Road Survival, I Have a Hint System!

Chapter 945: The crisis of the agricultural association

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"But will the Green Banner be willing to help us regain control of Straw City?"

A congressman asked cautiously.

"I can guarantee this." Malthus nodded, "I know the green flag very well. After the last war, they have been worried about not being able to control the country. In addition, since they only actually controlled the southern region, As a result, many of their transportation lines have been cut off, so that the transportation capacity has dropped significantly, transportation costs have risen, and profits have been compressed a lot. Therefore, over the years, Green Battle Flag has been working on finding ways to regain control of northern towns and reopen land lines of communication. Methods."

"They have needs, we have needs, and that's the cornerstone of our partnership."

Malthus exhaled a smoke ring and said sternly.

Many lawmakers discussed it with each other, and they all felt that this rhetoric was very reliable.

The speaker discussed with many members, and then said to Malthus: "We can provide a fee of 10 million knives in advance to win the green battle flag, but we will send a joint team to supervise the use of this money. If it works out, we'll give you an additional facilitation fee."

"It's my honor."

Malthus said with a smile, but behind the flashing lenses, there was a glint in his eyes that was hard to detect.

The money is quickly remitted to an unnamed account, and the password is in the hands of the accompanying team. Everyone has a password. Only when everyone agrees, can money be withdrawn from the account, which ensures that no one can misappropriate it privately to the greatest extent. .

Malthus did not delay, and immediately took a private jet to the city where the Green War Flag branch was located, and then went all the way to the headquarters through other routes. After going through layers of inspections, the group finally saw the leader of the Green War Flag, Madu. Luo.

Both sides have their own needs, and they hit it off. However, if this is the case, Malthus also needs to pay more than 6 million yuan.

Immediately afterwards, Green Battle Flag dispatched a convoy of Humvees and armored vehicles, all the way towards Straw City.

With the identity of the Malthusian senator, the checkpoints along the way are unobstructed, and no one dares to stop them.

Looking at the straw city in the distance, Malthus' eyes were full of excitement, and he couldn't help clenching his fists: "From today, the whole straw city will be me."

He turned his head to the leader of the team beside Duvalier and said: "Mr. Duvalier, except for those irrelevant members and speakers, try not to kill civilians, they are our cash cows, if there is resistance , it is enough to be injured, and it can also help the pharmaceutical group to generate income."

"Don't worry, the leader has already explained it, we will act according to the guidelines in our base camp."

Duvalier opened his mouth, and four large golden teeth gleamed in the sunlight.

At this time, they passed a farm, where several cowboys were building vegetable greenhouses and shelves, and it seemed that they were preparing to grow some tomatoes.

Seeing this scene, Malthuston was furious. You must know that he personally implemented the prohibition of farmers from growing vegetables on their own. He had a share in the transportation of convenience food from the lighthouse country and returned to China for sales. Growing vegetables, what's the market for his convenience foods?

"These **** cowboys, Straw City lost control for a few days and started not following the rules. If it was a few days later, wouldn't the sky be turned upside down?"

Malthus has always been unrelenting towards those who hinder him from making money.

If before, he had guaranteed a phone call and asked Cassandra to lead someone to use a tractor to flatten the other side's farm in the name of illegal planting, but now that Cassandra is fleeing, all he can rely on is Du, who is beside him. Valier.

He turned his head to Duvalier and said, "Help me catch this disobedient cowboy and let him know the fate of disobeying the order."

"It's easy."

Hearing Malthus' words, Duvalier readily agreed, and then stretched out his hand: "Our leader said that we need to give money whenever we need to take action. The specific cost depends on the situation. Well, this is calculated according to the head. , One thousand knives per head, three thousand knives in total."

Hearing Duvalier's words, Malthus almost vomited blood. He didn't expect this Duvalier to be so pitiful. He would even need three thousand knives to help teach a few cowboys.

"Okay, I agree, but I won't be able to sign you a check until I return to the city." Malthus was bleeding, but he had to teach these disobedient people a lesson, otherwise, what would be his prestige as a congressman? Who will listen to him in the future?

"It seems that we have to find an excuse to confiscate this farm and sell it for a return of blood."

Malthus secretly had his own little abacus in his heart.

Hearing that Malthus agreed, Duvalier was also very happy. He just said it casually, but he didn't expect the other party to actually agree.

"It's really a big fat sheep, and it seems that he has made a good profit."

Duvalier took the people out of the car and found a few good and walked over with an assault rifle.

Seeing the menacing crowd, a few cowboys wanted to resist, but a few people fired a few shots beside them, which stopped them.

No matter how fast they run, they are not as fast as bullets. If they run now, they can only be shot into a honeycomb, and there is no second end.

A few cowboys were escorted over without the ability to resist, and then they were beaten on the ground, their faces swollen.

Even Malthus got angry and kicked him a few times. If it weren't for these troublesome cowboys, he wouldn't have spent the 3,000 knives.

"Damn maggots, bring me to the transformation camp, I want them to stay in it for a hundred years, and don't think about it until I pay for my losses!"

Malthus said angrily.

The three hapless cowboys were taken away, only the little sister who was hiding in the kitchen cooking escaped the disaster. After everyone left, the youngest sister secretly called old Tom.

"What happened to Eugene? I see."

Old Tom hung up the phone angrily, grabbed the shotgun on the wall and drove to hang the bullet belt on his body.

"What are you doing, uncle?"

Miranda asked anxiously.

"Eugene was taken by a group of militants, I have to go and see."

said old Tom.

"But there are so many of them, what can you do alone?" Miranda said anxiously.

"Then we can't just look at it like that." Old Tom was dissatisfied.

"Can you get everyone from the Agricultural Association to come together? Didn't you just sign a mutual aid alliance? This is just an opportunity to train troops. If you can survive this crisis, the Agricultural Association will be truly established."

Zhang Tuohai said aside.

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