Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1175 My mountain road has eighteen bends, and my routine has nine consecutive rings

"Auntie? Why are you back?"

It wasn't someone from the moving company, nor Zhu Suosuo, but Jiang Nansun's aunt Daisy.

"I came back after the matter in Italy came to an end. I wanted to give you a surprise, so I didn't call."

As Daisy said, she pulled the suitcase and walked inside: "Where's your mother?"

"my mother……"

"What's wrong?"

Daisy could see that Jiang Nansun had something on his mind, so she asked casually, but before her niece could reply, she saw Lin Yue in the living room and immediately became angry: "It's you? Why are you here?"

If you want to say who is the person you hate the most in this life, the first is Feng Jiang, and the second is Zhang Anren. If these two people hadn't set up a game to frame her, she wouldn't have ended up with nothing. Yes, the one in Italy The side affairs came to an end, and she was able to escape and return to the country, but it does not mean that the troubles are completely over. The small building in China that was intended to be used as a homestay and the residence in the JA area have been sealed up by the court. It is going through the evaluation process and will be listed for auction In order to help her, Ye Jinyan sent Jingyan's team of lawyers, but not only failed to settle the lawsuit, the chief lawyer went in because he was reported for tax evasion, and it is estimated that he will be sentenced to three to five years.

Instead of bringing surprises to Dai Yin, she surprised Zhang Anren instead.

Lin Yue said: "This is my house, why do you say I am here?"

"Your house?" At first hearing this, Daisy thought he was joking, but when she looked at her sister Dai Yin, at Jiang's father, at Jiang's old lady, and at Wang Yongzheng, their expressions all stated the same thing. Things—he wasn't kidding, he was telling the truth.

"Nan Sun, what's going on?"

Jiang Nansun said: "Dad asked him to borrow money to speculate in stocks and was locked up."

"Borrow money from him? How much did you borrow?"

"Thirty-five million."

For this number, even Daisy felt terrified.

"you do this delibrately?"

Now she can see that every disaster surrounding Jiang's family has Zhang Anren's shadow behind it.

Lin Yue said, "It's really smart."

Daisy said, "Why?"

"In order to stomp your heads on the ground and let you experience what it's like for poor people to sacrifice their dignity for their lives, are you satisfied with this answer?" Lin Yue said with a smile: "Don't worry, this is where I am, my mountain road Eighteen bends, my routine is nine consecutive rings, if I do the math, it's not halfway through."

Daisy was furious: "What's in it for you?"

"Feng Jiang told me how many times he told you that he wanted a child, but you never let go. One day he drank and lost his temper about it. You quarreled with him, and he used Jiu Jiner mentioned the matter of divorce, and you agreed without any hesitation, even if he confessed his mistake to you after he sobered up, it would not help. To be honest, you are very chic, and your niece should admire you very much. But what a pity, I am a very traditional person, and I am also a nosy person. For those whores who regard marriage as a child's play and only pursue their own comfort and beauty, and do not plan to take on family and social responsibilities, if time and energy allow, I generally I will give them a BADEND, and you are no exception. What's more, Wang Yong was introduced to Jiang Nansun by you. As for what kind of evil idea is in his arms, you know, I also know, although I have recognized the essence of Jiang Nansun's green tea, but It doesn't mean that I will easily let go of those who plot against me. Do you understand me when I say that?"

Daisy took a deep breath: "Then let's wait and see."

Lin Yue said: "If I'm not wrong, you came here with your suitcase to stay at Jiang's house for a period of time. As far as the current situation is concerned, don't you wait and see, do you want to stay and see? To be honest, I am more or less interested in your niece's body, because it would be fun to cuckold Wang Yongzheng. As for Ye Jinyan, if I want to cuckold him, I would choose Zhu Suosuo, not you, an old woman with a mean face .”

Wang Yongzheng was on the verge of fury before, but now he couldn't bear it anymore when he heard these excessive words, he punched and charged upwards.


With a crisp sound, Lin Yue held his hand, twisted it counterclockwise, lifted his foot and kicked Wang Yongzheng under the ribs, only to hear a muffled groan, Wang Yongzheng retreated several steps, covering the place where he was kicked. asthma.

