Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1173 It's time to show the real green tea... no, technology

The next day, local portals and well-known forums spread the news of the intensified conflict between Xie Jiayin's son and Zhang Anren, the vice president of Xie Group, like chicken blood. Some people uploaded a video of a gang fight at the gate of Xinghui International.

It doesn't really matter who wins or loses, the important thing is what Xie Hongzu did. According to related sources, Xie Hongzu and the female assistant of the president of Jingyan Group are very close, and Zhang Anren, as the vice president of Xie Group, only revealed it a few days ago The company's future development strategy - the overall plan for the combination of smart integrated home and real estate.

Then the relationship between Xie Hongzu and the female assistant surnamed Zhu, the president of Jingyan Group, is worth discussing. Some people pointed out that this was Ye Jinyan's trick. Pulling back the group's strategy can be said to kill two birds with one stone, which is extremely sinister. Some people also said that Xie Hongzu was an idiot who fell for it so easily.

Those who are interested in Zhang Anren are more concerned about what kind of punishment he will face and how his relationship with Xie Jiayin will change. Although there have been rumors that the relationship between Zhang Anren and Xie Hongzu is tense, after all, it has not yet reached the point of tearing their faces in public. Now The rich second generation entangled a group of cronies in the past to beat someone, and they still did it in front of her mother. The nature can be said to be quite bad, basically forcing Xie Jiayin to make a choice.

What would the air conditioner queen do? Alienating the son for the fresh meat chapter, or giving up the fresh meat chapter in consideration of the mother-child relationship? Many people are gearing up and waiting to see.

Xie Jiayin is well aware of the discussions caused by the outside world, but she has no intention of thinking about it at all, let alone responding to the questions of troublemakers. These days, she runs to the police station every day, not for anything else, just for the first time Knowing Lin Yue's situation, this incident was even photographed by the paparazzi who like to make excuses, which made her extremely annoyed and helpless.

The police station has a long-standing routine for dealing with such things as fighting and fighting. Generally, it is to adjust first, then hold both parties accountable, and finally settle the matter on the basis of the adjustment results.

Xie Hongzu gathered a crowd to fight, he was a provocateur, he deserved to be punished, and his cronies couldn't run away either.

As for Zhang Anren, although it was a legitimate defense, considering that the weapons used by those people were baseball bats, not knives or firearms, he beat people to pieces. The nature of the defense is already excessive, so it should also be punished.

Xie Jiayin was caught in the middle, laying out the facts on the left side and reasoning on the right side. She wanted them to reach a settlement, but Lin Yue refused to do it. There is that obsessed Xie Hongzu, the daughter-in-law forgets the old lady before she is married, it is not authentic.

She talked about everything, but was forced to cry in the end. At the age of forty, as a strong woman, she showed the weakness of an ordinary woman. Only then did her sweetheart let go, saying that it was because she felt sorry for her that she reluctantly put herself on the reconciliation bookmark. name.

Xie Jiayin then mediated through the relationship between the city bureau, and the police station dealt with it according to the lightest standard. Lin Yue's punishment was to be detained for ten days, and Xie Hongzu and his friends were detained for one week. Because of injuries, the execution was suspended.

Xie Jiayin breathed a sigh of relief when the matter was settled, but it didn't mean she would forgive Xie Hongzu.

When her son was in the hospital, she went over to see him once, and ignored it after paying all the medical expenses. To be held accountable, such a result is entirely due to her incompetent parenting and misbehavior, no one should be blamed.

During this period, Xie Hongzu's fiancée, Zhao Malin, visited the hospital a lot, but her kindness was taken as a donkey's liver and lungs, so she also went to Xie Jiayin's place to make a fuss, asking her mother-in-law to take care of her son, and not to be seduced by the vixen named Zhu of the Jingyan Group. .

It can be said that Xie Jiayin was devastated by her incompetent son. On the one hand, the company was facing a strategic transformation. In the early days, Zhang Anren contacted several giant companies in the field of home appliances. Rhythm. On the one hand, it's her own problem. I used to see her every day, but now I can't see her for ten days. I will inevitably feel uncomfortable emotionally. Coupled with the anxiety caused by work, the face that I spent a lot of money on maintenance a few days ago started to break out acne and oil again. .

The key is that according to what Zhao Malin said, Xie Hongzu is like that and still has an attitude of "I didn't do anything wrong, it's all my mother's fault, I can't give up my own flesh and blood for a little boy", which makes her very sad, and at the same time, she is extremely disappointed .

