Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1187 It's a pity that you were fired




The people around were stunned, and they didn't react for a while. They watched the two women knock over the chairs, knocked off the folders on the table, and tripped Jiang's mother, who stuck her head on the ground, and she pulled her hair , she tugged at her clothes, and from time to time she teased her, kicked her or something.

Fortunately, as soon as Lin Yue let go of Fan Jingang, he went down to look for someone. Four security guards came up to take a look, then rushed forward and hurriedly pulled the two women away.

Zhu Suosuo's proud long hair almost turned into a pile of firewood. Bloodstains were scratched on his face, neck, and arms, and his eyes were punched, leaving a red spot.

She opened her bloodshot eyes, panting and pointing at the opposite woman: "Who are you?"

She didn't know the woman at all, had never seen one.

The condition of the woman in red was not much better than hers, her sleeve was torn off, exposing the skin inside.

"Who am I? Didn't Xie Hongzu tell you that he has a fiancee?"

The woman in red pointed at her and said, "Zhu Suosuo, remember, my name is Zhao Malin, and I am Xie Hongzu's fiancée. You coquettish fox, you are holding onto Ye Jinyan while holding on to Xie Hongzu. It is very difficult to be a mistress." Is it enjoyable? Huh? Tell me, is it enjoyable to be a mistress?"

Xie Hongzu?

Xie Hongzu?

A small number of people realized that Xie Hongzu was the son of the queen of air conditioning, Xie Jiayin.

How could Zhu Suosuo...

There was an uproar in the work area, and this time Ye Jinyan couldn't hold back the two eyeballs. They thought the woman who came with Zhang Anren was his secretary, but they didn't expect that she was here to settle accounts with Zhu Suosuo.

Originally, this woman was criticized in the Jingyan Group. She was recruited by Yang Ke. As a newcomer, the manager of the sales department took her personally. We have moved into the president's office. Can you stop thinking about this promotion process? Anyone with an online IQ will commit speculation.

Now that Xie Hongzu's fiancée came to the door, everyone knew that she still underestimated this woman, awesome, too awesome, here is a potential stock Yang Ke, looking forward to the president of the group, and there is still unclear with a rich second generation, So much so that people don't even want a beautiful fiancée.

"Xie Hongzu is willing to chase me, what does it matter to me?" Zhu Suosuo struggled hard, trying to go up and tear Zhao Malin's mouth, but two security guards grabbed her arms tightly.

"It's none of your business? It's none of your business? Ask him to drink every day? You slut! Green tea whore! Fox!"


The two kept swearing at each other, looking at their agitated faces, it was thanks to the strength of the security guards, otherwise they would definitely be pinching each other again.

It’s another big melon, I ate two big melons in a row today, first it was the family quarreling around the vice president, and then the original partner beat the mistress, this kind of thing is rare in a lifetime, I didn’t expect it to be staged together today .

Some people who secretly hated Zhu Suosuo for not following the rules cried out in their hearts. They wanted to say that it was a good fight. Why didn’t they kill this coquettish bastard who relied on seducing men to get to the top? Jiang Nansun looked at this, looked at that, wanted to help but didn’t know what to do How to help, she has never experienced such a scene and cannot handle it. April regretted it very much. She knew that this kind of thing would happen, so she told Zhu Suosuo what to do when she came back.

Ye Jinyan gave Lin Yue a sideways glance, his already dark face turned even darker, and he always felt that something was wrong, first it was Wang Yongzheng, then Zhu Suosuo, what a coincidence.

Li Dajian walked up to him with his secretary, and said in a questioning tone: "Mr. Ye, this is the person you have tried everything possible to protect? What do you have to say now?"

After leaving this sentence, before Ye Jinyan could open his mouth, Li Dajian flicked his sleeves and left.

"Hurry up, hurry up, what are you still doing in a daze, take Miss Zhao to the hospital." Fan Jingang had been a secretary for so many years, and he still had some sharp eyesight. Seeing the unfriendly expressions of the directors, he quickly signaled the security guards to get them away.

"Don't push me, push me and sue you for molesting..."

Over there, Zhao Malin was "invited" out by the security guards, and the remaining two security guards made sure that Zhu Suosuo had calmed down, let go of her arm, walked up to Jiang's father, and asked him to leave the group building with the debt collector.

They were obedient, one pushed a wheelchair, the other took out a mobile phone to take a photo of Jiang's mother and Jiang Nansun, and then followed quickly under the warning eyes of the security guard.