"Wang Yongzheng, this is my house. You punch the owner in someone else's house? It's really unreasonable." Lin Yue said, "Really, you should be grateful for domestic laws. If you are abroad, then It’s not about kicking you.”

ding ding ding dong~

The unique ringtone of the iPhone broke the tense atmosphere in the living room. Luo Jiaming picked it up and nodded at Lin Yue: "The people from the moving company are here."

After saying this, he went to open the door, and six or seven men in overalls walked into the room.

"Brothers have worked hard, move the things in the room outside."

Luo Jiaming greeted the workers to do something, Lin Yue turned to look at Mrs. Jiang and Jiang's father: "What to take away, what not to take, and where to move later, you should tell the workers yourself."

Leaving this sentence behind, Lin Yue greeted Yuan Yuan and Luo Jiaming, and took them away.

Wang Yongzheng looked at the Porsche Panamera driving away outside the window, at the workers who kept moving things out of the house, at the bewildered old lady Jiang, and Jiang's father who kept saying "be careful, handle with care", The resentment in my heart kept turning upwards.

"Auntie, is it possible for him to take away Nansun's house?"

"Otherwise?" Daisy said: "He has the house book and the loan agreement certified by the notary office. Unless we can pay back the money, we will lose the lawsuit to the court and have to pay a legal fee. "

"Is there no other way?"

"Yes, there is a way." Father Jiang said: "The way is to borrow money from your parents and let them help your in-laws tide over the difficulties."

Wang Yongzheng: "..."

Thirty-five million, such a large amount of money, it is impossible for his father to agree.

At this time, Jiang Nansun, who was standing on the balcony and making a phone call, walked quickly to several people: "Suosuo said that she has taken a fancy to a house and asked us to move important items there. After she signs the agreement, she will send us the address."

Mrs. Jiang said: "It's better to lock it."


That day and night, in Block B of COFCO Haijing No.1.

Holding a goblet, Lin Yue stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows and looked at the opposite ferry square, quietly thinking about what to do next.

Neons danced in the windows and also in his pupils, and the searchlights of the ferry flickered from time to time, leaving a silver light in the air.

He is no stranger to the night view of the Bund and Huangpu River, he is very familiar with it, so familiar that he can name every building.

"what's on your mind?"

Xie Jiayin's voice came from behind.

Lin Yue didn't turn his head back, looking at the distant lights in the distance, he said, "Daisy is back."

"The aunt of Jiang Nansun, Ye Jinyan's former right-hand man?"

Xie Jiayin was wearing a purple nightgown, with a faint glow on her face, she should have just finished making a mask.

Lin Yue shook the wine in the goblet, picked it up and took a sip: "After her real estate in Italy was confiscated, Ye Jinyan lent her another 18 million to fill in the hole for the fine."

Xie Jiayin walked behind him, stretched out her hand, retracted it again, stretched out her hand again, and after a short pause, she hugged his waist like a little girl who was afraid of being rejected.

Lin Yue glanced at her slightly whitish hands, and teased with a smile: "It is said that women at thirty are like wolves and forty tigers. I thought you would be wilder."

Xie Jiayin said, "I dare not."

"Don't you dare?"

"What if I scare you away? If it's another man who is greedy for my money, there's no need to be afraid, but in front of you, I really don't know what I can do."

"Are you trying to say that you are old and not good enough for me?"


Xie Jiayin didn't speak, and silence was an admission.

"You really are not good enough for me." Lin Yue could feel her hands stiffen, thinking that this woman, no matter how old she is, if she really likes a man, she will lose her calmness and reason: "But if you eat too many vegetables, Occasionally, it’s okay to change to big fish and big meat.”

If this word came from another man, Xie Jiayin's identity would allow him to slap her with a big mouth, but if it were him, the rich woman would not even have the courage to resist, let alone get angry. The reason is very simple, she grew up with him At the age of ten, her life cannot be separated from him, and her career cannot be separated from her.

In short, there will be an uncontrollable inferiority complex in front of him.

Lin Yue broke away from her hand, turned around, put his head close to her profile, and whispered a word.

Xie Jiayin was completely dumbfounded.

"'re not joking, are you?"

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