Road Survival, I Have a Hint System!

Chapter 954: Drone bombing destroyer

"Why are there so many drones? Who is so generous? Is there a technology company testing this nearby?" All Ma Run curiously looked at the dense drones in the sky and wondered secretly.

Catres in the captain's room also saw the drone in the sky. As the captain of the navy, he naturally didn't need to squeeze the deck with the fourth-class people, but could drink coffee in the spacious cockpit.

Looking at the dense drones in the sky, Catres frowned and said: "Look for the drone controller and let them take the drone away immediately, don't hinder our military operations, otherwise, I will put him Go to jail."

"Commander, those drones seem to be coming at us."

The watchman shouted in horror with his binoculars.

Through the binoculars, he could clearly see all kinds of weapons hanging under the drones, grenades, anti-infantry mines, plastic explosives, and even Molotov cocktails.

"Hey, what's going on?" Catres grabbed the binoculars and saw those drones carrying weapons, his face changed suddenly.

"Quick, turn on the anti-aircraft weapons and stop them!"

Carteres shouted in panic.

"no way!"

The captain shook his head helplessly.

"How can there be no way, except for patrol boats, destroyers and frigates are equipped with anti-aircraft weapons, how can there be no way

Catres roared, pulling on the captain's collar.

"The angle of the naval guns is not enough, the Phalanx and the anti-aircraft machine guns have no bullets, and the SM1 anti-aircraft missiles are locked in the ammunition depot and can't be transported to the launcher at all now."

The captain said helplessly.

"Where are the bullets? Where did they go? And what about the missiles? Why not put them on the launcher?"

Carter was angry.

"Didn't you personally approve the reselling of the bullets? Anyway, there is no war recently, and the bullets left in the ammunition depot is a waste, and they are sold directly. As for the missiles, it is because everyone has not received full salaries for a long time, in order to make ends meet. People often dismantle parts from ships and sell them. I am afraid that the missiles will be dismantled and locked in the ammunition depot.

The captain spread his hands and looked helpless.

Hearing this, Catres was lost for a while. He took the lead in deducting military salaries because of the reselling of arms, and he caused the predicament he encountered today.

However, it is absolutely impossible for him to admit his mistake.

He is the captain of the navy of the chicken roll country, how could he possibly make a mistake?

It must be the person below.

"I don't care, you immediately find a way to intercept the drone, otherwise, I will send you to a military court!"

Catres roared angrily.

However, at this time, the drone formation had already flown over the fleet.

Whoosh whoosh-

Hand grenades, anti-infantry mines, and plastic bombs were dropped by drones.

Boom, boom!

A series of explosions rang out on the deck.

Ma Run, who was crowded on the deck, had no room to dodge even when he saw the drone. He could only watch the dense bombs fall on his head and blow himself into pieces.

Some Ma Runs near the side of the ship were more convenient. When he saw the drone flying over, he immediately jumped over the railing and jumped into the sea. However, soon, they encountered a problem, that is, because they were too greedy before, everyone was wearing double armor or triple armor, with more than two weapons, and bullets and grenades were several times the normal carrying capacity. Standing on the boat, they didn't feel anything, but as soon as they fell into the water, these things suddenly became their reminders.

Many people are not very good in water. In addition to the panic, they fell into the water, and their heavy equipment dragged them to the bottom of the sea.

The Ma Runs were in a hurry, and nervously unfastened their weapons.

However, when they wore these equipment on land, it took a lot of effort, and now it becomes more difficult to take off in the water where there is no leverage.

Many people couldn't hold their breath in panic, opened their mouths instinctively, and the sea water couldn't stop pouring into their mouths, filling their lungs instantly, directly causing them to fall into anoxic shock.

A few smart Ma Run did not rush to take off the body armor, but tore off the heavy pendant on his body first.

Rifles, bullets, pistols, grenades.

It is reasonable to say that this approach is the most sensible, but unfortunately there are two Ma Runs who are too panicked and accidentally removed the pull ring when removing the grenade.


A cloud of blood dispersed in the water.

The water was tragic, and after working overtime, it had already become a purgatory on earth. Ma Run, who had nowhere to escape, was beaten into a sieve by the steel **** sprayed by anti-infantry mines.

Although many of them wore two or three layers of body armor, their limbs and heads were not so heavily defended. Getting hit by anti-infantry mines was no different from being naked, and even dying might be a little more painful.

The belated incendiary bomb directly ignited the deck, and the gasoline in the incendiary bomb flowed everywhere along the gap, bringing the flames into various places.

Because the training was almost abandoned, the crew did not pay much attention to the maintenance of the ship. Half of the various damage control equipment was in an unusable state, and there were some garbage piles in the corners, so that the poisonous smoke and smog spread everywhere. All of a sudden, the difficulty of rescue was increased.

In this case, let alone the unbearable damage control of Fira like Chicken Roll Country, even the Krypton Gold Loss Control of Lighthouse Country may not be able to recover.

Abandoning the ship has become the only option.

"Let me go first."

Even if Catres didn't want to face him anymore, he knew that there was no other way but to abandon the ship and leave, and immediately ordered the guards to protect him and run towards the escape pod.

At this time, the ship was full of corpses, but it was much more spacious, allowing Catres to pass smoothly.

When Catres and his party stepped on the layers of corpses and came to the escape pod, they were surprised to find that the escape boat marked as the exclusive use of officers was occupied by several These The man is trying hard to control and wants to drive the escape boat away.

"You all get off me!"

Of course, Catres refused to give up the right to survive, and drew the revolver from his waist and aimed it at the sailors.

Seeing that Catres drew his gun, the sailors eager to survive didn't care about the identity of the other party, so grabbing the submachine gun in the survival boat was a burst of fire.

Seven or eight people fell to the ground on the spot.

A few people in the back row were more alert, and with the help of the corpses of the people in the front row, they set up their assault rifles and fired at the escape boat.

Several sailors were killed on the spot without shelter, but the survival boat was also beaten with holes. Under such conditions, entering the water would also end in sinking.

"What? Is there any other way to escape? I can't die here!"

Carter's mind was spinning fast.

At this moment, he felt a whirlwind, and the deck under his feet turned over.

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