Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1163 You don't deserve to own my things

Jiang Nansun regained his energy when he heard this, turned over and sat up, shook her hand and said, "Oh, don't be foolish, what can you do?"

Zhu Suosuo said, "What do you need most to be a teacher?"

Jiang Nansun shook his head.

"Master's morality!" Zhu Suosuo explained: "You said that if the leader of the department knew that he had a 40-year-old rich woman next to him, or the famous air-conditioning queen, would he have concerns? Think about it, when people in the circle mention Zhang Anren, the words "eating soft food" come to mind, you will definitely face a certain degree of pressure from public opinion, if we find some sailors to post on the Internet at this time, publicizing Zhang Anren's sister-brother relationship with the Queen of Air Conditioning, You this enough for Zhang Anren to drink a pot?"

"A good way." Jiang Nansun's eyes lit up when he heard that, but he frowned soon: "Suosuo, isn't this a bit too vicious?"

"Is it vicious? Why didn't he think of being vicious when he killed your aunt? Why didn't he think of being vicious when he changed Professor Dong's design beyond recognition? In this matter, you must Take into account his feelings?"

Having said that, Jiang Nansun stopped talking.

Zhu Suosuo said: "You tell Wang Yongzheng about this tomorrow, and I will contact the navy."

What is Jingyan for? Those who sell houses are already familiar with such things as buying sailors to build momentum. If Yang Ke wants to contact a few good sailor leaders, isn't that easy and easy?

At this point, Jiang Nansun no longer entangled, looked at the small window and nodded slightly.

On the other side, Lin Yue put his arms around Yuan Yuan's shoulders that were exposed outside the blanket, took away the cigarette butt in his mouth, put it in the ashtray, and wiped it out. He took off his glasses and threw them on the bedside table.


Looking for cyber trolls to hack him? These are all his routines of playing and not playing, okay, but if these two green tea want to play with him, then he will have a good time with them. There is a saying that life lies in toss.


Yuan Yuan opened her eyes and looked at the man across from him who was still awake: "Why are you still awake?"

"Wait until you wake up."

"What's the meaning?"

"It means that compensation once is enough? I've been away for so many years..."

"Go? Where are you going? Haven't you been in Shanghai all this time?"

Lin Yue didn't answer this question, and suddenly turned over, Yuan Yuan let out a startled scream.


a week later.

After the decoration of the boutique hotel was completed, Party A held a completion ceremony together with the project partners and the leaders of the competent department in the district.

Lin Yue went to participate, but he left halfway, went back to his residence, and sent Yuan Yuan to a training school to learn business English. After he returned to school, he didn't answer the call from his supervisor, Professor Yang, and walked straight into the department building. Go to Dong Wenbin's office.

The room is very festive, quite festive, because you don't need to answer Professor Yang's phone call to know that the place to stay in school has been given to Wang Yongzheng, why? Because someone reported that she messed with men and women, relying on Xie Jiayin's favor to be domineering in the Xie Group would be detrimental to the teacher's morality.

Putting it in a private company, having an ambiguous relationship with the boss and sitting in a high position, the average person is jealous, pointing at most, and talking gossip, but in a place like the School of Architecture, that is a big black material, black enough to Affect promotions and even positions in the system.

This is why Zhang Anren in the TV series is worried that Jiang's family lives with him, and the creditors will follow the clues and go to the school to make trouble.

Wang Yongzheng opened the champagne, Jiang Nansun was holding a goblet, and said something with a smile, while Professor Dong looked at his favorite student kindly, only Lilian looked at her father with a complicated expression.

Because she received a call from Zhang Anren, and because she had quarreled with his father no less than ten times these days, yes, it was about Zhang Anren. Dong Wenbin objected to their relationship, saying that the man might have good business skills, but His character and morals are very corrupt, and he is not a person worthy of entrusting him for life. After the department received a report letter, and after the online post about Xie Jiayin and him having an ambiguous relationship went online, Dong Wenbin became more concerned about this matter.

Lilian really wanted to tell him that the purpose of her being with Zhang Anren was to protect the family and his reputation, but Zhang Anren warned her more than once that if the assets of the Dong family in China, including those held by relatives, were to be taken care of If you want to show signs of fleeing, then don't blame him for being cruel.

