Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1100 You are always on the verge of death

Three days later, Liu Guangtian and Yu Haitang came to the courtyard, went to the parents' residence, and took a quick look at the two newly built huts in front of the East Wing.

In the 1970s and 1980s, most of the unit housing units were tube buildings, basically one room, and there were very few suites with living room + bedroom. Now there are two more rooms in front of Liu’s house, which is the same as the house he seized with power before. The area is about the same, and it is a one-story house with a courtyard. It is definitely more comfortable to live in than a unit.

"Hey, there are indeed two more rooms."

Liu Guangtian looked at Yu Haitang: "Daughter-in-law, you are really well informed."

Yu Haitang turned her head away, her attitude was lukewarm.

"Don't be angry, I was wrong that day, I shouldn't hit you, I promise, I won't drink next time, okay?"

The position of team leader was dismissed, the house had to be returned to someone else, coupled with the pointing and pointing of the employees, he was under a lot of pressure, so he drank with the production team leader who was also dismissed, three drinks and two drinks too much, Yu Haitang Thinking that he came home late and smelled of alcohol, he couldn't help but say a few words about him, and even mentioned the name "Lin Yue". From Liu Guangtian's point of view, since that person came back, he started to have bad luck. He thought that if he didn't return or returned to the courtyard less often, he could avoid disaster, but what happened? The leader couldn't do it, the house had to be taken away, and the wife still said how good Lin Yue was in front of him, and when she was furious, she slapped her hands and kicked her. Yu Haitang was wronged, and took the child back to her mother's house in a rage, and the old man didn't let him in until yesterday, and he apologized and said good things, and finally brought him back.

Afterwards, Yu Haitang told him that Liu Haizhong had built two houses at home, and it would be no problem for the factory to take back the houses, and they could move back to the courtyard.

"That's what you said."

"I said it, I said it."

Liu Guangtian swore that he would not commit another crime.

While the two were talking, Liu Haizhong and the second aunt came back from shopping and saw the two people standing in front of the door, both frowning.

"Why did you come back?" The second aunt's tone was not kind. When Liu Guangtian was not married, he was okay with the two of them. He was paid every month to buy a bottle of wine to improve family life. I have never given money to the old couple again, it is typical to marry a daughter-in-law and forget her mother, and when Lin Yue came back, Liu Guangtian was cowardly, and he hadn't entered the house for several months. When the fourth aunt and the group mentioned this, they laughed at the old Liu family. What's even more irritating is that the couple didn't come to greet and care about the situation of their parents during the earthquake, and Liu Guangfu was also the same thing.

When Liu Haizhong passed by the two of them, he snorted coldly, went to the east chamber door and unlocked it to enter the house.

The subsequent development was similar to that in the TV series. After Liu Guangtian entered the house, he showed great hospitality, and then told Liu Haizhong that he was pushed from the leadership position, and the house was taken away by the factory. In order to prevent his wife and children from sleeping on the street, he decided to move back. In the courtyard, you don’t have to squeeze in the east wing with your parents, you can just live in the temporary building outside.

Liu Haizhong was furious, saying that the house outside was reserved for his elder brother, and Xu Damao was helping to find a relationship, trying to find a way to transfer him from SJZ to BJ.

Yu Haitang was not the one who was willing to suffer, so she turned against Liu Guangtian on the spot and divorced if she had no place to live.

Liu Haizhong and the second aunt were very angry, but they were not good at confronting their daughter-in-law.

Liu Guangfu came back at the critical moment, and talked a few words about how difficult it is for his son-in-law to visit him. Anyway, what he said meant that he would go back to live in the courtyard. Like his second brother, he had his eyes on the temporary construction outside.

Liu Haizhong was so angry that he cursed at others, which annoyed the second son and caused a conflict. Liu Guangfu hurriedly expressed his filial piety and acted as the second brother for his parents, so the family fought.

The final result was that Liu Haizhong's blood pressure soared, and he was admitted to the hospital. The people in the compound knew about the fight between the Liu family because of the robbery of Linjian, and they all chewed their tongues behind their backs and watched jokes.

When Lin Yue returned from the factory to take a lunch break in the courtyard, Yan Bugui came to him.

"Lin Yue, have you heard what happened to the Liu family?"

"Oh, I heard that, just now my fourth aunt stopped me and talked for a long time."

"I think it's a bad thing. Look at the things that the second and third brothers of the Liu family have done. I'd be ashamed of them if I told them."

"I'm talking about the third master. Don't digress, just tell me why you came to me."

