Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1131 The Shocking Truth

Before entering the world of "Spiritual Cage", Lin Yue saw questions from netizens when he searched for information on the Internet, saying that NIRVAN has been able to clone human organs for various transplant operations, and even achieved gene editing and recombination engineering. With remarkable achievements, immortality (also known as ascension) has been put on the agenda, and it is no longer an unattainable fantasy.

However, when it comes to the lighthouse, what kind of morning hall is going to be set up to reproduce the population.

It wasn't until he entered Carrie's office and decrypted the files in the computer that he realized that all this was a conspiracy.

In other words, the entire lighthouse is just a corner of Truman's world.

In the first year of the lighthouse, the prisoners of the Tartaros Air Prison reconciled with the prison guards, and the floating city was renamed the lighthouse, and then the era of "Spiritual Cage" began.

And what about the people beyond the lighthouse? Or what about people who left Earth?

Considering the situation of the R49 interstellar spacecraft and the slogans from the old era in the film, it can be seen that human beings have initially mastered the interstellar colonization technology, and they have exhausted the resources of the moon and caused disasters on the earth. It is absolutely unjustifiable to say that they have not established a base on Mars.

So here comes the problem, as the huge vines continue to encroach on the space of human activities, some people must leave the earth and live on Mars. The conditions may be more difficult, but it is better than being precarious on the earth.

Who are the people who left the earth?

Obviously, only the rich, elite, and high-end talents can get tickets for the "Ark of Tomorrow".

These talents are the symbols of human civilization. To put it bluntly, a well-educated university professor and an old bachelor who has never been out of the county in his life, who can best represent human civilization? Who is more valuable to survive?

Although it is too dark and cruel to say so, in the doomsday environment, university professors are the fire for the reconstruction and continuation of human civilization, and the value of old bachelors is much lower.

It's because people have hometown feelings. Did these people not pay attention to the ecological changes in their hometown after leaving the earth? How can it be!

Not to mention that Mars and the moon are not far from the earth, and there is a space station in low-earth orbit. An air prison like Tartaro has farms to grow vegetables and fruits, raise livestock, and huge buildings like space stations and even colonies. The technology must be higher and the conditions must be better.

The ground has fallen and has become a paradise for polar devouring beasts, so where will the outposts for observing Mana's ecology be located? low earth orbit?

It's a good choice, but what's better? Do you have?



This floating city is the best observation window, a hub for integrating ground intelligence, and an excellent outpost laboratory.

For five years, the lighthouse was besieged by people on the ground and suffered heavy losses. Why did the people on the ground besiege the lighthouse? For food? For resources? The history teacher on the lighthouse couldn't tell.

In the twelfth year of the lighthouse, Bai Yuekui saved Morgan, why did he leave the lighthouse later? There is no explanation in the film.

Here, everything is answered.

Survivors from outside the earth demanded that the lighthouse become an outpost for human civilization to counterattack the Mana ecology. Morgan agreed with this decision, and the first city lord who promoted Morgan as the city lord should have the same idea. However, the ground Will the survivors stand with them?

The answer is impossible.

Those elites, the rich, and the upper class pursued eternal life and made a mess of the earth. They slapped their butts and left, leaving a bunch of luthers, dicks, and ecological refugees lingering on the earth. Now this group of people suddenly jumped out. Pointing and pointing at them from the outside of the earth, let them rebuild their homeland and take back the earth and Mana ecology that belong to human beings?

Different values ​​and life creeds form a tear in the lighthouse. Those who agree with sacrificing the ego for the sake of the self stay, and those who do not agree with this concept are forced to leave the lighthouse. There may be violent incidents, but there is no historical record. So tragic, why fabricate history? It's just an excuse made by the top management of the lighthouse to prohibit the shelter of refugees on the ground and to gather (brainwash) the people of the lighthouse to become like-minded people.

Later, when Bai Yuekui came to the lighthouse, it didn't matter how the conflict happened. She must have seen through the essence of the lighthouse. Although her goal was the same as that of Morgan and the late city lord, she had different attitudes towards heaven and man. The conflict of reconciliation left the surface in a fit of anger.

This is why at the end of the episode, the sky and the ground developed completely different technological trends.

