Road Survival, I Have a Hint System!

Chapter 959: Make a fortune

In the darkness of the night, a convoy quietly left the chicken roll city and headed for the base of the green battle flag.

This team is the cowboys led by Zhang Tuohai.

Although the broadcast gave many forces three days, it was nothing more than a delay.

Zhang Tuohai knew that without the means of thunder, he would definitely be unable to suppress those little warlords. They are like a group of hyenas. Before the situation is clear, they will only wander in the distance. Once you show your defeat, they will look like Like a shark that smells of blood, it rushes in and rips you to shreds.

If you want to tame them, you need to show your thunderous means and knock out a few disobedient early birds, and the green battle flag is the most suitable one no matter how you look at it.

As long as the biggest warlord in this territory is knocked out, the other forces can be honest for a while, and Zhang Tuohai can have more time to slowly divide, disintegrate, and clean up them.

The convoy galloped on the road, surrounded by a large number of drone escorts, even if it encountered the post set by the green battle flag, it was directly killed by the drone carrying precision-guided bombs.

It's neat and tidy, without any fuss, and never gives the enemy a chance to inform the enemy.

Because of the rapid action and the heavy losses of the green battle flag today, people were so panicked that no one noticed that the post on a road had lost contact.

By the time they found out, swarms of drones had come over their heads.

Under the guidance of the dark line that had been bought in advance, three heavy precision-guided bombs hit the basement where the green flag bosses gathered.

Although the bombing problem was considered when this basement was built, and a bomb-proof roof was specially built, but Zhang Tuohai did not directly attack the basement, but bombed several entrances and exits of the basement, and used the collapsed ruins to destroy these green battles. The leaders and core figures of the flag are all locked in coffins that they have built for themselves.

Without the command of these big men, the green battle flags became a group of headless flies, which were chased by drones and killed one by one.

The battle continued until dawn and gradually came to an end.

The backbone of the green battle flag has been completely destroyed, and the little minions fled to the remote cities.

Zhang Tuohai didn't have time to pay attention to these little scoundrels, but let the reporters accompanying the army take pictures of the scene, especially standing at the headquarters of the green battle flag, took down the flag of the green battle flag, and planted the flag symbolizing the chicken roll country. The process was even filmed into a video and posted on the Internet.

The moment the flag was planted, it was photographed and appeared on the front pages of all newspapers.

refused? Then there is no need to exist.

The photo and video quickly caused a storm on the Internet.

You must know that the green battle flag has been established for a long time, and successive governments have not been able to solve this problem. Many people even think that the green battle flag may become an independent state, but they did not expect such a behemoth to be destroyed.

Or by a little-known little person.

Wait, this guy looks familiar.

Many sharp-eyed people recognized it. Isn't this person the new president who took the throne yesterday?

Just came to power yesterday, and in the early hours of this morning, he destroyed the green battle flag, the largest separatist force in the country. This method is really good.

Zhang Tuohai's method immediately attracted a large number of people, and more and more people began to want to know what kind of person he was, and solved the division problem that had plagued the chicken roll country for many years.

Then, an insider broke the news that Zhang Tuohai was the hero who drove away foreign companies and saved the straw city before.

It tells about Zhang Tuohai's heroic deeds in the past.

Subsequently, Zhang Tuohai's glorious image began to be widely circulated on the Internet.

More and more people began to accept Zhang Tuohai, who regarded him as a real president in their hearts, and felt that only such a person could lead the chicken roll country out of the current predicament.

Zhang Tuohai's glorious image is not only widely circulated in the chicken rolls, but also spread to the lighthouse next door.

Carroll, who read this news, smashed the tablet in his hand.

"How is it possible, he is obviously a fugitive, how he has become the president of the chicken roll country, unforgivable!"

Carroll said to the assistant beside him: "Go and find out who is behind this guy, it is absolutely impossible for him to get to this position by himself, there must be someone behind him helping him! Find out! ,tell me!"


The assistant quickly went out to inquire.

Because Zhang Tuohai did not deliberately conceal the relationship, the assistant quickly found out the characteristics of Zhang Tuohai's use of drones, and then followed the drones and precision-guided bombs, and successfully found the military-industrial complexes.

After finding this, the assistant did not dare to continue, and immediately reported the news to Carroll.

"Sure enough, it is these worms. The domestic orders are not enough for them to eat. They have always been obsessed with Latin America. Do they have to mess up the whole world before they are willing to give up?"

Carroll threw the information aside and asked the secretary to contact the military-industrial complex, hoping that they would cut off their support for Zhang Tuohai. Carroll believed that as long as the support was cut off, the tiger skin on Zhang Tuohai would be ripped off. Whether it is round or flat is not up to them.

However, the military-industrial complex quickly rejected her offer.

The reason is also very simple. When these food giants did not bring them when they divided up the Latin American cake, they looked for an agent by themselves.

"A group of insects!"

Carroll hung up the phone angrily.


"Are we really going to open a route to get those weapons to Latin America?"

Miranda asked worriedly: "If these weapons are transported the situation in the south will be worse, more people will be killed by murder, and the situation will be even more broken."

"Don't worry, I won't do that kind of thing, but since I've already agreed, the route will definitely be opened. As for the follow-up operation, it's up to me, I'll come up with one to satisfy everyone. plan."

"How can everyone be satisfied?" Miranda said in disbelief.

"Look, those military-industrial complexes ship guns to Latin America to make money, right? Those who buy guns are basically local gang members. The local people, causing chaos in the local law and order, and then causing more people to buy guns."

"However, how long does it take for the local people to get their money back? I plan to sell them double the guns and send them to a place full of money, so that they can get back their money faster. , to achieve product update iterations faster, and finally achieve wealth through guns!"

"Where is such a good place?"

"Lighthouse Country."

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