Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 101 The Storm of Integrity

Bai Qing glanced at her, then looked down at the documents on the table.

It was an obstetrics and gynecology examination report. The name written in the first patient column was Ren Xiaohua. The following diagnostic content was the ultrasound test results showed that the gestational sac had a clear outline and a full shape, and the fetal bud was detected. Cardiac pulsation was visible, which was in line with 8 weeks and 5 weeks. sky.

Bai Qing turned her head to look at Jin Xiaoying, then looked up at Wang Li, who was brought out by him from the intern nurse, and threw the diagnosis report into a mess next to her.

Wang Li looked at Bai Qing with a puzzled face. She promised to pay three big meals to get this diagnosis report. She didn't expect her good sister, the current head nurse, to throw it away as trash after just a glance.

"Sister Qing, this Ren Xiaohua..."

"Xiao Li, if you and your best friend fall in love with someone at the same time, and one day she will go to a dead end because of losing hope, would you be willing to share your most precious things with her to help her regain her life?"

Wang Li knew the meaning of this sentence and stood there silently.

Bai Qing continued: "You have a reason to be selfish, and you also have a reason to be open-minded. It's up to you to decide whether to be selfish or open-minded, so... please tell me your choice."

Wang Li stopped talking. This is a question that has no right or wrong, but whichever one you choose will make you feel uncomfortable.

"You may not know." Bai Qing stretched out his beautiful hand, and gently placed it on the back of Wang Li's hand: "I am an illegitimate daughter, and my father will not always be by my mother's side, but after so many years Come on, he still takes good care of us."

"Miss Qing, I understand."

Although what Bai Qing said was very cryptic, as long as she was not a fool, she could understand the deep meaning of the above sentence.

"Miss Qing, you are really a good person."

Bai Qing shook her head, sorted out the nursing records on the desk, stood up and greeted the two of them, "Let's go, I'll treat you to Chaozhou cuisine at noon."

Jin Xiaoying looked back at them and said, "Is that the shop at the intersection?"

Bai Qing nodded.

"Wait for me to change into more formal clothes." After Jin Xiaoying finished speaking, she frantically rummaged through the clothes in the locker, trying to find a coat that could complement her temperament.

Wang Li was very puzzled: "It's just a light meal, do you need such a big reaction?"

Bai Qing whispered to her: "The owner of that store is the type she likes."

Wang Li wrinkled her nose, muttered something about a hungry woman, and when she saw Bai Qing staring at her, she smiled resentfully.


Yan Tong and Fat Zai Chao died.

Chen Zhichao, Han Miao, Lan Xiang, Lei Luo, and Wu Shihao were arrested. Rose cleared her charges as an undercover investigator. Since then, the evil empire built around the four major detectives and drug cartels has fallen apart.

Led by Lin Yue, with the cooperation of Police Commissioner Xue Jifu, the HK police system set off a vigorous sweep to eliminate those black sheep. HK citizens called it a clean government storm.

Godber, who fled to Spain, was finally extradited back to Hong Kong. The court ruled that he was guilty of corruption. Godber will be imprisoned for as long as ten years.

In reality, the chief superintendent was imprisoned for four years, mainly because a large part of the bribes he received was laundered abroad by financial means. The ICAC only got evidence of his embezzlement of several million Hong Kong dollars, and now Lin Yue is leading the investigation. , the results are naturally very different.

Hunter was sentenced to 30 years in prison, because apart from corruption, there were also crimes such as raping Chinese girls, smuggling goods, helping drug trafficking, and framing innocent citizens. Will spend the rest of his life in prison.

Because Zhou Xueer returned most of the stolen money that Sir Zhou embezzled when he was in office, Lin Yue and Sir Ji Da decided to exempt him from prosecution after some discussion, considering his advanced age and serious heart disease.

Wu Shihao was sentenced to 20 years in prison for drug trafficking. However, considering the meritorious service involved in the investigation, the Hong Kong government decided to reduce his sentence by 6 years, and he was sentenced to 14 years in prison.

Dawei was sentenced to 8 years in prison, Zhu Youzai was sentenced to 4 years in prison as Lei Luo's rent collector, and Chen Zhichao, Han Miao, Lan Xiang and others were sentenced to different punishments in the case of property confiscation.

This clean government storm has lasted for two years, and middle-level officials in the police system have been arrested all over the place. If it weren't for the expansion of the police force in the past few years, I am afraid that maintaining the operation of the system would be a problem.

Hong Kong Governor MacLehose is very satisfied with the achievements made by the ICAC after its establishment, and the citizens of HK who have endured for many years are also agitated, demanding that Sir Ji Da and Lin Yue carry out a thorough cleaning of the entire bureaucratic system.

In the first half of 1977, Lin Yue cryptically expressed to the Governor of Hong Kong a suggestion to weaken the crackdown, because if he moved again, he would be the grassroots police officers at the detective and police level. The long-term zero tolerance has made those people highly nervous. If the water is so clear that there are no fish, it may cause unpredictable consequences.

After discussing with the staff around him, the Governor of Hong Kong did not adopt Lin Yue's suggestion.

In October, more than 10,000 police officers jointly complained to the Commissioner of Police that they were dissatisfied with the ICAC, saying that if the Hong Kong government did not stop the matter, they would strike collectively. Chief of Police Xue Jifu and Lin Yue once again approached Hong Kong Governor Mai Lihao to express their opinions. They did not want Xue Jifu to be severely reprimanded.

At the end of October, thousands of police officers marched to protest against the ICAC's plan of "cutting grass and roots". Nearly a hundred police officers stormed into the ICAC, destroyed property and injured people, and other police officers followed suit.

If the police force is indulged, the new ICAC will fail and even lose the support of the public. If the ICAC thoroughly investigates the police force, it will lead to fierce resistance from the grassroots police officers and it will be impossible to maintain social order. Hong Kong Governor MacLehose will fall into a dilemma. situation.

Lin Yue, Sir Ji Da, and Xue Kefu, together with the chiefs of the three departments, suggested to the Governor of Hong Kong to issue an amnesty order to stop investigating all corrupt acts committed by grassroots police officers before January 1, 1977, but the circumstances of the case were particularly serious or the arrest warrant had been issued. Except for those issued, this compromise plan relieved most of the troublesome policemen and eased the increasingly acute social conflicts.

In December, on Christmas Eve, the Queen of England summoned Lin Yue at Buckingham Palace and awarded him the Knight Commander Medal, which was three years late, in recognition of his contribution to eradicating corruption in the police force and maintaining public order in HK. unremitting efforts.


Thanks to 1, like a person who knows how warm and cold drinking water is, book friend 20190617191051953 rewarded the starting point coin

Yes, the next world leader.

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