Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1070 He Yuzhu, You Are Unworthy

Ran Qiuye tightened her five fingers flat on the table, glanced at him and said, "The school has decided to suspend my work as a class teacher."

Upon hearing this, Lin Yue understood.

"What did I say, if I tell you to go, you won't go."

Ran Qiuye smiled gently: "Don't worry, I'm fine. If I don't teach students, I can still do other jobs. It's all about building the country, and occupations are regardless of high or low."

Lin Yue said: "If you don't teach students, you still prepare lessons?"

Ran Qiuye said: "I'm afraid that the teacher Xiao Wang who will take over is not familiar with the teaching situation of the class. Anyway, he is idle anyway. Why don't you mark the main points of the next semester's course and help with some staff work."

"Oh." Lin Yue sighed heavily, thinking that in this era...

"Don't talk about me." Ran Qiuye said, "I heard from Teacher Yan that you got into a fight with that second uncle in your yard?"

Lin Yue frowned: "Why does he tell you everything?"

"He is also kind. Let me advise you not to act impulsively in the future."

After Ran Qiuye finished speaking, it seemed that he was thinking of what happened to him, and a trace of pain flashed between his brows, but he concealed it very well.

What kind of eyesight does Lin Yue have? No matter how subtle the movement is, don't try to hide it from him.

"Impulse? When did you see me being impulsive?"

Ran Qiuye was puzzled: "What do you mean?"

At this time, the waiter came over, threw the menu on the table, and asked blankly, "What would you like to eat?"

Lin Yue has long been accustomed to the attitude of waiters in state-run restaurants in this era, and he doesn't even look at the menu.

"Mushu meat, shredded yam, a Texas grilled chicken, and egg drop soup."

The waiter picked up the menu and walked away proudly.

Seeing that the doubts in Ran Qiuye's eyes did not diminish at all, he couldn't help laughing: "I didn't expect you to be so gossip."

She was a little embarrassed.

"You should know Lou Xiaoe's identity, right?"

"know a little."

Lin Yue said: "What kind of person is the second uncle? The first-class official fan in our courtyard, Xu Damao exposed Lou Xiao'e's divorce, so the gold and silver jewelry hidden in his family became so-called stolen goods. At that time, I took The two beat each other, and if the second uncle's son ran to the police, and the police came to ask about the incident, what would happen? Yes, I might be thrown into a cell for a while because of the fight, but Lou Xiaoe hid money privately. The issue of silver jewelry will also be fully exposed and become a matter for the police station to deal with. What about the second uncle? Apart from getting revenge from me, he will not get any real benefits, do you think he will be willing?"

Ran Qiuye was very smart, and she knew everything: "What do you mean? The second uncle will use this to please the factory leaders?"

Lin Yue smiled: "What else?"

"Anything else?" Ran Qiuye thought for a while, his eyes dimmed: "You mean... he would have ideas about those gold and silver jewelry?"

Lin Yue said: "If you call the police, all these things will be gone. If you were him, would you choose to let the police imprison me for half a month, or would you just hold back and get promoted and get rich?"

"Then... you are not afraid that he will give you small shoes in the future? The leader of the picket team should have a lot of power."

"He didn't want to trouble me for a while. When he frees up, I should go to the National Fitter Skills Competition. At least I will get an award for the factory. As long as he dares to touch me, someone will take care of him."

Ran Qiuye stared blankly at the man opposite him, whose affection was growing day by day, and found that his worries were completely unnecessary. He had already arranged his future path, not only knowledge and talent, but for this vision and strategy, no man around him could match it. .

"Second uncle should not have done this."

"Teacher Ran, it depends on the occasion when you say something like this."

Ran Qiuye glanced at the surrounding environment and understood: "I didn't expect you to understand the situation quite well."

Lin Yue said: "I have never persuaded anyone to engage in politics and conspiracies, but it's just that it's good to be a working class in peace."

"Lin Yue, I find that you impress me every day. Sometimes I really doubt that you are lying to me when you say you are from the countryside, right?"

"If you don't believe me, you can check our household registration. I have been a tenant farmer since my grandfather's generation."

"Okay, okay, I believe you can't do it? The food is here, let's eat."

As soon as Ran Qiuye finished speaking, the previous waiter came over and put Mushu meat on the table: "Drink?"

Lin Yue glanced at the counter: "Open a bottle of Erguotou."


That evening.

Lin Yue ran to the old lady's room in the backyard with the basically untouched Texas grilled chicken.

As soon as the door was pushed open, oh, Lou Xiaoe was sitting on the bed, Sha Zhu was sitting on the other side of the round table, and the deaf old lady was in the middle.

On the table are a plate of peanuts, a plate of roasted eggplant, a plate of mapo tofu, a plate of cold tomatoes, and a jug of wine.

As soon as Lin Yue entered, the three of them were all stunned.

Silly Zhu snorted, didn't even say a word, patted his butt and left.

"Silly Zhu, silly Zhu... don't go."

The old lady yelled twice but no one answered, she stared at Lin Yue: "What are you doing here?"

"I'll bring you something to eat."

Lin Yue put the braised chicken on the table and looked at Lou Xiaoe who was sitting on the bedside: "What? Didn't eat a single bite?"

"I don't eat his cooking."