Lin Yue looked at Ye Jinyan, left a meaningful smile, and left.


Half an hour later, the CEO of Jingyan Group came to the office.

Ye Jinyan took off his eyes and threw them at the desk: "You have been fired."

"Why, Mr. Ye?" Zhu Suosuo was so anxious that he was out of breath: "Just because of what happened just now? Can't you see it? They are all scumbags surnamed Zhang. He plotted against me. I asked the security guards. He brought Zhao Malin here on purpose, if you just fire me like this, isn't that following his wish?"

Ye Jinyan didn't seem to hear what she was saying: "I have informed the personnel department that the finance department will give you more compensation. You can go."

"No, I'm not going. I won't go if you don't speak clearly."

Ye Jinyan suddenly turned around: "Don't you understand?"

"Understand what?"

"No matter how cunning Zhang Anren is, no matter how insidious, no matter how wrong he is, he is also a member of the company's board of directors. Last time you made him angry and made the board members feel dissatisfied. What happened today has nothing to do with you? Go up and slap him ?”

"Why doesn't it matter? You know, Jiang Nansun is my girlfriend, I can't watch her being bullied."

"You can't just watch her being bullied and beat up the director? Do you know what others will say? They will say that it is my lack of restraint that makes you arrogant and domineering, no big or small."

Zhu Suosuo was stunned, she and Ben didn't think so much, just like Yang Ke brought her into the company, the two walked very close, the president's secretary always came to talk to her, and the people below talked about her, but she didn't care about those things at all. Gossip, for those who gossip, they will even sarcasm when they hear it.

"You can ignore these things, but I can't." Ye Jinyan said: "Stop talking, you can go."

Zhu Suosuo bit his lower lip: "Mr. Ye, I'm sorry, I was wrong about this matter, and I promise I will never do it again."

Ye Jinyan sighed: "Go."

"Boss Ye..."

"I let you go, get out!"

Zhu Suosuo turned around and walked outside.

The door of the president's office was closed. Fan Jingang vaguely heard some conversations between the two, but not clearly. Seeing Zhu Suosuo walking out angrily, he quickly put down his work and went up to him: "How is the situation?"

"I was fired."

"You said you... I told you to be calm when things happen, keep a low profile and keep a low profile, you insist on not listening, how are you doing now? Something happened."

Zhu Suosuo didn't speak, took off the identification card hanging around his neck, slapped it in Fan Jingang's hand, and left without looking back.

"Hey, lock..."

He still wanted to say something, but after much deliberation, he had nothing to say. He could only sigh heavily, and walked into the president's office with his identification card.

"Boss Ye, it too much?"

"What's the matter." Ye Jinyan said: "After returning from Bincheng, she is indeed a little self-righteous."

"Girls, it's normal to be self-willed." Fan Jingang said: "I think she is just confused for a while, have you noticed that, as long as something about Zhang Anren happens, she is like a powder keg, and she will explode at the slightest touch."

"Stop talking." Ye Jinyan turned around: "I'm also protecting her."

"What's the meaning?"

"Don't you think today's incident is very strange? The board of directors has just passed the resolution that Daisy will become the vice president, and this kind of thing happened in the company."

"You mean... you can't?"

Jiang's father made the scandal of the Jiang family known to everyone, Daisy's mean and ungrateful image was known to everyone, the new official was sent to the army before he took office, Zhu Suosuo over there lost all face, not only was torn by Zhao Malin Xiaosan, the rumors that she was domineering and arrogant because of the president's partiality were also confirmed. In short, the two of them were in bad luck today.

It's a bit unacceptable to say it's all a coincidence. If it's not a coincidence, then...someone is secretly doing tricks. To say who has a grudge against Zhu Suosuo, who is at odds with Daisy, and who is also at odds with Ye Jinyan? There is only one answer.

Fan Jingang said: "If he really did it, then this kid is too insidious."

"So I'm very puzzled, but no matter whether this matter is true or not, Zhu Suosuo's stay in Jingyan Group is not beneficial."

"So it's like this, Mr. Ye really has good intentions, but he just doesn't know her..."

Ye Jinyan suddenly interrupted him talking to himself: "Is it true what you told me last time?"

Fan Jingang was dumbfounded by his question: "What's the matter?"

Thanks to Garfield Faner for the 1500 starting coins, the old cat brother 6 for the 650 starting coins, and Chen Dingxiu for the 200 starting coins. Waste your life on beautiful things and pay the 100 starting coins for the news.

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