Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1139 Golden Years (Two in One)

[Super Sweat Gland LV1] is upgraded to [Super Sweat Gland LV2].

The content of the comment has also changed --- when you switch to [Super Sweat Gland LV2], you can adjust the smell of sweat to cause the effect of being disgusted and avoiding creatures of all sizes.

Smoke someone away? ? ? ? ?

Lin Yue was confused. Does this mean that [Super Sweat Gland LV1] can make sweat emit fragrance, but [Super Sweat Gland LV2] can make sweat emit odor?

An annoying skill, the system is should I put it?

Lin Yue was speechless.

But think about it the other way around, it is still useful to make people annoying in some special situations, as long as I have a thick skin and am not afraid of embarrassment, then the embarrassing ones are others... Moreover, this thing can not only be applied to human beings, but also to all living things , For example, when sleeping in the tropical rainforest, wild animals will detour, and all mosquitoes, flies and jumping insects will stay far away. This is the most effective insect repellent water.

[Super Sweat Gland LV1] is perfume, and [Super Sweat Gland LV2] is insect repellent water.

Well, it's really interesting. It's worth spending 1 point of skill enhancement.

At this point, returning to the third company ended, Lin Yue leaned back on the sofa and let out a long breath.

Meow, meow, meow~

Xiahou ate some cat food, drank a few more sips of water, walked slowly to the sofa, jumped up, got into his arms, sat cross-legged on his lap, and soon there was a snoring sound from his throat .

I don't know if it was too tired, or what, but Lin Yue fell asleep while sitting up.

When he woke up again, Tan Xiaoguang had already got up and was standing at the door of the bathroom with a toothbrush in his mouth, looking at him.

Lin Yue calmed down: "What is your expression?"

"No expression?" Tan Xiaoguang raised his newly bought electric toothbrush: "This thing is very useful, do you want to buy one too?"

"No need." Lin Yue said: "Don't change the subject, answer my question."

"It's nothing to say, it's just interesting to see you and Xiahou lying on the sofa and falling asleep."

Lin Yue looked down, just in time for Xiahou to wake up, he raised his head and yawned long, his legs sank, and his body arched upwards.

Tan Xiaoguang said, "When did you get it back?"

"last night."

"What about Baton and the big villain?"

"Accompanying Zhou Lin at the pet clinic."

"Oh." Tan Xiaoguang nodded, and was about to ask him if he wanted to go down for breakfast together, when Lin Yue's cell phone rang, and he took it out of his pocket to see that it was Liu Quan'an calling.

"Hey, Lao Liu, why did you call me so early?"


From the phone, Liu Quanan's voice was seven points excited and three points anxious.

"Okay, okay, don't worry, I'll be there right away."

Lin Yue hung up the phone and said with a strange face: "He really waited for him."

Tan Xiaoguang looked puzzled: "What did he wait for?"

Lin Yue didn't speak, went back to his room and changed into a set of casual clothes that could see people, and walked outside with Xiahou in his arms.

"You won't have breakfast with me."

"Don't eat, Liu Quan'an is anxious to see me."

Tan Xiaoguang put the toothbrush into the tea mug, wiped his hands with a towel and complained, "What did he think when he urged you to sign up for a boxing match?"

Facts proved that she was wrong. Liu Quanan didn't call to sign up for a boxing match at all. He called Lin Yue because he wanted him to be a matchmaker.

Yes, he caught up with Fang Wei, the woman Lin Yue met by chance when he took Su Han on a trip to HK.

When I came to the "Haima Fitness Center", it was very deserted inside. Only two fitness instructors were putting away sports equipment, and a little girl who came to visit her boyfriend complained that there was too much salt in the pot noodles downstairs. dead.

Liu Quanan just sat behind the counter, with the words "I have something to do" clearly written on his face.

"No way, you are also a boxing coach after all, and you don't change your face when you face your opponent's old punches. Look at this cowardly look."

Liu Quan'an smiled awkwardly: "Isn't this... a special situation?"

"Where are the people?"

Liu Quan'an pointed to the innermost part of the room: "It's just behind the bench press rack, drinking water."