Before she divorced Xu Damao, she was at odds with Shazhu. Today, the old lady insists on letting that guy cook, so you can do it as you say. As a person who depends on others, she has no right to be willful. Sometimes it is said that she does not know people, and another time she is blind. In short, eight out of ten sentences sprinkle salt on people's wounds. Can she feel better?

Lin Yue pushed the braised chicken in front of her: "Go to the kitchen to warm it up, and tear it up into smaller pieces, so that the old lady can eat it. Although she is born as a young lady, she should be able to do this kind of work, right?"

Lou Xiaoe's stomach was already growling with hunger, and she didn't touch the dishes on the table because she was angry with Shazhu. Now that Lin Yue brought a grilled chicken, she certainly would not refuse, so she nodded and brought up the chicken on the table. out.

Lin Yue went over to close the door, went back to the table and sat down again, poured himself a glass of wine, threw another peanut into his mouth, and then turned to look at the deaf old lady who was staring at him angrily.

"Want to match the two of them? You've always given up on it."

"Tell me about you..." the deaf old lady said: "I am old, I am not blind, and I can see clearly. All the people in this yard combined are not as strong as you, but why do you have to provoke her? "

Lin Yue said: "If you always feel sorry for Lou Xiao'e and want to do her best, then don't force the silly pillar on her. The two of them are not compatible. Have you seen the widow of the Qin family? That's chicken and dog, forever."

The deaf old lady rattled her cane: "You are talking nonsense!"

"Old lady, I can't argue with you on this matter. Lou Xiao'e, she is destined not to be from this courtyard."

"What do you mean by that?"

"Do you think you can let her live like this forever? You let her live, have you asked Liu Haizhong's opinion?"

"He dares!"

"He doesn't dare, someone dares."

The deaf old lady opened her mouth, but said nothing.

Lin Yue said, "To tell you the truth, that official fan is thinking about how to punish Lou's family."

The deaf old lady wilted like a deflated rubber ball.

At this moment, the door was pushed open from the outside, and Lou Xiaoe walked in with a blue and white porcelain bowl, which contained chicken that had been torn into small pieces.

"Old lady, try it, the bones are steamed and soft. Hey, you two... What's the matter? You look serious."

Lin Yue laughed at her, jokingly said: "Old lady, you just warned me to stay away from you, saying that I am not good enough for you."

Lou Xiaoe's complexion changed several times, and she put the bowl on the table: "Blind poor, why didn't I realize that you are this kind of person before."

Lin Yue said: "There are a lot of things you didn't find. All right, you can have dinner with the old lady. I'll go outside to smoke a cigarette. Come out when you're done. I have something to tell you."

"Oh." Lou Xiaoe agreed in a muffled voice, and greeted the old lady for dinner.

Lin Yue sat on the steps under the eaves and finished smoking a cigarette, crushing four mosquitoes to death. Just when the mosquitoes of this era lacked fighting power, Lou Xiaoe came out of the room.

"I am full?"

"I am full."

"Let's go out and talk."

Lou Xiao'e glanced at the side rooms on both sides, followed him out of the courtyard, and walked to the alley in front.

"What's the matter, you can't talk about it in the courtyard."

"Walls have ears." Lin Yue said: "Liu Haizhong told Li Changming, the deputy director of the rolling mill, about your family. The two of them are discussing how to make things bigger and use your Lou's family as a stepping stone to climb up."

Lou Xiaoe panicked when she heard this.

"Is this... is this true?"

"Would I be joking about this kind of thing?" Lin Yue said, "Go home tomorrow and ask your parents to pack up and leave immediately."

"Leave? Where?"

"You don't have to worry about it. Your father has his own plan for this situation."

Lou Xiaoe said, "Is there no other way?"

Why didn't she go home, but stayed with the deaf old lady, because she was afraid that her parents would be sad when she divorced Xu Damao, but now she's doing well, I didn't expect the second uncle to do such immoral things in order to get promoted.


Lin Yue remembers Shazhu, Qin Huairu, Xiaodang, Huaihua at the end of the TV series... a group of people morally kidnapped Lou Xiao'e, asking her to forgive Liu Haizhong for what she did to their family. Give Liu Haizhong an old age.

What year is this? What is Liu Haizhong doing? Standing in Lou Xiaoe's position is equivalent to killing her parents.

She would have done her best not to seek revenge from Liu Haizhong, but she still had to forgive? More importantly, those bastards all turned towards Qin Huairu, preventing Silly Zhu from making up for the lack of fatherly love for his own son.

"Don't hesitate, the day after tomorrow at the latest, you must leave. If you have any difficulties, you can come to me. After playing chess with those old men for more than half a year, it's time to repay me."

Lou Xiaoe said: "You let me think about it..."

"Success." Lin Yue said, "Remember, the day after tomorrow at the latest, or I won't be able to save your parents."

After leaving this sentence, he walked into the courtyard.

"Hey, wait a minute."

Lin Yue turned around and looked at her puzzled.

Thanks to Ce Baima Xiao Xifeng for the reward of 1500 starting coins, Bian Que for the reward of 500 starting coins for testing poison, the mandarin oranges that were taken out of the pear bucket until dawn, and TCDK for the reward of 100 starting coins.

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