"Either you can be a leader." Yan Bugui smiled: "I was thinking about whether to hold a general meeting to discuss this matter. In the ears of outsiders, it is a major event that affects the reputation of our courtyard. If the young people in this family are all like their two brothers, wouldn’t it be a mess? So we must prevent similar things from happening and resolutely suppress the signs of unfilial piety .”

Lin Yue knew what Yan Lao Xier was up to.

This time, Liu Guangtian was finished, the first uncle was humiliated by him so much that he couldn't hold his head up in front of others, and the second uncle's family had such a scandal again, he felt that his opportunity had come, and he could use this incident to establish his prestige and return to the peak of power up.

As for the two, his family’s situation is similar to that of Liu Haizhong’s. During the earthquake, the second eldest Yan Jiefang, the third Yan Jiekuang, and the youngest daughter Jie Jieti had conflicts with him over the wood for building the earthquake shelter. The family went too far, so he had to take advantage of this incident to beat the three sons and one daughter hard, telling them to restrain themselves and not to learn from the two brothers Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu.

"I agree, you can handle this matter."

"Then let's make a deal like this?" Yan Bugui said: "As soon as the second uncle is discharged from the hospital, I will go and tell him that I must treat those two little bastards well at the general meeting of the hospital and vent my anger on him. "


Lin Yue sent it to the door, and looked at Yan Bugui's back as he walked towards the middle courtyard with a cold smile. The old man quietly built a room where he built the chicken coop. Although it was not a road block, But it affected the lighting in the side room. The third mother said that he didn't live here at night, and sometimes came to have a rest at noon. Men, don't be so busy like women, not to mention that the third master is still a matchmaker between him and Ran Qiuye. Understand Entu Bao.

The calculations came and went, and the calculations came to his head. Obviously, Yan Laoxier bullied him to become the chief of the production department. As for the leaders, they all cherish their feathers, and they can't do things as muddled as before. People will catch the handle, write a material and report it to the higher authorities, and the promotion will be ruined, or they will be slapped down like the second uncle and Liu Guangtian. Besides, he is the leader of the rolling mill, so he doesn't care about primary school teachers, does he? Not to mention a teacher who is about to retire.

"Lao Xier Yan, if you don't let you build it, you can tear it down. My surname is not Lin."

Leaving this sentence behind, Lin Yue glanced at the fourth aunt who walked around and entered the room, and went back to sleep.


Three days later, Liu Haizhong was discharged home.

After all, it was not a serious illness, but Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu's blood pressure soared due to anger, and after taking the medicine, the blood pressure dropped, and they were fine.

However, not long after he got home, he went to bed again.

It's not that I'm sleepy or tired, it's because I'm angry with the two bastards.

Well, the father got mad at them and was hospitalized, what about these two? Instead of waiting in front of the hospital bed, you actually moved into two rooms without making a sound. According to Qin Huairu, you still acted secretly in the middle of the night, like thieves. The key is that the two of you locked the door, you said Who is this against?

It was in this situation that when Yan Bugui entered the room and said, Liu Haizhong agreed without even thinking about it. In his words, the two little bastards just need to be cleaned up. Now that he is old and can't move, then Hand it over to the neighbors, and each of them will spit to death.

Yan Bugui thought that spring had come for him, so he informed about the meeting of the whole hospital in the evening, and left humming a little tune.


In the afternoon, Beixinqiao Primary School dismissed classes.

Ran Qiuye waved goodbye to several students in the class, picked up her daughter, put her on the back seat of the bicycle, and pushed the bicycle towards the outside.

Not far from the school gate, a young man with curly hair and a mole between his eyebrows stopped her.

"Teacher Ran?"

"You are..." Ran Qiuye looked and looked to make sure he didn't know him.

"I'm Jia Geng, Jia Geng from Qinhuairu's house in Nanluogu Lane, you have been to our house before."

"Oh, it's you." Ran Qiuye suddenly realized: "Have you grown so much? Do you have anything to do with me?"

The so-called reaching out and not hitting people with smiling faces, even if she believes in her husband and doesn't think there are good people in the Qin family, she can't speak ill of each other, let alone her daughter sitting behind her.

"It's like this..." Stick stem said something to her.


A minute later, Ran Qiuye pondered for a moment while looking at the back of BangGong turning away, and made a decision in his heart.

Thanks to the book friends with the tail number 8947 for the reward of 1500 starting coins, Cantonese M for taking pictures, Zelda Breath of the Wild, and Mo Haixuan for the 100 starting coins.

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