Lin Yue followed the direction he was pointing, and sure enough, behind the bench press rack, he saw a woman wearing a tight black vest and slim-fitting sweatpants, with her hair tied up with a red headband.

There was a section between the vest and the sweatpants, and you could see the white and tender skin and the slender waist. Regardless of the appearance, there was absolutely nothing to say about the figure.

Last time in HK, Fang Wei wore a dress, which was more reserved, unlike her in the gym, where she wore very simple clothes, but the tight design can reflect her bumpy figure, which is really eye-catching.

"No wonder I can charm you, the conditions are good." Lin Yue blinked at Liu Quan'an: "Come with me."


Here is the coach Liu who was yelling at the students in the arena, not to mention his expression, even his walking posture was a bit stiff, as if he had never seen the world.

Lin Yue was so angry that he kicked him, and was asked why he kicked me.

Just like this, can Fang Wei like Bai Fumei fall in love with him? No wonder!

Anyway, he is not optimistic about Liu Quan'an, but, since a friend is begging in front of him, he should help or help, it is up to man to make things happen.

"What did you tell me about the characteristics of its house last time?"

"Special...characteristic? Oh, the service is good. The sports equipment is from abroad and meets the EU quality standards. The fitness instructors here are all very professional and have received a three-month quality education."

"Private education is expensive, right?"

"is a bit."

"But I still think you should continue to teach boxing. You don't think about it anymore?"


The two pretended to be very casual and walked from west to east. At that time, Fang Wei had finished drinking the water, threw the empty bottle of Pocari Sweat into the trash can, picked up the towel on the shelf next to it and wiped it. Wipe off your sweat and walk to the treadmill in front of you.

Lin Yue "just happened" to look over, and the eyes of the two met in the air, and they were both stunned.

"You are... Lin Yue?"


Lin Yue pointed at her and thought again and again: "Fang...Fang..."

Fang Wei smiled and said, "Fang Wei."

"Yes, yes, yes, Fang Wei, look at my brain." Lin Yue was a little embarrassed: "I didn't expect to meet you here."

Fang Wei said, "Me too."

She was indeed quite surprised. It is rare for two people from Jianghai City to meet by chance in Hong Kong. She never expected to have the opportunity to meet again when she returned to the mainland. Moreover, she had a very good impression of Lin Yue. As a stranger, she chased him several hundred meters away Give her the bag, turn around and leave after finishing the work, she only has time to thank her verbally during the whole process.

After returning to Jianghai City, after thinking about it, I always feel that I owe him a little, but in this metropolis with a population of tens of millions, even if I know his name, I can't find a needle in a haystack. However, fate is so wonderful, I didn't expect her to suddenly Arriving early, I actually met someone I wanted to thank here.

"Oh, let me introduce you." Lin Yue looked at Liu Quan'an and said, "He is my good friend, Liu Quan'an, and this lady's name is Fang Wei, who I met when I went to HK a few days ago...uh...friend. "



The two greeted each other with a smile.


Lin Yue's stomach rumbled very timely.

He was a little embarrassed: "I made an appointment to meet up for breakfast, has Miss Fang eaten?"

"I..." Fang Wei thought for a while, then shook her head and said, "No."

"There is a coffee shop downstairs. I think they serve simple Western-style meals. Why don't we go have something to eat together?"


Originally, she had always been embarrassed for not thanking her formally, but now that Lin Yue invited her to have breakfast downstairs, she was naturally embarrassed to refuse, and if this meal was invited by her, it would be able to settle her worries.

"Come on, let's eat and chat."

"Then wait for me to change clothes."

"no problem."

Five minutes later, Fang Wei put on her coat, and the three of them came to the coffee shop downstairs.

Lin Yue ordered a ham croissant and a cup of Americano coffee, Liu Quanan ordered a latte set meal, and Fang Wei ordered chocolate crisp and milk.

Liu Quan'an also saw that she had eaten breakfast, and that she came to the cafe to accompany them on purpose.

"I heard you talking just now... Is Mr. Liu coming to work here?"

"Yes, my friend said that the salary and commission here are higher than in the boxing gym, so I want to come here to try."

He was honest and said what he had to say.

"Your friend is a coach there?"

