Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1189 Chapter is always a loving person

The next day, the Reader Cafe diagonally opposite the office building of Xie Group.

The smell of oatmeal bread wafts from the kitchen.

A hand-made waiter knocked over the curling, and the crystal clear ice crackled and spilled on the floor, injecting a lively soul into the walking dead afternoon.

Nan Nan came here wearing the business attire she bought yesterday. She always felt a little uncomfortable, probably because the shoulders of the lady's suit were too tight, and she was so nervous that she didn't dare to utter a sigh of relief. Maybe she just graduated She couldn't hold the unique charm of a professional woman, which made people feel awkward, or... everything came from the unreasonable play of the president surnamed Zhang.

She was well prepared to face tricky questions from the HR manager, and she checked a lot of information for this, including the performance of the Xie Group in the past years, Xie Jiayin's start-up process, Zhang Anren's speech at the home appliance industry economic forum a month ago, and even the Internet. After hearing those rumors, as soon as she entered the building, the front desk lady called her after knowing her intentions and sent her here directly, saying that her immediate boss was already waiting for her.

"Miss Nanfang, please sit down."

The voice came from the seat by the window. Behind the glass with a slice of lemon was a man in a dark gray casual suit. There was a book on his left hand. The sleeve of the shirt was exposed. There was no trace of the watch. The afternoon sun Sprinkled down, according to his face, his hands, look very clean.

"Mr. Zhang." She walked over with her bag in her hand, and called out charmingly.

"Don't be so restrained, sit down." Lin Yue beckoned her to sit down: "What do you want to drink?"

"Oh, just water."

Lin Yue told the waiter to order a glass of lemonade, and looked at the young girl opposite with a smile on her face. Speaking of her face, it wasn’t really that delicate or pretty, but her facial features were more three-dimensional and her figure was great. The 80% taste of KITTY in "Little Times".

"Fan Jingang asked you to come?"

Nanfang was not surprised that he would ask such a question, and he had already prepared a targeted draft: "Yes, I am about to graduate, and my mother wants me to enter Jingyan and learn something from my uncle. In the end, he said that this is not good, Cronyism is a taboo in the workplace, and I am not a graduate of a prestigious school, and I have no experience. He recommended me to Xie, saying that you, as his friend, can help me a lot at work. The key is that you used to drink I talked about it when I was there, and you are willing to keep a freshman like me as an intern by your side."

"Well, that's what happened."

Lin Yue knew what Fan Jingang was thinking. The last time he drank, he ordered the name of the south, which sounded threatening at the time, but after thinking about it carefully, what danger could there be? Whether the incident was initiated by him or led by Xie Jiayin, they are all legal and well-founded. Although Zhu Suosuo is scolded by a scumbag on the left and a beast on the right, but from the perspective of a bystander to examine his actions, if you want to say something wrong, That is to say, I can't bear to let women settle accounts with them in everything, and I won't repay grievances with virtue.

In short, I eat my food and spit it out, take my food and return it, and if I dare to scold me, I will return it. Yes, this is not a gentleman, but is it a crime not to be a gentleman? There is no such thing in the law. Of course, for some women, or those men who think that men should take care of women unconditionally, this is too LOW.

Similar to a blind date for dinner, as long as the man says "Let's AA", many women and some men will always attack. If it was a woman who said this sentence, it would be followed by a message of praise from both sexes.

What's more interesting is that if you find a good restaurant, two people can eat 400 oceans for a meal. With reference to the average monthly salary of the labor force in a big city, an ordinary man will work for nothing for two days. It hurts to spend so much, right, but as long as a woman with some good looks can let go and have fun, what is this little money? The so-called "vision" of high-level women, and the low-level men want to buy houses and cars to earn milk powder money. One can imagine the great pressure. It is the low-level men who are injured, not only their wallets are injured, but their self-esteem will also be hit.

Political correctness is scary, and it happens every day. The difference is that the focus of Mr. Zhou’s complaints is that rumors are terrible. In contemporary society, from movies and TV dramas to social media and information networks, we are constantly pushing Tall women’s size of worshiping money, this wave of materialization, these mouths that control the right to speak but are not responsible to the society, destroy not just one or two people, but the backbone of contemporary men, who should have the backbone and Bloodiness has long been reduced to a luxury.

Lin Yue really couldn't figure out what the men who called Qu Xidi for Zhu Suosuo, Jiang Nansun, Wang Manni, Qu Xiaoxiao, Fan Shengmei, etc. were thinking, or if they were all making millions a year, they just called "people who just got married in the United States" Aircraft" industry elite?

It was precisely because Ye Jinyan and Fan Jingang understood his character that they could safely let Nanfang come over as a spy. There is absolutely no problem.

Nanfang picked up his cup and took a sip of water: "Mr. Zhang, do you think I... can stay?"

"Of course." Lin Yue said, "From today onwards, you will be my assistant."

"So simple?"

From the standpoint of the other party, it is impossible not to guess the real purpose of her coming to work in the Xie family. People with normal IQs like asking for care will not believe it. In fact, Fan Jingang is gambling. The gambling Zhang Anren is a person with high self-esteem Since he boasted about Haikou in Bincheng and refused to let Nanfang enter the Xie family, wouldn't it prove that he was afraid? Anyway, there is no loss left and right, why not let Nanfang go to the Xie family for a try?

With this in mind, Nanfang submitted his resume.

She didn't expect things to go so smoothly, so she came to meet at the coffee shop, and the boss Zhang offered her a glass of lemonade, and the interview passed.

"Let's go."

Lin Yue looked at the sun, stood up and said.

Nanfang picked up the cup and took another sip of water, his dry mouth feeling slightly relieved, he picked up the bag and put it on his shoulder, and hurriedly followed his footsteps to leave the coffee shop.


As soon as he opened the glass door, he saw the taillights of a BMW Z4 flashing on the opposite side.

She thought the phrase "Let's go" meant going back to the Xie Group building opposite.

"where to?"

Lin Yue opened the driver's door and sat in: "Of course I'm going to work."


"Didn't your uncle tell you that the necessary skills for an assistant are the same words? Don't let the leader say it twice?"

Nanfang shook his head: "He only told me to learn to remember people, faces and names."

Lin Yue glared at her.

Only then did the girl come to her senses, and trotted all the way, went to the co-pilot and opened the door to get in.

The BMW Z4 wheel tilted slightly, ran over the speed bump, and drove into the main road through the opening in the middle of the green belt, moving forward at a constant speed.

"What perfume do you use in your car? It smells so good."

Nanfang searched around and didn’t see anything resembling a car perfume. He leaned closer to the center console and carefully looked at the clay figure of Captain America holding his shield high. The more he looked at it, the more familiar his face became. Lin Yue, looking at the villain's face again, suddenly came to his senses.

"Mr. Zhang, you are really... an interesting person."

Lin Yue said: "Who told you that I am not an interesting person?"

Nanfang was stunned when she heard about it. Her uncle said that even if Mr. Xie’s Mr. Zhang is not a little fox, he is also a well-established actor. A Sima Yi-like character, but judging from details such as car perfume and center console decoration, he is much more interesting and tasteful than imagined.

The car drove forward for about two kilometers, turned left to a business park, and stopped in front of a Datong room that was being renovated.

"What kind of place is this?" Nanfang got out of the car, looked around, and found that people coming and going in the surrounding shops, most of them were foreign merchants who came to wholesale building materials.

Lin Yue smiled at her: "This is what your uncle and Mr. Ye are interested in."

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