She has been with Zhang Anren for more than two months without a name, and the longer she has been in contact with, the more she is shocked by the mystery of this guy. That power does not only exist in a certain bed exercise, but also has unimaginable energy in other aspects.

He can stay up all night, make her unable to get off the ground for a whole day, and still be alive and well the next day, so what should he do.

He can read a book in ten minutes, and remember all the author's views exactly.

He can also cook good dishes, especially Sichuan cuisine, which makes her greedy and tempted if she doesn't eat it for a few days now, so she is reserved and doesn't go to him, go to a nearby Sichuan restaurant to eat, she always feels that it is less interesting than his cooking.

He can also play the piano, the violin, the saxophone, and the guitar. Every time he spends a night with him, he wakes up to the soothing melody the next morning, and at least half of his tension and fatigue disappear.

Comparing him with Wang Yongzheng in this way, the distance between the two seems to be widening every day.

To be honest, she couldn't understand why the Jiang family looked down on such a perfect man? Because of being poor and having no money? Or is it because they are from a small place?

"Yo, already celebrating?"

The sound at the door interrupted Lilian's wild thoughts, and when she looked up, she found that it was Zhang Anren.

He arrived, five minutes later than expected.

"What are you doing here?" Wang Yongzheng's face pulled his hips instantly. If he guessed correctly, Professor Yang had already told Zhang Anren that he had received the letter of appointment. Now that the other party came to Professor Dong's office, he probably didn't want to say "congratulations".

Lin Yue chuckled and reached out to Lilian.

The girl walked to him without any hesitation and took his arm.

Dong Wenbin's expression was ugly: "Lilian!"

"Dad, can you leave me alone on this matter? I'm already an adult, and I know what I'm doing." Lilian didn't let go, and looked at her father beggingly, yes, at the beginning She thought that she was forced, Zhang Anren was a scumbag, threatened with the evidence in her hands, and occupied her body, but she didn't know when the situation changed, or her thinking changed.

Dong Wenbin patted the table and said, "Did you forget what I told you just now?"

"I haven't forgotten."

The photos of Xie Jiayin holding his hand were all posted on the Internet. It is impossible for any woman with a normal mind to accept her boyfriend's two boats, let alone the other party is an old woman. Dong Wenbin, Wang Yongzheng, and Jiang Nansun all persuaded her Break up with Zhang Anren.

It's a pity that they didn't know that this man didn't regard her as a girlfriend from the beginning to the end.

" you going to piss me off?" Dong Wenbin really wanted to say that she was shameless, but he couldn't say it no matter what.

Not to mention that Wang Yong is Dong Wenbin's favorite student, and Dong Wenbin has helped him a lot in staying in school. Now that his mentor is getting angry, how can he stand by and stand by? He strode over and pressed his hand on Lilian's shoulder.

There was a man who was faster than Wang Yongzheng, suddenly grabbed his hand and twisted it to the side, hooked his foot underneath, knocked him to the ground with a bang, and punched him without saying a word.




After three punches, Wang Yongzheng's face was covered with blood, and he was lying on the ground dizzy and humming.

"Zhang Anren!"

Seeing that her boyfriend was being beaten, Jiang Nansun hurried forward to grab Lin Yue's back collar, but he didn't expect a palm to come and slap her hard on the face.


It staggered the person directly.

Jiang Nansun covered her face and stared at him, she never thought that Zhang Anren would slap her...never.

"Don't think that I don't know who wrote the report letter, including the trolls who posted on the Internet, it was Zhu Suosuo who did it, right? She is really your good sister. As a so-called goddess of literature and art, shouldn't you be concerned about this kind of bullying? Don't you hate the deeds that don't show up? Jiang Nansun, you are really a hypocrite."

As Lin Yue said, this is Jiang Nansun.

Other people's selfishness is disgusting and shameless, Zhu Suosuo's despicableness is a slant of the sword, her willingness to accept it is not called helping the evil, but respecting differences and being tolerant of each other.

Jiang Nansun had nothing to say, but looked at him resentfully.

"You scum..."

Lin Yue ignored her, walked to Dong Wenbin's desk, picked up the souvenir book of the boutique hotel, turned to the page with the picture of the lobby decoration, and tore it forcefully.


The paper fell to the ground.

"You don't deserve to own what's mine, even if it's a piece of paper."

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