"Yes, Liu Heping, do you know him?"

"Oh, him? I know, that guy from Shaanxi with thick eyebrows and big eyes."

Liu Quan'an said, "That's right, it's him."

"That's right." Fang Wei looked at Lin Yue: "Are you here today to apply for card training?"

Lin Yue glanced at Liu Quan'an: "I have this plan, but I haven't decided yet. If he really comes here, I think there is a high probability that he will..."

Fang Wei said something that surprised the two of them.

"His membership fee is quite expensive here. When you come here, please inform me in advance, and I will ask the boss to give you the lowest discount."

"What? Do you know the boss here?"

"Yes, the owner of 'Seahorse' is my friend."

Liu Quan'an: "..."

Lin Yue gave him a look that I had said a long time ago, "You two don't belong to the right family".

"Okay, I'll let you know in advance if I come someday."

"Then remember my phone number." Fang Wei reported a series of numbers.

Liu Quan'an was speechless, wondering how this kid did it. Su Han, Zhou Lin, Xiao Rui, and Yuan Shanshan, a third-year student, all trusted him. Now Fang Wei took the initiative to give him the phone after a few words. , This... is really more popular than people.

Lin Yue noticed the change in his expression, and thought that he really didn't blame him for this matter. Today, he neither opened [Teacher Killer], nor did he experiment with [Super Sweat Glands] that he just got. After helping her in HK, and meeting her unexpectedly in Jianghai City after work, standing in her position, this is undoubtedly a kind of fate.

"Okay." Lin Yue put down his phone, picked up his coffee cup and took a sip: "Do you often come here to exercise?"

"That's right."

"It's early enough today."

This is still the time for breakfast, so one can imagine how early she came.

Fang Wei didn't know what to think of, and her expression was a little unnatural: ""

Lin Yue suddenly remembered the last encounter at Jiang University: "Actually, this should be the third time we have met."

When Fang Wei heard this, her curiosity was immediately aroused: "The third time? Isn't it the second time?"

"The second time is at Jiang University."

She looked puzzled: "Jiang Da?"

"That's right, on the day after the postgraduate exams, you were driving west to the School of Architecture in a black car. At that time, I was standing not far from the bridgehead."

"Yes, I did accompany my cousin to Jiang University to find his grandfather that day, what? Are you a student of Jiang University?"

Lin Yue said, "I have applied for the postgraduate entrance examination of Jiang University."

"Oh?" Fang Wei was taken aback: "Jiangsu University's postgraduate exams are not easy, do you think you can pass?"

"it should be no problem."

"So confident? Which major do you want to take as a graduate student?"

Lin Yuexin said Jiang Da? There is no problem with Peking University. I am a person who can get a full scholarship to MIT, Cambridge, and Oxford. If I can't even get into the graduate students of Jiangda University, I just find a piece of tofu and suffocate to death.


"It's a pity. If it's architecture or civil engineering, I can recommend a teacher for you." She paused and said, "If you really get admitted to Jiang University as a graduate student. If you meet someone at school If you can't solve it, you can try to find him."

"Is it the person you saw last time?"

"Yes, Professor Xiang Huaixiang, the doctoral supervisor of the School of Civil Engineering."

Xiang Huai?

Lin Yue was stunned for a moment when he heard the name, thinking that it couldn't be such a coincidence.

"Hey, what's wrong with you?"

"Is this Xiang Huai you're talking about an old man who has studied ancient coins?"

This time it was Fang Wei's turn to be surprised: "That's right, he really likes collecting ancient coins."


"Is it possible that you know him?"

Lin Yue said: "I wanted to sell a double eagle gold coin half a year ago. I went to an antique shop and asked, and the other party quoted a killing price. At this time, an old gentleman gave me a fair amount and bought that coin. Double Eagle gold coin, he told me his name was Xiang Huai."

Until now, he did not understand why he felt familiar when he heard the word "Xianghuai". It should be that he saw a report when he was playing tricks in the film and television city, which introduced the situation of the Civil Engineering College of Jiangda University. Mentioning the person "Xiang Huai", he said that he is a well-known overseas architectural designer who only returned to China in recent years and was hired by Jiang University to work in the School of Architecture.

