Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1120 I am an expert in this stuff

Standing in front of the door was a girl wearing a white padded sweater and jeans. She was about 18 years old. The key was that Lin Yue knew her. She was the same Yuan Shanshan who had helped her.

Opposite her was a strong man in his thirties, and three or four men in his early twenties surrounded her. The two sides didn't know what they were talking about, but the girl was very emotional.

Want to pay again?

Lin Yue felt that these people were out of their minds. Yuan Shanshan was just a senior high school student who lived with her grandma. Did she have a hundred dollars all over her body? Isn't it a waste of time and energy to ask her for money?

Or... are they going to use this method to put pressure on Yuan Shanshan's grandma? Force her to pay back the money for her son?

Lin Yue changed his mind for a moment, no, these bastards are pushing her to a corner.

Like this kind of thing, he didn't intend to get into it, after all, it's only natural to pay back the debt, but the group of debt collectors are thinking about this, of course he can't stand it, so he has to take care of it.

Turning the steering wheel to the right, leaving the parking space and driving to the door to stop, Lin Yue pushed the co-pilot's door and said to the crying girl outside, "Get in the car."

On the opposite side, a stunned young man with a mustache looked over: "Who are you?"

Lin Yue said with a sullen face, "Get out!"

"Hey, I think your kid is..."

Before the mustache finished speaking, the rear driver's window was lowered, and Badun poked out the dog's head, grinning and barking at the man.

Woo~ woof~ woof~

Yuan Shanshan looked down at Lin Yue, and got into the car after a little hesitation.


With a low growl, the Cadillac XT5 turned right, merged into the traffic ahead and left.

Mustache felt ashamed, pointed at the rear of the car and said, "Boy, I remember you, just wait for me."

On the other side, Yuan Shanshan looked at the debt collector who had disappeared in the rearview mirror, lowered her head and said, "Brother Lin, you shouldn't care about this matter. I'm still young and my grandma is old. They don't dare to be rough, but change It's's going to get you in trouble."

The little girl was quite smart, knowing that those guys would not dare to be rough on the little girl and the old man, but when they got to him, they would say nothing.

"Don't worry, I'm sensible."

Yuan Shanshan pursed her lips, clenched her hands into fists, put them on her legs together, bowed her head in silence like a frightened deer.

"Are you in a hurry to go home?"

She shook her head.

"Then come with me, if they can't wait for you, they will naturally leave."

Yuan Shanshan nodded and responded in a low voice.

Lin Yue didn't talk about the repayment plan provided by the debt collector just now, but took her on the viaduct and drove towards Furong Street.

Twenty minutes later, the car stopped at the entrance of the pet hospital.

Yuan Shanshan obviously relaxed a little, looking at the signboard in front of her with puzzlement: "Su Xiaodi?"

Lin Yue knew what she was thinking: "Su Xiaodi is the name of my girlfriend's first pet."

"Oh." She suddenly realized: "What a cute name."

Lin Yue smiled at her: "Go in." After speaking, he walked first, pushed open the glass door and walked into the waiting room.

Zhou Lin, who was doing cleaning work behind the counter, saw the two coming in, looked at Yuan Shanshan with strange eyes, and asked in a low voice, "What's going on?"

Lin Yue explained: "Oh, her name is Yuan Shanshan, and she lives in the same community as me. When I went out today, I saw her being harassed by some gangsters, so I brought her here."

The thing in Zhou Lin's eyes has not diminished at all, and she looks a little disbelieving.

"Is she the girl you told me about last time?" Su Han came out from the inner room, followed by two girls, with a strange expression on his face.

"Oh, these are my high school classmates, Qiao Qiao and Tang Ning. They heard that the pet hospital opened today, so they came here to support them."

Lin Yue smiled and waved to the two of them: "Hi, hello."

The two nodded in greeting, and Qiao Qiao, who was wearing silver earrings, moved her head closer to Su Han, and said slyly: "Su Han, you have to be careful, such a handsome and rich man is very popular in the blind date market now. "

Tangning had a round hair and her makeup was mature. She slapped the woman who spoke up with her hand, "It's enough for you to make jokes like this when we first met."

"Not enough, not enough, give me a stack of such a man."

"I'll bring you a stack, put it on the bed every day to count, right?"

"How can I do that? Of course we have to do it in such a private place as the bed..." She winked at Su Han and asked in a low voice, "How is it? Have you done it?"

In front of Zhou Lin and Yuan Shanshan, Su Han felt a little embarrassed and gave her a warning look.

Lin Yue was not good at mixing up sensitive topics among girls, so he asked Yuan Shanshan to sit on the sofa in the rest area. It was strange to say that Xia Hou, a guy who always stinky fart, jumped up, settled in her arms, and didn't leave. .

"This... If I hadn't been here before, I would have thought I had entered the country of daughters." A figure flashed at the door, and Liu Quanan walked in holding a golden toad ornament.

Zhou Lin knew him very well, and covered her face with her palm: "I said, Lao Liu, how vulgar you are, buying a flower basket is better than this thing."

