Zhang Tuohai and Miranda, the two climbed into the last car, hid behind the door, and hung outside the car.

After a while, the subway rumbled forward, and there were two more uninvited guests in the car.

After two transfers, Zhang Tuohai and Miranda successfully came to the Tulip District.

Then, the two left the subway station along the staff maintenance passage.

. Looking at the stop sign in the Tulip District around her, Miranda had a dreamy feeling. She never imagined that she would travel through the entire city under the search of the whole city. It was simply unbelievable.

"Let's go, change your clothes." Zhang Tuohai pulled down his helmet and walked with Miranda towards a props clothing store on the street.

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