Road Survival, I Have a Hint System!

Chapter 925: It's not that enemies don't get together

"What the **** did you do while I was sleeping?"

In the rest stop, Miranda glared at Zhang Tuohai.

At this time, her face was a little red from wiping too hard.

However, most of it was blocked by the sun hat and the magic mirror. If you don't look carefully, you can't really see anything.

"Isn't it just a little graffiti, don't you have any childhood hobbies?"

Zhang Tuohai spread his hands and said.

"I will draw the complete works of the little tadpoles looking for their mother on your face when you are asleep!"

Miranda gritted her teeth.

"Really? We'll see."

Zhang Tuohai took a sip of Snow Top coffee and said with a smile.

"Okay, let's not talk about that, what are we going to do next? Drive through the border? I have an uncle over there, maybe we can go over there, he has a corn farm in the country, we can hide there for a while, Let’s talk about it when the limelight passes.”

Miranda whispered.

"It's definitely not possible to drive over there. The location of our accident is close to the border. I'm sure that Lehman Group must have a strict blockade there to intercept us. We are now just throwing ourselves into the net."

Zhang Tuohai thought for a while and shook his head to deny the decision.

"Then what?"

Miranda asked.

"We can sit on that!"

Zhang Tuohai pointed to the river bend in the distance, and from a distance, a cruise ship slowly approached.


Miranda was puzzled.

"I checked, this cruise ship departs from the inland port, sails all the way to Chicken Roll Bay, turns around the dozens of islands there, and then returns to the inland, because the route is more suitable for young people, and there are many newlyweds. On the top, and the ship's course is at sea, so the inspection force will be very low, and we have a high probability of getting into the ship to avoid the search."

Zhang Tuohai said.

"However, to buy a ticket, you need an ID card. We are currently wanted, can we buy a ticket?"

Miranda was a little moved, and being able to take a cruise is much more comfortable than a car.

After driving for a long time, she almost died of exhaustion.

If possible, she would very much like to change the way of running.

"Don't worry, this is the border, there are not many other things, just a lot of documents. I have contacted a few, and the documents will be there in a while."

Zhang Tuohai looked like he was going to win.

After more than an hour, Zhang Tuohai received several sets of ID documents one after another, from various occupations, and one set was actually the President of the Federation.

Miranda was speechless for a while.

When Miranda saw her ID card, her face became very delicate.

"What occupation did you arrange for me?"

"Is there any problem?" Zhang Tuohai probed.

"Stewardess, ol, teachers, jk, investigators, nurses, maids... always feel very subtle," Miranda Bai Zhang Tuohai glanced, "It seems that they all wear uniforms..."

"It's just a coincidence, I just think these professions are more suitable for you."

Zhang Tuohai turned his face away and whistled as if nothing had happened.

Half an hour later, the Princess Glory cruise ship stopped at the port, a group of young couples disembarked to take pictures, and a few young people got into the city bar and had a drink.

Two young men with large suitcases boarded the boat and entered the top suite under the ardent guidance of the waiter.

After getting a generous tip, the waiter left respectfully.

"It turns out that the top suites on cruise ships look like this."

Miranda walked around the suite and threw herself on the big bed.

The soft and elastic big bed turned her upside down, and then sank her deeply into the softness.

"It's really comfortable, if only I could live like this forever."

Miranda stretched comfortably.

"It's easy, you can buy a bed and put it at home."

Zhang Tuohai said with a smile.

"Go to hell!"

Miranda smashed a pillow at Zhang Tuohai.

The pillow was seven or eight meters long and fell to the ground softly.

Zhang Tuohai poured a glass of wine on his own and came to the window. He seemed to be drinking and watching the scenery, but he was actually observing the surrounding environment.

The privacy of the top suite is very good. It is on the top floor of the cruise ship, close to the stern, with a wide view, good ventilation and lighting, and there is no strong wind from the side chord. .

The only regret is that it is very close to the terrace of the suite next door.

You can jump over it with one jump.

No way, the design of the ship is like this, it is impossible to be as perfect as a villa.

"Except to guard against the next door, the rest is nothing."

Zhang Tuohai pulled the gauze curtain, adding a lot of obstacles.

"what's for dinner?"

Zhang Tuohai asked.

"I want lobster, king crab, paella, fruit pizza!"

Miranda fingered what she wanted to eat.

"I'll have to ask if there's a pasta cook on board, or you might get beaten up."

Zhang Tuohai said.


Miranda was puzzled.

"In short, don't order fruit pizza in an Italian restaurant, you will be hunted down."

Zhang Tuohai called the service desk and ordered a seafood dinner.

Anyway, there is a lot of money in hand, and there are still funds in the unit of 100 million in the bearer account, so there is no need for it.

Looking at the sumptuous seafood dinner, Miranda's eyes straightened.

Forgetting his exhaustion and hard work, he jumped up from the bed and sat in front of the table and ate.

Looking at Miranda's eating image, Zhang Tuohai's appetite also increased a lot, and he ate half an extra king crab.

Just as the two were enjoying themselves, suddenly there was a huge noise outside.

"what happened?"

Miranda cast an inquiring look with wide eyes and a mussel in her mouth.

"I went to see."

Zhang Tuohai wiped his hands, put on a full set of costumes, and left the guest room, carrying a gun with him before leaving.

After a while, Zhang Tuohai returned with a gloomy expression.

"What happened?"

Miranda asked, clutching the lobster claws.

"I'm careless, I met Carroll."

Zhang Tuohai said with a bad look on his face.

"What?" Miranda's face was stunned, and the sound of lobster tongs falling onto the plate could be heard in the room.

"She came to arrest us?"

"If she comes to catch us, can you still eat lobster here?"

Zhang Tuohai said angrily.

She is just too Come over for a vacation and relax. It is said that her cruise ship is being repaired, so she can only take this cruise ship. The sound just now was the sound of a helicopter taking off and landing.


Hearing Zhang Tuohai's words, Miranda didn't know what to say.

She chose to take the cruise ship to avoid Carroll, but as a result, they bumped into each other again.

What does this say? Could it be that this is the legendary fate?

"By the way, her cabin is next to us." Zhang Tuohai continued to make up for the knife.


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