"What do you know? It's called a three-legged golden toad, which means attracting wealth and treasure. The opening of the pet hospital today, isn't it auspicious?"

"Hey." Zhou Lin felt that he was hopeless: "We are a hospital. Which hospital do you see this thing on the counter?"

"Pet Hospital!"

"The pet hospital is also a hospital. With your EQ, you still want to chase Miss Qian? I advise you to give up your heart as soon as possible."

Liu Quan'an quit after hearing this, and quickly stopped Lin Yue who was about to move to the backyard to hide from the disaster: "Why do you tell her everything?"

"Hey, it's so lively, I can hear your voices two miles away."

The door opened, and two men walked in from the outside.

"Hey, why did you two get together?" Su Han was stunned for a moment, she thought Wang Heng would come with Xiaorui, but the person accompanying her was Tan Xiaoguang who hadn't seen her for a week.

"I went to the airport to see someone off today, and I happened to meet Lao Tan, so I brought him here with me. Xiaorui said that I'm very busy today, so I have to come later, and told us not to wait for her."

Su Han nodded: "Okay, I got it."

Yuan Shanshan on the sofa was still a little reserved, looking at this and that, smiling shyly from time to time, and the black cat would always stick out its tongue and lick her hand at the right time.

Their conversation made her even more curious about that elder brother Lin who helped her twice.

After that, the proprietress of Shangwu Boxing Gym brought two students over. Xiaorui also stepped on the scene with three colleagues.

Firstly, it is not a big hospital, and secondly, Su Han is a pragmatic person. Lin Yue is also unwilling to make publicity, so he thought about getting a few flower baskets and putting them in front of the door, and laying out a red carpet. Qiao was so ingenious, she pricked the decorative balloon with a needle, and it crackled like firecrackers. It was auspicious and did not pollute the environment. Even Lin Yue praised her for being smart.

The first day of opening was just a formality, and I didn't expect to be visited immediately. At noon, those who were busy and entertained all left. Including Lin Yue, there were only ten people left. According to Wang Heng's intention, I wanted to find someone The higher-end restaurant had a good meal, but Zhou Lin said that it was not good to lock the door on the first day of opening, so Su Han suggested to book a single room in the restaurant next door, so that both parties could be taken care of.

The others naturally had no objections. Yuan Shanshan called her grandma at Lin Yue's suggestion. The old man knew that his granddaughter was with him, so he didn't ask any further questions, which made Su Han and Zhou Lin look at him strangely.

He felt very innocent. It turns out that this person's reputation is too good to be a very distressing thing.

A group of ten people entered the "Dadu River Hall". Wang Heng and Tan Xiaoguang studied the recipes and ordered twelve dishes, such as spicy chicken, couple's lung slices, boiled fish, fish-flavored eggplant...all authentic. After finishing the work, Wang Heng went out for a trip, and brought back a pair of Wuliangye and three Montes from the car, saying that he would not return home if he was not drunk, and no one was allowed to hold back.

There was nothing to do when the side dish platter was served. The first dish, fish-flavored shredded pork, was put on the table. Lin Yue picked up his chopsticks and subconsciously frowned. Chopsticks pointed to the dishes on the plate and said that he did not expect this restaurant to serve authentic Sichuan cuisine.

He didn't believe in evil, and picked up his chopsticks again, but still felt something was wrong.

"Old Tan, what do you think of this fish-flavored pork shreds?"

Tan Xiaoguang nodded and said, "It's pretty good."

He is from Sichuan, so if anyone here has the most right to speak about Sichuan cuisine, it must belong to him.

"No." Lin Yue shook his head when he heard this: "Look at this dish, it uses bean paste, and the authentic fish-flavored shredded pork should be crushed with pickled peppers. Well, even if pickled peppers are not easy to prepare, then this Pixian County Douban The sauce is not difficult to buy, right? You can’t pick an old brand, such as Juancheng? And this vinegar, which uses Shanxi old mature vinegar, has a relatively high acidity, so you need to add less to have a balanced taste of sweet and sour, but Please try the dish in front of you, how authentic is it?"

Everyone stared at him blankly, Su Han's face was full of puzzlement: "What's wrong with you today?"

Zhou Lin also said: "That's right, last time I received medical equipment, you didn't go back at noon, we ordered two dishes from his house to eat, and you also said that his fish-flavored shredded pork is delicious, why don't you come back today?" Authentic? I tasted the same taste as that day."

After Lin Yue got affirmative glances from Su Han and Wang Heng, he thought for a while and understood. While understanding, he slapped his thigh and said in his heart, "Oops, I was fooled."

PS: Happy Dragon Boat Festival.

Thanks to Qi An Xiaodao for the reward of 300 starting coins, and Hao Zhe for the reward of 400 starting coins, just passing through the world. To the mandarin at dawn, the book friends with the tail number 6129, the book friends with the tail number 9995, and the book friends with the tail number 8111 rewarded 100 starting coins.

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