The people on the ground have already begun to adapt to the environment, using various characteristics of the mana ecology to rebuild their lives—although they are huddled under the surface like mice.

But the lighthouse still maintains the technological style of the old era. Lin Yue has been thinking about a problem for a long time. Once something like civilization suffers a serious blow-the industrial system is destroyed, the environment is destroyed, the elite dies in large numbers, and the talent gap... Even if there are survivors, it is basically impossible to rebuild civilization and improve the technology tree. Let alone Sanxingdui civilization, can war kill all the ancient Shu people? No way, productivity was like that at that time, and the so-called "science and technology" was not too complicated, but what was the result of a war? Ethnic civilizations are buried by time, and history is dusty.

In the doomsday environment, senior engineers, scientists, industry leaders... Can these group of leaders be easily encountered and recruited to the lighthouse? It is impossible to form a full coverage of talents in basic disciplines. How difficult is it to build a high-level community system that integrates military capabilities, scientific research and development, maintenance and management, comprehensive education, and overall planning?

Could a group of prisoners and prison guards be able to do something like this? impossible! The result of barbaric development can only be worse day by day.

So... where do the lighthouse's various technological reserves and group growth experience come from? Without a certain degree of guidance, in 51 years, it would have fallen down long ago, instead of developing in a decent way. The wild hunters can only feed the mouths of the lighthouse people by collecting ground materials, and it is impossible to bring tomorrow and hope. Then why is Morgan so confident in resisting the Mana ecology? Very much looking forward to the day of returning to the surface world, without becoming a slave to power like Charles?

Just because of a Mark? Judging from the plot, it wasn't until Mark was parasitized by spines that he mutated that he became a bridge. The previous Mark was just a wilderness hunter, it's as simple as that.

Or... Morgan's pattern is huge? What supports a person's essence pattern? ideal? Hehe... Ideals without a sense of reality are called fantasy, and one of the characteristics of being a city lord is to have a sense of reality far beyond that of ordinary people.

Therefore, it is obvious that the courage to counterattack Mana does not come from one person, let alone illusory spiritual wealth. Only the group of people living in the sky are qualified to be his solid backing.

Go back to the setting of the Hall of Dawn.

NIRVANA Corporation clones the human body to harvest organs to treat patients. If all the population of the lighthouse comes from cloning, it will inevitably lead to simplification of genes, which will make this small society lack diversity and lose the possibility of evolution.

Things like genes determine the growth of human beings and individual differences. To edit them, it is not like creating a new drawing board like drawing a picture. You can make a painting by painting on it with the mouse. 99.9999% of the changes Both will cause physical defects. What is the point of this kind of cloning? It's just a waste of resources.

The reproduction of human beings, the combination of sperm and eggs, is a small miracle like a stroke of magic. The process has a high error tolerance rate. In other words, the probability of deformity and premature death is very small, which cannot be simulated by gene editing technology.

This is why human beings have mastered the cloning technology, and the lighthouse has to set up the Dawn Hall. The real purpose of the breeding task is not to increase the population, but to carry out the survival of the fittest at the genetic level. The three laws are said to ensure the survival of human beings. In fact, It is all to turn the lighthouse into a genetic screening field in the actual sense, and prepare for the counterattack against Mana in the future.

The biochemical laboratory led by Dr. Carrie records the genetic data of all babies. These are the most valuable assets --- the basis for mass production of the Abyss, because only the best genes can adapt to the Mana ecology.

At the end of the episode, Morgan said that the late city lord found Mark in a certain place according to the reminder of that brain. He thought that Mark would lead the lighthouse to defeat the Mana ecology when he grew up, but he turned into a human being connected to the Mana ecology. On the bridge, Mark became the first person to face the abyss, although there were some deviations from the imagination.

In other words, Morgan, and the Light and Shadow Society he indulged in, and the high-sounding things they preached were all to cover up this cruel fact, just like what Downey said at the beginning when he was parasitized by spines, the body is all body...

Well, it's better to say that they are all biochemical weapons. Everyone on the lighthouse is a clone mark with a different face and ID.

Although all this is done for the big proposition of revival of mankind, or the great salvation.

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