"This is really... a coincidence."

Fang Wei doesn't know how to describe today's encounter, HK's encounter, Jiang Hai's reunion, they have come full circle, thinking that goodbye is harder than finding a needle in a haystack, but they can draw out so many causal connections.

Her aunt is Xiang Huai's daughter-in-law, and Xiang Huai helped Lin Yue speak for justice, and Lin Yue helped her deliver her bags in HK.

Speaking of Xiang Huai, Lin Yue talked about how the old man got angry with the square dancer when he saw him for the second time. It's been a while, and I still can't adapt to the social environment. I have to deal with injustices when I see them, and I don't think about the troubles I will bring to myself. This made my cousin stare at me when I mentioned this matter, and I was very angry.

Liu Quan'an was a little confused, he just asked Lin Yue to come over and help him meet someone he likes, so that he can talk to someone when they meet in the future, but the two of them found a common topic after a lot of messing around, and it was so happy to talk, and they usually talked together After a simple meal, it felt like a candlelight dinner. Fortunately, Lin Yue did not forget the purpose of this trip, and more than once brought the topic to him, and spread it out, so that he would not feel like a light bulb.

Breakfast is usually fast-paced, and the three of them ate for an entire hour.

If it weren't for someone from Fang Wei's company calling and telling her to go back to deal with business, maybe they could talk for another hour.

Liu Quan'an is really convinced, this brother Lin knows a lot of things, such as astronomy, geography, cosmetics for women in the middle, what are the new seasons of Gucci and Chanel, there is nothing he doesn't know,

"Are you helping me match up, or picking up girls yourself?"

Lin Yue glared at him: "Don't talk nonsense, I have a girlfriend."

Liu Quan'an said: "What's wrong with having a girlfriend? Isn't it married yet?"

"I'm not interested in older leftover girls." Lin Yue was too lazy to entangle with him on this matter, patted him on the shoulder and said, "I've paved the way for you. How to flirt next is up to you."

Liu Quan'an said: "I feel like I suddenly lose confidence after getting to know each other."

"Try it. If you don't try, how will you know the result? It's okay to be rejected, and you won't lose a piece of meat, have multiple cuts or something."

"That's true."

After finishing the matter here, Lin Yue bid farewell and left, rushed to the pet clinic, and told Su Han what happened in the morning. It was not that he had to report everything to his girlfriend, but mainly because of Fang Wei's relationship. In addition, he and Xiang Huai also know each other, should he ask Tan Xiaoguang for his opinion, after passing the exam, go to Fang Wei for some activities, and then go to Xiang Huai to study for a master's degree.

A three-year master's degree is no better than a bachelor's degree. Having a mentor who takes care of you can save you a lot of detours. Moreover, Xiang Huai has a high reputation in the industry. Graduating as his student will have better employment prospects in the future.

Of course, he didn't need it, but Tan Xiaoguang did.

Lin Yue didn't stay for lunch, and returned to the community at a quarter past ten. The reason... had nothing to do with Tan Xiaoguang, it was because the system sent him a new task.

Back upstairs, I went to the bathroom to wash my face, and then turned on the laptop.

While waiting for the boot, he focused his attention on the system space, pulled down the menu to the task bar, and found the target of this mission on the content page, an urban-themed film and television drama - "Golden Days".

On the way here, he was wondering, does "Golden Days" here refer to Hong Kong films?

PS: What do you guys think? The magic tool of the engineer family saves a cancer patient and dies? Fluorite disappeared because the main character's departure was rejected by the power of the world, and it was automatically sent to the portable space, just like a pet. What was sacrificed in "Search" was the dungeon mainline quest reward in exchange for a chance to use fluorite, not fluorite itself.

Thanks to William Carloing for the 2,400 starting coins, Garfield Faner for the 2,000 starting coins, Gu Shangdu for the 1,500 starting coins, and book friends with the tail number 9995 for the 500 starting coins, Nuo Fengyu The reward of 500 starting coins, the reward of 300 starting coins from Mu Zixun, the mandarin oranges that were taken out of the pear bucket until dawn, the real circle, and the 100 starting coins rewarded by Qi Qi, an ordinary passer-by.

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