The reason why Luo Jiaming said that Brother Zhang was black was because he had calculated everything correctly.

In order to get the girlfriend of the target object, the green tea whore has to pretend to be weak, to be sensible, to be cute and cute, and to be submissive, but he is good enough to make the relationship between mother and child so stiff with a little trick, and let Xie Jiayin give birth to a feeling that she can't do without him , the psychology of none other than him.

As for going in and squatting in a cell for ten days... is it the price? Forget it, because after this kind of incident, whether it is Ye Jinyan or Yang Ke, if they want to use their brains against him, they will have to weigh their own weight and whether they can get two punches from him.

Poor Zhu Suosuo resorted to tricks twice, but failed to achieve what he wanted, so he gave him an excuse to take advantage of it.

When Lin Yue was exchanging his experience with those good-talking talents in the hall, there were more complicated personnel changes in Jingyan. Yang Ke was promoted to vice president, Zhu Suosuo became assistant to the president, and he sat with Fan Jingang. At the same time as the supervisor, many newcomers were added, and they were divided into several groups. After the work, the generals under Yang Ke's subordinates were dispersed and assigned different tasks.

Some people said that Zhang Anren separated Ye Jinyan and Yang Ke with one word, others said that it was a matter of time, and some said that Ye Jinyan was also good, and quietly set up a beauty trick, and stuffed it under Xie Jiayin's buttocks. lit a fire.

If you want to say who the biggest beneficiary of Lin Yuejin is, of course it is the Jiang family, because after the three-day deadline, no one has come to collect the house.

The sun dances with the dust, and there is a touch of sandalwood floating in the air. Mrs. Jiang will light a burner of incense every afternoon, saying that it can eliminate the smell in the room, and it also has the effect of helping sleep and calming the mind.

But during the lunch break, the sofa in the living room was full of people.

Mrs. Jiang, Jiang's father, Jiang's mother, Jiang Nansun, and Wang Yongzheng.

"It's been a week, there are still three days, and he will come out in three days. Mom, have you thought of a way? The second aunt in Hangzhou, the cousin in Los Angeles, and my cousin who is an official in the central province, you can find them Let me borrow it." Jiang's father held the old lady's hand, pleadingly.

This scene was familiar to Jiang Nansun and Jiang's mother, but to Wang Yongzheng who came here for the first time, it was too ruinous. He still remembered how he scolded Fang Qiu when Jiang's father taught investment experience in Caifenglou.

"I have already borrowed it. Your second aunt is sick, and the family's money needs to be kept for medical treatment. Your cousin didn't answer the phone at all, and he still hated us for looking down on his family. Only your cousin in Los Angeles promised to give 20 Please help."

"Two hundred thousand? Only two hundred thousand? This amount of money is not even enough for half a month's interest."

Jiang's father was very disappointed. He squatted on the ground and hesitated for a while, then turned to look at Jiang's mother: "I have been good to you all these years. Let's see if we are a husband and wife. No, you think about Nansun and our daughter. Take out the money you saved and the jewelry you bought before, okay?"

"Where do I have any money? All the money I saved has been invested in stocks for you, and the jewelry has also been sold out."

"Then go find Daisy, I know, she is very rich."

"What money does she have! That Zhang Anren colluded with Feng Jiang to frame her. She sold her houses in Italy and Shanghai and couldn't fill the hole of debts and fines. How can there be any money to lend us?"

Jiang's mother looked at her incompetent husband with a sad face. She played mahjong and danced every day, and she was completely unable to cope with the current situation. Daisy couldn't protect herself, so she didn't have the energy to think about the Jiang family's problems.

boom boom boom~

There was a knock on the door outside.

Jiang Nansun said: "It should be that Suo Suo is back, I'll go and open the door."

Jiang's father said, "Go quickly, go quickly."

Now Zhu Suosuo's status in their family is different. He is now the assistant of the president of Jingyan, and all he contacts are rich people like Ye Jinyan and Yang Ke, and Xie Hongzu did not hesitate to fight with Zhang Anren because of her. If there is anyone who can help with my father's loan, she is considered a very important one.

Jiang Nansun got up from the sofa, went to open the door, and when he saw the people standing outside, his expression suddenly changed: "Why are you? Why did you come out so soon!"

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